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Tensions Grow As Thailand Awaits Thaksin's Return


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What is the good moral standing of the PM? She's not even legally registered her marriage.

I respect people worthy of respect and she has none.

There are millions of decent Thais who have not registered their marriage.Do they all lack your respect?

As to the last sentence this is a classic tautology, to the effect you think what you think.Most of us have gathered you don't like the Prime Minister -fair enough - so it's not really clear why you need to make the same point a zillion times.But at some level don't you ever wonder why you have made so many hundreds of posts, all very similar and for what audience?.Those who think like you don't need convincing and for the rest of us your approach is redundant.Anyway it's an open forum and free speech (not of course sexist abuse) is to be valued.But should you ever wish to make a serious observation bear in mind that its value will be demeaned by your track record.It's a pity really because I sense you have reasonable background knowledge: in the politest possible way you are really your own worst enemy.

We all known it is a sin against God to live together Next you will tell me their is no God or I do not write good.

From your post I believe you are a sinner

Well if he is , so am I

Wanna kiss ???

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A lot of off-topic/inflammatory/nasty and troll posts have been deleted along with their responses.

When you know a post is off-topic, especially with irrelevant pictures that only bring trollish comments, I suggest you not quote them. Your post will get deleted as well.

Please be civil to one another and stay on the topic.

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What is the good moral standing of the PM? She's not even legally registered her marriage.

I respect people worthy of respect and she has none.

There are millions of decent Thais who have not registered their marriage.Do they all lack your respect?

As to the last sentence this is a classic tautology, to the effect you think what you think.Most of us have gathered you don't like the Prime Minister -fair enough - so it's not really clear why you need to make the same point a zillion times.But at some level don't you ever wonder why you have made so many hundreds of posts, all very similar and for what audience?.Those who think like you don't need convincing and for the rest of us your approach is redundant.Anyway it's an open forum and free speech (not of course sexist abuse) is to be valued.But should you ever wish to make a serious observation bear in mind that its value will be demeaned by your track record.It's a pity really because I sense you have reasonable background knowledge: in the politest possible way you are really your own worst enemy.

We all known it is a sin against God to live together Next you will tell me their is no God or I do not write good.

From your post I believe you are a sinner

What does say in that book,some thing like those with out sin cast the first stone.

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What the hell are we all doing reading this on NYEve........

Best wishes to you all and let's hope it's a good one for all the world and Thailand in particular.

I'm having a few large scotch and mulling over the year gone and the year coming.

Less vitriol and more support for Thailand would be nice.

Take care all.


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