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Iran test fires missiles during war games


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Yes I' fully aware of the Israeli government being in control the US nuclear arsenal, Israel also controls or at least has access to many US government communication facilities!!

It's not the US or Israeli population we need to be scared of but the governments themselves.

Self deluded banksters took over the western world a long time ago, doesn't matter if it's Bush/Obama/Cameron, they all do what they are told and are indeed puppets..As you pointed out these are the people the world should be scared of because they hold all the cards and have the finger on the button.

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... The aims that governments are going to to install the Bank of Rothschild's as the Central Bank of Iran is simply amazing. ...

The rocks have been lifted tonight. Classic. Thanks for sharing.

Glad to have brightened up an otherwise dull and dreary day smile.png

These banksters have 1 goal, complete world domination. The creation of the undemocratic EU was the first step, next the North American Union...George W Bush did indeed sign free trade agreemenets with Canada and Mexico afterall.....Cast your mind back all them years, the EC now called the EU was founded on the same basis...free trade agreements, now look where the EU is at?? Further integration into a superstate!

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This is bleeding into thinly veiled anti-semitic conspiracy theories. If you don't believe me, simply google Rothschild banking conspiracy and watch the wacko web sites appear. Same rhetoric. No place here!

If you really believe Obama is putting sanctions on Iran because he is a puppet of the Rothschilds, there are plenty of openings on the conspiracy theory forums.

Edited by Jingthing
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This is bleeding into thinly veiled anti-semitic conspiracy theories. If you don't believe me, simply google Rothschild banking conspiracy and watch the wacko web sites appear. Same rhetoric. No place here!

If you really believe Obama is putting sanctions on Iran because he is a puppet of the Rothschilds, there are plenty of openings on the conspiracy theory forums.


This is nothing to do with being anti semitic so get off that outrage horse and put it where it belongs ...in the trash can. If you cannot discuss world government politics without screaming anti.semitism every time you are finding it difficult then there are plenty of sites out there to satisfy you. Whether the Rothschilds or not, read the rest of the message that is being conveyed to you. Don't you think it astonishing that the US would delegate responsibility for it's most sensitive Nuclear weapons facilities to a company owned by the Israeli government? Iran is currently trying to show some muscle to the bullyboy in the school playground in the hope of avoiding a bloody nose. Why can't people open their eyes?

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This is bleeding into thinly veiled anti-semitic conspiracy theories. If you don't believe me, simply google Rothschild banking conspiracy and watch the wacko web sites appear. Same rhetoric. No place here!

If you really believe Obama is putting sanctions on Iran because he is a puppet of the Rothschilds, there are plenty of openings on the conspiracy theory forums.


This is nothing to do with being anti semitic so get off that outrage horse and put it where it belongs ...in the trash can. If you cannot discuss world government politics without screaming anti.semitism every time you are finding it difficult then there are plenty of sites out there to satisfy you. Whether the Rothschilds or not, read the rest of the message that is being conveyed to you. Don't you think it astonishing that the US would delegate responsibility for it's most sensitive Nuclear weapons facilities to a company owned by the Israeli government? Iran is currently trying to show some muscle to the bullyboy in the school playground in the hope of avoiding a bloody nose. Why can't people open their eyes?

You're the one that brought up that Rothschilds BS and you are not stupid and you knew exactly what you were doing. Maybe you thought you could slip it in without being noticed. This isn't the site for hateful conspiracy theories. End of story. Edited by Jingthing
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No offence JT, Anything said against Israel and we are all anti semitic in your eyes, read back what I said I have no problem with the people of Israel, their government like the US are the real bad guys on this planet!

A look at your profile page suggests your views on Israel maybe slightly biased ;-)

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This is bleeding into thinly veiled anti-semitic conspiracy theories. If you don't believe me, simply google Rothschild banking conspiracy and watch the wacko web sites appear. Same rhetoric. No place here!

If you really believe Obama is putting sanctions on Iran because he is a puppet of the Rothschilds, there are plenty of openings on the conspiracy theory forums.


This is nothing to do with being anti semitic so get off that outrage horse and put it where it belongs ...in the trash can. If you cannot discuss world government politics without screaming anti.semitism every time you are finding it difficult then there are plenty of sites out there to satisfy you. Whether the Rothschilds or not, read the rest of the message that is being conveyed to you. Don't you think it astonishing that the US would delegate responsibility for it's most sensitive Nuclear weapons facilities to a company owned by the Israeli government? Iran is currently trying to show some muscle to the bullyboy in the school playground in the hope of avoiding a bloody nose. Why can't people open their eyes?

You're the one that brought up that Rothschilds BS and you are not stupid and you knew exactly what you were doing. This isn't the site for hateful conspiracy theories. End of story.

What about the rest of the story Jingthing? Iran? US? Israel? Israeli security in the most sensitive US facilities?

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What about the rest of the story Jingthing? Iran? US? Israel? Israeli security in the most sensitive US facilities?

Not interested in chatting with bigots. Sorry.

What a cheap immature cop out!. What is bigoted about stating that the most sensitive nuclear weapons facilities in the US are controlled by an Israeli Government owned company?

by the way Jingthing, did you know that there are only five countries in the world today that do not have a Rothschilds controlled central bank, namely North Korea, Sudan, Cuba, Iran and Libya....oh, my mistake make that 4 countries now. Sudan is on it's way, then..........?

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What about the rest of the story Jingthing? Iran? US? Israel? Israeli security in the most sensitive US facilities?

Not interested in chatting with bigots. Sorry.

What a cheap immature cop out!. What is bigoted about stating that the most sensitive nuclear weapons facilities in the US are controlled by an Israeli Government owned company?

by the way Jingthing, did you know that there are only five countries in the world today that do not have a Rothschilds controlled central bank, namely North Korea, Sudan, Cuba, Iran and Libya....oh, my mistake make that 4 countries now. Sudan is on it's way, then..........?

Yes even the Bank of England! In this day of freedom of information, I will bet any person on this forum 100 UK 'who by law' can find out who the shareholders are of the BOE...You can't! I have tried! Why is that.....

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All these arguments that basically make it sound like it is Iran who is starting a war yet the facts are there to see...

It is Iran who is being provoked .....

Some say they signed treaties...

First off it is not proven they have a nuke or are even close to a deliverable nuke....

But even if they were the treaty argument holds no water because The US has not honored the treaty themselves

Israel we all know not only will not honor any NP treaties nor sign them...along with North Korea

Some say they should not have nukes because they or their government does not behave as adults???

What??? Compared to who?

Those who invade countries at will?

Those who use WP on their neighbors? Block oceans & thumb their noses at international laws?

Some say because the others have never used the nukes in anger...

Well one of the aggressors did in fact use nukes in anger & on civilian populations not military targets.

So at the end of the day none of these justifications for war with Iran hold water.

They have done nothing to justify the sanctions against them any more than others with Nukes have.

And again........It is not even proven period.

Bottom line is the US is sinking in a financial quagmire & war is on the menu.

Hopefully we soon get a president who knows the difference.

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What about the rest of the story Jingthing? Iran? US? Israel? Israeli security in the most sensitive US facilities?

Not interested in chatting with bigots. Sorry.

What a cheap immature cop out!. What is bigoted about stating that the most sensitive nuclear weapons facilities in the US are controlled by an Israeli Government owned company?

by the way Jingthing, did you know that there are only five countries in the world today that do not have a Rothschilds controlled central bank, namely North Korea, Sudan, Cuba, Iran and Libya....oh, my mistake make that 4 countries now. Sudan is on it's way, then..........?

Yes even the Bank of England! In this day of freedom of information, I will bet any person on this forum 100 UK 'who by law' can find out who the shareholders are of the BOE...You can't! I have tried! Why is that.....

well as a moment of light relief just watch this. But where is the money coming from.....? Mr Rothschild? And why is the FM of France suddenly calling for all of EU to boycott Iranian oil today?? Just a thought.


Spot on! But regardless of what you say, the same blinkered crew cannot see beyond the start blocks.

The architecture of the US debt crisis and now the European debt crisis is plain to see if you open your eyes. We are all up sh*t creek without a paddle.

Jingthing, my pet hate in life is telling people further down the line "I told you so", but lets see the discussion on this forum this time next year.

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What about the rest of the story Jingthing? Iran? US? Israel? Israeli security in the most sensitive US facilities?

Not interested in chatting with bigots. Sorry.

What a cheap immature cop out!. What is bigoted about stating that the most sensitive nuclear weapons facilities in the US are controlled by an Israeli Government owned company?

by the way Jingthing, did you know that there are only five countries in the world today that do not have a Rothschilds controlled central bank, namely North Korea, Sudan, Cuba, Iran and Libya....oh, my mistake make that 4 countries now. Sudan is on it's way, then..........?

Yes even the Bank of England! In this day of freedom of information, I will bet any person on this forum 100 UK 'who by law' can find out who the shareholders are of the BOE...You can't! I have tried! Why is that.....

Because there aren't any shareholders.The BoE was nationalised in 1946 by the Bank of England Act 1946 and is owned by HMG.


http://archive.<URL Automatically Removed>.co.uk/article/18th-november-1966/5/in-february-1946-the-attlee-government-passed-its

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All these arguments that basically make it sound like it is Iran who is starting a war yet the facts are there to see...

It is Iran who is being provoked .....

Some say they signed treaties...

First off it is not proven they have a nuke or are even close to a deliverable nuke....

But even if they were the treaty argument holds no water because The US has not honored the treaty themselves

Israel we all know not only will not honor any NP treaties nor sign them...along with North Korea

Some say they should not have nukes because they or their government does not behave as adults???

What??? Compared to who?

Those who invade countries at will?

Those who use WP on their neighbors? Block oceans & thumb their noses at international laws?

Some say because the others have never used the nukes in anger...

Well one of the aggressors did in fact use nukes in anger & on civilian populations not military targets.

So at the end of the day none of these justifications for war with Iran hold water.

They have done nothing to justify the sanctions against them any more than others with Nukes have.

And again........It is not even proven period.

Bottom line is the US is sinking in a financial quagmire & war is on the menu.

Hopefully we soon get a president who knows the difference.

+ 1 the last real president of the US was JFK, and looked what happened to him!

War is big business in the US, look at the share holders of the Carlise group, both George senior and junior! Then of course we have Haliburton, Dick Cheney ex CEO, before the 2nd Iraq invasion!!! Beggars belief really.

America needs war, wether it be a war on drugs, terrorism etc...and it shall be the US downfall but in the form of financial terrorism!

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Yes even the Bank of England! In this day of freedom of information, I will bet any person on this forum 100 UK 'who by law' can find out who the shareholders are of the BOE...You can't! I have tried! Why is that.....

Because there aren't any shareholders.The BoE was nationalised in 1946 by the Bank of England Act 1946 and is owned by HMG.




The ownership is protected under the official secrets act and it is not the British Government, and there are shareholders, but we are not allowed to know who they are.


Now lets self police and get back on thread!

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Yes even the Bank of England! In this day of freedom of information, I will bet any person on this forum 100 UK 'who by law' can find out who the shareholders are of the BOE...You can't! I have tried! Why is that.....

Because there aren't any shareholders.The BoE was nationalised in 1946 by the Bank of England Act 1946 and is owned by HMG.




The ownership is protected under the official secrets act and it is not the British Government, and there are shareholders, but we are not allowed to know who they are.


Now lets self police and get back on thread!


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Yes even the Bank of England! In this day of freedom of information, I will bet any person on this forum 100 UK 'who by law' can find out who the shareholders are of the BOE...You can't! I have tried! Why is that.....

Because there aren't any shareholders.The BoE was nationalised in 1946 by the Bank of England Act 1946 and is owned by HMG.




The ownership is protected under the official secrets act and it is not the British Government, and there are shareholders, but we are not allowed to know who they are.


Now lets self police and get back on thread!


What a silly immature reply. Is that the best argument you can come up with? One of your links doesn't work and the other is to a one man Economics site that is very ill informed. The facts are very plain. Read them! I have no gripe or argument, simply the truth, and what that is matters not, but in this case it is clear, the ownership of the Bank of England is not known and will not be disclosed and that is how it has been for over 40 years.

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Yes even the Bank of England! In this day of freedom of information, I will bet any person on this forum 100 UK 'who by law' can find out who the shareholders are of the BOE...You can't! I have tried! Why is that.....

Because there aren't any shareholders.The BoE was nationalised in 1946 by the Bank of England Act 1946 and is owned by HMG.




The ownership is protected under the official secrets act and it is not the British Government, and there are shareholders, but we are not allowed to know who they are.


Now lets self police and get back on thread!

Myabe you should read up the freedom of information act Jim!

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Back to topic, why shouldn't South Korea not be able to exercise is right to test missile systems? Because its a communist state? Or maybe it's not part of the international community?

Totally absurd..The north will never attack South Korea or any other country, it would would need permission from China first and it would also be assuring its complete distruction if it did so, even the new 30 yr old leader realises this

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Myabe you should read up the freedom of information act Jim!

The freedom of information act only applies to Government agencies.

Here is a request to the bank of England under the Freedom of information act

E. Danielyan

10 February 2010

Dear Sirs,

Re: Bank of England Nominees Ltd

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act for the

following information:

1. What is the nature and purpose of Bank of England Nominees Ltd?

2. Who are shareholders of Bank of England Nominees Ltd?

3. Who are directors of Bank of England Nominees Ltd?

4. Have any exceptions under Companies Acts and related legislation

been granted to Bank of England Nominees Ltd and if so, who has

granted them and why?

5. Why does Bank of England need to maintain a separate nominee

company instead of holding assets directly?

Thanking you in advance,

Yours faithfully,

E. Danielyan

Here is the official reply from the BOE


Note the interesting statement from the Bank that the Bank of England Nominees and the Bank of England is not a Public entity and is not subject to the freedom of information act!

Now again, can we get back on subject, albeit this is important to the holistic argument.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Back to topic, why shouldn't South Korea not be able to exercise is right to test missile systems? Because its a communist state? Or maybe it's not part of the international community?

Totally absurd..The north will never attack South Korea or any other country, it would would need permission from China first and it would also be assuring its complete distruction if it did so, even the new 30 yr old leader realises this

This is the Iran thread??? South Korea is not communist! It has not been testing missile systems!

Edited by GentlemanJim
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No offence ok, you put down some dam good arguments on here! But one look at your profile page would suggest to me that you are biased towards Israel!

Duh! Yes, I am a Zionist in the pure sense of supporting the existence of Israel as a Jewish state ... Jewish nationalism. What, Jews aren't supposed to be nationalists when so many other peoples can be? Not the same as supporting all Israeli government policies which of course I don't. So sue me. I never hid this as some here have tried to deny the obvious antisemitic basis of theories which are pretty much exactly the same Rotschild banker conspiracy rhetoric used by the most notorious antisemites in history.

To wit. This article will help people understand who aren't familiar with this dark history.


The narrative of the video is an updated version of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, a 19th-century fabrication which allegedly proved that Jews planned, and had always planned, to take over the world. “Protocols” explained the history of the world as a Jewish conspiracy. In “The American Dream” that plan is carried out by the Rothschilds.

Does this tie into Iran? Sure it does. The leaders of Iran talk the same game, Jewish control conspiracies, holocaust denial, you name it.

Edited by Jingthing
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What a silly immature reply. Is that the best argument you can come up with? One of your links doesn't work and the other is to a one man Economics site that is very ill informed. The facts are very plain. Read them! I have no gripe or argument, simply the truth, and what that is matters not, but in this case it is clear, the ownership of the Bank of England is not known and will not be disclosed and that is how it has been for over 40 years.

I had a look round the site that you posted a link to. One of the other articles was about a Hep B vaccine that the Philippine government gives to new born children. On the vaccine box it says 'Keep Out Of Reach of Children'. The poster then assumes that the vaccine is poisonous to children because of this warning. Anyone who can't tell the difference between 'Keep out of the reach of children' and 'Poisonous to children' lacks any credibility. I'm more than happy to read authoritative sites but not the rantings of some conspiracy theorist.

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You're the one that brought up that Rothschilds BS and you are not stupid and you knew exactly what you were doing. Maybe you thought you could slip it in without being noticed. This isn't the site for hateful conspiracy theories. End of story.

Hear, hear and this hateful rhetoric and nutty conspiracy theories are nothing new on the World News forum.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Back to topic, why shouldn't South Korea not be able to exercise is right to test missile systems? Because its a communist state? Or maybe it's not part of the international community?

Totally absurd..The north will never attack South Korea or any other country, it would would need permission from China first and it would also be assuring its complete distruction if it did so, even the new 30 yr old leader realises this

Crazy megalomaniac dictators and despots don't act in rational ways

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I honestly believe that Iran have no interest in a nuke as contrary to the belief of some members on here, they have no wish for complete destruction, and that would be the end result of having nukes. I think the Iranian government are a bunch of tools that need replacing for the sake of the people, but the people will do that. There is absolutely no need for the current sanctions on Iran. There is not even an objective or end goal of the sanctions, they are just being imposed. The way it is going the game has been played to draw Iran in to a conflict to justify a war. The lengths that governments are going to to install the Bank of Rothschild's as the Central Bank of Iran is simply amazing. If we would just leave them alone they wouldn't bother us at all.

I didn't bother to copy the first part of your diatribe, save to comment the U.S seems to have left China in control of the extraction of all rare earth metals, so here's an Octopus which encapsulates everything including Rothchild's.


The Iranian currency is 40% down aginst the dollar in one month and the currency exchanges are closed, the nuclear facilities have been moved deep underground and Iran is posturing about it's missile capabilities. To argue that Iran is taking the flak it is just out of stubbornness is utterly ridiculous, of course it's a weapons program. As for the sanctions imho the U.S has known full well Iran would have to be stopped for ages, but they left it extremely late to take action probably due to Obama's election considerations.

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