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First of all - hello.. I have been using thai visa pretty regularly recently and have found the website and forums absolutely fantastic helping me with so much, so I thought it was time to actually sign up now and get involved by asking a question!

Basically I am living in Thailand now with my Thai boyfriend. We are considering moving abroad to a 'better paid' country for 1 - 2 years to earn some money, with the intention of returning here with some money so we can buy land and make something more permanent - the only (very big) problem seems to be is the visa, particularly for him.

I am from the UK so we have considered applying for a working visa there, however I have been away from the UK for almost 2 years now, and I feel as though we would not have enough evidence for the prerequisites for the visa to be accepted. So we are trying to consider where else to go.

My boyfriend has been going to Finland for the past 8 years for 'high season' where he works as a chef (western not thai food although he can cook both very well!), however there wouldn't be sufficient work to save any money outside of high season (which is only approximately 2-3 months every year). In thailand he works in a bar as a singer. He hasn't got any qualifications having dropped out of school quite young, so his reading and writing of english aren't great but his speaking is very good.

Of course for me it is easier to get a visa for most countries than him, and I am flexible as to where we go. We were even starting now to consider places such as South Korea or Japan where I could get an English teaching job and perhaps he could get something better paid than here but the visas for everywhere just seem so hard to get!

So if anyone has any recommendations or help, even as just to which countries we may be best of researching further I would be so appreciative.

Thank you =)


As a British citizen you obviously have the right to live and work in the UK.

Your boyfriend is unlikely, from what you have said, to get a work visa of any kind for the UK in his own right. However, he could apply for settlement in the UK to be with you.

How long have you been together? If living together outside the UK for a continuous period of two years or more he could apply as your unmarried partner and he would be able to work immediately. See SET05 - Unmarried and same-sex partners.

If you haven't been together that long then you could marry and he applies as your spouse. Again he could work immediately. See SET03 - Spouses.

I would forget about a fiancé visa; not only is it more expensive than either of the above as there is an extra application to make once you are married, but also as a fiancé he could not work until after the marriage and he has Further Leave to Remain. See SET01 - Fiancé(e)s.

Whichever one you choose, if any, you would need to show that you can support and accommodate yourselves in the UK without resort to public funds. See Maintenance and accommodation (MAA).

Alternatively, as an EEA national you have the right to live and work in any other EEA state and have your non EEA national family join you. He would also be able to work. Unmarried partners do qualify, but different EEA states have their own definition of what constitutes an unmarried partner; it would be simpler were you married.

One huge advantage of living in another EEA state is that his entry clearance would be free, but if you and he come to the UK he will have to pay.

Different EEA states have their own procedures for applying for this; in the UK it is known as an EEA family permit. However, the regulations are the same for all member states, EUN02 - EEA Family permits is the UK's procedure, but if you decide to follow this route then you should check with the country concerned for theirs.

Can't help you with countries outside the EEA, I'm afraid.


Wow fantastic reply - thank you. I already knew some about the UK, but what you have said has really clarified things. I don't think we would go down the getting married route just yet, and we haven't been together long enough for him to get a UK working visa - but settlement is a possibility, and I didn't realize that he would have the right to work due to being my partner (obviously after specfic criteria) in other EEA countries.. I'll get some more research done - thank you again so much!

Of course - still welcoming other ideas within Asia/Americas etc if anyone else can help further.. but thank you!

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