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Iran test fires missiles during war games


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Look at it another way. If you were forced to bet 1000 dollars to guess whether Israel had nukes or not, which way would you bet? The secret thing is part of their strategy. Lets assume they've got them. Like any nation that has them, they won't dispose of all of them. I assume Iran will be getting them too and once they do we are stuck with a nuclear Iran. Which means shortly after a nuclear Saudi, a nuclear Egypt, etc. Get the problem?

Yes, I do want Iran to be stopped. Israel is a non issue as explained above ... too late. No, I don't expect Iran will be stopped.

Edited by Jingthing
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They would not feel threatened if they were not trying to develop nuclear weapons in violation of treaties that they have signed.

is there any proof? Israel has illegal nukes and are just as likely to use them as iran. But as with everything else Israel does illegally it is ok with the west. Why should iran not test weapons? What right has the US got to have a carrier off iran's shores? Pure hypocrisy.

We go to war with oil producing nations, not for oil, but to secure the oil supply by putting a puppet in power. If we go to war with iran it is because the west wants regime change.

Do you have any 'proof' that Israel has nuclear weapons?

The US, and any other nation, has the right to navigate the international waters of the Arabian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz.

I believe it is called using 70,000 tons of diplomacy.


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Reread the thread, snookums. I was talking about the anti-semitic so called "banned" author that Midas was promoting, not the whistle blowing dude. Please be more careful in your posting as this has become annoying. The mercenary whistle blowing dude may be correct about Israel's program (very old news really) but I reckon anyone saying Israel was behind the assassination of JFK is insane.

Look at it another way. If you were forced to bet 1000 dollars to guess whether Israel had nukes or not, which way would you bet? The secret thing is part of their strategy. Lets assume they've got them. Like any nation that has them, they won't dispose of all of them. I assume Iran will be getting them too and once they do we are stuck with a nuclear Iran. Which means shortly after a nuclear Saudi, a nuclear Egypt, etc. Get the problem?

Yes, I do want Iran to be stopped. Israel is a non issue as explained above ... too late. No, I don't expect Iran will be stopped.

iran having nukes would stop war with them.

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iran having nukes would stop war with them.

You assume Iran has rational leadership. I reckon you are pro Iran. That's OK. I detest their regime and would love to see it toppled. Saudi doesn't trust Iran and thus would begin a major proliferation of such weapons in the region.
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iran having nukes would stop war with them.

You assume Iran has rational leadership. I reckon you are pro Iran. That's OK. I detest their regime and would love to see it toppled. Saudi doesn't trust Iran and thus would begin a major proliferation of such weapons in the region.

I LIKE this! thumbsup.gif

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iran having nukes would stop war with them.

You assume Iran has rational leadership. I reckon you are pro Iran. That's OK. I detest their regime and would love to see it toppled. Saudi doesn't trust Iran and thus would begin a major proliferation of such weapons in the region.

certainly not pro iran's government but certainly not pro starting a war with them either. If you are pro war you should sign up.

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iran having nukes would stop war with them.

You assume Iran has rational leadership. I reckon you are pro Iran. That's OK. I detest their regime and would love to see it toppled. Saudi doesn't trust Iran and thus would begin a major proliferation of such weapons in the region.

certainly not pro iran's government but certainly not pro starting a war with them either. If you are pro war you should sign up.

The question is can anything short of war stop them from getting nukes? They shouldn't have nukes. Their leadership is too nutty to have nukes. Its bad enough Pakistan has nukes. Edited by Jingthing
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iran having nukes would stop war with them.

You assume Iran has rational leadership. I reckon you are pro Iran. That's OK. I detest their regime and would love to see it toppled. Saudi doesn't trust Iran and thus would begin a major proliferation of such weapons in the region.

certainly not pro iran's government but certainly not pro starting a war with them either. If you are pro war you should sign up.

Perhaps the US is not the real aggressor in this instance...

Iran threatens action if U.S. carrier returns: IRNATEHRAN

(Reuters) - Iran will take action if a U.S. aircraft carrierwhich left the area because of Iranian naval exercises returns to the Gulf, the state news agency quoted army chief Ataollah Salehi as saying on Tuesday.

"Iran will not repeat its warning ... the enemy's carrier has been moved to the Sea of Oman because of our drill. I recommend and emphasize to the American carrier not to return to the Persian Gulf," Salehi told IRNA.

"I advise, recommend and warn them (the Americans) over the return of this carrier to the Persian Gulf because we are not in the habit of warning more than once," the semi-official Fars news agency quoted Salehi as saying.

Salehi did not name the aircraft carrier or give details of the action Iran might take if it returned.


If Obama expects to have any credibility in the Arab world, he will turn that Carrier Battle Group around and head back to Bahrain. Now is the time to call their bluff.

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iran having nukes would stop war with them.

You assume Iran has rational leadership. I reckon you are pro Iran. That's OK. I detest their regime and would love to see it toppled. Saudi doesn't trust Iran and thus would begin a major proliferation of such weapons in the region.

certainly not pro iran's government but certainly not pro starting a war with them either. If you are pro war you should sign up.

If Iran blocks the straits or build a nuclear weapon and violate the treaties that they have signed, THEY are declaring war and need to be stopped.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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iran having nukes would stop war with them.

You assume Iran has rational leadership. I reckon you are pro Iran. That's OK. I detest their regime and would love to see it toppled. Saudi doesn't trust Iran and thus would begin a major proliferation of such weapons in the region.

certainly not pro iran's government but certainly not pro starting a war with them either. If you are pro war you should sign up.

Perhaps the US is not the real aggressor in this instance...

Iran threatens action if U.S. carrier returns: IRNATEHRAN

(Reuters) - Iran will take action if a U.S. aircraft carrierwhich left the area because of Iranian naval exercises returns to the Gulf, the state news agency quoted army chief Ataollah Salehi as saying on Tuesday.

"Iran will not repeat its warning ... the enemy's carrier has been moved to the Sea of Oman because of our drill. I recommend and emphasize to the American carrier not to return to the Persian Gulf," Salehi told IRNA.

"I advise, recommend and warn them (the Americans) over the return of this carrier to the Persian Gulf because we are not in the habit of warning more than once," the semi-official Fars news agency quoted Salehi as saying.

Salehi did not name the aircraft carrier or give details of the action Iran might take if it returned.


If Obama expects to have any credibility in the Arab world, he will turn that Carrier Battle Group around and head back to Bahrain. Now is the time to call their bluff.

It should really be obvious to people that Iran is actually seeking a military engagement, though this may seem crazy judged through western eyes I believe this is down to our lack of comprehension of the radical Shiite mindset and the doomsday cult they subscribe to.

As I have written before, war is inevitable the details are the only question to be addressed.

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iran having nukes would stop war with them.

You assume Iran has rational leadership. I reckon you are pro Iran. That's OK. I detest their regime and would love to see it toppled. Saudi doesn't trust Iran and thus would begin a major proliferation of such weapons in the region.

certainly not pro iran's government but certainly not pro starting a war with them either. If you are pro war you should sign up.

The question is can anything short of war stop them from getting nukes? They shouldn't have nukes. Their leadership is too nutty to have nukes. Its bad enough Pakistan has nukes.

Yes I agree Iran should not have nukes, back to same old question.If Israel can have then then why should not the rest of the middle east have then ?? Israel is 100% backed by the US! If Israel was attacked you bet the might of the US military would be at the defense of Israel!!

Israel has the means and military hardware to win any war if it's neighbours foolishly decided to attack, nuclear weapons only encourage other neighbouring states to have them, for the simple fact Israel hast them!!

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Israel will not let them have the nukes.

They should be stockpiling the bunker busters now.

well if that's what you're condoning I hope you have considered the possibility of North Korea

joining forces with China and Russia in support of Iran and possibly even Pakistan and all of a sudden

you have such a Pandora's box open that nothing will matter any more

Edited by midas
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iran having nukes would stop war with them.

You assume Iran has rational leadership. I reckon you are pro Iran. That's OK. I detest their regime and would love to see it toppled. Saudi doesn't trust Iran and thus would begin a major proliferation of such weapons in the region.

certainly not pro iran's government but certainly not pro starting a war with them either. If you are pro war you should sign up.

This is the G W Bush maxim, if you are not in favour of attacking them you must be pro Iran. Intellectual pygmyism. But of course Dubya was a draft dodger, along with most of the other warmongering neo con chickenhawks, Cheyney, Wofowitz, Rumsfeld etc. Even good old Bill o Reilly was one. They don't come much nuttier than that lot. Bush invaded Iraq to stop Gog and Magog from unleashing their fury on the Middle East, with Rumsfeld attaching warlike quotes from the Old Testament to his war reports to Bush. Five star general Wesley Clark summed it up in his lecture in California in 2007. Regime change is the order of the day, get that Rothschild central bank installed in Tehran. Your other point is an excellent one. How about passing a law that makes it compulsory that close family members of Senators, Congressmen, Members of Parliament etc voting for war would automatically be drafted to the sharp end, provided they are of eligible age. That would concentrate their minds wonderfully!
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Sure smells like war is brewing, doesn't it? The Iranian people are being squeezed by the sanctions, and their scared regime needs a scapegoat.

I just find it a terrible indictment on humanity that a (relatively small) group of people will likely commence a war operation, risking hundreds of thousands of innocent lives to ensure another term in government. Lets see! Remember to look up the Samson Option Jingthing - scary!


Great video, made me laaaarrrrf!

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Yes I agree Iran should not have nukes, back to same old question.If Israel can have then then why should not the rest of the middle east have then ??

To answer the question - because Israel is a responsible country run by adults and Iran isn't.

IF Israel has nukes, they are the model of how a country with nukes should behave. They have never threatened their neighbors with them even though they are surrounded by countries who want to push them into the sea. Saudi Arabia isn't complaining about Israeli nukes but they are worried about Iran having them - why? Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria also don't complain about Israel having nukes. None of these countries are racing to develop a nuke of their own to counter balance the dreaded Israelis. Once Iran declares it has a nuke, the race for nukes will begin. Again, WHY?

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Where is Iran ? NYC doesnt care !!


Videos like this are funny but all they prove is that the makers do not use interviews with people who answer their questions correctly.

That said, I'm sure most people in the world don't know where Uzbekistan is. I do and have for a long time since I studied the Soviet Union over 20 years ago. But for the majority of the world it isn't important. They should be happy about that because in the past the world learns about small countries because of wars and such. Afghanistan and Vietnam come to mind.

Edited by koheesti
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Sure smells like war is brewing, doesn't it? The Iranian people are being squeezed by the sanctions, and their scared regime needs a scapegoat.

I just find it a terrible indictment on humanity that a (relatively small) group of people will likely commence a war operation, risking hundreds of thousands of innocent lives to ensure another term in government. Lets see! Remember to look up the Samson Option Jingthing - scary!


Great video, made me laaaarrrrf!

Yeah too bad the scared Iranian leaders feel they need to do this. If you mean Obama, that's daft. He needs a war with Iran like a Kenyan birth certificate.
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Sure smells like war is brewing, doesn't it? The Iranian people are being squeezed by the sanctions, and their scared regime needs a scapegoat.

I just find it a terrible indictment on humanity that a (relatively small) group of people will likely commence a war operation, risking hundreds of thousands of innocent lives to ensure another term in government. Lets see! Remember to look up the Samson Option Jingthing - scary!


Great video, made me laaaarrrrf!

Yeah too bad the scared Iranian leaders feel they need to do this. If you mean Obama, that's daft. He needs a war with Iran like a Kenyan birth certificate.


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Yes I agree Iran should not have nukes, back to same old question.If Israel can have then then why should not the rest of the middle east have then ??

To answer the question - because Israel is a responsible country run by adults and Iran isn't.

IF Israel has nukes, they are the model of how a country with nukes should behave. They have never threatened their neighbors with them even though they are surrounded by countries who want to push them into the sea. Saudi Arabia isn't complaining about Israeli nukes but they are worried about Iran having them - why? Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria also don't complain about Israel having nukes. None of these countries are racing to develop a nuke of their own to counter balance the dreaded Israelis. Once Iran declares it has a nuke, the race for nukes will begin. Again, WHY?

Israel the model country, the same country that blatantly defies UN resolutions on building on new settlements on OCCUPIED land!!

Maybe the North Korea should follow Israel's example and start expanding it's territory into S Korea, will the world sit by and let this happen?? So what's the difference with Israel ?

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Kinda funny this, Pakistan pose a much greater threat than Iran, so what does the US do....Give the country Billions of dollars in military aid ??

Your on to a clue as to why Iran should be stopped. Powers like North Korea and Pakistan now can blackmail the world with threats of acting crazy with their weapons. Better if they didn't have those weapons in the first place. Too late now for North Korea and Pakistan. Maybe too late for Iran too, or is it?
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Kinda funny this, Pakistan pose a much greater threat than Iran, so what does the US do....Give the country Billions of dollars in military aid ??

Your on to a clue as to why Iran should be stopped. Powers like North Korea and Pakistan now can blackmail the world with threats of acting crazy with their weapons. Better if they didn't have those weapons in the first place. Too late now for North Korea and Pakistan. Maybe too late for Iran too, or is it?

You, like us all have been so out flanked it is untrue. It is Israel holding all the cards in terms of Nukes. I take it you are aware that Magal security systems, an Israeli government company are in charge of most of the nuclear facilities in the USA, AND amazingly, the very sensitive nuclear weapons facilities. Yes that is correct. Most of the US nuclear arsenal is under the secure control of a company owned by the Israeli government. It is mind blowing to be honest. Pakistan and North Korea are NOT the problem we face. North Korea is only a danger to itself. Within three days of starting any conflict both the army and civilians would be close to starvation. South Korea has the means to wipe out the majority of North Korean military facilities very quickly. India will always be the deterrent for Pakistan, it is very doubtful without escalation elsewhere in the world that India or Pakistan will ever use its weapons. So where is the threat and all the blackmail coming from.....?

I have no problem with Americans, I love them, BUT the administration and Government is very sinister. I have no problems with Israeli citizens either, BUT their government is incredibly sinister. I understand you supporting the people, but be aware that when many of us on here bash Israel, it is not the people, it is the government and it's actions.

I honestly believe that Iran have no interest in a nuke as contrary to the belief of some members on here, they have no wish for complete destruction, and that would be the end result of having nukes. I think the Iranian government are a bunch of tools that need replacing for the sake of the people, but the people will do that. There is absolutely no need for the current sanctions on Iran. There is not even an objective or end goal of the sanctions, they are just being imposed. The way it is going the game has been played to draw Iran in to a conflict to justify a war. The lengths that governments are going to to install the Bank of Rothschild's as the Central Bank of Iran is simply amazing. If we would just leave them alone they wouldn't bother us at all.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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