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Infection In My Foot?


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I woke up 2 days ago with an extremely tender foot. I haven't hit it or twisted it in any way previously so I thought it was a little bit random for it to be hurting...

The pain as such is not in one particular point in the foot but more or less all over the top, towards my big toe and index toe and I can't put any weight on the ball of my foot. It also hurts when I flex it. Right now I can't put any weight on it at all and when I have it up rested, it's throbbing quite intensely. It's not very swollen or red but it's much hotter than the other foot.

After being a ballet dancer for 17 years I've had my fair share of sprains and twisted ankles so I'm 100% certain that this isn't a sprain or anything like that.

After researching on the net, I've got a theory that it could be cellulitis? My symptoms seem to fit a mild case of it and it can apparently be caused from an insect bite (I have loads of mosquito bites on my foot)

Anyone have any experience of this or can maybe shed some light?

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Cellulitis is an infection of the skin and soft tissue. There is visible redness of the skin and usually also some swelling and the affected skin is warm to the touch. What you describe does not sound at all like that.

Gout is possible although it would more commonly also be accompanied by some redness, swelling and heat, and the pain is usually more localized than what you seem to describe.

My best guesses from your description are these:

  • metatarsal stress fracture (can occur without any obvious injury)
  • tendonitis (ditto)
  • nerve entrapmernt (can develop from wearing tight shoes)

It will take an examination by an orthopedic specialist to make a firm diagnosis. They may be able to rule out a fracture just by physical exam or an Xray may be necessary.

If you are concerned about costs, you can probably defer an MRI (if recommended) but do not try to skip an Xray if the doctor is unable to rule out a fracture without one.

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I can add 2 notes from my experience (just anecdotal );

1) Tarsals and metatarsals can make life bad! I've severely sprained both sides racing motocross. A dancer probably knows that pain.

2) I had a fungal infection that 6 US doctors, 2 naturopaths, and a dermatologist didn't figure out. The first Dr at Bumrungrad just shook his head. It was gone in 2 weeks, never to return. I suffered with it for 9 years.

Edited by ding
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After having my foot examined, it turns out I have cellulitis like I feared.

There was no obvious redness or swelling at first but a few hours after my first post on this it started to develop so I guess I felt the pain before it really started to show.

On antibiotics now so it should start clearing up, hopefully. Thanks for all the advice guys!

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Check carefully between your toes and alsoyour feet for any sore spots that MIGHT be bites.

That;s where my infection (other complications made it worse) started 5 years ago.

I was stupid and ignored it to long....and my leg never healed 100%.




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