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Is Your Wife/Partner An X Bar Girl? My Hand Is Up.


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I cant help laughing at it because i sit drinking in soi nana or walking street and i watch all these "suits" obviously business types sitting chatting and drinking with bar girls, but off course theyre only passing the time of day right?

There is nothing wrong to have fun with these girls. You just don't take them back home or marry them.

Edited by JurgenG
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I cant help laughing at it because i sit drinking in soi nana or walking street and i watch all these "suits" obviously business types sitting chatting and drinking with bar girls, but off course theyre only passing the time of day right?

There is nothing wrong to have fun with these girls. You just don't take them back home or marry them.

Dont forget that those men have buddah amulets, a drawer full of singah wifebeaters and sandals with socks glued to them. If they want a partnership its the only way because fixing their appearance and working on their personality is less fun than drinking themselves to death and watching ray william johnson.

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add to my last post.

At my restaurrant we hired a poor 17 year old girl who's sister is a bargirl and her husband bought her a bar and they made the 17year old quit to 'take care baby' but in fact it was a ruse to get her to work fulltime as a prostitute for a good salary.

Well guess what, the little girl is back working 14hours a day (very hard) for 200baht a day or less im not sure. She shares a small room with an other person on the second floor of the restaurant. While her boyfriend took a similar shitjob instead of selling drugs like his friends.

There's always a way not to spread your legs

so, you have a restaurant and you pay that girl 200 bath for 14 hours a day? You did say " we hired" right?

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Would never have a relationship longer than say, two or three minutes with a prostitute.

After that I pay and leave.

Easy money for them then....Mr 2 Minutes :lol:

yep , easy money .a few minutes hard work :whistling:

it is a lot easier then working in the rice fields , shopping mal or bank .

farang say , she was cashier , she work shop .

his lady , tells me they met while she was working in a bar

the bottom line is this, they are happy together,

satisfying each others , wants and needs .


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add to my last post.

At my restaurrant we hired a poor 17 year old girl who's sister is a bargirl and her husband bought her a bar and they made the 17year old quit to 'take care baby' but in fact it was a ruse to get her to work fulltime as a prostitute for a good salary.

Well guess what, the little girl is back working 14hours a day (very hard) for 200baht a day or less im not sure. She shares a small room with an other person on the second floor of the restaurant. While her boyfriend took a similar shitjob instead of selling drugs like his friends.

There's always a way not to spread your legs

so, you have a restaurant and you pay that girl 200 bath for 14 hours a day? You did say " we hired" right?

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, 200bht for 14 hours :bah:. Have farang crooks in LoS too eh. :huh:

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add to my last post.

At my restaurrant we hired a poor 17 year old girl who's sister is a bargirl and her husband bought her a bar and they made the 17year old quit to 'take care baby' but in fact it was a ruse to get her to work fulltime as a prostitute for a good salary.

Well guess what, the little girl is back working 14hours a day (very hard) for 200baht a day or less im not sure. She shares a small room with an other person on the second floor of the restaurant. While her boyfriend took a similar shitjob instead of selling drugs like his friends.

There's always a way not to spread your legs

so, you have a restaurant and you pay that girl 200 bath for 14 hours a day? You did say " we hired" right?

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, 200bht for 14 hours :bah:. Have farang crooks in LoS too eh. :huh:

i sold it to her 70yo mom(for a profit) who work 75hrs a week through sickness, she decides the pay. just proving a point that OP is full of shit when he says 'no choice'

Edited by thaiIand
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add to my last post.

At my restaurrant we hired a poor 17 year old girl who's sister is a bargirl and her husband bought her a bar and they made the 17year old quit to 'take care baby' but in fact it was a ruse to get her to work fulltime as a prostitute for a good salary.

Well guess what, the little girl is back working 14hours a day (very hard) for 200baht a day or less im not sure. She shares a small room with an other person on the second floor of the restaurant. While her boyfriend took a similar shitjob instead of selling drugs like his friends.

There's always a way not to spread your legs

so, you have a restaurant and you pay that girl 200 bath for 14 hours a day? You did say " we hired" right?

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, 200bht for 14 hours :bah:. Have farang crooks in LoS too eh. :huh:

i sold it to her 70yo mom(for a profit) who work 75hrs a week through sickness, she decides the pay. just proving a point that OP is full of shit when he says 'no choice'

now I am even more confused. Never mind, don't want to know

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I hope there can be some sort of "informed debate" before this topic is closed.

Personally, I think there are two types of BG.

The first is the hardened, lazy, party-girl...chances of a successful relationship with one like this are slim.

The second are the ones who "drift into" the industry. Poor, uneducated, perhaps with a kid or two they convince themselves they're not really "working" and hope to meet a nice guy to improve their lot.

I've heard some horror stories from girls...so some deserve a bit of luck :thumbsup:


Whether people like it or not you are talking about another human being here, who are you to judge what they do with there life or how the sadness started.

Razz Yeah !! you make a lot of sense and the other guy who said depends whether you get a good ' un or not, don't understand the dedicated morally holier than thou god like types on here, I wonder what there problem is.

Many relationship go apeshit for many reasons, I wish they could tell how they would know whether there wives girlfriends haven't been around before they met them.

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So, in conclusion, the OP is the only foriegner who posts on Thai Visa to have married a working girl in Thailand. :lol:

Amazing Thailand farang

let's put this one to bed....working in an office, Supermarket, Shopping malls and from the bars or freelance on websites/in passing nearly all the women I have 'dated' in Thailand were there for personal gain, what they could get and what I can give or where I could take them etc, more so the 'office working girls' as the majority of them really were convinced they were trading an asset after the horizontal deed, they were very business like in my experience....

before any flaming starts not all...nearly all!


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good post mate and fair play for having the balls to say it. to be honest i would rather spend my time having fun and a few drinks with bar girls that than having to go trough the normal dating process that happens in your own country. bar girls are not a disease like some people like to think. they dont do it for fun but out of need, perhaps from there parents not being able to give them a proper up bringing and lack of money at home for the parents.

maybe in the future with thai's becoming more educated and seeing what working in a bar does, they will not allow there own children to go such extreme lent to put food on the table.

and would you blame some of the girls for leaving the new farang husband when you see some of these guys they marry. i have seen it myself. once they get to the husbands country the husband becomes a asshol_e and all of a sudden cant look after the parents back in issan. all promises are suddenly broken.

TV members should also realise that this industry for the moment is part of thailand so if they dont like it. fuc_k off and leave

and what woman in the world isn't looking for someone to look after them. if you are standing in a bar or night club in your own country and i beautiful woman asks you " hey what you work at" and your reply is " oh i am unemployed" do you think she will go home with you?.

Edited by irishken
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Sadly, the moderators won't allow any discussion about what a "bar girl" actually is. Even the use of the word shows that guys are in denial about what they are actually marrying. Why not call a spade a spade. "Bar girl" sounds like "bar maid" but we all know that's not what you actually married. You married a prostitute. Why not just admit it instead of all the euphemisms?

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Sadly, the moderators won't allow any discussion about what a "bar girl" actually is. Even the use of the word shows that guys are in denial about what they are actually marrying. Why not call a spade a spade. "Bar girl" sounds like "bar maid" but we all know that's not what you actually married. You married a prostitute. Why not just admit it instead of all the euphemisms?

with the above in mind then the consumer should be known as john-trick-pervert-sex fiend... please feel free to add yours :lol:

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I cant help laughing at it because i sit drinking in soi nana or walking street and i watch all these "suits" obviously business types sitting chatting and drinking with bar girls, but off course theyre only passing the time of day right?

They are teachers, mostly new ones at it, not 'business types' at all.

Your'e way offbeam IMO. Bangkok is a big conference centre for international companies and their employees of all nationalities love to check out the sleeze after a long boring day listening to presentations. Been there, done that!

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What i dont understand is the need to come on here and tell us you are married to an ex hooker ,if your happy ,then thats it ,20 odd years ago i had a relationship for a year or so with one ,she is now a respectable wife and mother in Britain and would be horrified if anyone knew what she once did for a living ,the chances of these marriages lasting is unfortunatly not great especially when i hear things like "i pay my wife 20k a month " i think what is she ,a servant?

as i have lived here a long time and to be honest gave up barhopping after about 2 years and went into buisness and was lucky enough to meet my wife socially and yes did all the courting bit,we have lived here ,in the UK and back here again ,and now after 18 years together reckon we will go the distance, but if i had met her in a bar i would not insult her by telling all and sundry about it.

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Is there a lull in traffic or something? You see these threads crop up once in awhile, even though everyone knows it's against the 'rules.' It's like someone is thinking 'if we could only get 80,000 of 100,000 TV members to post one time about their bargirl spouse horror stories.... (assuming the other 20,000 are gay or incoherently drunk all the time)' we could seriously boost our Google ad words revenue.



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we try to be realistic about discussions on certain topics - refer to forum rules for details.

however, in your discussions remember that specifics of the trade (the where, the how much and such) are certainly out of bounds.

other than the same level of courtesy, politeness, no tolerance to vulgar language or derogatory remarks - all apply as equally to everyone, whether they are bar girls, CEOs, doctors, or whatever their profession.

any violation will earn you a strict penalty.

the above are my comments as a mod.

now as an individual: SO WHAT? really seriously?

so what if someone chooses to marry somebody who used to /or still works in a bar?

so what if someone chooses to work in a bar - either as a profession, or as a means to get by

as a woman I am tired of the double standard where men frequenting the trade seems to be quite ok, but choose to attach stigma to the women that provide men the very service they choose to purchase

if you are not judged as the group with the demand for a service, do not criticise those providing the supply.

marry them, date them. OR not. should be left to individual choices that is not subject to ridicule or critique by others. no?

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as a woman I am tired of the double standard where men frequenting the trade seems to be quite ok, but choose to attach stigma to the women that provide men the very service they choose to purchase

if you are not judged as the group with the demand for a service, do not criticise those providing the supply.

marry them, date them. OR not. should be left to individual choices that is not subject to ridicule or critique by others. no?

I don't think it is a double standard. If a woman came here saying she'd married a rent boy I'm sure the reaction would be the same. There's a big difference between providing a product or service and buying it.

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bar girls are not a disease like some people like to think

Perhaps not' date=' but result from my survey is that 50% are infested with diseases,

i rest my case


you have no case to rest. what survey is that? a TV survey or have you got precise figures from thai health department. or have you swabbed or tested all bar girls as nobody knows what the figures are. but again you are missing the point. they dont do it out of want. its necessity

could i ask you what brought you to thailand in the first place?

have you ever had a massage?

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as a woman I am tired of the double standard where men frequenting the trade seems to be quite ok, but choose to attach stigma to the women that provide men the very service they choose to purchase

if you are not judged as the group with the demand for a service, do not criticise those providing the supply.

marry them, date them. OR not. should be left to individual choices that is not subject to ridicule or critique by others. no?

I don't think it is a double standard. If a woman came here saying she'd married a rent boy I'm sure the reaction would be the same. There's a big difference between providing a product or service and buying it.

it is double standards. the worst type of farang is the one who comes to thailand. goes to bars. sleep with the girls and then posts about it on forums and youtube.

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Would never have a relationship longer than say, two or three minutes with a prostitute.

After that I pay and leave.

So you Just come and go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! brings new meaning to a quicky :lol:

What are we supposed to do, cook them breakfast?

If they want to stay there's a mop, a bucket and a shower that needs cleaning.

You pay, they work. That's the deal. :)

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