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High Ranking Customs Official Physically Abuses Airport Security: Thailand


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If what the article said of this man is a 'High Offcial', then i could only say he is a bastard bully.

If he does not lead by example to abide the law, does he expect his native Thai counterpart to do so (let exclude foreigner in this situation).

This is how pathetic and corrupted Thai society is with these minority ... ruining the reputation of Thai image.

I hope the higher authority should probe in to this seriously and charge him accordingly for disrespecting the Thai law (which applies to every single individual) and sack him from his position now. (I doubt the authority will do anything though as they will simpy feels no money to reward for investigating in such case)

They will be more enthusiatic and engross on creative idea how to corrupt more money from the ordinary people.

Sad but this is true that Thailand has detertrate from bad to worst, no thanks to all this corruptors and elites.

Edited by Tywais
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If I were a senior customs guy, I'd expect to walk through, wouldn't you?

I blame the security for not recognizing his boss.

NO! As a former airport/airline employee I was offered a walk through. I declined and reported the employee who was later terminated.

Now going to the other extreme that is just sheer bloody mindedness. I have been in a similar position and all you had to do was talk with the person privately for a few moments saying that as airport staff you appreciate the work they do and none of you expect or want preferential treatment, it makes you feel uneasy, as security is everyone's responsibility. result a happier still polite security staff who has a little synergy with some other member of airport staff. Well done, a disciplinary sacking meaning the next job almost impossible to get. I imagine his family suffered for a long time, all because of you. Do you clock that up as one of life's major achievements?

Excellent comments. As City Councillor in charge of the Traffic Police I was stopped for exceeding the speed limit. When the Officer identified me he was most apologetic. I interupted and said if I was in the wrong i expected him to treat me no different to any other citizen and to issue me with a speeding ticket or summons. His reply was "Councillor you were speeding however in view of your past impeccible trafic record I will let you go with a warning" . He then said "I have stopped many of your fellow City Councillors and you are the first to advise me to do my job without favors". "Thanks Councillor have a good evening" .... I was impressed.

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If I were a senior customs guy, I'd expect to walk through, wouldn't you?

I blame the security for not recognizing his boss.

If I was a senior I would expect my subordinates to carry out thier job to the highest standard and that means no excemptions to anyone boarding a plane. I don't care if it was the queen of england boarding this flight she should be subject to the same checks.

It's called respect..and this a..e hole has none..Yes it's the HI-So mentality for sure but like in the past that would have been that...as now this video clip of the incident has gone world viral exposing this pigs lack of respect and behaviour!By the looks of his age he obviously has high rank seniority so can't see him being sacked..just the normal 'extended leave' crap and internal discipline..just the same as high ranking public servants the world over...there're be an enquirey leading to absolutely nothing!!

How do you he's a hi-so?

People with a bit of job rank are not authmatically hi-so.

Next you'll be saying he's part of the elite that want to control Thailand.

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If I were a senior customs guy, I'd expect to walk through, wouldn't you?

I blame the security for not recognizing his boss.

If I was a senior I would expect my subordinates to carry out thier job to the highest standard and that means no excemptions to anyone boarding a plane. I don't care if it was the queen of england boarding this flight she should be subject to the same checks.

How absurd. Can you imagine a customs or security person asking Betty Windsor if she packed her own bags? I'm pretty sure that Royalty, other Heads of countries and Prime Ministers, and other genuine VIP's are driven directly to their aircraft without going through any of the formalities. In the UK Civil Servants are NOT considered VIP's. BTW the old gal is Queen of a lot of countries other than England but you may not know that..

Once when I was leading hand of the RN barrack guard at Chatham a man dressed in civilian clothes waltzed through the main gate. I ordered him to halt and identify himself. He played the 'don't you know who I am card' and I replied "No sir, but it you show me some ID I'll tell you who you are, and then make a decision on whether to allow you to pass". The following day I was charged with gross insubordination. At the hearing by the Commander he burst out laughing and dismissed the charge. As I had also testified that the man, a Lt. Commander, appeared to be well under the influence, I have no doubt that he had his ears chewed off.

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If I were a senior customs guy, I'd expect to walk through, wouldn't you?

I blame the security for not recognizing his boss.

NO! As a former airport/airline employee I was offered a walk through. I declined and reported the employee who was later terminated.

Now going to the other extreme that is just sheer bloody mindedness. I have been in a similar position and all you had to do was talk with the person privately for a few moments saying that as airport staff you appreciate the work they do and none of you expect or want preferential treatment, it makes you feel uneasy, as security is everyone's responsibility. result a happier still polite security staff who has a little synergy with some other member of airport staff. Well done, a disciplinary sacking meaning the next job almost impossible to get. I imagine his family suffered for a long time, all because of you. Do you clock that up as one of life's major achievements?

Excellent comments. As City Councillor in charge of the Traffic Police I was stopped for exceeding the speed limit. When the Officer identified me he was most apologetic. I interupted and said if I was in the wrong i expected him to treat me no different to any other citizen and to issue me with a speeding ticket or summons. His reply was "Councillor you were speeding however in view of your past impeccible trafic record I will let you go with a warning" . He then said "I have stopped many of your fellow City Councillors and you are the first to advise me to do my job without favors". "Thanks Councillor have a good evening" .... I was impressed.

Crap .. and so you continue your dangerous driving habits? I wish you would reveal your identity so that the media in your locality could bring you to task. .. or do you have them stiched up too .. Mr Councilor ... you were "impressed". As a citizen in your city, I would not be so impressed, and would like to ask the policeman how he makes the distinction between the safety of one speeding driver over another. As he fumbles for an answer, suspend him from duties and bring to question every ticket he has ever written.

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We all are subject to security checks and accept it as going with the turf. All turf whether your own or abroad.

Unbelievable clip and well done the Thai whistle blower who published it.

It is through social net workingsuch as You Tube and the rest that such regimes as well as individuals are to be exposed.

Interestingly, the others present were powerless to intervene whereas in fully fledged democracies bystanders would have piled in.

The suspending of the abuser and the subsequent investigation will be closely monitored as to whether or not a suitable punishment is given.

It should be but that remains a doubtful act in Thailand where the tolerance of the unacceptable knows no limits.

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We all are subject to security checks and accept it as going with the turf. All turf whether your own or abroad.

Unbelievable clip and well done the Thai whistle blower who published it.

It is through social net workingsuch as You Tube and the rest that such regimes as well as individuals are to be exposed.

Interestingly, the others present were powerless to intervene whereas in fully fledged democracies bystanders would have piled in.

The suspending of the abuser and the subsequent investigation will be closely monitored as to whether or not a suitable punishment is given.

It should be but that remains a doubtful act in Thailand where the tolerance of the unacceptable knows no limits.

The abuser isn't suspended,it is the victim that is.

The abuser has 7 more days to build his defence and will go on with his abuses as long as he lives.

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I'm wondering if he was allowed to board the plane without being screened? Should not have been allowed to board. My sense is that at most other airports, he would have been detained and/or arrested.

He was probably Flying Thai Air

He would have belted the pilots ears as well

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If I were a senior customs guy, I'd expect to walk through, wouldn't you?

I blame the security for not recognizing his boss.

NO! As a former airport/airline employee I was offered a walk through. I declined and reported the employee who was later terminated.

Now going to the other extreme that is just sheer bloody mindedness. I have been in a similar position and all you had to do was talk with the person privately for a few moments saying that as airport staff you appreciate the work they do and none of you expect or want preferential treatment, it makes you feel uneasy, as security is everyone's responsibility. result a happier still polite security staff who has a little synergy with some other member of airport staff. Well done, a disciplinary sacking meaning the next job almost impossible to get. I imagine his family suffered for a long time, all because of you. Do you clock that up as one of life's major achievements?

Excellent comments. As City Councillor in charge of the Traffic Police I was stopped for exceeding the speed limit. When the Officer identified me he was most apologetic. I interupted and said if I was in the wrong i expected him to treat me no different to any other citizen and to issue me with a speeding ticket or summons. His reply was "Councillor you were speeding however in view of your past impeccible trafic record I will let you go with a warning" . He then said "I have stopped many of your fellow City Councillors and you are the first to advise me to do my job without favors". "Thanks Councillor have a good evening" .... I was impressed.

It may surprise a few but several members of the Royal Family have been issued with tickets for speeding and illegal parking on several occasions by the UK Police. Princess Anne was charged and found guilty of driving without due care and attention after causing a collision. The Home Secretary was in a rush to get back to Parliament from a visit to South Wales so that he could register his vote on some important matter when the Government had only a small majority in the House. His driver was charged with speeding on the M4, fined and penalty points added to his licence.

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Senior official transferred following assault caught on YouTube

The Nation


The Customs Department on Wednesday transferred back to headquarters a senior official based at Suvarnabhumi Airport who allegedly assaulted an airport security officer while refusing to be patted down.

Director General Somchai Poonsawat said the C-7 official, who was identified only as Sombat, will face an investigation into the incident, which occurred on January at in the airport. The investigation will take about 30 days.

Footage from a surveillance camera of the alleged assault, which has appeared on YouTube, shows the official walking through a security check. However, he refuses to be patted down after a security alarm beeps.


In the footage, the official is showing whacking the officer's ears with both hands. The official then points to his badge and the junior officer bows apologetically.

The video was posted on YouTube on Monday and by Tuesday it had attracted many thousands of angry comments.

Somchai said the official in trouble was a chief of passenger services at the airport responsible for crackdowns on contraband and narcotics.

After the incident, the junior officer saw a doctor, who diagnosed injuries to the eardrum. He also filed a complaint with the police.


-- The Nation 2012-01-11

My wife works for airport security and she witnessed this incident. The "official" was clearly out of line, and was clearly in violation of security protocol. His assault was on the checkpoint supervisor, whom my wife describes as very patient and very polite. That punk that assaulted the security agent IMO should have been tasered and taken down, then sent to jail. Even the flight crews have to go through the same kind of security checks as the rest of the passengers. This man's conduct was inexcusable.

Edited by Gandalf8353
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My wife works for airport security and she witnessed this incident. The "customs" official was clearly out of line, and was clearly in violation of security protocol. His assault was on the checkpoint supervisor, whom my wife describes as very patient and very polite. That punk Pr**k that assaulted him IMO should have been tasered and taken down, then sent to jail. Even the flight crews have to go through the same kind of security checks as the rest of the passengers. This man's conduct was inexcusable.

My feeling too.

But my bet is the primitive guy will be advised to stay in the shadow for the 30 days of "investigation" just enough for the matter to be forgotten. Then it will be all back to normal. As for the security staff, he might get some trouble getting any promotion in the future since he dared to denounce the facts to the police. This breed of arrogant officials are still too often off limits.

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If I were a senior customs guy, I'd expect to walk through, wouldn't you?

I blame the security for not recognizing his boss.

A good instructed boss would give him a promotion for a correct accomplished job.

When not even the pilots and flight crew are exempt from security screening, this guy, no matter who he was, is not exempt. That is the protocol according to my better half. He was not a "boss" for security, he was part of a different section of airport staff. No one is exempt from security checks at the checkpoints. Lungmi is right.

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As much as many passengers complain about security, it's incidents like this that make a security officer's job much more difficult, and by extension, causes more difficulty for other passengers as well. The security officers have a thankless job, and work 12 hour shifts. They have my sympathy.

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Think that was the young guy's problem - the delivered headbuts were far too slow.

I counted about 16 attempts.

Perhaps sarcasm. Not sure. However, the "attempted" head butts were instead a "wai" or a gesture of respect. The security officer and also the female officer near him were trying to defuse the situation.

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When are the little people going to learn where thier place is in society. I think the Hiso was saying, "Do you know who I am little man, do I look like a bloody farang to you?"

Just kidding

You think your funny, but your not!

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Charge him with assault.

On the other hand, I have a feeling a lot of PAX wish they could do the same, especially at some North American airports.

Spot on GK. I went back to the US two months ago. They found a zippo lighter in my checked luggage given to me by a comrad when I was in Afghanistan. I was treated like a criminal. I had to go through interrogation by some guy with an IQ equalling room temperature in C. Consequently I missed my connecting flight,

Lighters are allowed in checked luggage.


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Just for the record the elder official is in the right to discipline a subordinate especially when the subordinate works in a life threatening field and incompetent. The senior is obviously teaching the young lad the ill effects of bowing to a criminal. A very quick bow is acceptable but long lengthy bow leaves you open to attack. Like an ear pop, knee to the face etc. ;) Do police officers bow to you? Army personnel? Then why should an Airport Security Person????

I would much rather have this young mans humility shamed here than have him bow to a real criminal and end up dead.

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A simple cctv video does not show the full background story or what was said. While I can't defend the Customs official, I have seen these airport security themselves behave aggressive and threatening to other people just the same way - in my case to a taxi driver, who then sped off and almost hit me while carrying my baby daughter in front of the airport. These airport security are simply bad and stupid and I'm not surprised someone has finally stood up to them,.

I cannot be more supporting your statement than that! I fully agree with the statement that airport security are usually from the lowest education ranks and in much of the cases extremely and appallingly aggressive. They are well aware of their power and therefore they are simply abusive themselves! They all need re-education! It's as simple like that!

But on the other hand, I do not try to justify this high ranking official!


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