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Compensation For Victims Of Political Unrest To Be Paid By Chinese New Year


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Compensation to be paid by Chinese New Year: Yongyuth

The Nation


Compensation will come in two parts; one in cash, remainder in govt bonds

The government’s compensation package for victims of political unrest over the past six years will be partially paid in the form of Government Saving Bank lottery deposits or unit investment in mutual funds, a senior Cabinet figure said yesterday.

Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Yongyuth Wichaidit said the total compensation for each case of death or severe disability is Bt7.75 million, which will be paid in two parts.

The first part of Bt3.25 million will cover compensation for traumatic consequences (Bt3 million) and funeral expenses (Bt250,000), while the remaining Bt4.5 million will be compensation for the loss of life or loss of limbs. He said the first Bt3 million payment, initially for families of those who lost their life, would start as early as Chinese New Year's Day, which falls on January 23.

The remaining Bt4.5 million per case would be paid in the form of Government Savings Bank lottery deposits or fiveyear unit investment in mutual funds.

"This will give victims' families savings as well as a chance to win a big reward. They can withdraw the money once the fiveyear investment comes to an end," he said.

This payment could be made within a month and a half at the earliest or within two months at the latest.

Yongyuth said a subcommittee would be set up by next week to implement the compensation package, which was approved by the Cabinet on Tuesday, to consider which ministry should be made responsible for the payments.

Yongyuth, speaking in his capacity as chairman of the government's committee for coordination, was following up on recommendations made by his Truth for Reconciliation Commission of Thailand (TRCT).

At the suggestion of the panel, the Cabinet has agreed to pay compensation for casualties of political unrest over the past six years - from late 2005, when protests broke out during the Thaksin Shinawatra government, until May 2010 during the time of Abhisit Vejjajiva's regime.

Apart from the Bt7.75 million payment for those who died or became severely disabled, people who lost their organs will be given between Bt1.8 million and Bt3.6 million, while the injured will get between Bt200,000 and Bt1.12 million, depending on the severity of their wounds. All medical costs will be covered and distraught families will be compensated for the emotional impact they have suffered.

"These payments are not being made to appease the red shirts, who demanded compensation earlier. The remedy is part of recommendations from the TRCT, which was set up by the previous government," Yongyuth said, adding that the initial focus would be on the 91 deaths caused during the 2010 political unrest.

"The compensation will be paid as early as possible - many of the victims have been waiting for it since before the [september 2006] coup," he said.

However, the opposition Democrat Party said yesterday that the government was rewarding its redshirt supporters for staging street protests in 2010 in a bid to oust Abhisit's administration.

Democrat MP Satit Pitutacha said he would file a petition with the Administrative Court as he considered the compensation payments as preferential treatment, adding that the families of those killed in the Tak Bai and Krue Se crackdowns in the South during Thaksin's tenure also deserved similar aid.

"I do not think reconciliation can be achieved by giving money to the violators of law," the opposition MP said.

Yongyuth said yesterday that the government was also considering whether to pay similar compensation for casualties of insurgent violence in the southern border area.

"Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra is worried about this matter and there is a committee looking into it," he said. Justice Minister Pracha Promnok and Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung oversee this panel.

Chalerm said yesterday he did not know when the government would be able to decide whether or not to pay compensation to distraught families in the deep South.

"If I could make the decision alone, I would give them compensation," he said.


-- The Nation 2012-01-13

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Coupon credit seems to be a favorite of late. Wonder if the 5 year wait for 4.5 million can be used as colletral for loans?

One thing about this government, money seems to be no object, evach panel/committee seems to sweeten the pot when dispursing public funds. The more institutions, groups and slieght of hand handling of funds involved, the more can be skimmed of the top.

Another watch dog/review of this procedure will probably be called for, thus another hole in the bucket for a leak to occurr.

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He said the first Bt3 million payment, initially for families of those who lost their life, would start as early as Chinese New Year's Day, which falls on January 23.


This payment could be made within a month and a half at the earliest or within two months at the latest.

I had to double check my calendar ... but I'm pretty sure that January 23 is less than a month and a half away.

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The remaining Bt4.5 million per case would be paid in the form of Government Savings Bank lottery deposits or fiveyear unit investment in mutual funds.

Or said another way we will take a while to pay you the balance...trust us.

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"However, the opposition Democrat Party said yesterday that the government was rewarding its redshirt supporters for staging street protests in 2010 in a bid to oust Abhisit's administration."

Absolutely, the red shirts are being over-compensated so that they will gladly do battle again, knowing that they'll effectively be rich if they get injured. They'll be stronger than ever.

Thaksin can use taxpayers money once more to his direct advantage, he must be very happy.

By my thinking, this move is one of the final pieces in the puzzle. Brace yourself Thailand!

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Of course the victims in the South should have this compensation package... and any person found guilty of a violation should get Zilch... all of the dead Red Shirts were breaking the law.. why should anyone be compensated for breaking the law...Oh , right... Mr Thaksin ..! He also broke the law...

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"By my thinking, this move is one of the final pieces in the puzzle" Of course the next big step is the constitution change. That will take a few months. I would expect that Thaksin will come back about June. That was if things aren't working out too well he can get permission to go to the London Olympics in July

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"By my thinking, this move is one of the final pieces in the puzzle" Of course the next big step is the constitution change. That will take a few months. I would expect that Thaksin will come back about June. That was if things aren't working out too well he can get permission to go to the London Olympics in July

Pandora's box comes to mind.
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"By my thinking, this move is one of the final pieces in the puzzle" Of course the next big step is the constitution change. That will take a few months. I would expect that Thaksin will come back about June. That was if things aren't working out too well he can get permission to go to the London Olympics in July

He'd need to get permission from Thailand and from England to get there this time.

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The P.T.P. policies implementation machinery.


The P.T.P.and Thaksin motto being, '' We don't care and you don't matter'', The money is ours the debts will be yours.

Remember Democracy was not ever high, nor is it high on the P.T.P. and Thaksins current list of priorities

Edited by siampolee
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They seem to be working this very fast and efficiently, but of course this pay off for the red shirts was planned months ago.

Yes, it was indeed a few months back... from OP.

<snip, copy, paste>

"These payments are not being made to appease the red shirts, who demanded compensation earlier. The remedy is part of recommendations from the TRCT, which was set up by the previous government," Yongyuth said, adding that the initial focus would be on the 91 deaths caused during the 2010 political unrest.

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