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Singaporean Boss Murders Wife's Lover In Bangkok


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If anyone is stupid enough to send money to a Thai girl they get what they deserve. From my experiences, the non-bar girls are no different from the actual bar girls.

Spot on!!

True to some degree but very tragically it is a society that largely does not educate to train the mind to "think", compounded by extremely popular soap operas, greed, corruption, cheating, incompetence, and the "money is God" mentality is at the foundation.

Typically similar demographics,, not only education but financial stability is important in a partner. Personal development, life experiences, often studying abroad makes a big difference. Serious students studying to be serious professionals / professionals already have been pretty decent people in my experience. Nurses, doctors, medical students, dentist.

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why is that that a guy wants to beat up or kill the guy involved with his wife or girlfriend ?

he cant shag her unless she lets him and he cant know shes married unless she tells him. i have never understood why a guy wants to beat up the lover.

it would be difficult for most men to walk away from a beautiful woman if she offers it on a plate.

surely the women are at fault in these situations and not the guy.:blink:

I was married to a Thai woman called (here) 'Ami'. She is a graduate civil engineer and has always professed to be a 'good buddhist'. She left me this year because she 'wanted to be independent' but I found out AFTER the divorce that actually she is a lying a cheating sod. She left me because she was screwing a Thai engineer (here we will call him 'NUT') and before she was seeing a man in London called (here) 'Kevin' whilst living with me in the UK. The whole marriage to me was a total scam designed by her to screw as much money (and handbags) out of me as possible. You can understand the rage that some people feel when you have been in the middle of this situation. I am still hurting and she has very much damaged my life because of her greed. What's more she knows she has done wrong, because she has 'run away' and refuses to tell me WHY she did these things. And that is what I have found out about Thai women. They don't care whom they hurt as long as they get what they want. "Ami" took me for millions. Sadly I totally believed in her and trusted her after 5 years or more of marriage. Do not marry Thai women. Do not trust them. Do not give them money.

"And that is what I have found out about Thai women."

Uhmm... no. Sorry for your situation. Very sad indeed. But what you have found out is about your choices and one Thai woman.

After hearing variations of the same story over and over again for at least a decade and having witnessed more than my share of horror stories, there has to be some veracity to the claims. Where there is smoke, there is fire. To ignore such is foolhardy at best and just plain ignorant at worst. No one is claiming that ALL Thai women are cut from the same cloth, but I think the message is clear that many, many Thai ladies are mercenary at best when it comes to relations with the opposite sex. Or should I say when it comes to relations with farang men.

Safe to say the percentage of Farang being "undesirable mates" is higher than Thai women being the same. I know many more men in happy relationships than those with the horror stories. Yes, there are bad people out there, but in my opinion, most farang men here get what they deserve. Same advice to foreign men as to Thai women; be a little selective when choosing a mate.

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If anyone is stupid enough to send money to a Thai girl they get what they deserve. From my experiences, the non-bar girls are no different from the actual bar girls.

Seconded. My last two girlfriend were non-bargirls. One of them quite wealthy, never really hit me up for money, but was a colossal PITA.

My last GF was an educated well employed girl. Recently she plugged her iPhone into my computer to charge, because she forgot her plug. Well. My iTunes downloaded all her pics automatically....Including the ones of her naked in bed with other guys... In the end her position was that I was the asshol_e for looking at her personal pictures. She even went through a period of denying that the pictures, in her iphone, were actually of her. Her final stance was I was her only boyfriend, those were gigs she just nailed for fun while I was away at work.

The short truth is the cultural divide is too wide. Successful relationships are the exception not the rule. Stick with the bar girls. In the end they wind up being cheaper than the girls you don't pay for, and you aren't broken up about it when they run off with another guy.

The guys have fun so the girls should be able to have fun also. You weren't married to her so whats the big deal. Even some married people are open minded, though typically not the insecure ones(not implying you are either)

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This made the Thai press a few days ago -- apparently the woman called him in Singapore late at night and told him it was all over, whereupon he flew to Bangkok and committed the crime, stabbing the guy 17 times -- fairly impressive long-term rage.

Well he may have flown back to try and talk her out of leaving him,

got to the apartment, heard noises agonized, hemmed hawed,

and got more upset, finally decided to confront her.

Then the shouting, and bike racer gets in his face.

No saying who HAD the knife, or if it was in apartment kitchen.

A 'drift bike racer' will likely be a Muay Thai guy too and definitely an adrenalin junkie, So no problem jumping in and being very aggressive.

Too much for a SingP salary man to deal with, so he may have grabbed

a kitchen knife in self defense, suddenly realizing he's in over his head.

In any case they are soon in a knock down drag out fight, a knife is produced

and rage carries on past simply surviving/winning.

I suspect from what's stated above, he has a reasonable case for crime of passion, it doesn't say he just jumped in with a plan to stab the guy.

In any case wifey's got blood on her hands, lives ruined and ended

because she wants her cake and to eat the pastry delivery boy too.

I feel bad for the Singapore guy, he may have snapped,

but she put it all in motion.

I have never read such a load of coadswallop in my life. Assumption,assumption assumpion. And on top of that,you havnt read all that is reported, she rang him and broke it off, so much for having cake and eating etc etc.
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While we always hear about the "bad ones", as far as I'm concerned, overall they are the minority. At least in my opinion and experience. My own story - I was married for 28 wonderful years to the most incredible woman I've ever known. She died in 1999 of cancer, which left me devastated. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought I would ever love or marry again.

In 2006 I came to Thailand on vacation, as I'd done before with my wife, but this time came north to Chiang Mai, where I'd never been before. At the hotel where i was staying I met a beautiful woman who, I thought, was about 30, but turned out to be 47, 10 years younger than me. We talked, and when I returned to Arizona, we kept in contact by messenger, emails and phone calls. I made two more trips here to see her over the next 6 months. On the 3rd one we got married and bought a house. I had to go back to the States for a while to straighten some things up with the VA and SS over my pensions, but came back in Jan of 2007 and have been here ever since.

My wife, while lacking a college degree, is one of the top sales reps/agents for Siam Commercial Life in all of Chiang Mai province. We have a beautiful home, car, motorbikes, and everything a man could want or need. We have a marriage, and relationship, that is almost as good as the one I had with my first wife, with respect for each other, as well as total trust in one another. And I'm not alone in this, as I know others who have found their "perfect wife" as well, and couldn't ask for a better life. So, hats off to the good ones we never hear about.

Yes, but the reality is i have know a few white guys who thought they were married to a 'perfect wife' when in fact their 'perfect wife' had bfs/giks on the side. One of their wives was inviting my mate over to her and her husbands house in the afternoon (while hubby was working) for a nice romp regularly; i felt very bad for the husband because he was a nice guy and he sincerely, 100% trusted his wife. If you want to have a chance of marrying a Thai lady who wont cheat, then marry someone your own age or older, any farang who marries a thai lady 10 yrs + younger than him should expect that his wife has other guys on the side (at least this has been my experience after knowing dozens of such couples over the years in Asia...).

^^^ This pretty much.

Or go for a woman over 35 as no Thai man will be interested. I've only ever known one Thai guy go for a woman older than him and it's the younger the better for gigs and Mia nois.

All my wifes single friends over 35 even most over 30 don't expect to ever meet anyone and basically don't expect to get laid again. All financially independent. The ironic thing is if they were bar girls they could probably end up with a Farang husband.

Anyone that has to pay their girlfriend money or a salary and buy expensive presents really needs to wake up as to why they are with them. It doesn't matter whether the woman is Thai or not it happens all over the world (very often here though to farang and Thai) or the guy is old or young, fat or slim, white skinned or dark skinned, farang or Asian. If the woman is only with you for the money that's all she is with you for. She either doesn't fancy you or is just a nasty piece of work out to milk every guy she can.

This guy probably could have paid half the girls in a gogo bar and had a gang bang every night of the month for the money he must have been paying her and for her condo and car and still got the same amount of love in return.

Did he have a place in Thailand already ? If so want on earth did he think the woman wanted the condo for ?

And no not all Thai women are the same, find a financially independent woman your own age that finds you attractive and you can satisfy sexually that has been brought up with morals and she will most likely never cheat on you or ask you for money. Or even a girl that genually what's someone to look after them. Just be careful who you choose, but if she is younger than you then don't be surprised if she too likes younger lovers.

A lot of truth in what you say. I know someone that had at least 2 nice looking young go go dancers as "no payment" intimate friends. Both girls had multiple older, non slim farang sponsors. This guy was not young either, at least 20 years the senior of the girls, but he was slim and trim, athletic, did not smoke or drink, had no tattoos and spoke thai besides being a university prof. Sort of looked like a 40 ish Mel Gibson. He would have never got seriously involved with those girls because he knew what they were doing to other guys. Milking them for cash.

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If anyone is stupid enough to send money to a Thai girl they get what they deserve. From my experiences, the non-bar girls are no different from the actual bar girls.

Seconded. My last two girlfriend were non-bargirls. One of them quite wealthy, never really hit me up for money, but was a colossal PITA.

My last GF was an educated well employed girl. Recently she plugged her iPhone into my computer to charge, because she forgot her plug. Well. My iTunes downloaded all her pics automatically....Including the ones of her naked in bed with other guys... In the end her position was that I was the asshol_e for looking at her personal pictures. She even went through a period of denying that the pictures, in her iphone, were actually of her. Her final stance was I was her only boyfriend, those were gigs she just nailed for fun while I was away at work.

The short truth is the cultural divide is too wide. Successful relationships are the exception not the rule. Stick with the bar girls. In the end they wind up being cheaper than the girls you don't pay for, and you aren't broken up about it when they run off with another guy.

in a country where even doctors work the streets what do you expect? My former lady doc from Nongkhai doesnt made enough money for a living, so

she decided to work in Pattaya to met a Farang....where does it start? They are all same and these guys always start with the speech: "my girl I havent met at a bar..." are the worst. GET REAL If a Thaigirl walkes around with a Farang its for every Thai obviously what she is doing...so girls from so called "good families" think twice...or their father do for them :whistling: there is always one intention in EVERY GIRL IN THE WORLD - MONEY and SAFETY thats what makes men and women different - most of the guys thinking with the second head - girls NEVER :jap:

So where is your your former Nangkai doctor working in Pattaya, Soi 6 or Beach Road?

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Hmmm! From A Gay Perspective......both the guys should have plotted and got rid of her withou any trace and then they should have end up bonking each other! Lol!

Your post is perhaps one of the most sensible of all, but just kick out the girl, no need to "get rid of her", then carry on in bonkerville.

Perhaps a reason for such the high % of gay people in thailand is not without merit....

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If anyone is stupid enough to send money to a Thai girl they get what they deserve. From my experiences, the non-bar girls are no different from the actual bar girls.

Spot on!!

True to some degree but very tragically it is a society that largely does not educate to train the mind to "think", compounded by extremely popular soap operas, greed, corruption, cheating, incompetence, and the "money is God" mentality is at the foundation.

Typically similar demographics,, not only education but financial stability is important in a partner. Personal development, life experiences, often studying abroad makes a big difference. Serious students studying to be serious professionals / professionals already have been pretty decent people in my experience. Nurses, doctors, medical students, dentist.

could not edit to amend my above so may I add to the list

woman that plays classical guitar has a high probability of being quite decent.

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Whether it's Thai women, farang women of all nationalities, it's all about money. And I am not a cynic. It's just a fact. A woman needs to have financial stability no matter what her profession.

Is there no one on this forum that sees merit in a relationship in which both parties are of comparable financial means and are together due to reasons other than one side generally being supported?

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Whether it's Thai women, farang women of all nationalities, it's all about money. And I am not a cynic. It's just a fact. A woman needs to have financial stability no matter what her profession.

Is there no one on this forum that sees merit in a relationship in which both parties are of comparable financial means and are together due to reasons other than one side generally being supported?

I do, but how often do you see it over here?

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Whether it's Thai women, farang women of all nationalities, it's all about money. And I am not a cynic. It's just a fact. A woman needs to have financial stability no matter what her profession.

Is there no one on this forum that sees merit in a relationship in which both parties are of comparable financial means and are together due to reasons other than one side generally being supported?

I do, but how often do you see it over here?

I can't argue with that unfortunately.

Interesting how the sponsored ad on this topic is Devils Den, a S and M mayday B and D and they seem to have a van used for "God knows what" on the road. Just a side observation

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I know 99.9% will be hurt by the truth, and the 0.1% who do not fit into the above mentioned categories would really care.

Well thanks very much for refering to my wife and daughter as a couple of sluts.

OK, I think my post was a little harsh.

The lady in this article was probably also claiming to be a 'good girl' or whatever... and I just think that the facade of the non-bargirls wears so thin in this country.

Admittedly I am too afraid to get involved with Thai ladies myself; I leave that to brave guys like the Singaporean in question.

I wonder if, prior to this incident he would have defended her honour?

They are a tricky bunch.

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Let this be A lesson to ya.If ya pick up a woman,take her to your place.Make sure she stays off the phone,in case of a setup.i mean that guy getting stabbed could have been almost any of us.

Be careful watch ur back,be extra careful .

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