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The Rudest Farang I'Ve Ever Seen In Mcdonalds!


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I think I may have met that farang. One of my Thai friends for reasons known only to himself likes McDonald's and so I met him there having purchased an orange juice while I read my BP. This farang sitting close by eating that dreadful food asked me to loan him my BP so that he could read it while he was eating his French fries. He got quite irate when I refused his offer to have his greasy fingerprints all over my paper.

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I can see the girl gets the part about the 2 coffees, but panics and calls over someone to translate the rest of the order.

I see this kind of thing all the time. Westerners telling a clerk their whole life story and the clerk can not speak much English other than simple stuff related to their job. No wonder they get so confused. :blink:

i do it for fun,

as for the point of the OP, i dont get it. I saw a Spaniard passed out in front of a 7-11 yesterday and di not feel the need to start a topic, much less take a picture.

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On a couple of occasions I've apologised to Thai staff over the behavior of westerners where it hasn't simply been the case of a moaning foreigner but where the bag of <deleted> in question has spoken to the staff as if they were dogs. I know it's not my position to apologise but I felt better for it.

Not saying this guy wasn't a jerk, but have you ever seen a Thai apologize for the behavior of other Thais toward foreigners? I have not, in fact only seen them try to rationalize it.

Like when you get over charged at a restaurant because of the color of your skin.

If that happened in the west, other westerners would go balistic.

I guess westerner's sense of duty, honor and "saving face" are quite different than those in Thailand, TIT :)

Of course I have. Plenty of thais have gone to great lengths to help me during my time in Thailand. Several times, Thais I have been with have protested on behalf of price or otherwise helped to make sure I got to where I should be without being ripped off. Try being more positive and meet new people perhaps!

I have also sometimes apologized for other farang imbeciles and douchebags and yes, I do consider that it's important to do that as we are foreigners here and the (very) bad behaviour of a few will get stereotyped to the rest of us.

To be fair if you saw an incident like this involving a Thai you would still feel sorrow and empathy for the poor kid on the receiving end. Bad behaviour is bad behaviour no matter the nationality, and if you have empathy ( as you have ) it just goes to show that you've been well brought up.

I've often seen Thais rush to help farangs in distress too, it just goes to show that we're all the same.

And i have seen angry thais rip their underlings a new one too. but again, i dont understnd why it would be worth a thread and a picture.

I remember the cyberstalking that resulted from the GOM thread and thought the TV community that chose to get involved were both juvenile and completely out of order. this thread is little different in my opinion.

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Let's be honest - there are many horrendous people of every nationality here.

No nationality can 'claim the prize', and things change over time. Nowadays its the Russians that generally get the blame!

Yes it's funny how some people pick on one race, especially when most of the said countries have very different dialects and attitude from north to south.

The guest houses in our little village aways complain about the French.:blink:

The Ruskies I have met have been very nice people, I guess every country has it's uncouth thugs.

That's to say I do get complaints from Thais because of my English reserve. :D

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Let's be honest - there are many horrendous people of every nationality here.

No nationality can 'claim the prize', and things change over time. Nowadays its the Russians that generally get the blame!

Yes it's funny how some people pick on one race, especially when most of the said countries have very different dialects and attitude from north to south.

The guest houses in our little village aways complain about the French.:blink:

The Ruskies I have met have been very nice people, I guess every country has it's uncouth thugs.

That's to say I do get complaints from Thais because of my English reserve. :D

Last time in Pattaya i stayed in a hotel almost 100% used by Russians.

Nothing to complain about. Nice and sexy ladies. Would have been much worse with Western tourists.

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The clientele at MacDonalds tend to lack manners on the whole. :ph34r:

I'm not one to be argumentative, but I've heard it claimed that McD's were the prime driver for queue discipline in Hong Kong.


I suppose at least the chap in the OP never lit his farts...

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Let's be honest - there are many horrendous people of every nationality here.

No nationality can 'claim the prize', and things change over time. Nowadays its the Russians that generally get the blame!

They are everywhere in hordes and mostly loud speaking, even when not drunk!

As they are at least in November the Number one Nationality here in Patong, so it feels.

Recogniced and saw, end of October-November, only Russian-Ex UDSSR Charter planes in Phuket Airport, = S7, NORDWIND, TRANSAERO and more?

I did not check.

So, when so many, can be also be more Rotten eggs beneath them!whistling.gif

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What was the accent on this guy? You mentioned European...like was it non-native, English speaker, British accent?? just curious.

I'm somewhat shamed to say it was British, Englishman.

A Midlander / Southerner!

hehehehehe...sorry it was one of your countrymen. ;) I suspected as much. Whenever I see such posts about "grumpy" ex pats being grumpy for the sake of being grumpy...I always suspect "British". No offence meant to the British on this board because I know there are alot of wonderful British folks on this forum who have always been kind and helpful to me throughout the years. Now if it were someone smoking pot in public, I would think "American."

Back in Australia we categorize the British into two groups, there are the well spoken, polite, helpful gentlemen who we are called British, then there are the loud mouth, brutish, arrogant, beer swilling ones that are called Poms, this person sounds like he fits into the second group. I think I may have come across this individual once or twice on visits to BKK, and it was in a MacDonalds, the one down stairs at MBK, he had a grumble there too.

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looks like a woman to me assuming its the one at the sauce bottle?

A Brit wouldnt be carrying a handbag and would have been wearing his obligatoty black socks.

in all my years in thailand i find germans to be the most undesirable rude people, not only to the thai,s. Btw i cant stand the brit lager lout types either they make me cringe!!! Maybe this old git is just angry at life, maybe he,s been scorched badly in the past by his tee rak, who knows but if i were there i would of stepped in and poured a bottle of sauce over his head to teach him some manners

In my time i am here i have met some nice people of all nationality, but they all live here and have a steady thai gf or wife, it only some tourist falang that disappointing me with there manners.

Like the 2 USA guy's i see yelling at a sweet thai waitress in a thai resto because they get there food served all at the same time, the girl was crying so i stepped in and ordered them out of the resto and i was glad to pay for there order, to see the waitress smile again. I wish people coming to thailand read something about the customs there is so much info on the net and in books. But i guess the wanted to be important but they went out with a long face. And i went out have a new sweet friend :P

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It serves you right for eating such rubbish.

In Thailand, eat good wholesome Thai food,

at a fraction of the price of the foreign rubbish

and much more healthy!!

My last food poisoning from healthy wholesome Thai food is just 2 months ago.

Maybe I should eat more often at McD. :jap:

first rule to eat thai food on the street only eat where thai's eat i never been sick from the food, and i like to cook i only buy my meat and vegetable in the marked, maybe i am a cheap guy but i like my food fresh me girlfriend love's my cuisine

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looks like a woman to me assuming its the one at the sauce bottle?

A Brit wouldnt be carrying a handbag and would have been wearing his obligatoty black socks.

in all my years in thailand i find germans to be the most undesirable rude people, not only to the thai,s. Btw i cant stand the brit lager lout types either they make me cringe!!! Maybe this old git is just angry at life, maybe he,s been scorched badly in the past by his tee rak, who knows but if i were there i would of stepped in and poured a bottle of sauce over his head to teach him some manners

During my two and a half years on Koh Samui I see British and Australiens being the rudest and loudest. But wait until the Russians, Arabs and Chinese outnumber the Germans.

Btw I am German, and it is true, I am very often ashamed of my fellow countrymen and -women, too. My worst experiences were with men from Norway, Finnland and US.

Please don't anyone get me wrong. I have been travelling all over the world and I met great people everywhere just as well as those "undesirables".

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What was he complaining about?

Workers popping pimples or picking their nose over the food, probably. What passes for hygiene in this country would make anyone scream.

I had lunch last week at Phuket's " 5 star" hospital. I watched in disgust as the cafe worker used a filthy rag to wipe the the tables and then use the very same rag to wipe the food from edges of the various dishes laid out so as to make them more appealing, I suppose . The rest of my lunch went into the garbage. God forbid I should ever have to have surgery in Thailand.

"Aesthetics over substance" should be THE official Thai motto, or is it already?

Sometime's i am not feeling good about called falang because the stupid rude things they do, there is a difference to be a diplomat or just a rude person.

My thai friend's call me falang isean because i blend in easy on every occasion, i live in Bangkok , but if i go upcountry my friends are surprised i never complain about the accommodation i sometime get, what not kill a thai will sure not kill me :) I am from Belgium btw

IMGHO Your Thai friends call you farang because you're white and they're racist. They aren't calling Japanese, Koreans or other Asians farang so please don't bother with the argument it means foreigner. It means WHITE.

Where I'm from referring to people by their skin colour is the height of rudeness, even considered quite racist by many.

When they refer to me as farang, in my presence-I call them on it and am not afraid to embarrass them, as I would any racist.

Edited by TigerWan
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It serves you right for eating such rubbish.

In Thailand, eat good wholesome Thai food,

at a fraction of the price of the foreign rubbish

and much more healthy!!

every time i have been in mc'ds its full of thai's

That just proves his point. :jap:

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Been in Thailand 10 years, but can't speak Thai? I now feel better about my basic Thai and 3 years in country.

My local McD's (Soi Chidlom) must be one of the best for service. I only go there when I'm short of time and need to nip out the office for some fuel and I always order the same thing. I used to smile and stumble through my order in terrible Thai, but after 3 visits they knew my order and say it to me in English as soon as I walk in. I then sit outside to avoid the over-enthusiastic ac and they bring it out for me.

But to get back on topic, I think some people take advantage of the superfically polite culture to excercise some power that they do not have back home. Rude and not very wise, one day he will come seriously unstuck.

superfically polite culture Yep, definitely agree with that. Pull off a layer or two and see what it's really about.

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What was he complaining about?

Workers popping pimples or picking their nose over the food, probably. What passes for hygiene in this country would make anyone scream.

I had lunch last week at Phuket's " 5 star" hospital. I watched in disgust as the cafe worker used a filthy rag to wipe the the tables and then use the very same rag to wipe the food from edges of the various dishes laid out so as to make them more appealing, I suppose . The rest of my lunch went into the garbage. God forbid I should ever have to have surgery in Thailand.

"Aesthetics over substance" should be THE official Thai motto, or is it already?

Sometime's i am not feeling good about called falang because the stupid rude things they do, there is a difference to be a diplomat or just a rude person.

My thai friend's call me falang isean because i blend in easy on every occasion, i live in Bangkok , but if i go upcountry my friends are surprised i never complain about the accommodation i sometime get, what not kill a thai will sure not kill me :) I am from Belgium btw

IMGHO Your Thai friends call you farang because you're white and they're racist. They aren't calling Japanese, Koreans or other Asians farang so please don't bother with the argument it means foreigner. It means WHITE.

Where I'm from referring to people by their skin colour is the height of rudeness, even considered quite racist by many.

When they refer to me as farang, in my presence-I call them on it and am not afraid to embarrass them, as I would any racist.

i think you still not get it and your remark is as stupid as your attitude, i geuss you dream about being " ein ubermench)

i think you better go back to school http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farang

Edited by rikkie
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^ Rikkie,

Sorry, but that link failed to convince me when I'm called a term denoting my race, especially in a rude 3rd person manner ( means in my presence,) that it isn't racist.

It's a rude as it gets IMO. No need to insult me.


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I saw a middle eastern chappy arguing with a staff member in that very maccers just because he did not get a discount. Not sure why he wanted the discount???? Possibly his food was late or something but it did go on for a long time.

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Yes it's annoying, yes it's distasteful, yes it's lots of other negative things and yes it happens too often, but in my opinion you need to get over your moral and righteous indignation and accept that you don't make the slightest difference.The problem is yours, not his.

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When in Rome do as Rome does, unless you are a tourist in a tourist area, in which case the shoe should be on the other foot. In a good tourist area "the customer is always right", even if he is a loud mouthed, pig ignorant moron.

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Rather than dwell on the negative, how about trying to use the magical phrases that go along way in practivcing the golden rule?

1. Khob kun krap - Thank you.

2 Khor thot krap - Sorry

3... Khor tang noi krap - Pardon me (when trying to get around someone)

4. Sawdee krap - Hello

Try it out. Makes a difference and can turn a Thai frown upside down and make it a smile.

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When they refer to me as farang, in my presence-I call them on it and am not afraid to embarrass them, as I would any racist.

i think you still not get it and your remark is as stupid as your attitude,

Indeed. :thumbsup:

Heard this argument so many times, though never from anyone with any knowledge of the origins or structure of the Thai language. Thai's probably follow it with kee nok in your case. :whistling:

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"I've been in Thailand for ten years . . . "

This is one of my favorites, as if it makes them a gold-card member with ranking seniority.

When you hear this you know it is pure fertilizer. A more complete statement would be something like (based on another tale I've heard recently):

I've been living here (insert exaggerated number here) years, ordering iced coffee three times a day, and I still can't be bothered with learning how to say 'iced coffee' in your language, and I'm not even going to try to learn how to count to 10 in Thai.

A backpacker couple (30ish) enters a cafe and the woman tells the waitress "two coffees please, we've been traveling for 7 months." I can see the girl gets the part about the 2 coffees, but panics and calls over someone to translate the rest of the order.

As if traveling/living abroad were some kind of competitive sport. As if the locals care.

With the exception of an occasional ice cream I don't eat at McD's, but if I pass one I'll usually pop in to wash may hands -- all the ones in SE Asia have washbasins and soap. Very convenient, thanks Ronald.

If anyone feels strongly enough, why not intervene directly? I did quite often in similar circumstances when I lived in Thailand.

I was in a small cafe in Loei with my then Thai girlfriend circa 1988, when a young American began blustering in semi fluent American English, while animatedly gesturing, 'eggs in water', having asked for 2 x 3 minute boiled eggs receiving a blank response from the waiter.

It was a long time ago and I was a feisty 30 something army Sgt Major back then, so I smartly told him to wind his neck in. I would do the same today, even though I am not as robust as I once was.

If the same young waiter had entered a McD's in the US and asked in fluent Thai for 'Khao phat gai', he would, I'm sure ,have received the same response without the luxury of being able to get angry.

I'm ashamed, but not surprised, that it was a fellow Englishman. I jumped ship a few years back and am now living out my days in Phnom Penh. Fortunately there are no McD's (yet) here for anyone to get angry in. :bah: I hope someone gives this dumpy foreigner what he would receive in the UK, where he would in very short order be put in his place.:jap:

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