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Iran claims to have shot down U.S. drone


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I doubt the photos are real, even if they are the Iranians plan to reverse engineer the drone? I seriously doubt they have the capabilities to do so...

and neither do they have the capability to build ballistic missiles or nuclear warheads. they just excel in herding sheep and goats as well as growing good quality pistachios and knotting colourful rugs.

the European missile defence system pushed by the Greatest Nation on Earth™ is to prevent the invasion of Iranian shepherds who are looking for jobs as carpenters, electricians and plumbers (mainly in Eastern Europe).


I agree about the Pistachios but you would expect that as their theocratic rulers belonging to The religion of peace™ are a veritable academy for nuts. B)

the clock for

their theocratic rulers
is ticking. it's just a matter of (perhaps quite some) time. they can't stop Iranians to inform themselves what is going on outside their country. unfortunately any pressure or sanctions (whether warranted or not) are pushing even those Iranians who'd like a change into a defensive position à la "right or wrong... my country!"
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all devices like that should have a self-destruct device that at least destroys the software. It could be something as simple as a visible red toggle switch. original controllers would know not to switch it, but outsiders, finding the contraption wouldn't necessarily know. BTW, I know the first American official on the scene (Denmark, 1952) when the first Russian MIG defected from USSR (it was my dad).

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all devices like that should have a self-destruct device that at least destroys the software. It could be something as simple as a visible red toggle switch. original controllers would know not to switch it, but outsiders, finding the contraption wouldn't necessarily know. BTW, I know the first American official on the scene (Denmark, 1952) when the first Russian MIG defected from USSR (it was my dad).

Bugger, they will have to scrap that idea now! Careful what you say maidu wink.gif

Edited by metisdead
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I would love to see the Iranian people revolt. However, it is very debatable how to help them with that. Open and material support such as advocated by the American right wing seems to be a recipe for backfiring and even more vicious oppression.

The letting Iranian protesters get shot down in the street and keeping silent policy of the American left wing led by Obama isn't so good either.

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Ooops! Turns out the drone in the propaganda photos/videos is REAL. Obama even considered a strike into Iran to destroy the drone but didn't because that would be seen as an act of war.

big mistake is us/uk/israel go to war with iran.

There is a strong argument for what you're saying. It would be a very costly move. In any case, let's not kid ourselves, there is a soft war going on already. Well, not always so soft if you're one of the Iranian scientists who are now dead.

Edited by Jingthing
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Ooops! Turns out the drone in the propaganda photos/videos is REAL. Obama even considered a strike into Iran to destroy the drone but didn't because that would be seen as an act of war.

big mistake is us/uk/israel go to war with iran.

There is a strong argument for what you're saying. It would be a very costly move. In any case, let's not kid ourselves, there is a soft war going on already. Well, not always so soft if you're one of the Iranian scientists who are now dead.

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So the Iranians are milking this. How much do you want to be that's a fake model? Gotta love the skull American flags. Good idea for a t-shirt design? Skulls are hip.


Is that bet still open ? :D

My money is on Iran telling the truth.


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Ooops! Turns out the drone in the propaganda photos/videos is REAL. Obama even considered a strike into Iran to destroy the drone but didn't because that would be seen as an act of war.

The strike into Pakistan wasn't seen as an act of war, it certainly didn't help relations with a supposedly friendly country, and it definitely has caused further anti-American feeling both in Pakistan and elsewhere, but I can't recall any Pakistani government officials calling it an act of war.

Probably Obama remembers the debacle that was Operation Eagle Claw, the last US mission into Iran, (April 1980).

8 killed, 4 wounded, 1 helicopter and 1 transport aircraft destroyed (by the helicopter crashing into it), and a further 5 helicopters abandoned or captured.

Call me cynical, but the sudden resurrection of the story of former FBI agent Robert Levinson, who supposedly vanished in Iran in 2007, is a mediocre attempt by the US government to show just how bad those Iranians are.

Is the US so desperate for a war with Iran it will resort to anything in an attempt to discredit Iran's government ?

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So how serious is it that the Iranians have got the drone technology? Can they copy it completely with help? I guess yes. I think Obama might be attacked now by the right wing for not going into Iran to destroy the drone under the theory that we're headed to war anyway, don't let them have that edge. I am not sure he shouldn't have either, but I don't have the facts that Obama does.

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Ooops! Turns out the drone in the propaganda photos/videos is REAL. Obama even considered a strike into Iran to destroy the drone but didn't because that would be seen as an act of war.

The strike into Pakistan wasn't seen as an act of war, it certainly didn't help relations with a supposedly friendly country, and it definitely has caused further anti-American feeling both in Pakistan and elsewhere, but I can't recall any Pakistani government officials calling it an act of war.

Probably Obama remembers the debacle that was Operation Eagle Claw, the last US mission into Iran, (April 1980).

8 killed, 4 wounded, 1 helicopter and 1 transport aircraft destroyed (by the helicopter crashing into it), and a further 5 helicopters abandoned or captured.

Call me cynical, but the sudden resurrection of the story of former FBI agent Robert Levinson, who supposedly vanished in Iran in 2007, is a mediocre attempt by the US government to show just how bad those Iranians are.

Is the US so desperate for a war with Iran it will resort to anything in an attempt to discredit Iran's government ?

You're behind the curve. The drone program in Pakistan has been open and going on a long time. The issue now is did the drone go into Iran lands and was it spying on Iran.
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Ooops! Turns out the drone in the propaganda photos/videos is REAL. Obama even considered a strike into Iran to destroy the drone but didn't because that would be seen as an act of war.

The strike into Pakistan wasn't seen as an act of war, it certainly didn't help relations with a supposedly friendly country, and it definitely has caused further anti-American feeling both in Pakistan and elsewhere, but I can't recall any Pakistani government officials calling it an act of war.

Probably Obama remembers the debacle that was Operation Eagle Claw, the last US mission into Iran, (April 1980).

8 killed, 4 wounded, 1 helicopter and 1 transport aircraft destroyed (by the helicopter crashing into it), and a further 5 helicopters abandoned or captured.

Call me cynical, but the sudden resurrection of the story of former FBI agent Robert Levinson, who supposedly vanished in Iran in 2007, is a mediocre attempt by the US government to show just how bad those Iranians are.

Is the US so desperate for a war with Iran it will resort to anything in an attempt to discredit Iran's government ?

You're behind the curve. The drone program in Pakistan has been open and going on a long time. The issue now is did the drone go into Iran lands and was it spying on Iran.

I have absolutely no idea why you would reply to one of my posts and then completely ignore it's content. :blink:

I also have no idea of what 'behind the curve" means, I'm guessing it is a baseball term ( a minority sport played in only a few countries).

How can the issue now be 'did the drone go into Iran lands", ( I think you mean Iranian land). There can be no question about it, otherwise how would the Iranians have captured it? The fact is, the drone being in Iranian hands is a severe embarrassment to the US government. Which is the only reason I can see for the sudden resurgence of the 4 year old story about the Robert Levinson "disappearance", to distract the gullible Fox News viewers from the US governments latest political disaster.

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So how serious is it that the Iranians have got the drone technology? Can they copy it completely with help? I guess yes.

They still need qualified people to operate them. The Russians supplied Saddam with modern Soviet tanks and MiGs but the idiots didn't know what they were doing and got toasted.

I think Obama might be attacked now by the right wing for not going into Iran to destroy the drone under the theory that we're headed to war anyway, don't let them have that edge. I am not sure he shouldn't have either, but I don't have the facts that Obama does.

Obama should be in trouble for not giving the order to destroy the drone to keep it from falling into the hands of the Iranian regime - IF in fact there isn't more to this than meets the eye which I hope there is.

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So how serious is it that the Iranians have got the drone technology? Can they copy it completely with help? I guess yes. I think Obama might be attacked now by the right wing for not going into Iran to destroy the drone under the theory that we're headed to war anyway, don't let them have that edge. I am not sure he shouldn't have either, but I don't have the facts that Obama does.

Don't know about you TQ but this has PRC stench all over it.

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It's easy to guess some posters home-countries by the posts in this thread.

No secrets here. I'm a proud MURCAN! I like it almost enough to live there.

Also, I'm not neutral on the Iranian REGIME (as opposed to the people). Not after what they did with the embassy hostages, how they murder homosexuals and "loose" women, how they threaten to destroy Israel, how they ally themselves with other totalitarian regimes, and how they demonize western civilization. I hope there is no war, but its delusional to think that Iran isn't a threat to the west ... IF they get nukes. What I never understood about Bush was why he even bothered with Iraq, if you get my drift. That whole mess has resulted in a massively stronger Iran. Biggest foreign policy mistake in Murcan history.

Some posters here act like they are neutral when they are not to try to give more cred to their arguments. I think its better if people are open about their biases.

Edited by Jingthing
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Ooops! Turns out the drone in the propaganda photos/videos is REAL. Obama even considered a strike into Iran to destroy the drone but didn't because that would be seen as an act of war.

The strike into Pakistan wasn't seen as an act of war, it certainly didn't help relations with a supposedly friendly country, and it definitely has caused further anti-American feeling both in Pakistan and elsewhere, but I can't recall any Pakistani government officials calling it an act of war.

Probably Obama remembers the debacle that was Operation Eagle Claw, the last US mission into Iran, (April 1980).

8 killed, 4 wounded, 1 helicopter and 1 transport aircraft destroyed (by the helicopter crashing into it), and a further 5 helicopters abandoned or captured.

Call me cynical, but the sudden resurrection of the story of former FBI agent Robert Levinson, who supposedly vanished in Iran in 2007, is a mediocre attempt by the US government to show just how bad those Iranians are.

Is the US so desperate for a war with Iran it will resort to anything in an attempt to discredit Iran's government ?

You're behind the curve. The drone program in Pakistan has been open and going on a long time. The issue now is did the drone go into Iran lands and was it spying on Iran.

I have absolutely no idea why you would reply to one of my posts and then completely ignore it's content. :blink:

I also have no idea of what 'behind the curve" means, I'm guessing it is a baseball term ( a minority sport played in only a few countries).

How can the issue now be 'did the drone go into Iran lands", ( I think you mean Iranian land). There can be no question about it, otherwise how would the Iranians have captured it? The fact is, the drone being in Iranian hands is a severe embarrassment to the US government. Which is the only reason I can see for the sudden resurgence of the 4 year old story about the Robert Levinson "disappearance", to distract the gullible Fox News viewers from the US governments latest political disaster.

No behind the curve is NOT a baseball term. If you don't understand a common English phrase, google is your friend.

What I meant but agree didn't communicate well was that everyone knows there is an active drone program in Pakistan. What HAS been secret, if it has existed, is a spy program where the USA is sending drones over Iran. The US has been talking about losing control of this drone so it went accidentally over Iran and/or the drone having its controls taken over. I can see why the latter sounds unlikely but the former not so much so. From Iran's point of view, unless they know they hijacked it, of course they think it was spying. Even if the Iranians know it wasn't spying over their land, they would be expected to ACT that way anyway for propaganda purposes. It's not a trivial thing what happened. Things are escalating for sure.

(I don't really know if it was a spy over Iran drone or not, but if I had to bet, I'd say it probably was. Too bad it was captured. That's a big loss.)

Edited by Jingthing
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Ooops! Turns out the drone in the propaganda photos/videos is REAL. Obama even considered a strike into Iran to destroy the drone but didn't because that would be seen as an act of war.

big mistake is us/uk/israel go to war with iran.

There is a strong argument for what you're saying. It would be a very costly move. In any case, let's not kid ourselves, there is a soft war going on already. Well, not always so soft if you're one of the Iranian scientists who are now dead.

calling murder "war" is interesting.

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They are making weapons that Iran has agreed not to make. One could call it war or preventing a criminal act. Either way, it is justice.

Others have *made* weapons without going thru proper channels (inspections etc.) Nor have they agreed to any treaties....or even admit to having what the world has long seen via U2 technology etc....yet they get a free pass.

Others have gone thru proper channels signed treaties & now do not honor them....yet they are also given a free pass.

Funny that these two are also the ones chomping at the bit to bomb a country that has done not 1 aggressive thing.

If it occurs (bombing them ) it will be called pre-emptive yet it is as Naam suggests murder plain & simple.

These situational ethics need to stop. If not WWIII is at the doorstep

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Nor have they agreed to any treaties

So they are not doing anything illegal. Iran is violating treaties. ;)

So is the US but none are going to bomb them over it...

As for the other not signing a NP treaty that is an aside.

Any other country with nukes are subject to safety inspections.

Except that one & NK

But NK is not threatening to bomb anyone for having or wanting to have what they have.....a Defense system/deterrent

Situational ethics

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Funny that these two are also the ones chomping at the bit to bomb a country that has done not 1 aggressive thing.

I think you need to research this a bit. Especially the Iranian support of terrorist groups.

As well as how they treat their own citizens. I for one, would not want to be a citizen there. Iranians are a great people. Their government is not.


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