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Smart Phones ?


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Now this topic has been covered several times but I might have a couple new questions !!

I work in France on a 2 month rotation and spend the rest of my time in LOS.

What is the best option for smart phones with regard to airtime packages/roaming etc ??

I'm not interested in debating the best phones, this will be the 1st time I have had anything other than a basic Nokia, but more interested in your thoughts/experiences on the best way to stay connected.

I'm in U.K at the moment and will check the viability of a contract here later today but pretty sure roaming charges will be too excessive. Other option is to get a pay as u go SIM in France for when I'm working and another for LOS ?? Or......

Please help with any suggestions ?? All I want to do is stay in touch with my wife while I'm away and be able to contact the rest of the world when I'm at home smile.png

Many thanks in advance....

P.S no complicated computer jargon, you are dealing with a not so 'smart' guy

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I bought an HTC Desire HD in Canada last year. After many fone calls to customer service, I received the unlock code - the fone is locked on to the network which you buy the fone - and fone plan - from.

Arrived Thailand, removed Canadian SIM card, inserted AIS SIM card, followed on-screen prompts to unlock, and was on the air in Thailand.

Went to the AIS website, got a 499 Baht per month data plan with unlimited WiFi and 2-Gb GPRS and am in business.

Before I return to Canada, I fone AIS, cancel the data plan, keep enuf money on the fone so my account stays current, and re-insert Canada SIM card when back there.

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Best option for roaming abroad is "DON'T" :-)

Especially with a smartphone. Bloody thing decides to go off and auto-update "Angry Birds" or whatever and if you've a bunch of apps with autoupdate switched on (or just normal everyday smartphone use facebook, twitter, foursquare, email, im's etc they all add up). Before you know it you get home to find you need to take out a mortgage to pay off your roaming charges...

Unless you really must have the convenience of being reachable on your own number, get a chip for whatever country your in and get a suitable data plan to cover your visit...

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Can't agree more with this.

Both French and Thai operators lack reasonable roaming plans. Actually, I don't think there's such thing as a good roaming plan.

Get 2 sims and switch between one and the other.

In Thailand, it's pretty easy to have cheap pre-paid plan and keep them forever. In Franc, with the arrival of Fre Mobile,you will soon have more cheap option for keeping a number without using it too often.

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I bought an HTC Desire HD in Canada last year. After many fone calls to customer service, I received the unlock code - the fone is locked on to the network which you buy the fone - and fone plan - from.

Arrived Thailand, removed Canadian SIM card, inserted AIS SIM card, followed on-screen prompts to unlock, and was on the air in Thailand.

Went to the AIS website, got a 499 Baht per month data plan with unlimited WiFi and 2-Gb GPRS and am in business.

Before I return to Canada, I fone AIS, cancel the data plan, keep enuf money on the fone so my account stays current, and re-insert Canada SIM card when back there.

Almost the same as me, I love my HTC Desire S and the AIS data plan rules.

Edited by benbear
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Any GSM-capable phone (GSM 850/900/1800/1900) will cover a significant portion of the World including France and Thailand. High speed mobile broadband data (aka: 3G) can be more challenging but a new quad-band (850/900/1900/2100) phone like the Samsung Galaxy S2 would address most 3G requirements.

I agree that unless someone else is paying the bill it is best to get a local SIM as these typically offer reduced rates on international calling, like DTAC (004), True (006) and 009 here in Thailand.






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