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A role model for gay marriage this isn't. It's actually a throwback. The foreign man playing the role of the hoodwinked f-rang man, the Thai young man playing the role of the gold digging Thai woman. First time I heard the term boybride in Thailand, and I don't like the precedent at all. Idealized gay marriage is a coupling of equal adults of the SAME sex, not groom and bride, groom and groom, not two people of the same sex making a show of acting like they are heterosexual. Sure of course, couples can be different ages and wealth levels, but this level of role playing as a pitiful straight stereotype is over the top. These blokes are playing retro roles and I think putting the cause of legal gay marriage in Thailand backwards and actually warping the idea of it. I don't admire them and wish they had kept this circus out of the press. No I'm not saying they don't have a right to do what they did, nor would I not want them to have full legal marriage if that's what they want, just that I find their public show of these retro roles VULGAR.

These two I wish had stayed in the closet. But of course the rich Aussie probably thinks his great wealth makes him more important. Going native, maybe.


Thai article says the farang sold everything in OZ to come to Thailand and plans to open a resort. Wonder how that will go.

Will probably be swallowed whole.


I support legal gay marriage in all nations but I'm not sure about this particular coupling. The whole thing sounds so garish and publicizing the large sum so tactless. Are we sure this isn't a SATIRE or a big prank?

Fortunately, for the rest of us, for the time being, you're still a minority.

In places like Thailand, Saudi and the USA maybe, but not in the civilized world.

I think the latest polls in the USA show a small minority favoring legalized gay marriage. However, the USA has a very conservative governing structure, and it typically takes about 50 years for the laws to reflect what the people want. Among younger Americans, the percentage favoring legalization is higher, meaning its just a matter of time.


it seems the family are happy they are well off now because of the marriage.new husband happy,if that is what they want and are happy.whether you do not agree with it that does not matter in their eyes.i wish someone would pay me that much to get married i will do it tomorrow


I don't support legal gay marriage as I don't support religion. However gay's couples should have all the same rights as heterosexual couples.

As for this goof ball. I note he was a Qantas executive. Enough said - Qantas executives cant make sound financial decisions, one of the reasons the airline has been screwed for years.


Oh, I forgot, gay men aren't men.

And neither of course is any straight man who has ever enjoyed a naughty finger.

Next ...

Have you taken some angry pills lately. First Cain and now anyone that doesn't like having anal sex.


I don't support legal gay marriage as I don't support religion. However gay's couples should have all the same rights as heterosexual couples.

As for this goof ball. I note he was a Qantas executive. Enough said - Qantas executives cant make sound financial decisions, one of the reasons the airline has been screwed for years.

Marriage, regardless of the male/female combination, does not need to be muddled with religion. In many countries--probably most--the ceremony is or can be a civil act performed outside of religion. Tradition in a number of countries involves two ceremonies, one being civil for legal purposes and the other religious. Gay marriage should not be dependent on how a holy book is interpreted or what someone's god might want.


Since when is a 27 year old man a boy? And I guess I am not sure what is so different between a 60 year old man marrying a 27 year old woman and a 60 year old man marrying a 27 year old man. Except it brings out the homophobes.

So, in light of that, I will be bringing out the FORUM RULES and a few of them that have been breached here:


3) Not to post in a manner that is vulgar, obscene or profane .

4) Not to flame fellow members.

Flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, to launch personal attacks, to insult, or to be hateful towards other members. This includes useless criticism, name-calling, swearing and any other comments meant to incite anger.

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8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

Please abide by them or I will be handing out something more formal than a simple public warning.


Since when is a 27 year old man a boy?

I believe that's common lingo in the Thai tourist/sexpat gay scene. Just like people can (and do) say 'girl' of a 27 year old woman.

Don't take my word for it though, I'd be happy to be corrected on this.


*deleted quote edited out*

Shrewd, but keep in mind several people weren't flaming any kind of entertainment scene, they were flaming a gender preference. (Or lifestyle, if you will) I don't think there was anything in the original post about any entertainment scene, gay or otherwise.

The closer analogy would be someone flaming the concept of Western-Thai or other inter-racial relationships. That would likely be met with some corrective action, too.


Since when is a 27 year old man a boy?

I believe that's common lingo in the Thai tourist/sexpat gay scene. Just like people can (and do) say 'girl' of a 27 year old woman.

Don't take my word for it though, I'd be happy to be corrected on this.

My understanding is that Thais in general have adopted the English word boy to mean up to age 30. You may have noticed Thais have adopted MANY English words. I especially like the nicknames. I had a good laugh the first time I met a guy named Pancake.


I don't support legal gay marriage as I don't support religion. However gay's couples should have all the same rights as heterosexual couples.

That's an interesting position, but given that in most countries marriage can be effected as a CIVIL matter without any need for involvement of a religious institution, it seems not based very well on LOGIC.


I support legal gay marriage in all nations but I'm not sure about this particular coupling. The whole thing sounds so garish and publicizing the large sum so tactless. Are we sure this isn't a SATIRE or a big prank?

This post reflects more on Thailand than on the gay community. Seems that in this country ANYTHING is for sale (or rent). At the back of it all is usually a Thai family trying to use their own son/daughter as a 'cash cow'.


paid 40 million to the boys family? Well if it's true, I can only say there's one born every minute, but not always with 40 M Bht.

One born every minute indeed!

I am Amazed this thread has got so far without someone pointing out that same-sex marriage is not recognised in Thailand. (And quite rightly in my view, but that's another aspect which will doubtless get me 'struck off' for a week. Again. Ah well).

This love-struck Aussie MAY have gone through all the tricks with the doting family, threads round the wrists and other paraphernalia and people I mustn't mention, but he hasn't been to the Amphur office to legally ratify the marriage, has he?

'Cos if he tried, he'd be laughed out of the place by local officials needing breathing apparatus to cope with their mirth.

A farang gay man who IS a friend of mine is planning to wed his (mature) Thai partner properly, with a legal status marriage, in a place that recognises these things. Malaysia, I think. And without all this ballyhoo and bally silly splash of cash.

It would be classed as sodomy in Malaysia and for that you can go to jail so I don't think your friend plans on tying the knot there.


It would be classed as sodomy in Malaysia and for that you can go to jail so I don't think your friend plans on tying the knoe there.

Another reason we should be happy that Thailand was never colonized by the British! (Many of the most severe criminalization of homosexuality laws globally are relics of British colonial laws. India shed itself of that dark legacy of oppression only as recently as 2009.)


Distressing how this story brings out many hateful anti gays. If we ain't doing anything illegal,then none of your business. Seems that the most fierce gay bashers are often the ones who are having or desiring a secret gay experience. Sad.

That said: the farang paying 40 million for a sham ceremony is a total idiot.


*(Deleted quotes edited out)*

Of course you don't need to accept anything. That's your business. But openly expressed bigotry is another thing. Why that is allowed in "polite" society but not allowed about different races is something to consider. Would you dare here say something as offensive as I am strongly against black people; of course you wouldn't. You know better. But you think its OK and "safe" to openly diss gay people that way, and you have lots of defenders as well. DOUBLE STANDARD. Go ahead, but don't expect not to have your open bigotry challenged. Those days are over. Of course people who think like you are rather like dinosaurs but you still do lots of damage.



I'll close this topic and go through it carefully.

Edit: re-opened, but further nasty, overtly anti-gay remarks will earn posters a holiday.

Numerous posts deleted and a few edited.

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