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Ebay Import Duties


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Yes I do, but it's not only buying off eBay, customs hit you up on most everything imported into the Kingdom :jap: If you can have the (any) seller state that the price paid, is way less then you actually paid, customs looks at the actual $ paid on outside packing slip, and charges from that, you get off a little lighter on the duty.:ph34r:

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I have purchased many items and had them sent here. never been taxed with charges.

And I have been hit with extra customs/duty many times. It's a crap-shoot, but proper labeling and pricing can help. If you order a Kindle through Amazon, for example, they will charge you an extra duty up front, but it almost never exceeds the actual duty charged by Customs. If you buy on eBay, you will probably be OK, but never a positive OK in Thailand...

I purchased some Cesar Millan "Dog Whisperer" DVDs in the States and had them mailed here...already looked at and "used". Yup...600 baht Duty/Customs. Go figure...


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Yeah, I was going to say they don't really care whether you buy it off eBay (or whatever) or not. Sometimes they don't even care that it's used (although your odds of minimizing duties are much better if it's not packaged and shrink wrapped like new). They'll value it however they please.


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