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Thailand Likely To Lose 400,000-750,000 Foreign Visitors: Flood


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sorry they were additional tourist visas there original ones had finished and they were applying for new ones. not the standard boarder runs the visit to the thai embassy to get a new visa.

Suffice it to say, I agree with your point in your original post - one hand doesn't know or care what the other is doing. TAT want more tourists, while individual Immigration officials continue to be completely unreliable, accepting or rejecting applications based in little more than a whim.

No they do not. Immigration is simply following the rules more stringently now. If you have more than a couple of tourist visas subsequently and want another one, you are likely to be denied. And quite right too because you would not be a tourist, would you? You would try and use tourist visas to stay indefinetly in the country and that is not right. If you do not comply with the requirements for Non-Imm visas, you have no right to stay here. Don't whine.

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Bulls....! Colera in Ranong? Ranong has no flood problem, nore does it have more than a handful tourists. The mayor is a friend of mine and I called him on this matter at once. He never heard of it. Were is your Information from? Do you mean Rayong?

"The mayor is a friend of mine and I called him"

You may wish to know, some troll stole your 'nick' last week, to flame farangs who appear to enjoy licking the nether regions of hi-so locals. :o Happily some other poster complained, and the post was removed, a day or two later.

There is of course nothing at all wrong, in happening to know a few well-placed sources, and thus to be able to verify/deny a rumour on TV, thanks for doing so in this particular instance. :jap:

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It's very difficult to understand Thai thinking in a business sense. I stay at a very nice guest house, and have for years. When the son ran the place, I never payed over 15,000 baht a month. High or low season. Now, the Mother runs the place. I'm the only one staying here, and have been for the last few months, and she's charging me 21,000 baht a month. She told me they're full next month so I have to move. From what I can tell, her dreams will soon be shattered, but she can only see the what she thinks will be a "full occupancy" high-season at higher prices. I found a nice place to move at a much lower rate, and it's time for a change, anyway, but I can't wait to see how many reservations show up. Som Nan Na.

thais shooting themselves in the foot thru greed ,.............. hard to believe ,........... some of them deserve whats coming to them , why can they never think ahead ???......... incredible , amazing , miricle thailand ,...............will be, if they get thru this when you dont know whos giving the correct figures

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Doesn't seem to be affecting Pattaya. I was there recently and the place is packed with Iranian men ,Russian couples and thousands of old single European men sitting at tables looking at Isan girls. :bah:

why the disgusted face ? :bah:

if you don't like it why do you still go there ?

i spent years and years in the pattaya style and tourist places of Thailand. I'm full and sick of it. I now prefer unspoilt natural and quiet beauty by the beach. There are no tourists where I am now ... bliss. Natural genuine bliss with honesty and no harrassments ;)

a few more mosquitos and intruding insects though ... but I've trained the wall lizards to attack them ...

you sound really adapted to the Thai way of life, you still talk like a tourist. Dont you know the thai word for the wall lizard?

If you behave yourself how can you get sick of it.

Old men escaping from the arthritis inducing north finding the perfect place to spend their autumn years. nothing wrong with that, and if you think the old geezer I saw being helped along by two leather clad beauties is wrong then you are no better than the Chin chook ( wall lizard) and deserve to spend your end days with a dried out, dusty, useless but nalak (lovely), old woman.

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ABSOLUTE FALSEHOOD! To say that Thailand is going to lose 400-700k tourists is a blatant lie. Another on the part of the TAT, and the AOT. They continue to read the daily fax put out by Yingluck, and continue to perpetrate the lies. If Thailand truly gets 1.25 million tourists a year, as they say, and the flooding started in late October, and the peak season is coming next month, how on earth is it possible that Thailand can only lose 400-700k tourists? Who is doing the math? Are they intentionally adding incorrectly, or are they just reading the instructions in the fax? I compute a rock bottom minimum of 2,000,000 tourists lost, and possibly many more. The devastation to the economy is going to be massive. It is only starting to be felt. I have read interview with travel operators, travel agents, and others who reported a cancellation rate of up to 90%. It is nearly impossible to get accurate info overseas. Someone is operating the TAT, and the AOT who has NO IDEA what they are doing, and should not be in that post. It would be relatively easy to engage in a PR campaign, and LET THE WORLD KNOW, what is going on here, and that it is safe and easy to travel here right now. But, are they doing that? Are they getting the word out there? Are they showing ANY DEGREE OF COMPETENCE? No. Yingluck is responsible, but so are all of her underlings.

They do know what they are doing: Propaganda.

Spend millions on marketing campaigns stating half truths (at best) and sucker in tourists that way. That is their MO of many, many years. They have the mind of hawkers in the tourist-trap areas: take them for all you can; anyway, they will never come back to complain!

Do they care about repeat business? They can never look more than 2 months down the road. TAT is full of long time career bureaucrats that cannot think or behave otherwise.

its the "thai way" steal a little today, charge more tomorrow !,.......if biz is down put your prices UP , ... so nobody comes , such a brilliant strategy , ,....... are there business degrees in thailand ?,......how much do they cost ??

Edited by osiboy
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It's very difficult to understand Thai thinking in a business sense. I stay at a very nice guest house, and have for years. When the son ran the place, I never payed over 15,000 baht a month. High or low season. Now, the Mother runs the place. I'm the only one staying here, and have been for the last few months, and she's charging me 21,000 baht a month. She told me they're full next month so I have to move. From what I can tell, her dreams will soon be shattered, but she can only see the what she thinks will be a "full occupancy" high-season at higher prices. I found a nice place to move at a much lower rate, and it's time for a change, anyway, but I can't wait to see how many reservations show up. Som Nan Na.

thais shooting themselves in the foot thru greed ,.............. hard to believe ,........... some of them deserve whats coming to them , why can they never think ahead ???......... incredible , amazing , miricle thailand ,...............will be, if they get thru this when you dont know whos giving the correct figures

If I take middle(ish) figures from both, calculate, taking a billion to be 1000 million and 600'000 tourists, each tourist spends 29'000 baht a month. Someone please correct me

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If I take middle(ish) figures from both, calculate, taking a billion to be 1000 million and 600'000 tourists, each tourist spends 29'000 baht a month. Someone please correct me

That's correct. That's about $900 US. Seems right to me.

Hotel : 700 per night = 21000 baht

Food : 300 per day = 9000 baht

Drink : 300 per day = 9000 baht

A lot of tourists stay at the 4 and 5 star hotels which can cost over 3000 baht per night. I spend more on drinks than I do on food especially in Bangkok.

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Cholera in Ranong

Really? A confirmed case? Any specifics? huh.gif

I can't post a link, forum rules as the source isn't allowed. Google Cholera Ranong it's about 4 on the list. Also told by an English speaking friend who is a nurse in Ranong hospital.

An outbreak of cholera in Ranong, the Thai border port popular with Phuket expats making one-day visa runs to Burma, has alarmed local health authorities.

A Burmese cook in a restaurant who did not realise she had the highly infectious disasease was traced as the cause of 24 cases in the past week. Four more people were admitted to Ranong Hospital today.

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Doesn't seem to be affecting Pattaya. I was there recently and the place is packed with Iranian men ,Russian couples and thousands of old single European men sitting at tables looking at Isan girls. :bah:

Well these people are the given: Older men retired hanging out (nothing wrong with that_ Russians well-- I just read that only 1.5 % of Russians have the means to travel internationally ( the lucky few related to the oil industry. Still winter in Russia who wouldn’t leave. As for the Pious Iranian Muslims escaping from their Mullahs well no comment.

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