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Thai Navy Rescue 800 Live Dogs Destined For Indochina Meat Trade


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Well those navy boys and girls had better get a move on. There are pigs, chickens, cows, ducks, fish, and all sorts of other sub creatures to save from the THAI meat trade.

From a meat eater's point of view, I still can't figure the angle on this story and don't care to.

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So I guess they will be released back into the soi's to fight over food scraps or they will simply become land fill. Yep they were certainly saved.

Better than being on a dinner plate. They are innocent animals.

As opposed to cows, pigs, and chickens who are guilty of being evil and deserve what they get. Give me a break, Thai dogs are cockroaches with fur.

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Man jailed, fined Bt35,000

The Nation


Sakon Nakhon Provincial Court yesterday sentenced a man to four months in jail and a Bt35,000 fine for capturing and detaining dogs for sale.

After a crackdown on dog traders in Sakon Nakhon's Tha Rae district last week, Boonthai Wannaphrom confessed that he had detained 5,000 dogs to be sold to buyers in Vietnam. He was initially sentenced to eight months in jail and Bt75,000 in fines, but the court decided to halve his sentence because of his confession.

Boonthai was also found to have violated the Animal Epidemic Act, as he did not feed the dogs enough or protect them from disease.

Police are looking for evidence to take action against a local politician who is believed to be involved in the illegal dog trade. They are also hunting for people who are allegedly providing space to detain dogs before they are sold for their meat.


-- The Nation 2012-01-18

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What's the differance between eating dog, goat, sheep, chicken, cattle.? All can carry disease and should be raised in healthy humane conditions but why are dogs seen as taboo?

Same reason why the British consider horse meat taboo whereas the French, Dutch, Italians,etc. don't.

Different culture.

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The last 1,000 dogs they saved, all starved to death.

I think better to kill humanely and eat, then allow to starve.

Please go yo soidog.org. There you will evidence of the tremendous kindness, compassion and expenditure undertaken to find homes for these dogs. Why don't you take 5 seconds to do the research before making a false statement?

Your comment is an insult to the Thai and foreign volunteers that worked to help these creatures.

My favorite charity! There is a branch in America which allows a tax-deductible U.S. donation and the money is transferred to Thailand.
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There are two key issues associated with the dog meat trade;

1. Health & food safety and,

2, Ethical food practices.

The dogmat trade we see is for the most part illegal, violating the food health safety standards of both Thailand and Vietnam. Almost all of these animals do not undergo a verification of health status prior to slaughter and distribution. The end result is that parasites and what we refer to as bold viruses enter the food chain. Although, I won't shed tears over some Vietnamese that becomes ill or dies from eating bad food illegally obtained, that person can serve as a reservoir for some very lethal diseases. I suggest one have a look at the problems associated with the control of various strains of the virus commonly referred to as swine flu.

In respect to the ethical treatment of the anumals. They are treated in an inhumane and cruel manner. If one does not see the difference between right and wrong here, then there is nothing I can write to convince one otherwise. The fact of the matter is that the trade violates every regulation and every food safety practice there is. It is wrong to treat "livestock" in this manner and brings the food industry into disrepute and damages Thailand's reputation.

I will shed the tears.
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So I guess they will be released back into the soi's to fight over food scraps or they will simply become land fill. Yep they were certainly saved.

Soft(?)george - If you had more dogs in your soi, you would not have a garden that stinks of cats piss and cak!

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dog meat goes into orbit, "Huajiang dog is better for you than ginseng"

"Dog on the menu for Chinese astronauts"

"China's first man in space has said that Chinese astronauts eat dog meat to keep their strength up as they orbit around the earth."


"A local proverb in the south of China is that "Huajiang dog is better for you than ginseng", referring to the medicinal root that plays a vital role in traditional Chinese medicine."

Edited by wxyz
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