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"Like System" Enabled On Thaivisa Forum


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As there is no 'thumbs down' option we need a sliding scale to evaluate what a certain number of likes mean.

1 like = lonely guy, 2-5 = needs to get gf/bf more email addresses, 6-10 = warm but not that fuzzy, 11-25= consider politics, 25+ = many small minds think alike apparently.

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Having "likes" and no "dislikes" is nothing but a perpetual circle-jerk.

OTOH, having been a member of forums with the red / green rep feature, the longest (and funniest) threads are those about people getting pissed off at negative rep being heaped on their account.

I click like when circle jerk is mentioned.
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Having "likes" and no "dislikes" is nothing but a perpetual circle-jerk.

OTOH, having been a member of forums with the red / green rep feature, the longest (and funniest) threads are those about people getting pissed off at negative rep being heaped on their account.

I click like when circle jerk is mentioned.

I only click it when circle is mentioned.

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Silly system, in my opinion, if there is no dislike system enabled as well.

For example a poster makes 15.2 posts per day on average,from which the majority is a waste of time, but every now and then he has one that is worth reading and get's there a " like this " for.So in fact he got a positive outlook in his profile, only because he makes a shitload of worthless posts.If only 1 % of his posts get a " like this " he will get rated 10 times higher than the average poster,which in fact is a fictitious rating.

Of course he is against the old + and - system since his posting behaviour earns him also a lot of negatives,and that would show the actuall quality of his posts in his profile.

So this system as it is introduced now is only good to pump up ones ego.

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Truth be told I would be happier without a system where "likes" were tallied and permanently linked to specific members. But it was inevitable that a forum "community" website as commercially huge as this one evolve towards something like this, so it could be worse, and the old reputation feature was indeed worse. So what we have now is not so bad, considering.

I would have been happier with a system of liking POSTS only with no tallies permanently tied to members.

In case this hasn't been mentioned yet, it appears the tallies from the old reputation feature have been retained in memory, so some members have not started at zero with this system, but started with their "balance" from the defunct system.

So how come you are now green after having several thousand reds on the rep system?

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Having "likes" and no "dislikes" is nothing but a perpetual circle-jerk.

OTOH, having been a member of forums with the red / green rep feature, the longest (and funniest) threads are those about people getting pissed off at negative rep being heaped on their account.

That's what happened last time the rep system was introduced. Jingthing whined about getting a few thousand reds and got a 'holiday' for abusing the system.

Personally I'd rather the time was spent fixing things that don't work properly than adding spurious buttons.

Edited by PattayaParent
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Silly system, in my opinion, if there is no dislike system enabled as well.

For example a poster makes 15.2 posts per day on average,from which the majority is a waste of time, but every now and then he has one that is worth reading and get's there a " like this " for.So in fact he got a positive outlook in his profile, only because he makes a shitload of worthless posts.If only 1 % of his posts get a " like this " he will get rated 10 times higher than the average poster,which in fact is a fictitious rating.

Of course he is against the old + and - system since his posting behaviour earns him also a lot of negatives,and that would show the actuall quality of his posts in his profile.

So this system as it is introduced now is only good to pump up ones ego.

There, there.

Edit: It would be good to have the comments more closely linked to the ego massage.

Edited by StreetCowboy
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Having "likes" and no "dislikes" is nothing but a perpetual circle-jerk.

OTOH, having been a member of forums with the red / green rep feature, the longest (and funniest) threads are those about people getting pissed off at negative rep being heaped on their account.

That's what happened last time the rep system was introduced. Jingthing whined about getting a few thousand reds and got a 'holiday' for abusing the system.

Personally I'd rather the time was spent fixing things that don't work properly than adding spurious buttons.

Actually that isn't what happened, but if it gives you pleasure to fabricate total lies, don't let me get in the way of your cheap thrills Also note, as I have already stated, I am completely against points of any kind being tallied in the permanent public record of members. I accept the inevitability of "progress" that is all. I like the idea of POSTS being liked without any linkage. I realize the system as it is now will probably stand, so time to move on. Edited by Jingthing
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