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The Black Population In Bangkok.

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My major experience of a takeover by the" lesser" elements of the black coimmunity (and racism or not there are a few of these around,) is their gradual takeover of the corner of soi 11 for the street bar.

This was once a favourite place of mine, sipping a Tiger for a couple of hours and watching the World (literally) go by.

Now there are fights almost every night, drug dealings (and I have been offered this stuff on more than one occasion) and their own line in prossies.

These latter seem rather obese to say the least and are un-appealing to my European tastes. My most recent experience was when one biggie in such tight clothes that she looked as if she had been poured into them and forgot to say when, asked me if I "Fancied a good time.") I said I was having one. then a fight broke out round the corner.

I use it less as a result. I don't want a knife shown to me when having a piddle, and this also happened. I think because I was taking too long.

Rule 1: sit as far away as is possible, usually round the corner.

Rule 2 : do not engage in their company or conversation as it takes nothing to spark a fight.

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I don't think it's a big deal but I think calling the people you are seeing in Nana Africans rather than blacks would be better.

How do you know they are Africans? They could be British, French, American or many other nationalities.

You can tell from the accents



.... there's no S in racism.



All I can say is .....

The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, is it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.


I lived on Soi 13 for a decade from 2000-2010. I agree with calling them Africans because they are in fact from Africa, at least the 99.9% that I have seen and/or spoken to. From what I can tell they are tourists and seem to stay on Soi 3 and Soi 5. I really noticed an explosion of African tourists toward the end of the decade, say 2008 and 2009. I noticed it because a rather large flock of them congregate on Soi 13 after 1 or 2 AM. I never saw that in the early years of that decade.


Definately agree that the numbers are increasing. They seem to get away with openly pushing their drugs. I often wonder how these people get into and are allowed to stay in the country. They can't all be refugees.


I lived on Soi 13 for a decade from 2000-2010. I agree with calling them Africans because they are in fact from Africa, at least the 99.9% that I have seen and/or spoken to. From what I can tell they are tourists and seem to stay on Soi 3 and Soi 5. I really noticed an explosion of African tourists toward the end of the decade, say 2008 and 2009. I noticed it because a rather large flock of them congregate on Soi 13 after 1 or 2 AM. I never saw that in the early years of that decade.

I meant 13 in my post above, I live in 11.

They fight on a nightly basis now.


Now these Africans really are sounding like the Indians in Pattaya. my guess is the Thai government has the same agreement with the Africans that they have with the Pattaya Indians. you never see an Indian having to do a visa run.

That's because many of the Indians in Pattaya are actually Thai citizens.


Now these Africans really are sounding like the Indians in Pattaya. my guess is the Thai government has the same agreement with the Africans that they have with the Pattaya Indians. you never see an Indian having to do a visa run.

That's because many of the Indians in Pattaya are actually Thai citizens.

Yes, I know that but I think the majority of them have the same name and address as the few that are actually Thai citizens :whistling:


.... there's no S in racism.



All I can say is .....

The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, is it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

You'll be telling me there's no s in spellchecker next.


.... there's no S in racism.



All I can say is .....

The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, is it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

You'll be telling me there's no s in spellchecker next.

I think there probably is onionluke give me a few days and I'll find out for you :D


They fight on a nightly basis now.

Do you need tickets or just pay-on-the-door?

I used to put the lack of pogroms (irony alert) in recent years down to the police being to busy hiding from yellow/red shirts, but they've pretty much had FA to do the last year or so. Therefore I'm wondering if the population is now sufficiently large and organized as to be able to afford to buy the BIB off.


Now these Africans really are sounding like the Indians in Pattaya. my guess is the Thai government has the same agreement with the Africans that they have with the Pattaya Indians. you never see an Indian having to do a visa run.

That's because many of the Indians in Pattaya are actually Thai citizens.

Yes, I know that but I think the majority of them have the same name and address as the few that are actually Thai citizens :whistling:

Understand what you mean. We had the same problem in Europe before computerized fingerprints and now DNA.

Then some people went down for a long time ....


They fight on a nightly basis now.

Do you need tickets or just pay-on-the-door?

I used to put the lack of pogroms (irony alert) in recent years down to the police being to busy hiding from yellow/red shirts, but they've pretty much had FA to do the last year or so. Therefore I'm wondering if the population is now sufficiently large and organized as to be able to afford to buy the BIB off.

Is it irony or just a poor choice of word?? Part of the Art of Being Smart is Not Being Too Smart For Yourself :whistling:


They/ most of them are drug dealers or hookers or scammers, I know because I've been approached by them many many times. Hardly university students or proper working people which bgs the question, how the hell are all these black nigerians able to afford to live in Thailand? How do they even get visa,s when us farangs married to Thais, have children to Thai,s ,have money to invest in Thailand constantly being f***d by Thailand immagration policies? Just Google how many Nigerians are locked up in Bangkok jails. Very few of these guys are decent hardworking people or black American/African tourists I would imagine, then again I've never had the time to conduct a survey on it, just my opinion.


I have little doubt there is a very high level of criminality among darkly pigmented individuals congregating in that particular area of Bangkok Thailand. Being on guard in that area is common sense. It is also common sense not to generalize about criminality and skin color ... IN GENERAL.


Therefore I'm wondering if the population is now sufficiently large and organized as to be able to afford to buy the BIB off.


Good point I think you may well be right. :)


I have little doubt there is a very high level of criminality among darkly pigmented individuals congregating in that particular area of Bangkok Thailand. Being on guard in that area is common sense. It is also common sense not to generalize about criminality and skin color ... IN GENERAL.

then why your "little doubts"?


I have little doubt there is a very high level of criminality among darkly pigmented individuals congregating in that particular area of Bangkok Thailand. Being on guard in that area is common sense. It is also common sense not to generalize about criminality and skin color ... IN GENERAL.

then why your "little doubts"?

It's a manner of speaking. Don't be so literal.


I have little doubt there is a very high level of criminality among darkly pigmented individuals congregating in that particular area of Bangkok Thailand. Being on guard in that area is common sense. It is also common sense not to generalize about criminality and skin color ... IN GENERAL.

then why your "little doubts"?

It's a manner of speaking. Don't be so literal.

Naam's German. They're all like that :ph34r:


I don't think it's a big deal but I think calling the people you are seeing in Nana Africans rather than blacks would be better.

They call us whites all the time and it doesn't bother me Jingly :)

Yeah I've noticed there's a few black lads about but not in vast numbers.

I see more arab types floating about up there these days.

Saw a farang with a black lass too today. He looked like he'd just scored the Queen of Sheba (in his mind that is).


I don't think it's a big deal but I think calling the people you are seeing in Nana Africans rather than blacks would be better.

Not if they are from Brixton!! laugh.gif


They/ most of them are drug dealers or hookers or scammers, I know because I've been approached by them many many times. Hardly university students or proper working people which bgs the question, how the hell are all these black nigerians able to afford to live in Thailand? How do they even get visa,s when us farangs married to Thais, have children to Thai,s ,have money to invest in Thailand constantly being f***d by Thailand immagration policies? Just Google how many Nigerians are locked up in Bangkok jails. Very few of these guys are decent hardworking people or black American/African tourists I would imagine, then again I've never had the time to conduct a survey on it, just my opinion.

Fully agree with you, they are Nigerians. The reason for the drugs is simple....South America to Nigeria full of coke. The customs in Nigeria are apparantly an absolute joke and are happy to let drug pushers through. Then onto Bangkok where there is a nice supply of tourists to sell to. One only has to look at the amount of Nigerians busted at BKK airport. And the numbers in Thai jails....If they are Nigerian and hanging around the alleys of BKK late at night, well its not rocket science is it?


...If they are Nigerian and hanging around the alleys of BKK late at night, well its not rocket science is it?

I always thought they come here for the temples and culture... :wai:


Here's my old bleeding heart coming out again, but consider how horribly desperate their lives must be to risk a long sentence in Thai prison or execution.

PC at its best.

The victims of those drug dealers will surely have a different impression.


I don't think it's a big deal but I think calling the people you are seeing in Nana Africans rather than blacks would be better.

Not if they are from Brixton!! laugh.gif

Many areas of the UK have benefited immeasurably from the cultural enrichment brought to our shores over the years by asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants who are only too willing to do a hard day's work for a fair day's pay including many Africans. Our economy would be in even more severe dire straits were in not for their industrious nature and entrepreneurial skills. The British people embrace the diversity of multiculturalism and rejoice in the fact that we have opened our borders to grant solace and sanctuary to these poor oppressed folk fleeing from famine, conflict and poverty. One has but to seek the opinion of the many British tourists and expats who populate or visit Bangkok and Pattaya.

Further evidence of this enrichment is available for all to see each week on British TV should the viewer care to tune into Crimewatch UK.

Hopefully in years to come the people of Thailand will also be proud and glad that they opened their doors to welcome these unfortunate individuals and express their gratitude to those wise gentlemen who walk the corridors of power at the United Nations and appreciate the advice they received regarding these refugees from war torn African nations.

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