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Local Expat Death

Gonzo the Face

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I note , from another thread, the Chiang Mai resident expat Brian Hubbard has passed away. There were mention of educator, english teacher and Chiang Mai Uni. But my question, is this the same Brian Hubbard who owned and operated the "Cheers" , a little bar located behind John's Place by Thapae Gate, about 16 years ago? Any one know for certain?


Edited by Gonzo the Face
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"And Brian Hubbard, convenor of the Informal Northern Thai Group (INTG), died at McCormick Hospital in Chiang Mai, on December 20. Hubbard, a British national, suffered heart failure, according to an obituary by his colleagues".

"Brian Hubbard, 64 when he died, was a psychologist and principal chairperson and master of ceremonies for the INTG lecture group for the past 10 years. He was also an active member of Chiang Mai's Gate Theatre Group and, up till his retirement four years ago, an English language adviser for the President's office at Chiang Mai University".

I don't think he owned a bar!


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Sure sounds like two widely separated vocational paths, huh? Did so also for me, but probably in the reverse order from you.

However great the odds are of having two Brian Hubbards in CM of the same approx age and somewhat similar past history, don't know but it turns out it is the same man.

Rest in Peace Brian. You had a varied life and now hopefully have a long time to review your span.... Be seein ya,,,,, but I hope not too soom


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Brian Hubbard was active with The Gate Theater Group here in Chiang Mai. Pictures and video from his last show "The Odd Couple" are here http://www.gate-theater.com/past.html

Brian became ill after the show closed 2 years ago. A re-staging of the production had to be canceled when Brian, once a heavy smoker, came down with a persistent cough. He was up and down after that but never regained the health he enjoyed almost 3 years ago.

Here are exerts from the funeral arrangements for those who are interested in attending:

29th December at 12:00 San Ku Lek cremation ground Brian's coffin will be set up in front of the crematorium door.

At 1:30: you should begin addressing to the participants and tell your stories about Brian.

29th December, at 2:00 pm; the cremation itself must begin. As is usual in Thailand, nobody stays long when fire has begun its task. Adam, Brian's son, will invite people to walk to the Yen Ta Fo Dara shop wich is about 100 meters down the Doi Saket Kao road going to the Bridge.

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Used to go to Cheers (formerly the Black Cat) to watch videos back in the day before the internet and DVDs -- he had a big collection of VHS tapes.

After the bar closed down, I was surprised to see that Brian was working as a psychologist or therapist.

I remember him as quiet, reliable guy.


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