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Sub 200 Baht Electricity Bills


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Can someone confirm whether this is correct or not please? Currently bills below 200 Baht are free, but my wife says the government is talking of removing that limit, so everyone pays for what they use. If it's true yet another kick in the teeth for the poor.

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I know it was in place this time last year, and my wife says our Burmese labourer's bill is usually free. (Except when their kid leaves the fridge door wide open :rolleyes: )

Edited by Mosha
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I actually thought the subsidised power was stopped some time ago.

So did I! I have been paying for water now for about 1 year after getting it free for about 2 years. Never got free electric though :(

There was free power..a certain number a free kW's then you were charged as normal

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I actually thought the subsidised power was stopped some time ago.

So did I! I have been paying for water now for about 1 year after getting it free for about 2 years. Never got free electric though :(

There was free power..a certain number a free kW's then you were charged as normal

I know, I just never had a low enough bill.

The point I was trying to make was that free electric and water stopped at the same time, as they were anti-austerity measures following the global meltdown in 2008. My free water stopped about a year ago, so I am pretty sure that is when the free electric stopped.

I am sure my water bill is wrong by the way, as I water my reasonably large garden with a hosepipe every day, and me and the mrs have at least 4 showers a day between us, but still always about 150 baht a month

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I actually thought the subsidised power was stopped some time ago.

So did I! I have been paying for water now for about 1 year after getting it free for about 2 years. Never got free electric though :(

There was free power..a certain number a free kW's then you were charged as normal

I know, I just never had a low enough bill.

The point I was trying to make was that free electric and water stopped at the same time, as they were anti-austerity measures following the global meltdown in 2008. My free water stopped about a year ago, so I am pretty sure that is when the free electric stopped.

I am sure my water bill is wrong by the way, as I water my reasonably large garden with a hosepipe every day, and me and the mrs have at least 4 showers a day between us, but still always about 150 baht a month

THB 150- 200 sounds about right.

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Maybe something to do with the flooded areas ?

TOT, Electric and water in my area is FREE for 3 months, Mortgage for 2 months.....

Not sure that will help some 7km away Thai friend she went yesterday to look at here 5 million baht home and her business 1 km away but closer to me, home was still in 1.30 water, her business under water chest high, this is week 9, so 2 months are up for the mortgage.

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The subsidy ended this year sometime. Now it's 40 baht or so even if your electric is shut off for the entire month. I know this from having an empty condo for the past year. It was free until some months ago then it was not free and I'm talking about shut off electric. main breaker shutoff

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I actually thought the subsidised power was stopped some time ago.

So did I! I have been paying for water now for about 1 year after getting it free for about 2 years. Never got free electric though :(

There was free power..a certain number a free kW's then you were charged as normal

I know, I just never had a low enough bill.

The point I was trying to make was that free electric and water stopped at the same time, as they were anti-austerity measures following the global meltdown in 2008. My free water stopped about a year ago, so I am pretty sure that is when the free electric stopped.

I am sure my water bill is wrong by the way, as I water my reasonably large garden with a hosepipe every day, and me and the mrs have at least 4 showers a day between us, but still always about 150 baht a month

Cut your water useage by employing the old "adage Shower with a friend" not bad for reigniting a waning relationship too. :jap:

Nothing implied here just frivolity in the light of all the saddeness resulting from the ongoing flooding news.

Friend went to pay "E" bill just last week and was told "no Bar Code" no charge in other words same as it has been for several years now - it would seem the only answer is TiT some areas are charging some are not this should not suprise anyone Amazing one day Wonderful the Next.

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I actually thought the subsidised power was stopped some time ago.

So did I! I have been paying for water now for about 1 year after getting it free for about 2 years. Never got free electric though :(

There was free power..a certain number a free kW's then you were charged as normal

I know, I just never had a low enough bill.

The point I was trying to make was that free electric and water stopped at the same time, as they were anti-austerity measures following the global meltdown in 2008. My free water stopped about a year ago, so I am pretty sure that is when the free electric stopped.

I am sure my water bill is wrong by the way, as I water my reasonably large garden with a hosepipe every day, and me and the mrs have at least 4 showers a day between us, but still always about 150 baht a month

Cut your water useage by employing the old "adage Shower with a friend" not bad for reigniting a waning relationship too. :jap:

:lol: :lol: I wasn't complaining, I just thought it was too low!

My mum was visiting a few months ago, and fell about laughing when she saw my bill. Her water bill in the UK is about 5,000 baht a month, and she lives alone....

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Our water is 150 baht for the year. I lived alone in the UK. Enquired about a metre. Was promised I would save, so told them to send me an estimate on my current usage. Needless to say I stayed with the standard charge, it was way over what I was paying, and my metred neighbours were all saying they wish they hadn't fallen for it.

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