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Moved Back To Uk Recently.....Arrrgghhh!


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Felt the same way after going back to the US last year, after 15 years in Thailand.

Im back in CNX now jap.gif I've found that now i'd like to live in a more vibrant city with people walking around, rather then out in a typical US suburb where you can only get things done if you have transportation. Being able to walk to a market for dinner is quite nice.

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Interesting post Wossnext....im in the process of considering the opposite move...

I work in London and live in Surrey,spend 4-6 months a year in Thailand as my work luckily is kinda seasonal and well paid....tho running a house in Uk and a place in Thailand is proving to be expensive and money down the drain,really need to make the move completely and rent my Uk place out.....

Basically the things u highlighted about the UK i am also sick of,and while i realise Bkk isnt perfect,as nowhere is,i do know id have a much better quality of life as i wouldnt be working in Thailand,and could enjoy all living in Bkk has to offer and return back to London as and when needed for work...

The fly in the ointment is that id miss my daughter who im very close to.....tho she is now an adult....

Anyway,nothing really to add,just thought id say i understand why and what frustrates u about living in the Uk and hope u make it back to Bkk,the Uk is going down the tubes quick and only gonna get tougher before it gets better.....

Good luck...

Edited by Parker1973
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Yeh I know, there is an upside to everything, I'm sure I will settle in eventually.

Be grateful you are in your own Country now,and if you or your wife fell on extreme difficulties,you will be looked after!

Which would never happen in Thailand,once you can't pay your way in Thailand,you are lower than a Street Beggar,and will get no help,from Thailand whatsoever.

And from the Thai perspective,all they will want you to do,is get out of their Country!

And that is the key six words that,wannabe Thai,westerners,have trouble understanding,they want your money,not you

Hold your head up! you are back home! to the UK,it's your Country, even though it's sometimes less than perfect,it's better than most Countries,when it comes to looking after their Citizens,and delivering,what was promised to every generation and duly delivered, many years ago,and still is, Pensions being one,etc..............

The upside,is ..........up to your outlook on life.The downside was a lost Exotic Dream in Thailand,which was bordering on Surrealism in the first place,and of course waking up from a pleasant dream,can sometimes be painful.

Good Luck,and I hope you settle in,sooner than you think!

Edited by MAJIC
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Good post.

In a former life I used to travel and work abroad a lot sometimes being away from UK few years at a time.

While away I would think about the green fields of England country pubs on a summer evening and all that stuff but each time I returned after just a couple of days I just couldn't wait to get out again.

Been in LOS about 12 years now and couldn't go back now.


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I'm almost in your same situation, but with the USA and my mother, who's gone downhill rapidly lately. We've debated this extensively over the past year and have decided to bring mom over here rather than move back home. No health care is a big minus, but everything else is a huge plus...especially the weather! Being able to hire a full time, live in care giver who speaks English for a great price is a big deal.

Hope all turns out well for you and your family.

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Good post.

In a former life I used to travel and work abroad a lot sometimes being away from UK few years at a time.

While away I would think about the green fields of England country pubs on a summer evening and all that stuff but each time I returned after just a couple of days I just couldn't wait to get out again.

Been in LOS about 12 years now and couldn't go back now.


Your post reflects my position exactly. I used to get excited about returning to the UK about three weeks before the event, then it reduced to two and then one and then to zero, things finally got to the point where I was wishing myself back in Thailand as I disembarked at Heathrow! In more recent years I started to get excited about going back to the UK for a holiday, during my last two vacations there I've actually changed my return tickets and come back earlier than planned. Friends tell me it's a case of searching for something that no longer exists and maybe that's true.

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England has been slowly going downhill since the early 1970's when i lived there briefly for 6 months. Reckless immigration policies and mindless tolerance for everything has taken its toll. Cant think of any reason why it might get any better because the wheels are firmly in motion.. The UK is so broke its hosting one of the cheapest budget Olympics in memory. Theyre not even varnishing any of the timber rendering. Theyre calling it the green eco games to hide their stingyness. LOL The only good thing about the UK is the cheap luxury cars and wine.Anyone can afford a used late model bmw,jaguar or benz but the rego,gas and insurance is a bigey. Shocking weather.Starts geting dark at 4pm in winter.Thai's must think the world is coming to an end during a bleak London winter.

Edited by jalansanitwong
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And it wont get any better....much worse in fact.....I for one have thought about it briefley but a numbers crunch and I just wouldnt be able to get by, even with tax credits and child allowance.......I would need a job that paid about 48K Sterling just to survive, holidays, weekends away etc would need more...a 3 bed terrace house where I come from is 900 quid a month, council tax 140...gas, electric etc etc etc etc etc......

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And it wont get any better....much worse in fact.....I for one have thought about it briefley but a numbers crunch and I just wouldnt be able to get by, even with tax credits and child allowance.......I would need a job that paid about 48K Sterling just to survive, holidays, weekends away etc would need more...a 3 bed terrace house where I come from is 900 quid a month, council tax 140...gas, electric etc etc etc etc etc......

3 bed terrace house for 900 quid? That sounds reasonable. I went to view a 3 bedroom house in Ealing and the owner asked for 5000/month...
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And it wont get any better....much worse in fact.....I for one have thought about it briefley but a numbers crunch and I just wouldnt be able to get by, even with tax credits and child allowance.......I would need a job that paid about 48K Sterling just to survive, holidays, weekends away etc would need more...a 3 bed terrace house where I come from is 900 quid a month, council tax 140...gas, electric etc etc etc etc etc......

3 bed terrace house for 900 quid? That sounds reasonable. I went to view a 3 bedroom house in Ealing and the owner asked for 5000/month...

In Ealing!! Bloody 'ell...

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Great post, I can relate to everything you say.

I remember being in a Whetherspoons pub on a Tuesday afternoon, a long bar and me and another guy who was stood at the other end of the bar were the only customers, I said to him "How's it going mate" his reply was "Who the fuc_k are you talking to" I thought, welcome back to England. Just confirmed to me to stay in Chiang Mai.

I always bring back Sausages, bacon, black pudding and loads of chocolate when I do go for a visit, nicer and cheaper than Thailand but apart from that, bugger all else.

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Yes England was a Great Country, remember the 1960's great memories but then it all started to wrong I think Mary Whitehouse started it! So many rules, silly rules and regs now, free speech? You have to be careful what you say in case an immigrant hears you and complains! Your country? Not anymore please fit in with these nice homeless people from the big house down the road and learn their language because although they have lots of time on their hands on account none of them work they still cannot speak a word of English. Yes it is still a grenn and pleasant land so long as you are on your own or with a native of the island.

Last time I was back I thought I was in Somalia, loads of them around and all better of than me, ah well finished my real ale and sunday roast, bacon roll and glad to be back in Thailand. Much more straight forward here, not all 100% better of course as said nowhere is but I have no plans to return to the UK full time.

I miss my grown up daugther as well, I know she misses me but you know what she has her own life and I flit in and out of it and I really cant spend my life waiting to see her for a couple of hours 6 times a year if I am lucky can I?

We have a better quality of life out here, much better. The two downsides are the frozen pension and health care and how to deal with those two issues.

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I am in the UK now, for 2 months, after being in Thailand continuously for 4 years. I can't wait to get back to Thailand and stay away from the UK for probably another 4 years... After which it will hopefully have started to pick up again by my next visit. When I see guys I went to school with who are the same age as me (40) and look 10 years older than me, lumbered with a fat and ugly wife, while I have a 24-year-old gorgeous slim Thai girlfriend, and to see the miserable expressions on everyone's faces in the UK (even at Christmas) staring at me walking down the street laughing with my Thai girlfriend (as if I was from a different planet), not to mention the appalling cost of living here (35 pounds or over 1,500 Thai baht for Thai food which my GF said was inedible), boarded up shops, yobs fighting and shouting in the street drunk every night, broken glass and smashed phone boxes on almost every corner, I just can't wait to get back to Bangkok. Thailand seems like the First World compared to the Third World of the UK.

So why did you come back? and where in hell did you stay?

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I think it's really nice to move back home and look after one's dear Mum - good on you, many people would resent it and shove her off into a nursing home. I wonder whether Thai family values have had any influence on that? It sounds like you've just had a rocky first couple of months, that's natural, probably a little culture shock, but you'll soon rediscover all the great things.

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Hi Everyone,

Wow! what an interesting response. I should have posted this before I left, might have saved me from myself if I had lol. In response to one comment about retirement; yes we do have family inherited land up nr Mahasarakham which we intend to build on and retire to later in life. We will start sending money back to our respective Thai accounts over the next X amount of years to achieve this. Only problem is that if the kind of salary we are now on is going to be the norm for the foreseeable future, then it will be an uphill (almost vertical) climb to get there.

Some really good comments from forum readers and I thank you for all of them. I blew off so many comments from expats I knew in Bangkok about it being a bad bad move to come back here, I admit to thinking that some of them were just embittered and therefore ignored many of their comments. I was wrong and wish I had listened more carefully. Even my own Brother who is a successful London Radio DJ says that he wants to leave the UK desperately and thought me an idiot for coming back!

In between typing this post I am searching multiple jobs websites, it is a depressing and soul destroying endeavour. Aside from the obvious groans about taxes and the ever inventive ways the UK Government have devised for extracting money from it's citizens, now applying for even the most low level positions has become annoyingly lengthy and overly complex, not to mention the hundreds of other applicants you will be up against. I am a fighter and will not give up trying but have to admit to feeling a sense of hopelessness creeping up on me.

Ref to pgthompson; oh yeh I feel you on your post 100%. I too said "alright mate" to a guy I walked past on the high street in High Wycombe and he looked at me and said "I dont F***ing know you! I was so shocked I just said guess not and walked on, 10 years ago I would have smacked him right in the mouth! but not now, I just felt sick in my stomach that I almost got in a punch up for saying hi. Something is really wrong here. People are unfriendly unhelpful, aggressive and seem to be just plain angry.

I am sorry to bash my own country like this, I was once so proud of being British it used to impress people and still does in some places, but it is a shadow of its former self, the EU have contributed in no small way to our demise and as already pointed out by others the UK economy is in dire straits with little chance of improving anytime soon.

One thing to remember; coming back to the UK will not be a crappy experience for everybody, we all have different circumstances that affect our situations both finacially and otherwise. It saddens me that so many Thai citizens think that the UK is a country that will greatly enrich and improve their lives, unless they are from a HiSo family this is unlikely to be the case.

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