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Psychiatrist Or Gp That Can Prescribe Antidepressents In Cm


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Can anyone recommend a psychiatrist or physician in CM who can help me address some mental health issues? I would like to be checked for hormone imbalances and other evaluations to see if anti-depressants are for me.

I am not looking for a counselor or therapist at the moment, just someone who can help me understand if anti-depressants can help me.

I have done lots of research in this forum and through Google, but have not arrived at any conclusive results.

There is http://www.suanprung...ng/clinic.html. Does anyone have any experience there recently? I am just worried it will be impersonal and not the best care, plus not sure about the language barrier.

I have found recommendations for doctors, like Dr. Mogan, but not sure they can address mental health issues.

I have been searching for days online, and really just want to find someone qualified and decent to get these problems taken care of.

Thank you.

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"I have found recommendations for doctors, like Dr. Mogan, but not sure they can address mental health issues"..

Dr. Morgan is great, very understanding, but addressing mental health issues is not her forte.

You could of course go and have a chat with her, tell her how you feel and what you think you need. I'm sure she will point you in the right direction.

She can do the bloodwork you require for starters.

It's better than taking a stab in the dark.

Edited by uptheos
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Thailand has never been known to address mental health issues like that in the West. A lot has to do with losing face, what others will think, and other such issues. But Suan Prung is going to be your best option, here in C.M. If you do a search on the forum you will see that others have had positive experiences there.

All the best of luck to you.

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Thailand has never been known to address mental health issues like that in the West. A lot has to do with losing face, what others will think, and other such issues. But Suan Prung is going to be your best option, here in C.M. If you do a search on the forum you will see that others have had positive experiences there.

All the best of luck to you.


I have known a few Thais who have had significant mental health issues and there is definitely an issue with them not wanting to lose face by investing in counselling/psychiatry etc.

As such, it appears that the lack of demand for such resources means there is a massive lack of mental health assets in Thailand.

I admire tremendously your efforts to ask for help and sincerely hope you manage to find the resources needed to assist you.

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If you have taken them before and know what to take Prozac (clinical name flouxetine 20mg) is available over the counter in Pharmacieswhistling.gif Other ones such as Seroxat (Paraxotine) are not available in Pharmacies.

If this is a first issue then you must seek medical advice because of the associated side effects. There is a reason that they are normally precription meds only

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go and see Dr Morgan as your first port of call...do a search if u need the address but the location is about 400m past Tesco on the Hang Dong Rd but on the opposite side


The bad news is that she's closed from today until January 3rd. sad.png

Go to Suan Prung if you are in urgent need, I'm sure you'll find someone to help you.

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If you have taken them before and know what to take Prozac (clinical name flouxetine 20mg) is available over the counter in Pharmacieswhistling.gif Other ones such as Seroxat (Paraxotine) are not available in Pharmacies.

If this is a first issue then you must seek medical advice because of the associated side effects. There is a reason that they are normally precription meds only

I use Ciprimil to great effect and this is available in many pharmacies ...

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i went to see Dr Morgan with my depression and Post Traumatic Stree Disorder, very up front she was and said that she could help me with my current medication and with my permission could liase with my treating GP here in Australia which is a real blessing.

She did mention a doctor of pshyciratry( my spelling sucks sorry) that has good grasp on mental health issues and that farang have been going to see him.

visit Dr Morgan and start there, as I do not have name of the Dr at the Hospital with me at the moment.

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i went to see Dr Morgan with my depression and Post Traumatic Stree Disorder, very up front she was and said that she could help me with my current medication and with my permission could liase with my treating GP here in Australia which is a real blessing.

She did mention a doctor of pshyciratry( my spelling sucks sorry) that has good grasp on mental health issues and that farang have been going to see him.

visit Dr Morgan and start there, as I do not have name of the Dr at the Hospital with me at the moment.

Spelling means nothing.

Sounds like you took the right course of action and hope you are doing well. smile.png

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for myself and when I return it is a plan that I will have in place and also if needed will go and see the shrink at that hospital, it is not the Ram but one close to CMU.

I am searching paperwork to see if there is a name or something to help

thanks for your reply UPtheos and good luck to satori6

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People should not run to a pharmacy and purchase antidepressants (or any medication) on the advice of people on TV or any other forum. Go see a doctor. Some of the more potent antidepressants require a certain diet and some foods could make you very sick, cause your heart to stop, an intracerebral hemorrhage, or even kill you if you eat them while on certain antidepressants.

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People should not run to a pharmacy and purchase antidepressants (or any medication) on the advice of people on TV or any other forum. Go see a doctor. Some of the more potent antidepressants require a certain diet and some foods could make you very sick, cause your heart to stop, an intracerebral hemorrhage, or even kill you if you eat them while on certain antidepressants.

+1 Good advice.

Most new and older meds such as tricyclics and MOAI's are easily available here. But they don't tell you that if you eat cheese, broad beans, oxo, herring or drink red wine with MAOI's, it can cause a fatal sunarachnoid hemorrhage. You should also carry an MOAI card. The tricyclics such as Amitryptiline are very high on the list for suicide.

Even the newer SSRI's and SSNI's have some pretty nasty side effects and dangerous interactions.

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People should not run to a pharmacy and purchase antidepressants (or any medication) on the advice of people on TV or any other forum. Go see a doctor. Some of the more potent antidepressants require a certain diet and some foods could make you very sick, cause your heart to stop, an intracerebral hemorrhage, or even kill you if you eat them while on certain antidepressants.

You seem to be contravening your own advice here.

some years ago I had a few of these issues and started with Dr Tawatchai at Loi Kroh Clinic, I was then referred to Suan Phrung. I couldn't fault either of them.

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some years ago I had a few of these issues and started with Dr Tawatchai at Loi Kroh Clinic, I was then referred to Suan Phrung. I couldn't fault either of them.

If you can manage to book an appointment with Dr Tawatchai after his clinic and spend some time with him - he is a wealth of knowledge. Tawatchai or Morgan > Suan Phrung is the way to go IMO.

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Hello Satori6.

One of the many good things about Dr. Morgan is that she speaks perfect English. She is also very sympathetic/empathetic and gives you time to discuss your problems. She would be a very good starting point.

However, and here I speak from first hand knowledge, taking any drugs to deal with the problem you speak of as well as other associated physical problems can be like walking into a minefield. YOU MUST BE FOREWARNED OF POTENTIALLY DISASTROUS AND EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE CONSEQUENCES/SIDE-EFFECTS, as has been pointed out to you, as well as the sometimes incredible difficulties of withdrawing from their usage. Read the literature on any suggested drug before commencing its use. Google the postings of users who have had bad experiences and THEN make an informed decision with your G.P./Specialist.

Many of these drugs have been in use for a very long time and work well for most BUT....

Sorry, I don't wish to increase your anxiety nor exacerbate your depression but I strongly recommend you not to enter this world lightly.

Wishing you the very best of luck and good health and a quick return to life's full enjoyment.

My wishes for a bright and happy New Year.


Edited by SwaziBird
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"I have found recommendations for doctors, like Dr. Mogan, but not sure they can address mental health issues"..

Dr. Morgan is great, very understanding, but addressing mental health issues is not her forte.

You could of course go and have a chat with her, tell her how you feel and what you think you need. I'm sure she will point you in the right direction.

She can do the bloodwork you require for starters.

It's better than taking a stab in the dark.

Even if she could not help you it would be advisable to see her as she would be able to tell you what drugs you can not use with other drugs. The key is to tel her what all you are taking and the manufacture.

I took every thing I take into see her and she went through them all and said all but one was OK. It was a locally produced drug and she called them to see what was in it. Turned out t be a very mild pain reliever. What I had been told was it was good for joints.

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Thanks everyone for all the advice. I am not yet in CM, but will be soon and will go see Dr. Morgan for sure. I am also wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how I can plug into networks of good people and just meet people in general while I am in CM for the month or so. I don't really know people there and want to make sure I avoid getting isolated.

Thanks for all the advice and support.

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I am in Perth stil and others living in Chiang Mai can provide numbers etc but there is a lot of social groups in Chiang Mai, it is depending on your likes and dilikes, getting isolated would be a problem if you stayed in your hotel or condo all day and night.

If you go to the gym or eat out about you will always bump into someone and even in your building where you will stay it is easy to find someone to chat with.

There are many clubs and sporting clbs etc in Chiang Mai it is as i said what you are into, you can google of course but others who live in Chiang Mai could provide phone numbers etc for you

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I would not suggest anyone come off anti-dep. medication without doctor advice but this UK education program is about the best there is :-


Solid reviews,no hype.Step-by-step method.They also have a support forum.

It makes you aware of what is happening day-to-day.

My cousin only got worse on anti-deps as did my friend.

Good course, especially at this time of year.

If you want to boost your mood try Rhodiola/B complex/Vitamin A + walnuts.

Walnuts boost serotinin (happy chemical) and Rhodiola slows the decay of serotonin in the brain...like a cheap natural anti-dep. pill).Rhodiola makes you so happy/relaxed but to be avoided if bi-polar !

Edited by freedomnow
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I would not suggest anyone come off anti-dep. medication without doctor advice but this UK education program is about the best there is :-


Solid reviews,no hype.Step-by-step method.They also have a support forum.

It makes you aware of what is happening day-to-day.

My cousin only got worse on anti-deps as did my friend.

Good course, especially at this time of year.

If you want to boost your mood try Rhodiola/B complex/Vitamin A + walnuts.

Walnuts boost serotinin (happy chemical) and Rhodiola slows the decay of serotonin in the brain...like a cheap natural anti-dep. pill).Rhodiola makes you so happy/relaxed but to be avoided if bi-polar !

What a load of crepe. I sincerely hope Satori6 is not so naive as to be taken in by this nauseatingly depressing sales pitch. As most posters say, speak to a doctor and ignore the walnutters.

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I would not suggest anyone come off anti-dep. medication without doctor advice but this UK education program is about the best there is :-


Solid reviews,no hype.Step-by-step method.They also have a support forum.

It makes you aware of what is happening day-to-day.

My cousin only got worse on anti-deps as did my friend.

Good course, especially at this time of year.

If you want to boost your mood try Rhodiola/B complex/Vitamin A + walnuts.

Walnuts boost serotinin (happy chemical) and Rhodiola slows the decay of serotonin in the brain...like a cheap natural anti-dep. pill).Rhodiola makes you so happy/relaxed but to be avoided if bi-polar !

What a load of crepe. I sincerely hope Satori6 is not so naive as to be taken in by this nauseatingly depressing sales pitch. As most posters say, speak to a doctor and ignore the walnutters.

How can you dismiss what you have not even studied ? I have it, it works .One of the most thorough information products I've ever read and I've read hundreds......and you'll note I gave a caveat at the start of my post. They are not giving this info lightly.

Walnuts and rhodiola are a natural alternative to boosting/managing serotonin levels. THAT IS A FACT. The first line docs use is serotonin management = anti-depressants but they have side effects.

Edited by freedomnow
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I would not suggest anyone come off anti-dep. medication without doctor advice but this UK education program is about the best there is :-


Solid reviews,no hype.Step-by-step method.They also have a support forum.

It makes you aware of what is happening day-to-day.

My cousin only got worse on anti-deps as did my friend.

Good course, especially at this time of year.

If you want to boost your mood try Rhodiola/B complex/Vitamin A + walnuts.

Walnuts boost serotinin (happy chemical) and Rhodiola slows the decay of serotonin in the brain...like a cheap natural anti-dep. pill).Rhodiola makes you so happy/relaxed but to be avoided if bi-polar !

What a load of crepe. I sincerely hope Satori6 is not so naive as to be taken in by this nauseatingly depressing sales pitch. As most posters say, speak to a doctor and ignore the walnutters.


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I would not suggest anyone come off anti-dep. medication without doctor advice but this UK education program is about the best there is :- http://www.clinical-depression.co.uk/ Solid reviews,no hype.Step-by-step method.They also have a support forum. It makes you aware of what is happening day-to-day. My cousin only got worse on anti-deps as did my friend. Good course, especially at this time of year. If you want to boost your mood try Rhodiola/B complex/Vitamin A + walnuts. Walnuts boost serotinin (happy chemical) and Rhodiola slows the decay of serotonin in the brain...like a cheap natural anti-dep. pill).Rhodiola makes you so happy/relaxed but to be avoided if bi-polar !

don't come off anti-depressants without doctors advice, better yet don't go to a doctor at all and eat walnuts.

great advice.

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I never said don't go to a doc. but judging the mental maturity/capacity and hit-and-run of some of posters on the site, why bother.

I gave the person a lead for a solid education product ,in addition to going to a doc in C.M. I warned the person not to suddenly come off anti-depressives.

I also suggested natural supplements that can help with low serotonin based depression and had a PM from the OP thanking me for bothering to reply.

But I've got better things to do that defend myself against nitwits that cannot grasp information.

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It's my understanding that people prone to depression should make an effort to be around people, have social interactions, etc and not be holed up in their room all day, with their computer and TV as their only contact with the outside room.

It's very, very easy to meet English-speaking people in Chiang Mai. In fact that's one of the things I love about it -- the diverse and interesting group of expats. Check out activities in the CM Events section at the top of the forum. Activities are listed on other websites, too, like those for City Life magazine and the Expats club. The expats club has many OGAs -- outside activity groups. They're small groups of people with similar interests -- computers, photography, reading, hiking, bridge, other card and board games, etc, etc. The quiz nights at the local pubs are fun and you can always come early by yourself, tell the owner/host you'd like to join a group and bingo -- you'll be part of a quiz night team for the evening (just be sure your little group has a mix of nationalities to cover all the possible questions) The opportunities for meeting people are endless, not all involve drinking alcohol, some do -- up to you!

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