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UPDATE 1 -- North Korean leader Kim Jong-il dies during train ride


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I'd better re-do my will....I often feel physical fatigue. Didn't know one could actually die of it.

It happened during an early morning train ride. Maybe he pulled the train? Being the great leader that would of course have been possible for him.

But his youngest son is now supposed to take over the leadership which does not look good for the country. He is not known to have the smartest brain in the nest.

Having been forced to use a squat toilet on a Chinese train I know the feeling of fatigue you get in your knees whilst trying to balance, perhaps it was this sort of fatigue which did for Kim Jong-il. ;)

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now that's funny

That is sooo staged it's not even a good fake. It's quite obvious many, if not all are being required to do that and keep looking up at for direction and when the camera is on them they get even more demonstrative.. I saw very little of any real tears what-so-ever not even on the females. What a farce of a country from top to bottom, it's brain washing, hostage syndrome if ever there ever was..

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I'd better re-do my will....I often feel physical fatigue. Didn't know one could actually die of it.

It happened during an early morning train ride. Maybe he pulled the train? Being the great leader that would of course have been possible for him.

But his youngest son is now supposed to take over the leadership which does not look good for the country. He is not known to have the smartest brain in the nest.

Having been forced to use a squat toilet on a Chinese train I know the feeling of fatigue you get in your knees whilst trying to balance, perhaps it was this sort of fatigue which did for Kim Jong-il. ;)

Hmm maybe something to that, isn't that how Elvis died? Though not squatting :whistling: .. JFYI no way comparing the legendary Elvis to this worm, except your example.

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"Do not attack the First Marine Division. Leave the yellowlegs alone. Strike the American Army."

Orders given to Communist troops in the Korean War;

shortly afterward, the Marines were ordered to not wear their khaki leggings.

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I say Rest in Peace. His Father was a great man that defeated the nation of Nippon; it was commando War. He was known for his lavish lunches. At least the ex-Libya leader had the guts to die in his own country! Better than these loser public speakers and book promoters that are responsible for killing hordes of people. I am sure that people had no freedom as we call it and died of starvation and some may have resulted to eating a carcass or two to stay alive. One has to admire a Nation that has no lonely planet book.

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Dear Leader should have ridden on the train and not run along side it. Expensive alcohol and fish eggs eaten using silver chop sticks are known to cause health problems. The only antidote known is to have a gorgeous young virgin woman from the Nordic countries run along side. :partytime2:

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he was a threat to a point but not a big one.the biggest problem is with its neighbour sth korea.

He was a BIG threat to his own people. There are basically four types of people in N.Korea:

>>>. the priveleged 50th of 1% who were comfortable

>>>> the armed forces, which got some food and warm clothes

>>>> the miserable masses, huddled and hungry

>>>> those in concentration camps, many of whom beaten and subject to hard labor crushing rocks all day.

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The King is dead, long live the King. :unsure:


North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il's death opens a period of intense danger and risk, but also potentially enormous opportunity for America and its allies. Kim's health had obviously been poor for some time, and his regime has worked to ensure an orderly transition to his son, Kim Jong Eun.

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one of the many truman blunders, giving n korea to the ruskies

getting the USA into the korean war

not allowing general douglas macarthur to nuke the chinese when he wanted to

firing general douglas macarthur

no truman, no n korea

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history has shown, where communism goes, famine follows

the kim family has possibly killed more humans than mao and stalin combined

I always thought that the cease fire over the long run was a bad idea. Some people think that war is the worst thing of all. But since the cease fire about 60 years ago entire generations have been lost - killed, starved, brainwashed and left with no hope of a better future for themselves or their children.

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Here's an interesting take on the death of an evil mass murdering racist dictator from the recently late, great Christopher Hitchens:


A Nation of Racist Dwarfs

Kim Jong-il's regime is even weirder and more despicable than you thought.

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Joke all you want, guys, but now that he is dead and his son is still young and inexperienced, there will be a lot of uncertainty on the Korean peninsula.

You can bet that both Seoul, Tokyo and Beijing are in high alert mode right now.

edit: More to the point, if some one feels frisky and decides to make a daring move, it could escalate very badly.

Both me, myself, and I agree with you...

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I say Rest in Peace. His Father was a great man that defeated the nation of Nippon; it was commando War. He was known for his lavish lunches. At least the ex-Libya leader had the guts to die in his own country! Better than these loser public speakers and book promoters that are responsible for killing hordes of people. I am sure that people had no freedom as we call it and died of starvation and some may have resulted to eating a carcass or two to stay alive. One has to admire a Nation that has no lonely planet book.

"One has to admire a Nation that has no lonely planet book." Admire it why? Because it is so nasty of a place that nobody would ever want to holiday there? The reason for no Lonely Planet book. If there was a book, it be one page: "STAY AWAY".

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Don't cry for me N Korea, The truth is I never left you

Evita "Don't Cry For Me Argentina"

ROFLMAO I never saw so many people fake cry before. Like a mass audition for soap opera actors/resses. I'm sure, just out of camera view, were the thugs with machine guns. Crowd was instructed before camera roll to cry viciously or get shot. I have seen documentaries before where the visiting group has govt. "minders" with them at ALL times and is TOLD where to go and where they are allowed to take photo/video. One such crew left camera on while traveling between "allowed" locations to shoot and they showed the real desolation that the scum leader didn't want the outside world to see. So as for the sincerity of the "crying", I know better. But I will admit, due to the extreme brainwashing unlucky citizens there are put through that some of the crying might have been real.

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The son was educated in Switzerland, so should know how well a country can work and how happy it's people can be. He would also know how foreigners view his country and his Dad.. Hopefully he wants to change things for the better and has enough influence to drive it through.

He will also have learned from the Swiss that if you have money, preferably lots of it, anyone and anything is OK with them.

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Here's an interesting take on the death of an evil mass murdering racist dictator from the recently late, great Christopher Hitchens:


A Nation of Racist Dwarfs

Kim Jong-il's regime is even weirder and more despicable than you thought.

Wow! It's quite an achievement for an entire nation to be mentally ill without the aid of religion as a control mechanism, though coming to think of it it does make perfect sense for North Korea to be aiding and abetting Iran, a similarly mentally ill regime.

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Here's an interesting take on the death of an evil mass murdering racist dictator from the recently late, great Christopher Hitchens:


A Nation of Racist Dwarfs

Kim Jong-il's regime is even weirder and more despicable than you thought.

Eye opening article!! There is a link to a satellite photo that doesn't work, but I found photo here: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ET6N_n7EE_8/SjVJtMP7s7I/AAAAAAAAAII/0LDgjgN68a4/s1600-h/korea_electricity_grid.jpg If link doesn't work do image search for "korea electricity" The term "Dark Ages" that refers to a time long ago, well it is still in existence, in N. Korea! That one photo really opened my eyes to how really barbaric it is there. Unless it's maybe the greenest country on the planet.

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Here's an interesting take on the death of an evil mass murdering racist dictator from the recently late, great Christopher Hitchens:


A Nation of Racist Dwarfs

Kim Jong-il's regime is even weirder and more despicable than you thought.

Wow! It's quite an achievement for an entire nation to be mentally ill without the aid of religion as a control mechanism, though coming to think of it it does make perfect sense for North Korea to be aiding and abetting Iran, a similarly mentally ill regime.

It is entirely possible atheism is also a control mechanism. It seems to work in North Korea.

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I never understood the appeal to being a dictator for somewhere like North Korea.

I mean seriously, sure you have absolute power and you can do whatever you want

inside your borders, but what is there to do? count your rocks and order around a bunch of uneducated peasents,

that would get old in a weekend.

I mean seriously I think I would trade being the leader of North Korea for a bag of microwave

popcorn and a cable TV subscription.

I remember a couple years back it was huge news that they had an Italian restaurant.

Can you imagine the Detroit Free Press running on there front page when Auburn Hills gets an

Olive Garden?

Anyone with a chuck of change could be Kim Jong, you rent a couple thousand acres

somewhere like North Dakota, then you hire a bunch of people with as little education as

possible and order them around, while accomplishing nothing, and producing less than

what is required to keep themselves alive.

Once every couple of years, you put on some platform shoes and shades,

go into town and yell from a soap box about how great you are.

Congrats on your new job Jong "King of Dirt" Un

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I never understood the appeal to being a dictator for somewhere like North Korea.

I mean seriously, sure you have absolute power and you can do whatever you want

inside your borders, but what is there to do? count your rocks and order around a bunch of uneducated peasents,

that would get old in a weekend.

I mean seriously I think I would trade being the leader of North Korea for a bag of microwave

popcorn and a cable TV subscription.

I remember a couple years back it was huge news that they had an Italian restaurant.

Can you imagine the Detroit Free Press running on there front page when Auburn Hills gets an

Olive Garden?

Anyone with a chuck of change could be Kim Jong, you rent a couple thousand acres

somewhere like North Dakota, then you hire a bunch of people with as little education as

possible and order them around, while accomplishing nothing, and producing less than

what is required to keep themselves alive.

Once every couple of years, you put on some platform shoes and shades,

go into town and yell from a soap box about how great you are.

Congrats on your new job Jong "King of Dirt" Un

Brilliant! laugh.giflaugh.gif

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That's not funny, that's just bad. I've seen more convincing performances in Thai soap operas!

Now it's terrifying. Imagine if one didn't cry. Off to the slave labour camp you go. In Thailand. no one is executed or accused of being a counter revolutionary for failing to make a boing sound on a Thai show or in missing the cue to make a dumb face when surprised by a midget/fat kid/kathoey.

Mind you, I'm getting a genius idea right about now. Maybe I can recruit some of these Korean robots to form my legion of doom? I could become a Dr. No or something and take over Phi Phi island. I smell business opportunity. Who will be the 1st into the new North Korea? With the great leader gone, maybe the new fat leader with a bad hairdo will give me the franchise for KFC, Krispy Kreme, MCD, and Pizza Hut?

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