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How To Search For A Friend Who Went Missing This Past Week On A Road Trip


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Hi ThaiVisa forum members,

First of all, Happy New Year. I hope that you and your family have had a safe and enjoyable holiday season.

About five days ago a friend's mobile phone went dead (it never rings, I just get the "sorry, the number you have dialed can not be reached at this time; please call back later" message). She was on a road trip to Chiang Mai with family members this past week, and was en route back home to Buriram when I last spoke with her five days ago.

I don't usually think anything of it when this happens, because it usually means that someone forgot a phone charger, or their phone went missing, and I eventually hear from them when they get home. But it has been a while and I was expecting to hear from her a few days ago. She would normally try using a relative's phone to notify me that she can't be reached. I am starting to get worried, as there are nothing but articles in the news about the "seven dangerous days," with all the road accidents, injuries and deaths.

I'm probably overreacting, but just to be on the safe side, does anyone know the best way to search for people by name who have been admitted to hospitals, short of calling every hospital between Chiang Mai and Buriram? I have tried searching Google for news stories containing her full name (in Thai and English language), but nothing has turned up. I suppose that should at least be some consolation. However, none of the articles are listing the names of all who have been affected in the accidents reported, most likely because of the large numbers, so that may not mean much.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

P.S. It also occurs to me that this might just be a result of over-burdened mobile phone networks during the holidays, but I have never seen it last this long.

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Care is needed here. 9 times out of 10 people turn the phone off because they do not want to be contacted for whatever reason.

The last thing they may want is a search party

Agreed. I wouldn't normally be concerned except that the absence has been as long as it has. I don't want to make a bigger deal out of it than is necessary. It is probably premature to contact the police at this point, but that is a good suggestion and I will keep it in mind if I don't hear from her for a week or so longer.


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The problem is that to many men who associate with bar girls know all the wrong reasons for Phones going dead, getting wet, dropped, and damaged, not charged and no signals. But when there is a genuine reason people all remember the bad things. a case of crying wolf wolf . i think

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The problem is that to many men who associate with bar girls know all the wrong reasons for Phones going dead, getting wet, dropped, and damaged, not charged and no signals. But when there is a genuine reason people all remember the bad things. a case of crying wolf wolf . i think

I am not a bargirl and have dropped py phone in the toilet, dropped it in the water at the beach, left it on the car roof, had my friend drop it and break it, and had the dog chew part of it. My friend broke his phone too and I didn't hear from him for over a week. He's not a barboy, but he did drop it while talking and driving on his bike thai style. He also was the one that borrowed my phone and dropped it.

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The problem is that to many men who associate with bar girls know all the wrong reasons for Phones going dead, getting wet, dropped, and damaged, not charged and no signals. But when there is a genuine reason people all remember the bad things. a case of crying wolf wolf . i think

I am not a bargirl and have dropped py phone in the toilet, dropped it in the water at the beach, left it on the car roof, had my friend drop it and break it, and had the dog chew part of it. My friend broke his phone too and I didn't hear from him for over a week. He's not a barboy, but he did drop it while talking and driving on his bike thai style. He also was the one that borrowed my phone and dropped it.

Conclusion your clumsy and have similar friends biggrin.png

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The problem is that to many men who associate with bar girls know all the wrong reasons for Phones going dead, getting wet, dropped, and damaged, not charged and no signals. But when there is a genuine reason people all remember the bad things. a case of crying wolf wolf . i think

I am not a bargirl and have dropped py phone in the toilet, dropped it in the water at the beach, left it on the car roof, had my friend drop it and break it, and had the dog chew part of it. My friend broke his phone too and I didn't hear from him for over a week. He's not a barboy, but he did drop it while talking and driving on his bike thai style. He also was the one that borrowed my phone and dropped it.

Maybe you should have gone to reading classes you state my case for me. thanks. not all people are liers, belive it or not some are genuine.

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Care is needed here. 9 times out of 10 people turn the phone off because they do not want to be contacted for whatever reason.

The last thing they may want is a search party

Indeed. And how many Thai women do you know that don't bring a charger for the phone when on a road trip/holiday?

I hope that nothing serious have happened though. smile.png

Edited by Semper
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I would start worry by about Wednesday or Thursday of this week, by that point most of the Thais that travelled home will be back at work and your likely to get an innocent explanation.......basically it will a waste of a good worry ( I hope ).

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I would start worry by about Wednesday or Thursday of this week, by that point most of the Thais that travelled home will be back at work and your likely to get an innocent explanation.......basically it will a waste of a good worry ( I hope ).

Thank you. I hope so too. I just fear that if something is wrong, then time is of the essence, and waiting around just makes me worry more.

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It is possible to forget the charger especially if you leave in a hurry (or maybe you even think it's in your bag already). It's happened to me at least once.

Does she remember your number? I can only remember one number in my phone book. I can't even remember my daughter's number so if the battery is flat I have no way of calling her.

Be patient and wait until the holidays are over.

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It is possible to forget the charger especially if you leave in a hurry (or maybe you even think it's in your bag already). It's happened to me at least once.

Does she remember your number? I can only remember one number in my phone book. I can't even remember my daughter's number so if the battery is flat I have no way of calling her.

Be patient and wait until the holidays are over.

cant even remember my own number, its in the phone.

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The problem is that to many men who associate with bar girls know all the wrong reasons for Phones going dead, getting wet, dropped, and damaged, not charged and no signals. But when there is a genuine reason people all remember the bad things. a case of crying wolf wolf . i think

What's to say her phone went dead. They change sim cards like I change sock now-a-days...

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She is on Holiday (probably with the people who would normally be calling her)... she is busy and just hasn't gotten around to calling you, or perhaps doesn't realise that you expect her to...

100% she will come back full of excitment and stories to to you, and wonder why you are being so grumpy, when you tell her she will be shaking her head at the ting-tong-farrang...

phone dead, lost the SIM when she swapped them, too busy, lots of reasons... try not to worry, and try not to be too grumpy when she turns up :D


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Thank you all for your words of encouragement. You are probably right, there is probably nothing to be worried about. I suppose it's just the influx of news about all the holiday road accidents that has got me anxious, especially the fact that they mention her home province as the one with the most deaths.

I'll give it some time.

Happy New Year, everyone.

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i wouldn't worry too much, she has probaly just found herself a boyfriend 22.gif

If she has found a boyfriend, then I would be happy for her!

Thai women tend to change their phone numbers when they get a new boyfriend. They don't want to be in a embarassing situation when some Ex friend/gik tries to call them.

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Oevna should use his/her own feelings and go from there.

From the OP it seems Oevna is justified in worring due to freidn being Long Overdue and no contact the last 5 - 6 days while enroute back to Buriram.

You should at least report her as overdue and any info you have about her to your local Police.

It is not a big deal, many times things are fine, but other times it pays off to report a missing person to the Police for their own welfare.

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for this reason i have all my contacts backed up to gmail. a few minutes on a computer and i have access to all but the most recently added of my numbers

yes. I have all my numbers backed up on gmail too but sometimes Internet is not accessible, especially if I am staying in the mountains.

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It is possible to forget the charger especially if you leave in a hurry (or maybe you even think it's in your bag already). It's happened to me at least once.

Does she remember your number? I can only remember one number in my phone book. I can't even remember my daughter's number so if the battery is flat I have no way of calling her.

Be patient and wait until the holidays are over.

She has my number written down somewhere, probably at home.

Update: I managed to get through to a friend of hers from her home town who will be going back home later this week. She said that she will look up my friend's family and ask about her.

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Oevna should use his/her own feelings and go from there.

From the OP it seems Oevna is justified in worring due to freidn being Long Overdue and no contact the last 5 - 6 days while enroute back to Buriram.

You should at least report her as overdue and any info you have about her to your local Police.

It is not a big deal, many times things are fine, but other times it pays off to report a missing person to the Police for their own welfare.

Is there a way to do that from overseas? I am in the US at the moment.


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