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Quick Query On What Visa After Flying On From Cambodia

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<p>I am a brit, currently in Thailand with 30 day tourist visa due to run out on 28th December.<br><br>I will then be flying to Phnom Penh for a short stay aiming to fly back to Bangkok on either the 31st December 2011 or the 1st January 2012.<br><br>Grateful if somebody could confirm that I can expect to be given a 2nd 30 day tourist visa for Thailand as I am flying in a different day from the one I had departed from.<br><br>I do not know if would make a difference but I do already have a fair few Thailand entry stamps in my passport, most of which on a tourist visa but all but one of these were from 2007-2008. <br><br><br>Thanks in advance to those able to speak with any authority / experiemce on this matter<br><br><br><br><br><br><br></p>

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Thanks forthe answers Crossy and Lopburi3 - I knew it would be fairly basic, but just.wanted tomake sure on returning to Thailand I can expect another 30 days rather then 14days as I have read somewhere

(\_ _/)

(='.'=) Helping bunny achieve world domination. Least I could do in return forCrossy giving me advice


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