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Thai Navy Rescue 800 Live Dogs Destined For Indochina Meat Trade


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If anybody has a phone # for these guys that haul dogs to Loa or cambodia. Please publish it, or let them know in the Kleang district south of Rayong there are thousands of dogs roaming the roads. Come and get them please, I would rather them go to a dinner plate rather than greased on the roads, starving to death eating whatever from trash cans, or me end up in the hospital because I hit one on my motorcycle.

For all you people that think eating dogs is the most inhumane thing that ever happened, is all I can say is, take a good hard look at how these dogs live. Then you might have a change of mind., Until there is a program to controle the population, this seems to be a good way to deal with things.

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The last 1,000 dogs they saved, all starved to death.

I think better to kill humanely and eat, then allow to starve.

Please go yo soidog.org. There you will evidence of the tremendous kindness, compassion and expenditure undertaken to find homes for these dogs. Why don't you take 5 seconds to do the research before making a false statement?

Your comment is an insult to the Thai and foreign volunteers that worked to help these creatures.

IMHO the money would have been better spent helping children in some way.

First you make a false statement and now you are back to go off on a tangent. Please look at some of the donors to organizations such as soi dog and SCAD. Many of these people are the same ones that contribute to social service organizations and volunteer for the same. The people that show compassion for critters are typically the same people that are also compassionate with others. A person that is cruel to animals is typically also cruel with people.

What exactly do you want in respect to helping children? Quite a grand statement but how exactly are these people supposed to help outside of what they do now? Do you want them to round up children and put them in cages, wash the headlice off of them? I offer that unlike a large contributor to an animal welfare organization, you haven't funded extracurricular and supplemental programs at a school, nor volunteered with the local social services organization as is the case with a very kind Australian lady I know of.

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Those who think its ok to eat dogmeat might want to find out how the dogs are treated before they are killed. I am not opposed to eating dogs, I eat pigs, not a whole lot of difference, but I am opposed to the inhumane treatment and cruelty towards animals that occurs in these cases.

Yes, animal cruelty is really unnecessary - regarding the dogs, it seems they were being kept like pigs!

And the dogs were "saved", meaning they will be killed and disposed of.

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Those who think its ok to eat dogmeat might want to find out how the dogs are treated before they are killed. I am not opposed to eating dogs, I eat pigs, not a whole lot of difference, but I am opposed to the inhumane treatment and cruelty towards animals that occurs in these cases.

Yes, animal cruelty is really unnecessary - regarding the dogs, it seems they were being kept like pigs!

And the dogs were "saved", meaning they will be killed and disposed of.

Seems you chose to misread or misunderstand my point, up to you. But please don't quote me if you don't understand what I am saying, thanks.

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I like dogs...but I fail to see, why it is "cruel" to eat dogs but ok to eat pigs and cows?!

In chicken- and pig farms, the animals often suffer cruel before they are turned into food.

Guess you didn't read the article in my post?

If you are going to ignore the inhumane way they are treated and the manner in which they are slaughtered, if only on the human scale it should be noted that eating dog meat transmits cholera and rabies and there have been known outbreaks in Vietnam because of this.

That is all very tragic, but with mad cow disease, foot and mouth, chicken- pigs or birds flu...where is the difference?

What makes it morally more or less bad to eat dogs?

If you see pictures of totally overcrowded chicken farms, full of chicken that has never seen the light of day...why is that less cruel, than treating dogs?

Don't get me wrong: i do not condone any kind of bad treatment towards any animal.

In terms of food I just fail to see the difference between dogs and pigs.

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So I guess they will be released back into the soi's to fight over food scraps or they will simply become land fill. Yep they were certainly saved.

Better than being on a dinner plate. They are innocent animals.

So, what exactly are cows, pigs, chickens, deer, wild boar and all the other animals that people eat, guilty of, if dogs are innocent?

One of the great joys of living on this planet is the diversity of cultures around the world. What is right for one culture is unacceptable to another culture. The Vietnamese eat dog. Who's to say that's right or wrong?

Food for thought!

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So I guess they will be released back into the soi's to fight over food scraps or they will simply become land fill. Yep they were certainly saved.

Better than being on a dinner plate. They are innocent animals.

So, what exactly are cows, pigs, chickens, deer, wild boar and all the other animals that people eat, guilty of, if dogs are innocent?

One of the great joys of living on this planet is the diversity of cultures around the world. What is right for one culture is unacceptable to another culture. The Vietnamese eat dog. Who's to say that's right or wrong?

Food for thought!

the issue is that the dogs being sent to Vietnam fall outside the food safety control system. The entry of unsupervised dog imports presents a threat to public health and to other agricultural sectors. Can you not understand that point?

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I would like to make two points, firstly looking at the picture there was no attempt to hide the truck contents, so the driver seemingly thought his cargo was normal and acceptable.

The second point is stray cats as well as dogs are a menace, I am a cat lover, I have 9 myself. To stop their numbers increasing I had them all neutered. Then I gradually caught all the stray tomcats in the village and had them neutered, plus with the owner's consent any owned cats.

In case you are wondering I did a bulk deal with a local vet, 3000 Baht the lot (just the males, they are simpler and cheaper to do than females).

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So I guess they will be released back into the soi's to fight over food scraps or they will simply become land fill. Yep they were certainly saved.

Better than being on a dinner plate. They are innocent animals.

So, what exactly are cows, pigs, chickens, deer, wild boar and all the other animals that people eat, guilty of, if dogs are innocent?

One of the great joys of living on this planet is the diversity of cultures around the world. What is right for one culture is unacceptable to another culture. The Vietnamese eat dog. Who's to say that's right or wrong?

Food for thought!

Agree I remember animal rights activists around the world jumping up and down and screaming about Kangaroos being eaten in Australia. An animal that had been hunted and eaten as part of a staple diet for 1,000's of years. The calls of it is wrong to eat such a lovable, cuddly animal. So doe anyone know where I can get Kangaroo meat in Thailand (Chiangmai) I know it is exported around the world. A meat very high in protien and almost zero fat and tastes great.

Edited by chooka
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it annoys me when people through the goodness of their heart feed the strays then let them go on their merry way. Makes them all fuzzy and warm.

Then everytime i see dogs locked on the streets of Jomtien I think o oh theres another 6 coming soon -

Then theres the Soi dogs causing accidents by running onto the road, the constant territorial dog nonsense, the barking and howling, the attacking of bike riders and joggers, then the beach goers that are constantly harrassed for food by some slobbering, drooling, mangy dog that sits in front of them waiting for food scraps, etc etc

This charitable nonsense for dogs is dumber than dumb. Give something and then get the inner glo then walk on feeling like you've done your bit.

Well it dont work like that and theres ramifications like the above.

wake up people donate your money to getting the dogs off the streets, sterilized, etc.

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Not to be disrespectful to any dog owner but I just want to express my feeling regarding this topic as it relates to Thailand.

I have live in Thailand for sometimes over ten years and live pretty much the life of a Thai, I Asian born and raised in U.S. / Never ever having a dog while I was growing up I have had as many as 9 dogs and currently down to 4. In my neighborhood and through the years like many of you have seen the number of wild dogs running loose in the Soi. For those Farangs living in Jomtien/Pattaya and complaining about the number of wild dogs you haven't seen anything. Go to the otherside of Sukhumvit you want to see numbers!

I have concluded in general, Thais like to have dogs and kittens like they like to have children but don't take care of them. They just can't afford to take care of them or available to to feed them since they are working 12 plus hours a day. Sure they get all excited when they are puppies but all they do is cage them up in their home until they are big enough to fend for themselves. They neither have the money to treat them medically let alone fix them and the cycle continues and the breed and breed throughout the neigbhood. My neighbor again just got a puppy and for 10 hours a day it is in the back area caged up crying,hungry and shit all over the place with hundreds of flies? Not wanting to create another confrontation again I say nothing not to create another conflict with them and my family! A few days ago the crying stop because the dog is dead like the last one!

My dogs are all well fed and get medical treatment not a scratch on them and they appreciate it I know since they rarely venture too far out. The ones that do all have been killed by speeding drivers in a neighborhood. I have been to chicken farms, pigs and cattle slaugthering houses in the U.S. and I wonder what they look like in Thailand since rarely is anything enforce here, just talk in my opinion. In Thailand, I wonder why the outcry comes from the majority of foreigners yet the Thais that complain don't do a better job of controlling the population and promoting responsibility in owning the dogs exposing the inhuman treating Thais have in owning pets! It seems like anything else the hypocrites come out and mostly likely they are the biggest consumers of beef, chicken and pork?

If this story had happen in the U.S. I would gladly see those responsible jailed and punished but here in Thailand, I wonder if the dogs are better off being someones dinner? This isn't a knot on those that own dogs and take care of them but here in Thailand I see very little of that and the large and increasing numbers prove me to be right. Not to take it likely but obviously the Vietamese know where to look?

Just something to think about?

Edited by thailand49
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Those who think its ok to eat dogmeat might want to find out how the dogs are treated before they are killed. I am not opposed to eating dogs, I eat pigs, not a whole lot of difference, but I am opposed to the inhumane treatment and cruelty towards animals that occurs in these cases.

You are right, we shall make difference between animals. There are some breaded just for meat on the table but a dog is a closer friend for human since childhood. Let's say we feel the dog's as partner in game but also a safety for human as many dog safed children from danger. Dog also is a warning system for us if there is a fire, erthquake, tsunami we must only listen and try understand him. Do a Cow safe a child form deep water etc.? So lets make little difference between the animals and they way the are transported and cruel killed. wai.gif

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Thank goodness for the Thai naval authorities., A great job. Thank you for saving these dogs.

Fortunately they weren't Burmese dogs. Then the navy probably would have towed them out to the middle of the river and left them to fend for themselves.

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This is a "Hot Dog" issue and where did Dog come into our eating...how about "Hot Scrape Food" or "Hot it is not a Dog"...It just occurred to me the Dog's penis will become a Winner, now that makes sense, ...I trust I brought a little humor into this "Dog eat Dog" issue...

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If anybody has a phone # for these guys that haul dogs to Loa or cambodia. Please publish it, or let them know in the Kleang district south of Rayong there are thousands of dogs roaming the roads. Come and get them please, I would rather them go to a dinner plate rather than greased on the roads, starving to death eating whatever from trash cans, or me end up in the hospital because I hit one on my motorcycle.

For all you people that think eating dogs is the most inhumane thing that ever happened, is all I can say is, take a good hard look at how these dogs live. Then you might have a change of mind., Until there is a program to controle the population, this seems to be a good way to deal with things.

The eating of the dogs isn`t the inhumane part, it`s the cruel way in which they are put to death.
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Those who think its ok to eat dogmeat might want to find out how the dogs are treated before they are killed. I am not opposed to eating dogs, I eat pigs, not a whole lot of difference, but I am opposed to the inhumane treatment and cruelty towards animals that occurs in these cases.

You are right, we shall make difference between animals. There are some breaded just for meat on the table but a dog is a closer friend for human since childhood. Let's say we feel the dog's as partner in game but also a safety for human as many dog safed children from danger. Dog also is a warning system for us if there is a fire, erthquake, tsunami we must only listen and try understand him. Do a Cow safe a child form deep water etc.? So lets make little difference between the animals and they way the are transported and cruel killed. wai.gif

And don't forget the rabbits. They deserve to be eaten as well! Danger to our way of life, get them on the dinner plate.

The only thing I have against dogs being eaten is the inhumane conditions before death and control over health issues. Just because us from the west, where in most countries dog is not on the menu, don't discriminate with cultures where it is.

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We all travel by air, so next think what you are eating on your next journey, all meat slaughtered and prepared for the airlines has been killed, in a Halal slaughter house, they do this to keep things simple, and cut costs.

http://www.liveleak....=5e2_1309107464 please do not watch if you are easily upset

Edited by Rusty2009
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There was another case of this last year involving 2000 dogs being shipped to Vietnam. When the news broke they raised over 10 million baht from donations to care for the dogs. Unfortunately half of them still ended up dieing.

I hope that some of that money will be available to be used for these dogs...

Do you mean the 9 million not accounted for?

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And once the Navy has cleaned up Esarn, then I invite them to the sub-urbs of Pattaya where they shit and undig my entrance nightly. I am wiling to pay THB 100/canine if permanently banned - whereever that journey is taking them. It could easily kick THB 10'000 in someone's corner around here.

As long as Thais cannot get their stray dog problem under control, the Navy will be in big business. Feeding sick, stray dogs ........ creates more sick, stray dogs - simple as that!

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Those who think its ok to eat dogmeat might want to find out how the dogs are treated before they are killed. I am not opposed to eating dogs, I eat pigs, not a whole lot of difference, but I am opposed to the inhumane treatment and cruelty towards animals that occurs in these cases.

Yes, animal cruelty is really unnecessary - regarding the dogs, it seems they were being kept like pigs!

And the dogs were "saved", meaning they will be killed and disposed of.

Seems you chose to misread or misunderstand my point, up to you. But please don't quote me if you don't understand what I am saying, thanks.

I wanted to highlight the issue of how the animals are kept, and more precisely if there should be differences depending on which animal.

Plus the irony of saving animals to kill them later.

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Yes, saved indeed. Do you have any idea of what's going on?

1. The dogs are not simply eaten as a choice over chicken or whatever, but are routinely tortured some time before butchering, which then begins with being skinned alive. Is that ok with you? They will be taken from the cage and hung directly on meat hooks through their faces. Is that ok with you? There is plenty of vidoe evidence of all of this, if you have the stomach for it.

2. Organisations such as Soi Dog Foundation and others, are busy caring for as many as possible, attending to injuries, nursing back to health, sterilizing, vacinating and run an effective adoption program.


Treat yourself to some education:


Soi Dog documentary:


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So I guess they will be released back into the soi's to fight over food scraps or they will simply become land fill. Yep they were certainly saved.

Better than being on a dinner plate. They are innocent animals.

Animals eat other Animals all the time, that's how things survive.

So you think it's ok for animals to be brutally tortured, and skinned alive? Your head is in the sand. Have you the guts to learn what is happening?

Edited by TechnikaIII
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