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Thai Government Gets Poor Rating For Honesty


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maybe it's the royal we?

or maybe he is just being Animatic......

i note he didn't feel the need to burst into prose when the same poll gave the Prime Minister " 7.08 out of 10 for her willingness and determination on the job". I wonder why that could be? biggrin.png

In his own words perhaps

"Sometimes the obvious is just

too philosophically painful

to acknowledge for some individuals."


That's funnybiggrin.png .

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Its absurd to use the words 'honesty' and 'Yingluck' in the same sentence. Erase the lead story and start again please.

Do you have any evidence or even any reports of her dishonesty ???

Any example of any kind of proven or even alleged dishonesty ???

Any ??

I agree with Phil, I have never seen any evidence or proof of dishonesty here.

I have seen the failed policies of the past administration

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When the proof is on the front pages of every paper.

And on the ground, or covering it 2 meters deep,

for all too see. There is no further proof needed

to put paid to a false statement.

So we need not deliver you further proof.

Because reasonable doubt is enough for the reasonable mind,

and the unreasonable must maintain their own look out.

If you can't see truth four square

in front of your senses,

we can't find more for you, that

will miraculously awaken your senses.

Sometimes the obvious is just

too philosophically painful

to acknowledge for some individuals.

Yes, I though so, another victim

of a self blinding attitude.

Only fools believe everything they read in papers.

I also did not see all the so called proof in the papers.

By your own standards the current administration is doing a superb

job running the government.

Just because you may speak something as being fact,

it does not make it so.

Confabulating is not only performed by politicians and lawyers,

but by many people who post here.

I am also not one who believes rhetoric and postulating

crackpots who only post on these forums to stir the shit pot.

Have a good day everyone.

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

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unbelievable comment, so they had no power in office to regulate the water flow,( dam) HA..........they couldn't have known anything from forecast, to warn anyone of impending floods, HA......is our prime minister blasting her departments for not being capable of office pre flooding HA--NO, ....But now the horse has bolted she is trying to look strong by blasting the money department for not getting round to pay out compensation. Problem at the time-as we all are aware, it's been said many times, too much concentration and emphasis was concentrated on her brothers impending return/and his importance, it had so much importance other mega important things were pushed to one side.

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Show me an honest government and I'll show you a pig that flies. What government could possibly be more dishonest that the US Government? Just look at the name they gave to The Patriot Act! Throwing out the Bill of Rights is patriotic? Everybody remembers George W. Bushe's bold lies about about weapons of mass destruction so he could have his oil war in Iraq. Then only a few days after his war started, he had the balls to dress up in a flight jacket costume and stand in front of the cameras on a carrier's flight deck to pronounce that the Iraq war was over! How many people have died since, how many trillions more has it cost? And just to be fair, I'll remind you of Bill Clinton's famouse lie, "I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinski!" If a getting a blow job is having sex, then he lied. At least only a few million sperm died with that one. Comparing the Thai Government and the US Government, well, suffice to say that I choose to live here where I am not constantly fuc_ked with.

I ignore this government (aside from the obnoxious 90 day report), and this government ignores me. I like it that way.

Edited by TongueThaied
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Laughable !

In a previous thread, in this forum, based on the same poll :

People satisfied with PM's determination on job: Suan Dusit Poll

BANGKOK, Dec 25 – Poll respondents gave Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra a rating of 7.08 out of 10 for her willingness and determination on the job, according to an opinion survey, conducted by Suan Dusit Rajabhat University.


But anyway you look at it, a note above 5 means a job above average. Also that a majority of people are satisfied with the government because if a majority of the people who answered this poll were dissatisfied with the government we would have a note below 5.

So whatever the spin you put in it, the intelligent reader will understand that the current government still has the trust of the people. And actually, despite whatever people may say, they are more happy with the government than they were in September, proving against all critics, that the PM is doing a good job !

And they are totally not happy with Abhisit and his negative and destructive attitude in crisis time (last lines of the articles for people who can pass beyond the headline)

The other thing we learn from this article is that The Nation is horribly biased. But we don't really need a poll to know that rolleyes.gif

Ha Ha Ha!!!!giggle.gif You are a delusional joker!!!

If I told you that 51% of correspondents believed that there had been a recent drought in the North of Thailand you would believe it!!!!,clap2.gif

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Saw an article on a non Govt TV station about an international corruption scale.

Apparantly Thailand is number 80 on a scale of 1 to 200. 1 being non corrupt 200 the most.

Lady boss says give the present lot a year and it will be 180.

But then if they get Thaksin back it should go right off the scale.

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From what I have seen the newly elected government have done well in the first few months in office

especially in the face of such a natural disaster.

I hope they keep up the good work

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even the burgeoning bands of faceless red/yellow/rainbow-colored political lobbyists here on TV. Endless, repetitive, fact-free political diatribes from all sides are nothing less than totally fascinating.

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From what I have seen the newly elected government have done well in the first few months in office

especially in the face of such a natural disaster.

I hope they keep up the good work

.......and the Khymer Rouge regime has contributed to some of the greatest technological advancements man has ever witnessed and Pol Pot loved his aspiring people for it!!!!!clap2.gif. Are YOU for real???giggle.gif.

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Laughable !

In a previous thread, in this forum, based on the same poll :

People satisfied with PM's determination on job: Suan Dusit Poll

BANGKOK, Dec 25 – Poll respondents gave Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra a rating of 7.08 out of 10 for her willingness and determination on the job, according to an opinion survey, conducted by Suan Dusit Rajabhat University.


But anyway you look at it, a note above 5 means a job above average. Also that a majority of people are satisfied with the government because if a majority of the people who answered this poll were dissatisfied with the government we would have a note below 5.

So whatever the spin you put in it, the intelligent reader will understand that the current government still has the trust of the people. And actually, despite whatever people may say, they are more happy with the government than they were in September, proving against all critics, that the PM is doing a good job !

And they are totally not happy with Abhisit and his negative and destructive attitude in crisis time (last lines of the articles for people who can pass beyond the headline)

The other thing we learn from this article is that The Nation is horribly biased. But we don't really need a poll to know that rolleyes.gif

JurgenG - thank you for posting the other thread from MCOT.

The juxtaposition places the bias from The Nation in a clear light. With pretty decent polling numbers, especially considering the flooding, this current article is about the most negative spin one could conjure up.

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Who is surprised? PT stated motto is "Thaksin Thinks, Puea Thai Acts" Thaksin is an incessent liar, so lying in endemic to current gov't heads. Plus, the gov't finds that the Thai public either believes their lies or tolerates them, similar to how Thais can tolerate loud noises without a care.

This post indicates that you think Abhisit was honest. It also indicates you think other Thai politicians before Thaksin were honest. Does this include Chalerm, Samak? And the others? Since when are politicians honest? Where does this level of naivety come from? Were you born yesterday? Politicians at the national level in most countries are not honest. Their jobs are about being dishonest. Show me an honest politician at the national level, anywhere in the world. The days of the Anwar Sadats of the world may be behind us.

Precisely so.

The corruption is ubiquitous; whether it's overt or covert varies by location.

The term "New Feudalism" comes to mind.


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Sideshow: dumbing down democracy

Lindsay Tanner

‎'We're not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers. We do not have time for this kind of silliness. We've got better stuff to do.' President Obama

'The book’s central thesis is that the media and politicians are locked into a dumbed-down, trivial, vicious circle, that is for the most part instigated by dumb, lazy journalism, and dumb media organisation that encourage such journalism and coverage of politics. Greg Jericho (Grog's Gamut)

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qualitatively, a lie...

October 30th, 2011

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday urged Bangkok residents to be patient as the worst flood crisis in more than five decades was expected to pass soon.


It was obvious to any remote observer regularly watching the reports from many sources, that this statement was either incompetently idiotic or a blatant, knowingly intentional lie. Since we can't assume she is a complete moron, we must lean toward the falsity probability. Or maybe the parsing of the meaning of "Soon" is grandly and over-broadly being modified by her to fit the occasion, which case that is no less a faux-construct.

No Phil, there is no need to PROVE anything, 'she said it' and the water hadn't even started rising significantly in Bangkok and no Giant Sand bags had even been proposed at that point. It all would go significantly worse in the weeks ahead of when she blithely informed us it would be soon over. She shot her own foot, in borad daylight in full public spectacle.

No need to prove or even try to establish that someone is a liar, having made the accusation ???

You can comfortably make serious allegations without any substance ??

Wonder if you can creep out from behind your keyboard and face the consequences of your comments in a public forum, such as the courts.

Thought not..........

Taking a page from Thaksin´s playbook? threatening with lawsuits the people that say things you don´t want to hear?

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qualitatively, a lie...

October 30th, 2011

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday urged Bangkok residents to be patient as the worst flood crisis in more than five decades was expected to pass soon.


It was obvious to any remote observer regularly watching the reports from many sources, that this statement was either incompetently idiotic or a blatant, knowingly intentional lie. Since we can't assume she is a complete moron, we must lean toward the falsity probability. Or maybe the parsing of the meaning of "Soon" is grandly and over-broadly being modified by her to fit the occasion, which case that is no less a faux-construct.

No Phil, there is no need to PROVE anything, 'she said it' and the water hadn't even started rising significantly in Bangkok and no Giant Sand bags had even been proposed at that point. It all would go significantly worse in the weeks ahead of when she blithely informed us it would be soon over. She shot her own foot, in borad daylight in full public spectacle.

No need to prove or even try to establish that someone is a liar, having made the accusation ???

You can comfortably make serious allegations without any substance ??

Wonder if you can creep out from behind your keyboard and face the consequences of your comments in a public forum, such as the courts.

Thought not..........

Taking a page from Thaksin´s playbook? threatening with lawsuits the people that say things you don´t want to hear?

No, not really, just tired of the baseless slurs and endless foolish innuendos that predominate here.

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No, not really, just tired of the baseless slurs and endless foolish innuendos that predominate here.

Baseless? She lied about the share ownership. End of story. The only reason she hasn't been charged with perjury is because she may not have lied under oath.

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From what I have seen the newly elected government have done well in the first few months in office

especially in the face of such a natural disaster.

I hope they keep up the good work

.......and the Khymer Rouge regime has contributed to some of the greatest technological advancements man has ever witnessed and Pol Pot loved his aspiring people for it!!!!!clap2.gif. Are YOU for real???giggle.gif.

I'm as internet as you are.smile.png

Your problem is you just dont get democracy, get over it, you lost to the votes of the people, that great technological advancement

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qualitatively, a lie...

October 30th, 2011

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday urged Bangkok residents to be patient as the worst flood crisis in more than five decades was expected to pass soon.


It was obvious to any remote observer regularly watching the reports from many sources, that this statement was either incompetently idiotic or a blatant, knowingly intentional lie. Since we can't assume she is a complete moron, we must lean toward the falsity probability. Or maybe the parsing of the meaning of "Soon" is grandly and over-broadly being modified by her to fit the occasion, which case that is no less a faux-construct.

No Phil, there is no need to PROVE anything, 'she said it' and the water hadn't even started rising significantly in Bangkok and no Giant Sand bags had even been proposed at that point. It all would go significantly worse in the weeks ahead of when she blithely informed us it would be soon over. She shot her own foot, in borad daylight in full public spectacle.

No need to prove or even try to establish that someone is a liar, having made the accusation ???

You can comfortably make serious allegations without any substance ??

Wonder if you can creep out from behind your keyboard and face the consequences of your comments in a public forum, such as the courts.

Thought not..........

Taking a page from Thaksin´s playbook? threatening with lawsuits the people that say things you don´t want to hear?

it's the sort of intimidation that worked so well for the regime that it's revival is not surprising


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No, not really, just tired of the baseless slurs and endless foolish innuendos that predominate here.

Baseless? She lied about the share ownership. End of story. The only reason she hasn't been charged with perjury is because she may not have lied under oath.

She lied and Thaksin's maladaptive adult offspring lied about share ownership

Thaksin has no misgivings about throwing the relatives under the bus..... figuratively.


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Taking a page from Thaksin´s playbook? threatening with lawsuits the people that say things you don´t want to hear?

Defending this kind of government leaves you with very few options...

good point

Supporting the kind that has just departed due to a lacklustre performance and subsequent dismal election campaign will leave you with about the same amount I guess

Edited by 473geo
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Taking a page from Thaksin´s playbook? threatening with lawsuits the people that say things you don´t want to hear?

Defending this kind of government leaves you with very few options...

good point

Supporting the kind that has just departed due to a lacklustre performance and subsequent dismal election campaign will leave you with about the same amount I guess

Nice remark from a lover of dictatorial regimes, or you would deny that ?? Looking at the said situation do you feel comfortable with the P.M. her family and wonderful experienced appointed cronies in office with her ??? and how excellent they have been to keep the election promises, and smooth efficient way the flood crises was managed.

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Nice remark from a lover of dictatorial regimes, or you would deny that ?? Looking at the said situation do you feel comfortable with the P.M. her family and wonderful experienced appointed cronies in office with her ??? and how excellent they have been to keep the election promises, and smooth efficient way the flood crises was managed.

Yes - pure fabrication

I am prepared to give them time to prove themselves, or not as the case maybe

Flood could have been managed better in the spring, Later I'm not sure where people feel the water was supposed to go. Flood relief lacking in co-ordination, but this is rather the Thai way.

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I am just happy that the country has been returned to democracy from the clutches of the junta regime and their PAD allies.

The electorate have voted and totally rejected the junta regime and all that goes with it,

The fact that the voters have returned the true and proper thai government to power is a testament that they believe in democracy.

And Prime Minister Yingluk is the choice of the voters, so be it.

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