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Yingluck's No-Show Raises Democrat Ire In House


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In case anyone is interested, the PM had meetings/discussions in respect to key foreign investors during her absence from the house. Also there was a national security issue of pressing importance. I shall put it diplomatically, her presence was required. In terms of cost benefit, sitting in the house listening to members drone on about items not related to the budget vs. keeping some important investors onside and addressing national security was considered more important. She's a big girl and such criticism comes with the turf. She will not lose any sleep over the matterr, but the investors group are grateful as are the thousands of Thais that will still have jobs.

As you are all very higly situated in Thai society with your important positions and hiso wives/concubines, please check with your sources.

I would have thought a person in her position would have been able to delegate her scheduling to people capable of doing it.

Some how I am getting the feeling that you are trivializing a budget of over 2 trillion Baht.

Also if she had tried to handle the flooding in a responsible way there would not be such a need to smooch up to investors. Her actions would have spoke for her. Just what is she doing now to prevent it? Talking about getting money and doing nothing to get it you are right lunch with a general is far more important..

The time for talk is over She is in the six month of grace she asked for. That means no more excuses.

Edited by hellodolly
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Honestly, I don't mind having her in office, nor PTP. They won the election, fair and square. But for petes sake, anyone with half a wit of sense knows why she is in office, and who she is really representing. I don't' mind, because the Thai people like it that way. If they change their mind, it will change, etc.

But for anyone to argue that Yingluck is anything more than just a pretty face, you are frankly deluded.

Edited by SomTumTiger
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"The prime minister yesterday spent most of her work time at her Government House office - from morning until about 2pm."

I'm guessing that "from morning" is a nice way of saying somewhere between 11:55 and 11:59, she then had a 2 hour (free?) lunch with the good general, then decided to get an early start on a long weekend. My sort of job. Wonder what the hourly rates works out to.

As for GK's claims she was attending to important matters regarding investment and state security, I can only ask "When you want a tune, do you ask the organ grinder or his pet monkey?"

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In case anyone is interested, the PM had meetings/discussions in respect to key foreign investors during her absence from the house. Also there was a national security issue of pressing importance. I shall put it diplomatically, her presence was required. In terms of cost benefit, sitting in the house listening to members drone on about items not related to the budget vs. keeping some important investors onside and addressing national security was considered more important. She's a big girl and such criticism comes with the turf. She will not lose any sleep over the matterr, but the investors group are grateful as are the thousands of Thais that will still have jobs.

As you are all very higly situated in Thai society with your important positions and hiso wives/concubines, please check with your sources.

Obviously, GK is an inside man in the Yingluck administration. He gets all his BS and spin straight from the horse's mouth.

You have the wrong end of the horse.

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In case anyone is interested, the PM had meetings/discussions in respect to key foreign investors during her absence from the house. Also there was a national security issue of pressing importance. I shall put it diplomatically, her presence was required. In terms of cost benefit, sitting in the house listening to members drone on about items not related to the budget vs. keeping some important investors onside and addressing national security was considered more important. She's a big girl and such criticism comes with the turf. She will not lose any sleep over the matterr, but the investors group are grateful as are the thousands of Thais that will still have jobs.

As you are all very higly situated in Thai society with your important positions and hiso wives/concubines, please check with your sources.

Another GK fairytale.

IF the PM had had urgent reasons for not attending the house debate, it would have been the task of her office to notify the honourable MPs accordingly. Instead she obviously preferred to only inform you and task you with relaying this to us low level members at TV and our "concubines" and leaving the MPs to guess on her whereabouts.

Nice of you also to discredit parliamentary debates as "members [of parliament] drone on". Shows your attitude towards democracy.

But one statement of you is spot on: "She's a big girl."

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IMO a nice little non-issue from a non-news source.

The Nation must be having a slow day if this is all they can muster.

Appreciate the envious Farang Feeding Frenzy, though. Good for traffic. cool.png

And a nice non-interesting post from a non-partisan Thaksin kool aid drinker

Sweet... and that from a troll-poster promoting a murder in his/her signature.

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IMO a nice little non-issue from a non-news source.

The Nation must be having a slow day if this is all they can muster.

Appreciate the envious Farang Feeding Frenzy, though. Good for traffic. cool.png

And a nice non-interesting post from a non-partisan Thaksin kool aid drinker

Sweet... and that from a troll-poster promoting a murder in his/her signature.

My wife met her once. Says she's dumb as a box of rocks (translating here). Has she ever worked a day in her life, in any capacity, anywhere? I'm not talking family corporate titles.

An interrnational embarassment and laughing-stock. That's really sad for Thai people. Even sadder for foreigners who defend her and should know she couldn't complete the Daily Crossword if her life depended on it.

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IMO a nice little non-issue from a non-news source.

The Nation must be having a slow day if this is all they can muster.

Appreciate the envious Farang Feeding Frenzy, though. Good for traffic. cool.png

And a nice non-interesting post from a non-partisan Thaksin kool aid drinker

Sweet... and that from a troll-poster promoting a murder in his/her signature.

Hadn't noticed that.

Well spotted.

Is this the same guy whose response to people getting shot in the head was " som nom nah "??


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Would her presence make any difference to the budget being approved?

Remind me...... why did the people not vote to retain the previous government?......when presumably the PM did attend such events

Molehills and mountains posting by the usual suspects

Being promised they would all be rich inside 6 months may have something to do with it

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Would her presence make any difference to the budget being approved?

Remind me...... why did the people not vote to retain the previous government?......when presumably the PM did attend such events

Molehills and mountains posting by the usual suspects

Which poses another question:would her continued presence as PM of Thailand make any difference at all???

Seemingly yes.

Suan Dusit Poll shows Yingluck’s performance reaches new high



Quite creditable really, given the floods and all that...........

The poll reflects public popularity, which we all know, from the recent election result, she doesn't do badly in. But that doesn't prove she is doing a good job. It proves she is popular - reasonably anyway. The two things aren't always directly connected. Plenty of evidence of that throughout history.

Or the Poll reflects that when they are promised they will be rich in 6 months if the Government is elected, they vote from their pockets and not with their brains

Ooops the 6 months will nearly be up, and my wife her family and all her neigbours and friends are still not rich

A Scam is something that makes you believe something that will never happen

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In case anyone is interested, the PM had meetings/discussions in respect to key foreign investors during her absence from the house. Also there was a national security issue of pressing importance. I shall put it diplomatically, her presence was required. In terms of cost benefit, sitting in the house listening to members drone on about items not related to the budget vs. keeping some important investors onside and addressing national security was considered more important. She's a big girl and such criticism comes with the turf. She will not lose any sleep over the matterr, but the investors group are grateful as are the thousands of Thais that will still have jobs.

As you are all very higly situated in Thai society with your important positions and hiso wives/concubines, please check with your sources.

Obviously, GK is an inside man in the Yingluck administration. He gets all his BS and spin straight from the horse's mouth.

As opposed from a horse's posterior which is what many of the negative comments in this thread reflect. Can some common sense take hold please. Does anyone not remember that the event was postponed from November because of the flooding? At the time promises were made that the government would provide its utmost support for the exhibitors and the Thai companies that would have to reschedule. This event became even more important because it was the first major commercial exhibition to occur since the floods. The presence of the PM sent a strong message of support to the business sector and kept her promise to be there for the opening. The event serves provides an effective means to reach a broad diverse group of investors and the market all at one time. Note that the event was attended by important investment and trade groups from the EU, Japan, India and China. Can people not be pragmatic instead of hateful? In the few hours spent meeting with local and foreign trade reps, with foreign ambassadors and trade secretaries, along with key sector CEOs, the PM accomplished much more for the Thai economy than she would have had she been sitting in the house listening to empty speeches. Her presence in the house was not needed for the speeches. She was present for the budget presentation and that was all that was required. I draw your attention to the fact that PMs in Australia, Canada, the UK etc. are rarely present for the full budget debate. That's the responsibility of finance ministers that present the budgets. I suppose it is easier for some of you to complain than it is to think. As an aside, Mr. Abhisit did not attend all of the budget speeches either when he was PM, but I suppose he gets a pass on that right?

In respect to the meeting with the head of the armed forces, do you think he just pops round because he wants to bask in the glorious beauty of the PM? He had to see her asap and the most convenient time slot was at noon. Both these people are busy and don't look for extra meetings. If the General said he needed to meet with the PM, then take him at his word. Note too that some media outlets in Thailand appear to carry a grudge against the man because he told them off. Although the media with a grudge are still intimidated by the military, it doesn't prevent them from trying to embarrass or annoy the man. Adults see this as pettiness. In any case, I am surprised that some of you are not more supportive of the military in this matter, as many of you are proponents of another military coup.

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In case anyone is interested, the PM had meetings/discussions in respect to key foreign investors during her absence from the house. Also there was a national security issue of pressing importance. I shall put it diplomatically, her presence was required. In terms of cost benefit, sitting in the house listening to members drone on about items not related to the budget vs. keeping some important investors onside and addressing national security was considered more important. She's a big girl and such criticism comes with the turf. She will not lose any sleep over the matterr, but the investors group are grateful as are the thousands of Thais that will still have jobs.

As you are all very higly situated in Thai society with your important positions and hiso wives/concubines, please check with your sources.

Obviously, GK is an inside man in the Yingluck administration. He gets all his BS and spin straight from the horse's mouth.

As opposed from a horse's posterior which is what many of the negative comments in this thread reflect. Can some common sense take hold please. Does anyone not remember that the event was postponed from November because of the flooding? At the time promises were made that the government would provide its utmost support for the exhibitors and the Thai companies that would have to reschedule. This event became even more important because it was the first major commercial exhibition to occur since the floods. The presence of the PM sent a strong message of support to the business sector and kept her promise to be there for the opening. The event serves provides an effective means to reach a broad diverse group of investors and the market all at one time. Note that the event was attended by important investment and trade groups from the EU, Japan, India and China. Can people not be pragmatic instead of hateful? In the few hours spent meeting with local and foreign trade reps, with foreign ambassadors and trade secretaries, along with key sector CEOs, the PM accomplished much more for the Thai economy than she would have had she been sitting in the house listening to empty speeches. Her presence in the house was not needed for the speeches. She was present for the budget presentation and that was all that was required. I draw your attention to the fact that PMs in Australia, Canada, the UK etc. are rarely present for the full budget debate. That's the responsibility of finance ministers that present the budgets. I suppose it is easier for some of you to complain than it is to think. As an aside, Mr. Abhisit did not attend all of the budget speeches either when he was PM, but I suppose he gets a pass on that right?

In respect to the meeting with the head of the armed forces, do you think he just pops round because he wants to bask in the glorious beauty of the PM? He had to see her asap and the most convenient time slot was at noon. Both these people are busy and don't look for extra meetings. If the General said he needed to meet with the PM, then take him at his word. Note too that some media outlets in Thailand appear to carry a grudge against the man because he told them off. Although the media with a grudge are still intimidated by the military, it doesn't prevent them from trying to embarrass or annoy the man. Adults see this as pettiness. In any case, I am surprised that some of you are not more supportive of the military in this matter, as many of you are proponents of another military coup.

Another reflex defence of the government. Are you capable of independent thought at all? I suppose not, being a proponent of violent solutions to any criticicism thereof. Time for a new war on drugs and a few thousand extra judicial killings? Might be a good opportunity to get rid of a few critics too?

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In case anyone is interested, the PM had meetings/discussions in respect to key foreign investors during her absence from the house. Also there was a national security issue of pressing importance. I shall put it diplomatically, her presence was required. In terms of cost benefit, sitting in the house listening to members drone on about items not related to the budget vs. keeping some important investors onside and addressing national security was considered more important. She's a big girl and such criticism comes with the turf. She will not lose any sleep over the matterr, but the investors group are grateful as are the thousands of Thais that will still have jobs.

As you are all very higly situated in Thai society with your important positions and hiso wives/concubines, please check with your sources.

Obviously, GK is an inside man in the Yingluck administration. He gets all his BS and spin straight from the horse's mouth.

As opposed from a horse's posterior which is what many of the negative comments in this thread reflect. Can some common sense take hold please. Does anyone not remember that the event was postponed from November because of the flooding? At the time promises were made that the government would provide its utmost support for the exhibitors and the Thai companies that would have to reschedule. This event became even more important because it was the first major commercial exhibition to occur since the floods. The presence of the PM sent a strong message of support to the business sector and kept her promise to be there for the opening. The event serves provides an effective means to reach a broad diverse group of investors and the market all at one time. Note that the event was attended by important investment and trade groups from the EU, Japan, India and China. Can people not be pragmatic instead of hateful? In the few hours spent meeting with local and foreign trade reps, with foreign ambassadors and trade secretaries, along with key sector CEOs, the PM accomplished much more for the Thai economy than she would have had she been sitting in the house listening to empty speeches. Her presence in the house was not needed for the speeches. She was present for the budget presentation and that was all that was required. I draw your attention to the fact that PMs in Australia, Canada, the UK etc. are rarely present for the full budget debate. That's the responsibility of finance ministers that present the budgets. I suppose it is easier for some of you to complain than it is to think. As an aside, Mr. Abhisit did not attend all of the budget speeches either when he was PM, but I suppose he gets a pass on that right?

In respect to the meeting with the head of the armed forces, do you think he just pops round because he wants to bask in the glorious beauty of the PM? He had to see her asap and the most convenient time slot was at noon. Both these people are busy and don't look for extra meetings. If the General said he needed to meet with the PM, then take him at his word. Note too that some media outlets in Thailand appear to carry a grudge against the man because he told them off. Although the media with a grudge are still intimidated by the military, it doesn't prevent them from trying to embarrass or annoy the man. Adults see this as pettiness. In any case, I am surprised that some of you are not more supportive of the military in this matter, as many of you are proponents of another military coup.

You just throw as much shit as you can and then see what sticks, eh?

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As opposed from a horse's posterior which is what many of the negative comments in this thread reflect. Can some common sense take hold please. Does anyone not remember that the event was postponed from November because of the flooding? At the time promises were made that the government would provide its utmost support for the exhibitors and the Thai companies that would have to reschedule. This event became even more important because it was the first major commercial exhibition to occur since the floods. The presence of the PM sent a strong message of support to the business sector and kept her promise to be there for the opening. The event serves provides an effective means to reach a broad diverse group of investors and the market all at one time. Note that the event was attended by important investment and trade groups from the EU, Japan, India and China. Can people not be pragmatic instead of hateful? In the few hours spent meeting with local and foreign trade reps, with foreign ambassadors and trade secretaries, along with key sector CEOs, the PM accomplished much more for the Thai economy than she would have had she been sitting in the house listening to empty speeches. Her presence in the house was not needed for the speeches. She was present for the budget presentation and that was all that was required. I draw your attention to the fact that PMs in Australia, Canada, the UK etc. are rarely present for the full budget debate. That's the responsibility of finance ministers that present the budgets. I suppose it is easier for some of you to complain than it is to think. As an aside, Mr. Abhisit did not attend all of the budget speeches either when he was PM, but I suppose he gets a pass on that right?

In respect to the meeting with the head of the armed forces, do you think he just pops round because he wants to bask in the glorious beauty of the PM? He had to see her asap and the most convenient time slot was at noon. Both these people are busy and don't look for extra meetings. If the General said he needed to meet with the PM, then take him at his word. Note too that some media outlets in Thailand appear to carry a grudge against the man because he told them off. Although the media with a grudge are still intimidated by the military, it doesn't prevent them from trying to embarrass or annoy the man. Adults see this as pettiness. In any case, I am surprised that some of you are not more supportive of the military in this matter, as many of you are proponents of another military coup.

The Aus PM is always present for the budget debate. It's one of the most publicised parliamentary events of the year.

The BOI event was postponed from November, but she still couldn't get her story straight when just a couple of days ago she said she couldn't visit the floods in the south because she had the Budget debate.

It's interesting to see that Yingluck is jumping when the military say jump.

Edited by whybother
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Another reflex defence of the government. Are you capable of independent thought at all? I suppose not, being a proponent of violent solutions to any criticicism thereof. Time for a new war on drugs and a few thousand extra judicial killings? Might be a good opportunity to get rid of a few critics too?

I provided a rational explanation. How is it a reflex defense of the government? The promise to appear at the exhibition was made in November. The business community was expecting her and the Democrats most certainly knew she had to attend. why not respond to my explanation and whyyou disagree. You can not point out any errors or incorrect statements, so instead you raise the canard of a drug war which is unrelated. Is it so hard to accept that the obligation was in place long before the budget debates started.

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The Aus PM is always present for the budget debate. It's one of the most publicised parliamentary events of the year.

The BOI event was postponed from November, but she still couldn't get her story straight when just a couple of days ago she said she couldn't visit the floods in the south because she had the Budget debate.

It's interesting to see that Yingluck is jumping when the military say jump.

The Aus. PM does not remain in parliament for the entire debate. Please check your Hansard. Do you honestly think that a PM has time to sit in parliament listening to speeches that are often about nothing? it doesn't matter which political party or country, it just does not happen. That is what finance ministers are there for since the finance minister is tasked with the budget presentation and defense. In respect to the BOI obligation, she initially wasn't planning on attending and as I stated previously, it appears that some heavyweights reminded her of the need to attend. Perhaps the trade delegations from Japan and China convinced her, especially with the worry of keeping these foreign investors reassured.

In respect to the meeting with the General, it would have been irresponsible of the PM not to meet with him if he needed that meeting, The man is head of the most important component of the ruling structure of Thailand and is tasked with protecting the nation from the southern insurgents.

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The Aus PM is always present for the budget debate. It's one of the most publicised parliamentary events of the year.

The BOI event was postponed from November, but she still couldn't get her story straight when just a couple of days ago she said she couldn't visit the floods in the south because she had the Budget debate.

It's interesting to see that Yingluck is jumping when the military say jump.

The Aus. PM does not remain in parliament for the entire debate. Please check your Hansard. Do you honestly think that a PM has time to sit in parliament listening to speeches that are often about nothing? it doesn't matter which political party or country, it just does not happen. That is what finance ministers are there for since the finance minister is tasked with the budget presentation and defense. In respect to the BOI obligation, she initially wasn't planning on attending and as I stated previously, it appears that some heavyweights reminded her of the need to attend. Perhaps the trade delegations from Japan and China convinced her, especially with the worry of keeping these foreign investors reassured.

In respect to the meeting with the General, it would have been irresponsible of the PM not to meet with him if he needed that meeting, The man is head of the most important component of the ruling structure of Thailand and is tasked with protecting the nation from the southern insurgents.

You just make this up as you go along, don't you?

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I think you mis-read. Who said anything about defending Yingluck? There is no "defense" above.

Attacking Yingluck looks to be more like "The job that never stops"

But do you think the PM needs to "defend" her work agenda? I don't.

You are defending her with your non-issue comment, just as you were defending her government for issuing of passport to convicted on-the-run criminal, with "oh it doesn't matter, what difference does it make, just a non-issue".

Why not be honest about how you feel and about what you are saying? It's not like it's not blindingly obvious anyway.

I am being honest about what I am saying and about what I am feeling, as you put it.

That it doesn't agree with your opinion of what I am saying and what I am feeling is not something I have control over. Sorry 'bout that.

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In case anyone is interested, the PM had meetings/discussions in respect to key foreign investors during her absence from the house. Also there was a national security issue of pressing importance. I shall put it diplomatically, her presence was required. In terms of cost benefit, sitting in the house listening to members drone on about items not related to the budget vs. keeping some important investors onside and addressing national security was considered more important. She's a big girl and such criticism comes with the turf. She will not lose any sleep over the matterr, but the investors group are grateful as are the thousands of Thais that will still have jobs.

As you are all very higly situated in Thai society with your important positions and hiso wives/concubines, please check with your sources.

Obviously, GK is an inside man in the Yingluck administration. He gets all his BS and spin straight from the horse's mouth.

As opposed from a horse's posterior which is what many of the negative comments in this thread reflect. Can some common sense take hold please. Does anyone not remember that the event was postponed from November because of the flooding? At the time promises were made that the government would provide its utmost support for the exhibitors and the Thai companies that would have to reschedule. This event became even more important because it was the first major commercial exhibition to occur since the floods. The presence of the PM sent a strong message of support to the business sector and kept her promise to be there for the opening. The event serves provides an effective means to reach a broad diverse group of investors and the market all at one time. Note that the event was attended by important investment and trade groups from the EU, Japan, India and China. Can people not be pragmatic instead of hateful? In the few hours spent meeting with local and foreign trade reps, with foreign ambassadors and trade secretaries, along with key sector CEOs, the PM accomplished much more for the Thai economy than she would have had she been sitting in the house listening to empty speeches. Her presence in the house was not needed for the speeches. She was present for the budget presentation and that was all that was required. I draw your attention to the fact that PMs in Australia, Canada, the UK etc. are rarely present for the full budget debate. That's the responsibility of finance ministers that present the budgets. I suppose it is easier for some of you to complain than it is to think. As an aside, Mr. Abhisit did not attend all of the budget speeches either when he was PM, but I suppose he gets a pass on that right?

In respect to the meeting with the head of the armed forces, do you think he just pops round because he wants to bask in the glorious beauty of the PM? He had to see her asap and the most convenient time slot was at noon. Both these people are busy and don't look for extra meetings. If the General said he needed to meet with the PM, then take him at his word. Note too that some media outlets in Thailand appear to carry a grudge against the man because he told them off. Although the media with a grudge are still intimidated by the military, it doesn't prevent them from trying to embarrass or annoy the man. Adults see this as pettiness. In any case, I am surprised that some of you are not more supportive of the military in this matter, as many of you are proponents of another military coup.

it would be better than the murdering arsonist red shirt thug coup

Edited by wxyz
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As opposed from a horse's posterior which is what many of the negative comments in this thread reflect. Can some common sense take hold please. Does anyone not remember that the event was postponed from November because of the flooding? At the time promises were made that the government would provide its utmost support for the exhibitors and the Thai companies that would have to reschedule. This event became even more important because it was the first major commercial exhibition to occur since the floods. The presence of the PM sent a strong message of support to the business sector and kept her promise to be there for the opening. The event serves provides an effective means to reach a broad diverse group of investors and the market all at one time. Note that the event was attended by important investment and trade groups from the EU, Japan, India and China. Can people not be pragmatic instead of hateful? In the few hours spent meeting with local and foreign trade reps, with foreign ambassadors and trade secretaries, along with key sector CEOs, the PM accomplished much more for the Thai economy than she would have had she been sitting in the house listening to empty speeches. Her presence in the house was not needed for the speeches. She was present for the budget presentation and that was all that was required. I draw your attention to the fact that PMs in Australia, Canada, the UK etc. are rarely present for the full budget debate. That's the responsibility of finance ministers that present the budgets. I suppose it is easier for some of you to complain than it is to think. As an aside, Mr. Abhisit did not attend all of the budget speeches either when he was PM, but I suppose he gets a pass on that right?

In respect to the meeting with the head of the armed forces, do you think he just pops round because he wants to bask in the glorious beauty of the PM? He had to see her asap and the most convenient time slot was at noon. Both these people are busy and don't look for extra meetings. If the General said he needed to meet with the PM, then take him at his word. Note too that some media outlets in Thailand appear to carry a grudge against the man because he told them off. Although the media with a grudge are still intimidated by the military, it doesn't prevent them from trying to embarrass or annoy the man. Adults see this as pettiness. In any case, I am surprised that some of you are not more supportive of the military in this matter, as many of you are proponents of another military coup.

The Aus PM is always present for the budget debate. It's one of the most publicised parliamentary events of the year.

The BOI event was postponed from November, but she still couldn't get her story straight when just a couple of days ago she said she couldn't visit the floods in the south because she had the Budget debate.

It's interesting to see that Yingluck is jumping when the military say jump.

Yes, but, it's not Oz, Dorothy..........

Perhaps different rules / physics apply in Thailand.

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yingluck is NOT intellectually competent to be PM

that is painfully obvious

had she been from the DEM party, the PTP supporters would be shouting it from the roof tops

Of course you have nothing to substantiate that, do you ???


Edited by philw
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yingluck is NOT intellectually competent to be PM

that is painfully obvious

had she been from the DEM party, the PTP supporters would be shouting it from the roof tops

Of course you have nothing to substantiate that, do ???


If the lady is too scared to speak in public after numerous gaffes that says it all

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As opposed from a horse's posterior which is what many of the negative comments in this thread reflect. Can some common sense take hold please. Does anyone not remember that the event was postponed from November because of the flooding? At the time promises were made that the government would provide its utmost support for the exhibitors and the Thai companies that would have to reschedule. This event became even more important because it was the first major commercial exhibition to occur since the floods. The presence of the PM sent a strong message of support to the business sector and kept her promise to be there for the opening. The event serves provides an effective means to reach a broad diverse group of investors and the market all at one time. Note that the event was attended by important investment and trade groups from the EU, Japan, India and China. Can people not be pragmatic instead of hateful? In the few hours spent meeting with local and foreign trade reps, with foreign ambassadors and trade secretaries, along with key sector CEOs, the PM accomplished much more for the Thai economy than she would have had she been sitting in the house listening to empty speeches. Her presence in the house was not needed for the speeches. She was present for the budget presentation and that was all that was required. I draw your attention to the fact that PMs in Australia, Canada, the UK etc. are rarely present for the full budget debate. That's the responsibility of finance ministers that present the budgets. I suppose it is easier for some of you to complain than it is to think. As an aside, Mr. Abhisit did not attend all of the budget speeches either when he was PM, but I suppose he gets a pass on that right?

In respect to the meeting with the head of the armed forces, do you think he just pops round because he wants to bask in the glorious beauty of the PM? He had to see her asap and the most convenient time slot was at noon. Both these people are busy and don't look for extra meetings. If the General said he needed to meet with the PM, then take him at his word. Note too that some media outlets in Thailand appear to carry a grudge against the man because he told them off. Although the media with a grudge are still intimidated by the military, it doesn't prevent them from trying to embarrass or annoy the man. Adults see this as pettiness. In any case, I am surprised that some of you are not more supportive of the military in this matter, as many of you are proponents of another military coup.

it would be better than the murdering arsonist red shirt thug coup

"it would be better than the murdering arsonist red shirt thug coup"

An early contender for the "highest number of abusive keywords in a single sentence regarding the PTP/Red Shirts/Thaksin" Award 2012.

Congratulations "wxyz" who will probably win the "least imaginative user name ever" award unless there is a "qwerty" out there somewhere.

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I think you mis-read. Who said anything about defending Yingluck? There is no "defense" above.

Attacking Yingluck looks to be more like "The job that never stops"

But do you think the PM needs to "defend" her work agenda? I don't.

You are defending her with your non-issue comment, just as you were defending her government for issuing of passport to convicted on-the-run criminal, with "oh it doesn't matter, what difference does it make, just a non-issue".

Why not be honest about how you feel and about what you are saying? It's not like it's not blindingly obvious anyway.

I am being honest about what I am saying and about what I am feeling, as you put it.

That it doesn't agree with your opinion of what I am saying and what I am feeling is not something I have control over. Sorry 'bout that.

I would have thought by now a man of your standing would be seeing the light a little bit, You know she should be more responsible, show more strength, not use excuses for missing events/meetings (helicopter comes to mind ??) get on with the election promises, it is NOT a matter of taking sides now that's too late, it is responding to wrongs. You with this hardcore minority have your views, that's your option, but when defense of glaring -outstanding-abuses of government, something is amiss somewhere, when you have been quizzed, all you have to say is that you disagree. Seemingly are you afraid of -doing a Maggie-your ''not for turning''

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In case anyone is interested, the PM had meetings/discussions in respect to key foreign investors during her absence from the house. Also there was a national security issue of pressing importance. I shall put it diplomatically, her presence was required. In terms of cost benefit, sitting in the house listening to members drone on about items not related to the budget vs. keeping some important investors onside and addressing national security was considered more important. She's a big girl and such criticism comes with the turf. She will not lose any sleep over the matterr, but the investors group are grateful as are the thousands of Thais that will still have jobs.

As you are all very higly situated in Thai society with your important positions and hiso wives/concubines, please check with your sources.

Right, you do a good job as PR Speaker for her. Can you give me an advertisement to join her?

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