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Are Atm'S Free For Uk Bank Cards In Jomtien

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I am going out with the family for Christmas and New Year to Jomtien and deciding what to do re cash!

I have heard the ATM's charge a fee for UK bank card withdrawals - is this true? If so what is the charge and does the charge vary from bank to bank?

Are there a number of ATM's as well or are they is short supply?



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no , you get charged 3 pounds per transation plus a handleing fee,

take TC, easier and cheaper

Are there any charges/commissions for changing travellers cheques?

Do you get charged (a local charge) if you use your card in shops/restaurants etc?


Just take cash !!! So much easier and free to change. Dont change any at home, not even a tenners worth.

If you bank with Nat West or RBS dont even bother taking the card as they are routinely denied on first use. Talking to the bank in advance does nothing. Apologies if blunt but those were the banks words !!

Edited by Chivas
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no , you get charged 3 pounds per transation plus a handleing fee,

take TC, easier and cheaper

Are there any charges/commissions for changing travellers cheques?

Do you get charged (a local charge) if you use your card in shops/restaurants etc?


Just take cash !!! So much easier and free to change. Dont change any at home, not even a tenners worth.

If you bank with Nat West or RBS dont even bother taking the card as they are routinely denied on first use. Talking to the bank in advance does nothing. Apologies if blunt but those were the banks words !!

never had a problem with Natwest personally, although they are a crap bank, cant even access an atm here in the uk with there card, but never an issue in Thailand

Wouldnt take cash, incase you lose ect, but agree, dont change ANY money in the uk , the rate today is 43 and in thailand 48 !!!

they dont charge a % , but charge 30 THB per transaction ( 65p)

Take Pound Sterlinf trvellers chqs with you

PS - DNT USE A CASH PASSPORT , they are a CON !!!!!!!!!! , they will try to sell you instead of TC

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no , you get charged 3 pounds per transation plus a handleing fee,

take TC, easier and cheaper

Are there any charges/commissions for changing travellers cheques?

Do you get charged (a local charge) if you use your card in shops/restaurants etc?


Just take cash !!! So much easier and free to change. Dont change any at home, not even a tenners worth.

If you bank with Nat West or RBS dont even bother taking the card as they are routinely denied on first use. Talking to the bank in advance does nothing. Apologies if blunt but those were the banks words !!

never had a problem with Natwest personally, although they are a crap bank, cant even access an atm here in the uk with there card, but never an issue in Thailand

Wouldnt take cash, incase you lose ect, but agree, dont change ANY money in the uk , the rate today is 43 and in thailand 48 !!!

they dont charge a % , but charge 30 THB per transaction ( 65p)

Take Pound Sterlinf trvellers chqs with you

PS - DNT USE A CASH PASSPORT , they are a CON !!!!!!!!!! , they will try to sell you instead of TC

Thanks all - this is useful - was going to use Travelex in the UK as they are offering just over 45 today to the £ - wouldnt get loads in the UK - just enough for first few days etc.

Not dones TC's for years as always just used an ATM wherever we have been!

Is the 30 THB per transaction for using a card in a restaurant/shop? If that is all it is that is OK - safer than taking all out in cash!

Is a Cash Passport a pre-paid credit card type thingy??

Dont bank with RBS/Natwest so hopefully should be OK!

Have read that AEON back don't charge - is that not the case anymore?


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Aeon machines generally dont charge the 150 baht fee.

The cheapest and best way is DONT use an ATM it will on average cost you 4 - 5% in bank charges/ exchange rate etc back in the UK, (depending on which bank)

The best way is go inside any bank, ask them to do a manual withdrawal with their machine, then you dont pay the local fees just the UK fees. They'll try to get you to use the ATM but just refuse and say its safer or something and get them to do it. You'll need to show your passport.

Edited by CharlieH
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Aeon machines generally dont charge the 150 baht fee.

The cheapest and best way is DONT use an ATM it will on average cost you 4 - 5% in bank charges/ exchange rate etc back in the UK, (depending on which bank)

The best way is go inside any bank, ask them to do a manual withdrawal with their machine, then you dont pay the local fees just the UK fees. They'll try to get you to use the ATM but just refuse and say its safer or something and get them to do it. You'll need to show your passport.

Take Sterling travelers cheques. 100 pound ones.

There are dozens of bank exchange booths all over town.

You get a better rate with TC's. It might be just 1/2 a baht better to the pound but better than nothing.

Never change them in a hotel or any where else - just change 100 quid TC's at one of the booths and you will get just under 5,000 baht for each one.

Suggest you never change more than 3 at time - you don't want a holiday ruined by losing a large amount of cash. The TC's are obviously safe if stolen - you get compensated- follow the instructions about noting the numbers etc. You just need your passport as I.D. when you change them.

ATM's charge 150 baht per withdrawal and you get hammered on the exchange rate back home at your own bank

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Actually for a vacation believe ATM usage will not be that much of a factor for most people and very easy (but always have backup). ATM's are everywhere. The exchange rate will be that used by your card (Visa is a bit better than MC for USD but the difference is small and very close to normal bank exchange rate). Most will charge 150 baht so a larger withdrawal is in order. Do not allow use of dynamic currency exchange as it will almost always be a very poor rate (believe only a handful of banks do this and they have an accept or not accept warning I believe - as it provides the rate most people think it is good as they do not have any idea what it should be). So the thing to look out for is overseas usage fee of 1-3% that many home banks change. At 1% it is not that big a deal but when it gets to 3% or more it can add up. Most legit places will accept cards these days but small or non tourist place may still charge extra so plan on using cash for most things may still be a good idea.

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Aeon machines generally dont charge the 150 baht fee.

The cheapest and best way is DONT use an ATM it will on average cost you 4 - 5% in bank charges/ exchange rate etc back in the UK, (depending on which bank)

The best way is go inside any bank, ask them to do a manual withdrawal with their machine, then you dont pay the local fees just the UK fees. They'll try to get you to use the ATM but just refuse and say its safer or something and get them to do it. You'll need to show your passport.

Charlie is right, I do it all the time. Go inside the bank, I use the yellow one (AYUDHYA) with your passport and there is no charge. You dont loose your card. if an ATM takes your card your in trouble.

Take cash as well and change it at the many exchange kiosks in Pattaya/ Jomtiem, hedge your bets in case asnything should go wrong.

If you take cash make sure the notes are perfect, no tares or corners missing, they may not be taken, I have been refused in banks, be aware.

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IF you want to get an idea what exchange rates here are have alook at this site and you will see you change your money over here although you might be comfortable to have a little with you when you arrive, bankexchangerates.daytodaydata.net

Today the average is 48 to the £

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