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Singaporean Boss Murders Wife's Lover In Bangkok


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why is that that a guy wants to beat up or kill the guy involved with his wife or girlfriend ?

he cant shag her unless she lets him and he cant know shes married unless she tells him. i have never understood why a guy wants to beat up the lover.

it would be difficult for most men to walk away from a beautiful woman if she offers it on a plate.

surely the women are at fault in these situations and not the guy.:blink:

I was married to a Thai woman called (here) 'Ami'. She is a graduate civil engineer and has always professed to be a 'good buddhist'. She left me this year because she 'wanted to be independent' but I found out AFTER the divorce that actually she is a lying a cheating sod. She left me because she was screwing a Thai engineer (here we will call him 'NUT') and before she was seeing a man in London called (here) 'Kevin' whilst living with me in the UK. The whole marriage to me was a total scam designed by her to screw as much money (and handbags) out of me as possible. You can understand the rage that some people feel when you have been in the middle of this situation. I am still hurting and she has very much damaged my life because of her greed. What's more she knows she has done wrong, because she has 'run away' and refuses to tell me WHY she did these things. And that is what I have found out about Thai women. They don't care whom they hurt as long as they get what they want. "Ami" took me for millions. Sadly I totally believed in her and trusted her after 5 years or more of marriage. Do not marry Thai women. Do not trust them. Do not give them money.

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What I wanted to say above is though I understand the hurt and the rage because I have experienced it, you cannot under any circumstances condone murder. Buddhists are taught (like Christians I guess) that killing is wrong.

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There goes her cash cow!

And any odds you want say she is sitting in Spasso right now looking for a new guy and talking to her friends about her "bad luck" and what a jerk her husband is for coming home unannounced.

You deserve a reward for that post., that's exactly what would have happened!

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If anyone is stupid enough to send money to a Thai girl they get what they deserve. From my experiences, the non-bar girls are no different from the actual bar girls.

Seconded. My last two girlfriend were non-bargirls. One of them quite wealthy, never really hit me up for money, but was a colossal PITA.

My last GF was an educated well employed girl. Recently she plugged her iPhone into my computer to charge, because she forgot her plug. Well. My iTunes downloaded all her pics automatically....Including the ones of her naked in bed with other guys... In the end her position was that I was the asshol_e for looking at her personal pictures. She even went through a period of denying that the pictures, in her iphone, were actually of her. Her final stance was I was her only boyfriend, those were gigs she just nailed for fun while I was away at work.

The short truth is the cultural divide is too wide. Successful relationships are the exception not the rule. Stick with the bar girls. In the end they wind up being cheaper than the girls you don't pay for, and you aren't broken up about it when they run off with another guy.

in a country where even doctors work the streets what do you expect? My former lady doc from Nongkhai doesnt made enough money for a living, so

she decided to work in Pattaya to met a Farang....where does it start? They are all same and these guys always start with the speech: "my girl I havent met at a bar..." are the worst. GET REAL If a Thaigirl walkes around with a Farang its for every Thai obviously what she is doing...so girls from so called "good families" think twice...or their father do for them :whistling: there is always one intention in EVERY GIRL IN THE WORLD - MONEY and SAFETY thats what makes men and women different - most of the guys thinking with the second head - girls NEVER :jap:

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i think Thai laws must shoulder some of the blame, the apartment would have been in her name.. I'm sure it would have been more satisfying to just kick her out onto the street. Plus get bf blackballed as a chauffeur.

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The Singaporean allegedly fled the crime scene in a BMW 325i that he had bought for his wife. He had previously also bought her luxury gifts and is believed to have given her an allowance of 70,000 baht ($2,900) every month, The New Paper reported.


Married her, bought her a 325i and passed her 70k baht per month, plus luxury gifts and she's b*nging another guy. Of course murder is wrong, but he should have iced the chick. Call this a crime of passion, the escapee serves 30 days and is set free.

How can you come to such a conclusion from the scant evidence posted here? You know very little about this case and you recommend murder.

Catholic priests take vows of celibacy in front of their 'All-seeing, All-knowing God', yet they stray from time to time. It's human nature.

Thankfully, people such as yourself are limited in their actions to posting dribble on internet forums or writing to the Letters to the Editor section of the local newspaper.

Spare me your moral indignation on this topic. This is Thailand and when you play with another man's woman, doubly so if you know the guy or employed by the guy and know that the guy is forking over a fair bit of cash to keep her in somewhat luxury, you accept the slings or arrows, in this case a knife which may come your way. Take a bite of some forbidden fruit and eventually you will choke on a piece that is too big to handle. Other posts on this topic indicate that the deceased was the chauffeur so he knew exactly what he was getting into. And I will restate what I said before... Murder is wrong, but he should have iced the chick. Give him 30 days in the jug and send him back to Singapore.

Personally, I think the Thai Guy committed suicide by falling on the knife 17 times.

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This made the Thai press a few days ago -- apparently the woman called him in Singapore late at night and told him it was all over, whereupon he flew to Bangkok and committed the crime, stabbing the guy 17 times -- fairly impressive long-term rage.

Don't forget, he lost face.

17 times ?sounds like an accident to me.

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If anyone is stupid enough to send money to a Thai girl they get what they deserve. From my experiences, the non-bar girls are no different from the actual bar girls.

Seconded. My last two girlfriend were non-bargirls. One of them quite wealthy, never really hit me up for money, but was a colossal PITA.

My last GF was an educated well employed girl. Recently she plugged her iPhone into my computer to charge, because she forgot her plug. Well. My iTunes downloaded all her pics automatically....Including the ones of her naked in bed with other guys... In the end her position was that I was the asshol_e for looking at her personal pictures. She even went through a period of denying that the pictures, in her iphone, were actually of her. Her final stance was I was her only boyfriend, those were gigs she just nailed for fun while I was away at work.

The short truth is the cultural divide is too wide. Successful relationships are the exception not the rule. Stick with the bar girls. In the end they wind up being cheaper than the girls you don't pay for, and you aren't broken up about it when they run off with another guy.

Was she hot?

How much for the pics?

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had he killed her too, like he should have, he would have had time to get his passport and Singapore driving licence, then he would have been out of the country in no time, does thai laws recognize crimes of passion, temporary insanity for such cases, or is it just bribery that they recognize?

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And any odds you want say she is sitting in Spasso right now looking for a new guy and talking to her friends about her "bad luck" and what a jerk her husband is for coming home unannounced.


hope the lady ,

has better luck next time.

if her hubby had thrown her out of thee window ,

she would have probably landed on a farang ,

and he can take care of her, sure.


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If he brought the knife it,s premed murder ---if he grabbed a kitchen knife it's manslaughter ---

This made the Thai press a few days ago -- apparently the woman called him in Singapore late at night and told him it was all over, whereupon he flew to Bangkok and committed the crime, stabbing the guy 17 times -- fairly impressive long-term rage.

Well he may have flown back to try and talk her out of leaving him,

got to the apartment, heard noises agonized, hemmed hawed,

and got more upset, finally decided to confront her.

Then the shouting, and bike racer gets in his face.

No saying who HAD the knife, or if it was in apartment kitchen.

A 'drift bike racer' will likely be a Muay Thai guy too and definitely an adrenalin junkie, So no problem jumping in and being very aggressive.

Too much for a SingP salary man to deal with, so he may have grabbed

a kitchen knife in self defense, suddenly realizing he's in over his head.

In any case they are soon in a knock down drag out fight, a knife is produced

and rage carries on past simply surviving/winning.

I suspect from what's stated above, he has a reasonable case for crime of passion, it doesn't say he just jumped in with a plan to stab the guy.

In any case wifey's got blood on her hands, lives ruined and ended

because she wants her cake and to eat the pastry delivery boy too.

I feel bad for the Singapore guy, he may have snapped,

but she put it all in motion.

You watch far too much CSI.

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She sounds like a real keeper. Interesting to see that this type of rip off isn't limited to WASPs.

It's limited to 'most girls that live on their looks'.

Oh, and he stabbed the wrong person. The guy might not have known he was shacking up with a cheating wh***...

Edited by TAWP
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No saying who HAD the knife, or if it was in apartment kitchen.

ummm... most guys don't take a kitchen knife into bed with them animatic

Upon entering, he found his 25-year-old wife, Ms Siriwan, in bed with a naked 26-year-old drift-racing driver Ittiphan Kuwakorn,

I think we can be sure he didn't fly with the knife.

More reasonable is to expect that he bought it locally. Or even more reasonable that be picked it up from the knife-stand in the apartment, after he saw them.

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There goes her cash cow!

And any odds you want say she is sitting in Spasso right now looking for a new guy and talking to her friends about her "bad luck" and what a jerk her husband is for coming home unannounced.

Funny you mention Spasso as the watering hole of choice for these fine purveyors of deceit. I go there about once a week when I am in town, and there is this one drop-dead gorgeous eye-candy who often times is sporting a wedding ring and will openly admit she's married to some farang overseas and she is still out hooking it. No shame on her part; she's pretty open about it. So it's tragic stories like this that continually reinforce my belief that if you're going to live in BKK long-term, draw your boundries tight-in and tell these over-priced wannabe divas to pound sand when they try hitting you up for anything more than a night's romp in the hay at a price achieved after hard negotiation, or otherwise just kick them to the curb. This approach has kept me out of a lot of trouble, such as this Singaporean dude found himself in.

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If anyone is stupid enough to send money to a Thai girl they get what they deserve. From my experiences, the non-bar girls are no different from the actual bar girls.

I'm fast coming to the same conclusion TBird

Depends on the girl.This was his wife. If you wouldn't send your wife money then you shouldn't marry her in the first place. It's odd that there are so many farangs that come to Thailand to chase Thai women but have no respect for them and no trust. There are many decent women in Thailand, but most of the old and fat farangs don't know where to find them because their social lives revolve around hanging around bargirls. Why shouldn't a bargirl have a young boyfriend on the side. Do you think she enjoys having sex with fat farangs? No. It's a job and she's entitled to have sex with younger and better looking men.

If you go back and read the link, this guy was neither old (36 I think) nor fat, but was described as slender and white skinned. So your "foreign paint brush" doesn't work on this one. And there's nothing in any of the articles that state, or even suggest, she was a bar girl. Try sticking to the actual facts.

Indeed, look at the pictures. The lover was chubby - the husband was not.

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If he brought the knife it,s premed murder ---if he grabbed a kitchen knife it's manslaughter ---

This made the Thai press a few days ago -- apparently the woman called him in Singapore late at night and told him it was all over, whereupon he flew to Bangkok and committed the crime, stabbing the guy 17 times -- fairly impressive long-term rage.

Well he may have flown back to try and talk her out of leaving him,

got to the apartment, heard noises agonized, hemmed hawed,

and got more upset, finally decided to confront her.

Then the shouting, and bike racer gets in his face.

No saying who HAD the knife, or if it was in apartment kitchen.

A 'drift bike racer' will likely be a Muay Thai guy too and definitely an adrenalin junkie, So no problem jumping in and being very aggressive.

Too much for a SingP salary man to deal with, so he may have grabbed

a kitchen knife in self defense, suddenly realizing he's in over his head.

In any case they are soon in a knock down drag out fight, a knife is produced

and rage carries on past simply surviving/winning.

I suspect from what's stated above, he has a reasonable case for crime of passion, it doesn't say he just jumped in with a plan to stab the guy.

In any case wifey's got blood on her hands, lives ruined and ended

because she wants her cake and to eat the pastry delivery boy too.

I feel bad for the Singapore guy, he may have snapped,

but she put it all in motion.

You watch far too much CSI.

Depends on his intent when he grabbed the knife

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This made the Thai press a few days ago -- apparently the woman called him in Singapore late at night and told him it was all over, whereupon he flew to Bangkok and committed the crime, stabbing the guy 17 times -- fairly impressive long-term rage.

Don't forget, he lost face.

17 times ?sounds like an accident to me.

Only in Pattaya, only in Pattaya.

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why is that that a guy wants to beat up or kill the guy involved with his wife or girlfriend ?

he cant shag her unless she lets him and he cant know shes married unless she tells him. i have never understood why a guy wants to beat up the lover.

it would be difficult for most men to walk away from a beautiful woman if she offers it on a plate.

surely the women are at fault in these situations and not the guy.:blink:

I was married to a Thai woman called (here) 'Ami'. She is a graduate civil engineer and has always professed to be a 'good buddhist'. She left me this year because she 'wanted to be independent' but I found out AFTER the divorce that actually she is a lying a cheating sod. She left me because she was screwing a Thai engineer (here we will call him 'NUT') and before she was seeing a man in London called (here) 'Kevin' whilst living with me in the UK. The whole marriage to me was a total scam designed by her to screw as much money (and handbags) out of me as possible. You can understand the rage that some people feel when you have been in the middle of this situation. I am still hurting and she has very much damaged my life because of her greed. What's more she knows she has done wrong, because she has 'run away' and refuses to tell me WHY she did these things. And that is what I have found out about Thai women. They don't care whom they hurt as long as they get what they want. "Ami" took me for millions. Sadly I totally believed in her and trusted her after 5 years or more of marriage. Do not marry Thai women. Do not trust them. Do not give them money.

No you learnt about one woman out of approximately 34 million Thai females.

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why is that that a guy wants to beat up or kill the guy involved with his wife or girlfriend ?

he cant shag her unless she lets him and he cant know shes married unless she tells him. i have never understood why a guy wants to beat up the lover.

it would be difficult for most men to walk away from a beautiful woman if she offers it on a plate.

surely the women are at fault in these situations and not the guy.:blink:

I totally agree with you, never understood why but it's common practice worldwide.

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This made the Thai press a few days ago -- apparently the woman called him in Singapore late at night and told him it was all over, whereupon he flew to Bangkok and committed the crime, stabbing the guy 17 times -- fairly impressive long-term rage.

Well he may have flown back to try and talk her out of leaving him,

got to the apartment, heard noises agonized, hemmed hawed,

and got more upset, finally decided to confront her.

Then the shouting, and bike racer gets in his face.

No saying who HAD the knife, or if it was in apartment kitchen.

A 'drift bike racer' will likely be a Muay Thai guy too and definitely an adrenalin junkie, So no problem jumping in and being very aggressive.

Too much for a SingP salary man to deal with, so he may have grabbed

a kitchen knife in self defense, suddenly realizing he's in over his head.

In any case they are soon in a knock down drag out fight, a knife is produced

and rage carries on past simply surviving/winning.

I suspect from what's stated above, he has a reasonable case for crime of passion, it doesn't say he just jumped in with a plan to stab the guy.

In any case wifey's got blood on her hands, lives ruined and ended

because she wants her cake and to eat the pastry delivery boy too.

I feel bad for the Singapore guy, he may have snapped,

but she put it all in motion.

You watch far too much CSI.

I dont even know what CSI is but I guess its one of your favourate soaps??? Whats wrong with animatics text???? I fully agree with it,

its also the girls or "lady" fault, she was the one who started it! ....and the one who wins after all.

Actually Dlock I was paid to do forensic analysis in the 90's.

My work was used in several court cases.

But in this case it also has more to do with logic,

and benefit of the doubt, than analysis of trace,

or environmental evidence which I work on.

I just looked at the statements presented above and this seems

an equally plausible scenario as Ricks one I took a devils advocate position contra.

Moskito, it's Crime Scene Investigation CSI.

there are several iterations of the CSI show on American TV.

Reasonably good case work for televisions shows.


CSI, CSI Miami etc. Very watchable, stylish

and better than typical science than many shows.

The stupid venal greedy lady loses too... All of her own making.

But sadly the men will lose worse.

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Foreign men never learn in Thailand. You never get involved with women here, prostitute or not prostitute.-doesnt matter theyre all the same. I wouldnt be surprised if the Thai man turns out to be her real husband or long term boyfriend. Have they arrested the foreigner ?. I bet she is helping the cops with their enquiries. It doesnt matter how much you spend on a girl. You CANNOT buy love and respect here. I agree with an earlier comment . She will probably head off to a fancy expat Sukhumvit night club- after finished with the cops- and get a new farang sponsor.

Edited by jalansanitwong
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If he brought the knife it,s premed murder ---if he grabbed a kitchen knife it's manslaughter ---

This made the Thai press a few days ago -- apparently the woman called him in Singapore late at night and told him it was all over, whereupon he flew to Bangkok and committed the crime, stabbing the guy 17 times -- fairly impressive long-term rage.

Well he may have flown back to try and talk her out of leaving him,

got to the apartment, heard noises agonized, hemmed hawed,

and got more upset, finally decided to confront her.

Then the shouting, and bike racer gets in his face.

No saying who HAD the knife, or if it was in apartment kitchen.

A 'drift bike racer' will likely be a Muay Thai guy too and definitely an adrenalin junkie, So no problem jumping in and being very aggressive.

Too much for a SingP salary man to deal with, so he may have grabbed

a kitchen knife in self defense, suddenly realizing he's in over his head.

In any case they are soon in a knock down drag out fight, a knife is produced

and rage carries on past simply surviving/winning.

I suspect from what's stated above, he has a reasonable case for crime of passion, it doesn't say he just jumped in with a plan to stab the guy.

In any case wifey's got blood on her hands, lives ruined and ended

because she wants her cake and to eat the pastry delivery boy too.

I feel bad for the Singapore guy, he may have snapped,

but she put it all in motion.

You watch far too much CSI.

Unless he has little or no martial arts training and was fighting a trained Muay Thai practitioner, who was kicking his ass badly and threatening to kill him, these guys easily can kill, then plausibly manslaughter in self-defense.

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