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US Embassy Warns Of Possible Terrorist Attack In Bangkok


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Iran has a good political and economic relationship with Thailand... I doubt they would sanction an attack here.

Not much in the way of trade:

Trade value of Thailand-Iran $794.46 million (Thailand: export value

$512.68 million, import value $281.78 million,

overbalance value $230.90 million)

Export products of Thailand Televisions, air conditioners, rice, rubber, iron

Import products from Iran Chemicals products, metal ore, fish, natural gas, iron

Investment 3 investment Projects from Thailand: the Oil Exploration and Drilling

Projects of PTTEP, the Manufacture and Import the LNG Project of PTT

and the Plastic-Resin Joint Venture Project of SCG Chemicals Company

Tourism 178,304 Iranian people to Thailand (increasing 53.85% from 2009)

Thai people in Iran 604 people


And of course they already tried attacks in Singapore and Egypt. Same argument?

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Police chief says detained Lebanese man admits planning attack in Bangkok but aborted, no fertiliser for bombmaking found; will be deported without charge /MCOT

A would-be bomber who admits planning an attack in Bangkok, according to this report, is going to be deported without charge?

Is the Thai government going to be providing the airplane flight as well, same as they did for the 1972 Israeli Embassy attackers in Bangkok???

Planning a bomb/terrorist attack isn't violating any law in the Kingdom other than immigration?

exactly, and we ALL know how much we can believe the thai police

they only say what they are paid to say

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Not dissimilar to the Red Shirts' excuses.... in this situation, it's a "fake" Hezbollah.


You could be on to something.

Maybe Thaksin is behind this, its all part of the bigger plot.

More koolaid anyone ???

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In Bangkok...? Holy crap...! Glad I live in Chiang Rai...In a village of 53 people...I was getting worried for a moment...

I'd be cra**ing myself if I were you! In a village of only 53 people, you're probably the only falang. You may as well walk around with a big round target painted on your body!

No I am not the only "falang" in my village...No I don't walk around "crapping" myself...and I surely don't have a "target"... painted on my body...I have a Thai wife who is a physics professor and I happen to work with the people in our village with planting and harvesting their rice and repairing quite a variety of things...I happen to love these people and they look out for me...and many of them come to our house and have dinners and we all celebrate the holidays. I could go on but I see no advantage explaining myself to an ignorant individual like yourself...You must wake up paranoid every morning...Evidentaly people don't recognize sarcasm when they read it...

Quite right, I feel safer here than I do in the UK and the US has a much higher murder rate than the UK add the accidental gun deaths there and that figure is even higher.

You have to put this into perspective, the risk, even assuming it happens, is lower than a lightening strike, Crossing the roads here, or riding a motorcycle is far more dangerous, so don't get paranoid.

I remember a few years ago that Americans were told to stay away from the UK, because of the fear of Foot and Mouth disease. This is a disease which posses no threat at all to humans and in fact has never even killed an animal either.

So be careful what information you are given and interpret it with an amount of reason. Why would a terrorist go all the way to small village in the middle of nowhere, to bomb one insignificant Farang, who has never done anything to them?

Just be careful when riding you motorcycle instead and enjoy you life here. This is a peace loving country.

Some statistics show that the per capita murder rate in Thailand is far higher than that of the US. And if you don't have a gun in your house, you aren't likely to be the victim of an accident.

What country isn't "peace-loving"? If you mean that Thais are non-violent then you are woefully ignorant of the facts or seriously self-deluded.

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I remember a few years ago that Americans were told to stay away from the UK, because of the fear of Foot and Mouth disease. This is a disease which posses no threat at all to humans and in fact has never even killed an animal either.

If you're going to post, please make sure it's reliable. Or do research before posting:


Hand, foot, mouth disease has sickened 110,000 in Vietnam, killed 166 over the past year

I must retract my comment regarding foot and mouth and declare that I was misinformed. We were told many different things when this thing was flying about and so called experts were telling us one thing one minute and another the next. What I would say is that (as far as I was informed) no humans were harmed during any of the 3 outbreaks and outside the quarantined farms, there was zero risk.

So I would still say that the risk to US tourist was grossly overstated.

Do you realize that schools have been closed here for outbreaks of the same thing?

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Why exactly would the Thai authorities believe the word of a captured, admitted terrorist about canceled plans at face value? Amazing.

Because they were probably bullied by the USA to make such arrest.

Before the public knew about these "terrorists" the USA and or Israel made probably a request to arrest these people. But Thailand has no reason to arrest them, nor sees the Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation and didn't want act on orders given by the USA.

Then the USA made big noise with their warning about an imminent terrorist attack and now the Thai authorities had to do something.

There was never a danger that your favorite beer bar get blowing up, Hezbollah isn't know for Bali style bombings, They condemned the 9/11 attacks on the WTC for example.

It's more or less a resistance movement in Lebanon against attacks by Israel and as political party part of the government in Lebanon.

Only few countries see them as terrorists like Israel and the USA. but not Thailand.

I like the way you make up stories if you have facts state them or shut-up.

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Quite right, I feel safer here than I do in the UK and the US has a much higher murder rate than the UK add the accidental gun deaths there and that figure is even higher.

You have to put this into perspective, the risk, even assuming it happens, is lower than a lightening strike, Crossing the roads here, or riding a motorcycle is far more dangerous, so don't get paranoid.

I remember a few years ago that Americans were told to stay away from the UK, because of the fear of Foot and Mouth disease. This is a disease which posses no threat at all to humans and in fact has never even killed an animal either.

So be careful what information you are given and interpret it with an amount of reason. Why would a terrorist go all the way to small village in the middle of nowhere, to bomb one insignificant Farang, who has never done anything to them?

Just be careful when riding you motorcycle instead and enjoy you life here. This is a peace loving country.

Some statistics show that the per capita murder rate in Thailand is far higher than that of the US. And if you don't have a gun in your house, you aren't likely to be the victim of an accident.

What country isn't "peace-loving"? If you mean that Thais are non-violent then you are woefully ignorant of the facts or seriously self-deluded.

"seriously self-deluded" pretty much defines everything he posts

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Canadians in Thailand warned to be careful

The foreign affairs department is advising Canadians travelling in Thailand to use extra caution following a warning of possible terrorist attacks on tourist areas.


dam_n Canadians, why aren't they warning other nationalities as well? The must be planning a false flag operation in Thailand, otherwise they would not be saying this.

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Canadians in Thailand warned to be careful

The foreign affairs department is advising Canadians travelling in Thailand to use extra caution following a warning of possible terrorist attacks on tourist areas.


dam_n Canadians, why aren't they warning other nationalities as well? The must be planning a false flag operation in Thailand, otherwise they would not be saying this.

No reason to warn anybody according to many posters on this thread. These are the same posters who will be unprepared in the event of a real event...

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Canadians in Thailand warned to be careful

The foreign affairs department is advising Canadians travelling in Thailand to use extra caution following a warning of possible terrorist attacks on tourist areas.


dam_n Canadians, why aren't they warning other nationalities as well? The must be planning a false flag operation in Thailand, otherwise they would not be saying this.

No reason to warn anybody according to many posters on this thread. These are the same posters who will be unprepared in the event of a real event...

I do not dismiss such warnings out of hand but reading your post, I have to ask: how does one get or be prepared for a real event?

You imply that those of us who take such a warning with some seriousness are "prepared" -- but I don't know that I am and wonder in what way you are...

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Canadians in Thailand warned to be careful

The foreign affairs department is advising Canadians travelling in Thailand to use extra caution following a warning of possible terrorist attacks on tourist areas.


dam_n Canadians, why aren't they warning other nationalities as well? The must be planning a false flag operation in Thailand, otherwise they would not be saying this.

They have funny accents too. w00t.gif

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Canadians in Thailand warned to be careful

The foreign affairs department is advising Canadians travelling in Thailand to use extra caution following a warning of possible terrorist attacks on tourist areas.


dam_n Canadians, why aren't they warning other nationalities as well? The must be planning a false flag operation in Thailand, otherwise they would not be saying this.

No reason to warn anybody according to many posters on this thread. These are the same posters who will be unprepared in the event of a real event...

I do not dismiss such warnings out of hand but reading your post, I have to ask: how does one get or be prepared for a real event?

You imply that those of us who take such a warning with some seriousness are "prepared" -- but I don't know that I am and wonder in what way you are...

I'm prepared in many ways for all kinds of contingencies. Take a look at the CDC website contest about preparing for a Zombie invasion. Of course this is a spoof, but illustrates how we can all take precautions for any emergency, such, as... oh, I don't know.... flooding?

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Why exactly would the Thai authorities believe the word of a captured, admitted terrorist about canceled plans at face value? Amazing.

Because they were probably bullied by the USA to make such arrest.

Before the public knew about these "terrorists" the USA and or Israel made probably a request to arrest these people. But Thailand has no reason to arrest them, nor sees the Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation and didn't want act on orders given by the USA.

Then the USA made big noise with their warning about an imminent terrorist attack and now the Thai authorities had to do something.

There was never a danger that your favorite beer bar get blowing up, Hezbollah isn't know for Bali style bombings, They condemned the 9/11 attacks on the WTC for example.

It's more or less a resistance movement in Lebanon against attacks by Israel and as political party part of the government in Lebanon.

Only few countries see them as terrorists like Israel and the USA. but not Thailand.

I like the way you make up stories if you have facts state them or shut-up.

Just look at the alarmist message from the embassy and compare it with how the Thai authorities have dealt with these 'terrorists' and then draw your conclusions.

Its obvious that the USA have high interests to get these 'terrorists', but Thailand much less. Its a fact. What is your explanation for this?

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Police chief says detained Lebanese man admits planning attack in Bangkok but aborted, no fertiliser for bombmaking found; will be deported without charge /MCOT

More like plan aborted when he got arrested.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I do not dismiss such warnings out of hand but reading your post, I have to ask: how does one get or be prepared for a real event?

You imply that those of us who take such a warning with some seriousness are "prepared" -- but I don't know that I am and wonder in what way you are...

I'm prepared in many ways for all kinds of contingencies. Take a look at the CDC website contest about preparing for a Zombie invasion. Of course this is a spoof, but illustrates how we can all take precautions for any emergency, such, as... oh, I don't know.... flooding?

You've deliberately avoided the question, haven't you? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and rephrase...

In what way are you prepared for a terrorist attack?

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I do not dismiss such warnings out of hand but reading your post, I have to ask: how does one get or be prepared for a real event?

You imply that those of us who take such a warning with some seriousness are "prepared" -- but I don't know that I am and wonder in what way you are...

I'm prepared in many ways for all kinds of contingencies. Take a look at the CDC website contest about preparing for a Zombie invasion. Of course this is a spoof, but illustrates how we can all take precautions for any emergency, such, as... oh, I don't know.... flooding?

You've deliberately avoided the question, haven't you? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and rephrase...

In what way are you prepared for a terrorist attack?

At least I accept that possibility of such an attack, and in such case, I have adequate provisions and other elements to protect as best I can. You seem destined to accept that you will be simply vapourised.

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Police chief says detained Lebanese man admits planning attack in Bangkok but aborted, no fertiliser for bombmaking found; will be deported without charge /MCOT

More like plan aborted when he got arrested.

I am not so sure it was aborted. I am afraid it may only be postponed. If the people are in place and the 'coordinators' have simply been deported (or left the country), there is no reason to abort it. Just wait for another day.

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Why exactly would the Thai authorities believe the word of a captured, admitted terrorist about canceled plans at face value? Amazing.

Because they were probably bullied by the USA to make such arrest.

Before the public knew about these "terrorists" the USA and or Israel made probably a request to arrest these people. But Thailand has no reason to arrest them, nor sees the Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation and didn't want act on orders given by the USA.

Then the USA made big noise with their warning about an imminent terrorist attack and now the Thai authorities had to do something.

There was never a danger that your favorite beer bar get blowing up, Hezbollah isn't know for Bali style bombings, They condemned the 9/11 attacks on the WTC for example.

It's more or less a resistance movement in Lebanon against attacks by Israel and as political party part of the government in Lebanon.

Only few countries see them as terrorists like Israel and the USA. but not Thailand.

I like the way you make up stories if you have facts state them or shut-up.

Just look at the alarmist message from the embassy and compare it with how the Thai authorities have dealt with these 'terrorists' and then draw your conclusions.

Its obvious that the USA have high interests to get these 'terrorists', but Thailand much less. Its a fact. What is your explanation for this?


For someone who just join today to let out his frustration with the USA, the post was to warn Americans, it is their duty if they have information, why Thailand much less, simple it's all about the tourist dollars. That's the conclusion and also my conclusion that you are trolling

Edited by Nowhereman60
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I do not dismiss such warnings out of hand but reading your post, I have to ask: how does one get or be prepared for a real event?

You imply that those of us who take such a warning with some seriousness are "prepared" -- but I don't know that I am and wonder in what way you are...

I'm prepared in many ways for all kinds of contingencies. Take a look at the CDC website contest about preparing for a Zombie invasion. Of course this is a spoof, but illustrates how we can all take precautions for any emergency, such, as... oh, I don't know.... flooding?

You've deliberately avoided the question, haven't you? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and rephrase...

In what way are you prepared for a terrorist attack?

I suppose I'll be pulling you and your family out of some kind of death trap, but that's ok. I'm happy to serve...

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I do not dismiss such warnings out of hand but reading your post, I have to ask: how does one get or be prepared for a real event?

You imply that those of us who take such a warning with some seriousness are "prepared" -- but I don't know that I am and wonder in what way you are...

I'm prepared in many ways for all kinds of contingencies. Take a look at the CDC website contest about preparing for a Zombie invasion. Of course this is a spoof, but illustrates how we can all take precautions for any emergency, such, as... oh, I don't know.... flooding?

You've deliberately avoided the question, haven't you? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and rephrase...

In what way are you prepared for a terrorist attack?

At least I accept that possibility of such an attack, and in such case, I have adequate provisions and other elements to protect as best I can. You seem destined to accept that you will be simply vapourised.

What a truly odd thing to say: in what way did I suggest that I am destined to be "simply vaporized" or anything close to it?! And given that I have acknowledged that the threat may be legitimate, obviously I too accept the possibility of such an attack (indeed, if I think I'm going to be vaporized, I obviously do) -- so how do we differ?

Implicit in your post was that you (and I and others who take such warnings seriously) are "prepared". I asked you how. Because I can't think of any way in which I am more prepared for an attack than anyone else, that means I believe I will be vaporized?

Adequate provisions -- are you prepared for some sort of WMD being used that knocks out infrastructure in some sort cataclysmic way? Otherwise, I don't know where provisions would come into play for a terrorist attack. Not sure what "other elements" are but I'd like to know -- perhaps I should have some too. Help us out.

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I do not dismiss such warnings out of hand but reading your post, I have to ask: how does one get or be prepared for a real event?

You imply that those of us who take such a warning with some seriousness are "prepared" -- but I don't know that I am and wonder in what way you are...

I'm prepared in many ways for all kinds of contingencies. Take a look at the CDC website contest about preparing for a Zombie invasion. Of course this is a spoof, but illustrates how we can all take precautions for any emergency, such, as... oh, I don't know.... flooding?

You've deliberately avoided the question, haven't you? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and rephrase...

In what way are you prepared for a terrorist attack?

I suppose I'll be pulling you and your family out of some kind of death trap, but that's ok. I'm happy to serve...

Whoa, I missed that one!

So let's see...I and my family are likely to be caught in some sort of deathtrap but you will not be because of your superior awareness, adequate provisions and "other elements". Sounds pretty dramatic. And heroic! You'll then be pulling us out? So we'll be in a collapsed building or fire but you won't because of your 'provisions and other elements' AND you will be on the scene rescuing people?


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For someone who just join today to let out his frustration with the USA, the post was to warn Americans, it is their duty if they have information, why Thailand much less, simple it's all about the tourist dollars. That's the conclusion and also my conclusion that you are trolling

Where did i let out my frustration against the USA? I just said Thailand has a different stance on this and view Hezbollah with different eyes.

Now you are accusing the Thai authorities to be just interested in tourist dollars and not to be protective.

If you think the outside world is so hostile and dastardly to you, you shouldn't get abroad.

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Police chief says detained Lebanese man admits planning attack in Bangkok but aborted, no fertiliser for bombmaking found; will be deported without charge /MCOT

So apparently Thailand doesn't have any "conspiracy" laws. It can be worth 25 years in the UK, if proven. Don't know about anyone else, but I don't feel safer now, knowing this chap is going to be let go.

Thankfully though, we seem to have gotten through Childrens Day without any major incident, that was my biggest fear, when the warning was issued.

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Lots of odd postings in this thread.

Why exactly would the Thai authorities believe the word of a captured, admitted terrorist about canceled plans at face value? Amazing.

Guess need to ask Chalerm.

Or ask Chalerm's buddy Thaksin. Both men always know what neferious activity was going on (or about to happen) in theri vicinity - before investigations even began. Thaksin claimed his plane was rigged with explosives (early 00's, no hard evidence ever surfaced), and also with the unabashed 'bomber' driving around his neighborhood (acquited without any real investigation). Every other one of Chalerm's press conferences consist of him knowing who law-breakers are, but not wanting to mention names. With law enforcement chiefs like that, no wonder Thailand has to rely on US and/or Israeli investigations in order for any real terrorist (like Hambali) to get arrested here in LOS.

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For someone who just join today to let out his frustration with the USA, the post was to warn Americans, it is their duty if they have information, why Thailand much less, simple it's all about the tourist dollars. That's the conclusion and also my conclusion that you are trolling

Where did i let out my frustration against the USA?

Perhaps he is commenting on all your anti-American posts, rather than just this one? whistling.gif

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Police chief says detained Lebanese man admits planning attack in Bangkok but aborted, no fertiliser for bombmaking found; will be deported without charge /MCOT

Guess he didn't find the way to JJ Market then.

Or is it that he has to leave before anyone has the chance to ask him questions?

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Why exactly would the Thai authorities believe the word of a captured, admitted terrorist about canceled plans at face value? Amazing.

Because they were probably bullied by the USA to make such arrest.

Before the public knew about these "terrorists" the USA and or Israel made probably a request to arrest these people. But Thailand has no reason to arrest them, nor sees the Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation and didn't want act on orders given by the USA.

Then the USA made big noise with their warning about an imminent terrorist attack and now the Thai authorities had to do something.

There was never a danger that your favorite beer bar get blowing up, Hezbollah isn't know for Bali style bombings, They condemned the 9/11 attacks on the WTC for example.

It's more or less a resistance movement in Lebanon against attacks by Israel and as political party part of the government in Lebanon.

Only few countries see them as terrorists like Israel and the USA. but not Thailand.

I like the way you make up stories if you have facts state them or shut-up.

Just look at the alarmist message from the embassy and compare it with how the Thai authorities have dealt with these 'terrorists' and then draw your conclusions.

Its obvious that the USA have high interests to get these 'terrorists', but Thailand much less. Its a fact. What is your explanation for this?

"Only few countries see them as terrorists like Israel and the USA. but not Thailand."

everybody sees them as terrorists, they even see themselves as terrorists and brag about it, but you knew that already

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