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yingluck is NOT intellectually competent to be PM

that is painfully obvious

had she been from the DEM party, the PTP supporters would be shouting it from the roof tops

I'm not sure she's not retarded. Some Thai doctor friends of mine wonder.

hahaha good one

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The Aus PM is always present for the budget debate. It's one of the most publicised parliamentary events of the year.

The BOI event was postponed from November, but she still couldn't get her story straight when just a couple of days ago she said she couldn't visit the floods in the south because she had the Budget debate.

It's interesting to see that Yingluck is jumping when the military say jump.

The Aus. PM does not remain in parliament for the entire debate. Please check your Hansard. Do you honestly think that a PM has time to sit in parliament listening to speeches that are often about nothing? it doesn't matter which political party or country, it just does not happen. That is what finance ministers are there for since the finance minister is tasked with the budget presentation and defense. In respect to the BOI obligation, she initially wasn't planning on attending and as I stated previously, it appears that some heavyweights reminded her of the need to attend. Perhaps the trade delegations from Japan and China convinced her, especially with the worry of keeping these foreign investors reassured.

In respect to the meeting with the General, it would have been irresponsible of the PM not to meet with him if he needed that meeting, The man is head of the most important component of the ruling structure of Thailand and is tasked with protecting the nation from the southern insurgents.

And yet you lambast them for protecting the nation from the northern insurgents.

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She doesn't need to go to the south, Abhisit and all the other PM's before him took care of Bangkok and the south. Thaksin was the only one that helped the north. That is why he is so popular.

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Another reflex defence of the government. Are you capable of independent thought at all? I suppose not, being a proponent of violent solutions to any criticicism thereof. Time for a new war on drugs and a few thousand extra judicial killings? Might be a good opportunity to get rid of a few critics too?

I provided a rational explanation. How is it a reflex defense of the government? The promise to appear at the exhibition was made in November. The business community was expecting her and the Democrats most certainly knew she had to attend. why not respond to my explanation and whyyou disagree. You can not point out any errors or incorrect statements, so instead you raise the canard of a drug war which is unrelated. Is it so hard to accept that the obligation was in place long before the budget debates started.

Your rational explanation would require the PM to be honorable which she is not.

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The Aus PM is always present for the budget debate. It's one of the most publicised parliamentary events of the year.

The BOI event was postponed from November, but she still couldn't get her story straight when just a couple of days ago she said she couldn't visit the floods in the south because she had the Budget debate.

It's interesting to see that Yingluck is jumping when the military say jump.

The Aus. PM does not remain in parliament for the entire debate. Please check your Hansard. Do you honestly think that a PM has time to sit in parliament listening to speeches that are often about nothing? it doesn't matter which political party or country, it just does not happen. That is what finance ministers are there for since the finance minister is tasked with the budget presentation and defense. In respect to the BOI obligation, she initially wasn't planning on attending and as I stated previously, it appears that some heavyweights reminded her of the need to attend. Perhaps the trade delegations from Japan and China convinced her, especially with the worry of keeping these foreign investors reassured.

In respect to the meeting with the General, it would have been irresponsible of the PM not to meet with him if he needed that meeting, The man is head of the most important component of the ruling structure of Thailand and is tasked with protecting the nation from the southern insurgents.

You just make this up as you go along, don't you?

How about you try this, what part do you disagree with and on what basis do you disagree. Please identify the inccorect part and explain why it is incorrect. Otherwise, just accept the fact that you are factually incorrect.

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The Aus PM is always present for the budget debate. It's one of the most publicised parliamentary events of the year.

The BOI event was postponed from November, but she still couldn't get her story straight when just a couple of days ago she said she couldn't visit the floods in the south because she had the Budget debate.

It's interesting to see that Yingluck is jumping when the military say jump.

The Aus. PM does not remain in parliament for the entire debate. Please check your Hansard. Do you honestly think that a PM has time to sit in parliament listening to speeches that are often about nothing? it doesn't matter which political party or country, it just does not happen. That is what finance ministers are there for since the finance minister is tasked with the budget presentation and defense. In respect to the BOI obligation, she initially wasn't planning on attending and as I stated previously, it appears that some heavyweights reminded her of the need to attend. Perhaps the trade delegations from Japan and China convinced her, especially with the worry of keeping these foreign investors reassured.

In respect to the meeting with the General, it would have been irresponsible of the PM not to meet with him if he needed that meeting, The man is head of the most important component of the ruling structure of Thailand and is tasked with protecting the nation from the southern insurgents.

And yet you lambast them for protecting the nation from the northern insurgents.

I suggest that you consider enrolling in a remedial reading course. I have not lambasted the government for protecting the nation from northern insurgents..It is not even mentioned in the thread. I wrote "tasked with protecting the nation from the southern insurgents", as in having the work assignment, job. Please look up the definition. The first one reads as follows; Verb: Assign such a piece of work to: "these troops are tasked with peacemaking".

I have had the same position since day 1. In respect to the military actions in the north. The military undertook a counterinsurgency action that stopped the drug cartels from taking full control of key areas. The response has been that I have been accused of being an apologist for what was a legal action against violent criminal groups.

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How about you try this, what part do you disagree with and on what basis do you disagree. Please identify the inccorect part and explain why it is incorrect. Otherwise, just accept the fact that you are factually incorrect.

The Aus PM might not be there for the entire debate, but he doesn't miss two whole days of it. He/She is always there for the whole reading of the budget.

As far as you making things up:

- "it appears that some heavyweights reminded her of the need to attend"

- "it would have been irresponsible of the PM not to meet with him if he needed that meeting"

What heavyweights? What need for a meeting?

Why does a lunch meeting and opening an event take not just a whole day, but TWO whole days.

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The media team behind Yingluk realise her weakness- lack of knowledge, and her strength-looking photogenic- so the plan is to get her to read prepared speeches, photo-ops and avoid situations where she has to answer without prepared notes. It can work for a week or two but it's going to be hard to carry on for another 3 and a half years!

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How about you try this, what part do you disagree with and on what basis do you disagree. Please identify the inccorect part and explain why it is incorrect. Otherwise, just accept the fact that you are factually incorrect.

The Aus PM might not be there for the entire debate, but he doesn't miss two whole days of it. He/She is always there for the whole reading of the budget.

As far as you making things up:

- "it appears that some heavyweights reminded her of the need to attend"

- "it would have been irresponsible of the PM not to meet with him if he needed that meeting"

What heavyweights? What need for a meeting?

Why does a lunch meeting and opening an event take not just a whole day, but TWO whole days.

Are you really this ignorant about the the process of the Thai budget or are you just trying to cause a confrontation? Seriously, why don't you look up the date when the budget was submitted and when the debate started. Do you not understand that the Prime Minister provided the budget to the House in November 2011. It was reported by the media at the time.

BANGKOK, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Wednesday submitted the 2012 Budget Bill outlining 2. 38 trillion baht (77.65 billion U.S. dollars) spending to the Lower House for debate and consideration.

The budget debate is scheduled from Wednesday to Thursday. For its first day, 377 out of 499 members of the House registered to attend the meeting.

The PM did not attend the mid year allocations budget bill debate. Big deal. LOL.

Go eat some crow and see who was in attendance at the opening of the BOI. It was major protocol requirement that the PM attend.


Don't you read the local papers with your morning coffee? They have pictures of the big wigs. Another LOL @U is merited.

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Go eat some crow and see who was in attendance at the opening of the BOI. It was major protocol requirement that the PM attend.


Don't you read the local papers with your morning coffee? They have pictures of the big wigs. Another LOL @U is merited.

Blair wasn't at the opening. I hope the crow tastes good.

Former British prime minister Tony Blair will deliver the keynote address at the Thailand Board of Investment (BoI) CEO Forum, while Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra will host a gala dinner for the participants at Government House.

The January 17 event ...

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Go eat some crow and see who was in attendance at the opening of the BOI. It was major protocol requirement that the PM attend.


Don't you read the local papers with your morning coffee? They have pictures of the big wigs. Another LOL @U is merited.

Blair wasn't at the opening. I hope the crow tastes good.

Former British prime minister Tony Blair will deliver the keynote address at the Thailand Board of Investment (BoI) CEO Forum, while Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra will host a gala dinner for the participants at Government House.

The January 17 event ...

OMFG, seriously, are you now denying the Japanese and Chinese trade delegations were not present? That there wasn't a group from India? That there were no ASEAN reps, and that some key agents representing EU and USA MNEs were not present? The link was to demonstrate that there were and are some heavywights on hand for the event. Go read the local paper and look for the pictures. I think the pictures will help you.

I am not going to waste anymore time on you as it is obvious that you are trying to provoke me.

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Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's absence from the debate for two consecutive days


If you don't like the heat get out of the fire...RESIGN

or present the budget that will be debated....... then approved.......no heat....

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She doesn't need to go to the south, Abhisit and all the other PM's before him took care of Bangkok and the south. Thaksin was the only one that helped the north. That is why he is so popular.

You forgot to add in the north at the end. You might want ask Southern Thais especially in Hat Yai, why they hate Thaksin? It's from well before Abhisit's short time at the helm. My wife did once vote TRT, she said she thought Thaksin was going to help all the poor. Not just those in the Noth and North East.

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OMFG, seriously, are you now denying the Japanese and Chinese trade delegations were not present? That there wasn't a group from India? That there were no ASEAN reps, and that some key agents representing EU and USA MNEs were not present? The link was to demonstrate that there were and are some heavywights on hand for the event. Go read the local paper and look for the pictures. I think the pictures will help you.

I am not going to waste anymore time on you as it is obvious that you are trying to provoke me.

&lt;deleted&gt;? ... you try and make out that Blair was at the opening, and when it's pointed out that he wasn't, now I'm trying to provoke you?

Yes. There probably were a few trade delegations there. Does that mean Yingluck needs to spend TWO WHOLE DAYS with them?

How about not wasting any more time making things up.

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I get the feeling she doesn't really want the job. She herself would probably admit that she's a proxy for the PM's position.

And the Thai people, they don't mind if she she doesn't show up for work, and more than they mind their other elected officials not showing up when they're supposed to. I like the jab by the Dem rep, mentioning 'truancy' I haven't heard that word since grammar school - which is about the level those boys and girls are working at.

Let's face it, she doesn't want to show up because A. she'll have to think on her feet (without a script) and B. she and her ministers (with Thaksin directing, behind the curtain) have been claiming multi billion baht expeditures are needed, and none know where the money will realistically come from, unless they turn on the money printing presses 24/7.

Most of those billion dollar expenses are, of course, focused on Bangkok which, in the big picture, is like pasting duct tape on the sides of the Thaitanic. The 900 lb gorilla that no VIP or MP wants to acknowledge is: Bangkok's people and things should all be moved to higher ground.

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yingluck is NOT intellectually competent to be PM

that is painfully obvious

had she been from the DEM party, the PTP supporters would be shouting it from the roof tops

Of course you have nothing to substantiate that, do you ???


Well there is her track record

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In case anyone is interested, the PM had meetings/discussions in respect to key foreign investors during her absence from the house. Also there was a national security issue of pressing importance. I shall put it diplomatically, her presence was required. In terms of cost benefit, sitting in the house listening to members drone on about items not related to the budget vs. keeping some important investors onside and addressing national security was considered more important. She's a big girl and such criticism comes with the turf. She will not lose any sleep over the matterr, but the investors group are grateful as are the thousands of Thais that will still have jobs.

As you are all very higly situated in Thai society with your important positions and hiso wives/concubines, please check with your sources.

Obviously, GK is an inside man in the Yingluck administration. He gets all his BS and spin straight from the horse's mouth.

As opposed from a horse's posterior which is what many of the negative comments in this thread reflect. Can some common sense take hold please. Does anyone not remember that the event was postponed from November because of the flooding? At the time promises were made that the government would provide its utmost support for the exhibitors and the Thai companies that would have to reschedule. This event became even more important because it was the first major commercial exhibition to occur since the floods. The presence of the PM sent a strong message of support to the business sector and kept her promise to be there for the opening. The event serves provides an effective means to reach a broad diverse group of investors and the market all at one time. Note that the event was attended by important investment and trade groups from the EU, Japan, India and China. Can people not be pragmatic instead of hateful? In the few hours spent meeting with local and foreign trade reps, with foreign ambassadors and trade secretaries, along with key sector CEOs, the PM accomplished much more for the Thai economy than she would have had she been sitting in the house listening to empty speeches. Her presence in the house was not needed for the speeches. She was present for the budget presentation and that was all that was required. I draw your attention to the fact that PMs in Australia, Canada, the UK etc. are rarely present for the full budget debate. That's the responsibility of finance ministers that present the budgets. I suppose it is easier for some of you to complain than it is to think. As an aside, Mr. Abhisit did not attend all of the budget speeches either when he was PM, but I suppose he gets a pass on that right?

In respect to the meeting with the head of the armed forces, do you think he just pops round because he wants to bask in the glorious beauty of the PM? He had to see her asap and the most convenient time slot was at noon. Both these people are busy and don't look for extra meetings. If the General said he needed to meet with the PM, then take him at his word. Note too that some media outlets in Thailand appear to carry a grudge against the man because he told them off. Although the media with a grudge are still intimidated by the military, it doesn't prevent them from trying to embarrass or annoy the man. Adults see this as pettiness. In any case, I am surprised that some of you are not more supportive of the military in this matter, as many of you are proponents of another military coup.

At this juncture, this quote from Ferris Bueller's Day Off seems more relevant than ever

"What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul" - Ferris Bueller's Day Off 1986.

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I agree...she had her chance to stand up and tell Big Brother to shove off.

But either she couldn't or didn't want to do that.

So the conclusion must be she was and is only a clone for Big Brother.

But, just maybe, the real reason she couldn't show up in Parliment or do that tour of the southern flood areas either has something to do with that lunch time meeting with the highest ranking Thai military officer.

Just ask yourself, why was meeting him more important to her that EITHER of the other two alternatives?

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IMO a nice little non-issue from a non-news source.

The Nation must be having a slow day if this is all they can muster.

Appreciate the envious Farang Feeding Frenzy, though. Good for traffic. cool.png

And a nice non-interesting post from a non-partisan Thaksin kool aid drinker

Sweet... and that from a troll-poster promoting a murder in his/her signature.

Accidents happen every day - indeed - one of the witnesses for a key long going Shin Corp corruption case accidentally ended up floating in a lake with three bullets to the brainpan in 2006 - I'm sure your heroes the Shinwatras had nothing to do that with though jap.gif Those accidents, they are a tragedy.

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You are defending her with your non-issue comment, just as you were defending her government for issuing of passport to convicted on-the-run criminal, with "oh it doesn't matter, what difference does it make, just a non-issue".

Why not be honest about how you feel and about what you are saying? It's not like it's not blindingly obvious anyway.

I am being honest about what I am saying and about what I am feeling, as you put it.

That it doesn't agree with your opinion of what I am saying and what I am feeling is not something I have control over. Sorry 'bout that.

I don't have any problem with your opinion being different from mine, i have a problem with disingenuousness that i feel exists when a person who claims no particular party/person affiliation, then takes the view that issuing passports to convicted criminals that have fled the country and are on the run, is a non-issue that makes no difference and doesn't bear commenting on, or that Prime Ministers who apologise to the people of the south for not being able to visit them in the wake of a disaster because of important commitments in attending the budget debate, only for that reason to be proven a lie, is a non story.

I'm sorry, but that is not the view of a non-partisan, fair-minded and logical thinking individual. A non-partisan, fair-minded and logical thinking individual, would not hesitate to condemn such action as being quite wrong. You on the other hand, attempt to brush it off and dismiss it as unimportant. You then attempt to suggest that not condemning it, doesn't mean you are defending it. That is also ridiculous and, in my opinion, dis-ingenuous.

I notice that geriatickid clicked the like button on your post. Says a lot if you are pleasing him. But one thing i will say about him, is at least he doesn't try to hide behind the "i'll defend these people to the hill, but that doesn't mean i support them" cop out nonsense.

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Like many of the anti PM posts you all display the tenacity of a cockroach......unfortunately coupled with the reasoning ability of the same......

There is no requirement for the PM to sit through the budget proceedings where the oppostion try to look intelligent and the bill gets approved at the end of the discussion.......especally, if has been pointed out, her time may well better utilised elsewhere

It seems visiting the flooded south wasn't better utilisation of her time. She turned that down to be at the debate, and then didn't even go to the debate.

Yes a wonderful display of adaptability to adjust her busy schedule and appear where the country benfits most

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Frankly, I don't care where she was, or what she was doing. She is a proxy puppet, and if she wants to host a cooking show with the Ghost of Samak, that would probably be more useful than smiling cheerfully while Thaksin pulls the strings from afar and tells her what to say.

She is a hottie though.

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You are defending her with your non-issue comment, just as you were defending her government for issuing of passport to convicted on-the-run criminal, with "oh it doesn't matter, what difference does it make, just a non-issue".

Why not be honest about how you feel and about what you are saying? It's not like it's not blindingly obvious anyway.

I am being honest about what I am saying and about what I am feeling, as you put it.

That it doesn't agree with your opinion of what I am saying and what I am feeling is not something I have control over. Sorry 'bout that.

I don't have any problem with your opinion being different from mine, i have a problem with disingenuousness that i feel exists when a person who claims no particular party/person affiliation, then takes the view that issuing passports to convicted criminals that have fled the country and are on the run, is a non-issue that makes no difference and doesn't bear commenting on, or that Prime Ministers who apologise to the people of the south for not being able to visit them in the wake of a disaster because of important commitments in attending the budget debate, only for that reason to be proven a lie, is a non story.

I'm sorry, but that is not the view of a non-partisan, fair-minded and logical thinking individual. A non-partisan, fair-minded and logical thinking individual, would not hesitate to condemn such action as being quite wrong. You on the other hand, attempt to brush it off and dismiss it as unimportant. You then attempt to suggest that not condemning it, doesn't mean you are defending it. That is also ridiculous and, in my opinion, dis-ingenuous.

I notice that geriatickid clicked the like button on your post. Says a lot if you are pleasing him. But one thing i will say about him, is at least he doesn't try to hide behind the "i'll defend these people to the hill, but that doesn't mean i support them" cop out nonsense.

Doesn't get much more well-reasoned that that.

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Like many of the anti PM posts you all display the tenacity of a cockroach......unfortunately coupled with the reasoning ability of the same......

There is no requirement for the PM to sit through the budget proceedings where the oppostion try to look intelligent and the bill gets approved at the end of the discussion.......especally, if has been pointed out, her time may well better utilised elsewhere

It seems visiting the flooded south wasn't better utilisation of her time. She turned that down to be at the debate, and then didn't even go to the debate.

Yes a wonderful display of adaptability to adjust her busy schedule and appear where the country benfits most

Do you mean she didn't know that the BOI fair was on or didn't know who was turning up until the day it opened?

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But, just maybe, the real reason she couldn't show up in Parliment or do that tour of the southern flood areas either has something to do with that lunch time meeting with the highest ranking Thai military officer.

Just ask yourself, why was meeting him more important to her that EITHER of the other two alternatives?

Why indeed? And imagine the furore that we would be hearing right now, from those who are defending Yingluck for attending that meeting, were Abhisit the leader and were he the one blowing off the people of the south and Parliament, to spend time with an army general.

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You, not her, were the one claiming the decision to show wonderful adaptability.

yep I can observe this......<trolling crap snipped>

So you observed it, so you give the rationale for your observation.

She had minimum 3 choices by all accounts, she was able to adapt her schedule to cause no ill effect and gain maximum benefit. All be it at the expense of some pointless jibes from the Dems and a few Thai visa members, in my opinion that is adaptability

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