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US Embassy Warns Of Possible Terrorist Attack In Bangkok


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I normally handwave our ACS alerts, but I do not remember one of this nature. As given as our embassy is to hyperventilating about every random thing that happens (while doing absolutely nothing to help American citizens as a group), I can't recall any specific threats about targeting Americans in the last decade here. On that basis, I'd give it some weight regardless of what pans out.

By my reading of the Embassy warning, it wasn't saying that Americans specifically were being targeted... Rather, it was saying tourist areas in BKK were being targeted...

And the audience for the warning, of course, was Americans living in Thailand...since that's who the Embassy communicates with/to... But that's not the same as them saying that Americans were specifically threatened any moreso than any other Westerner in BKK.

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BTW, for those who may have had trouble wading through the many wide-ranging posts in this thread today.... at this early morning hour... the news recaps like this...

The supposed target window for the attack was this past Friday to Sunday, Jan. 13-15.

One suspect in custody by Thai authorities... Second suspect at large, not clear if still inside Thailand or already having left the country.

Who knows if those two guys were the only ones involved, or whether there were/are any others. But the most that have been talked about in the various reports are two or three suspects.

Israelis or Israeli related targets in BKK supposedly were to be the principal targets, according to various reports... But the U.S. Embassy warning didn't address that issue at all, and only talked about tourist areas in BKK....

Seems like a good weekend to stay closer to home... I'm not especially worried.... but I'm not inclined to be reckless either.... Why tempt fate....

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It's true, they weren't specific - no doubt about it. Since A) it says "Western tourists" and B] our embassy is the only one disseminating it and C) their past warnings have been related to environmental and circumstantial events (e.g. "potential bombings at New Year's Eve ceremony" or whatever) and not "targeting Westerners" events, they believe someone's targeting us. Of course I have no idea (cannot be repeated enough).

One presumes that since the only American-only hangouts in BKK are steak night at JUSMAGTHAI, AMCHAM cocktail hours and whatever's left of Washington Square, any warning would take into account that foreign turrists (as the previous admin liked to call them) wouldn't be able to pinpoint Americans. The Brits don't hyperventilate as much as us, neither do the Aussies, but we share this kind of info and they wouldn't hesitate to warn if they knew about it given their prior experience.

Definitely strange, first time I've been warned in Bangkok by our embassy to look out for people going after "Westerners" (which is code talk, basically, in wide use - if we're being honest).

EDIT: Turn off these stupid smilies - Jesus Christ. Can I write a B and a parentheses without a smiley? Like a dam_n Pokemon forum.

Edited by emilyb
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You Brits never loose wars because you are on the right side. I am Asian/Thai. My Grandfather was Indian and he used to say we Indians will only fight for English speaking people. I believe he did not include America when he said this. Have a good time in Thailand

You were doing well until you cam up with that one. When was the last time that America and Britain were not on the same side?

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"The sky is falling, the sky is falling" why run around like Chicken Little, the word is out, travel and do what you usually do, but be aware of obvious characters or someone or people acting suspiciously. These are the times of the day, the world is a very sick place to live, especially if your the very paranoid type.

Just heed the warning and get on with living, I am sure the other Embassy's will follow suite for all their citizens.

The US Embassy was the first to issue this warning, and it won't be the last, if this is a real creditable problem.

Edited by PingManDan
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why only American warning , any other embassies sent their warning ? soundds strange !

The Americans looking after themselves as usual! What's that saying again......"When the going gets tough, screw you"..

Yep .. you've got the picture. And it's never been any different.

Dude, it's an Embassy. Part of their mission is to be here for citizens from their own country - they have no business meddling in other nation's affairs, or issuing warnings to other nationalities. Everyone is warned anyway as the warning was rather public.

BTW I still think it's entirely political, and as the news develop a good motive has emerged: The detention of two people the USA wants arrested. Nothing will get that done quicker than a public warning of terrorist attacks on tourist centers... whether there actually was a real threat (not ruled out mind you); whether the threat was "potential"; or whether it was just made up out of thin air to get the Thais to detain these hostiles. I am not cynical enough to believe the latter, but potential threat, yeah, absolutely, been done many times, and publicly too. WMD, anyone?


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Key takeaways from yesterday's exercise:

Terrorist visas are apparently easy to get in lebanon.

10 green mambas are a less a threat to tourism than 2 hezbollocks.

Email procedures need to be re-worked at langley

I now figured out the reason why they renamed that hotel on the river to aunti ara or something.


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Today is Friday 13th, perhaps terrorists want to make a day we won't forget. We ought to take these warnings seriously.

Bangkok isn't the only place with high profile western tourist soft targets in Thailand. I am skeptical that they only mentioned Bangkok.

You be skeptical. I'll stay safe. Obviously they have received specific information about Bangkok only.

Edited by ralphlsasser
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Evening All,

Am back in UK on mix of biz and pleasure where, if you follow the news buzz, you will be aware of increased threats by multi Al-Shabab / Queda (sic.) terrorist splinter groups.

Thailand is one of many countries being targetted and staying smart and safe should, sadly, be a way of Life for most of us at the present time.

Dozens of plots are folied by national intelligence agencies on a weekly basis and common sense plus a dose of good luck is my Watchword wherever I travel.

Stay safe, smart and (hopefully) smiling,


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Clearly terrorists such as al-Queda and al-Shabab could strike in Paris or Phuket, Bangkok or Birmingham anytime for publicity or philosophical 'revenge' against any perceived anti-Muslim sentiment.

Just watch your rear and be smart to keep your loved ones as safe as possible. This works for me in Saudi or Surin......Terror is a weapon in the mind as well as the gun.

IMO, naturally.


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being pedantic I know, but the title of this topic says Imminent which in my book means any moment now, while the warning says possible.

Yes shame on Thaivisa! I see they have changed the wording of this post. Meanwhile the email was not retracted. "FLASH: US Embassy Warns Of Imminent Terrorist Attack In Bangkok. This is not only bad reporting it is irresponsible. We often point a finger at the T.A.T. of Thailand for distorting the facts, but look who is distorting then in this case. It will be a very long while before I take any news from Thaivisa at face value.

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Warnings are often real, - and yet often go unheeded for good reason. We live in a world where it has become difficult to discern between truth and lies, what is real or unreal. It has become difficult to trust governments, authorities, corporations - and even fellow country men.

All for good reason! We are bombarded with lies. After reading through this whole thread - it struck me - at how much we are all confused and in need of - or desire truth.

I viewed an interesting 14 minute clip about the role of the media - both historically and currently.

It think that it is very relevant to this discussion / thread. Here it is.


Yes, I know him for a while and listened to many interviews. He's right. We need more like him.

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OK, in this case, contrary to my speculation before, it is sounding more like a high likelihood this is directly related to Iranian revenge for the nuclear scientist killing. So more likelihood they were/are targeting Jewish and Israeli targets in Thailand, perhaps Americans secondarily as to Iran Israel equals the USA and vice versa. Of course the Israeli embassy would not be an easy target but there are softer Jewish targets here you don't have to be an Einstein to figure out. Easier here than in Israel or Europe and as another poster said, there are probably sleeper terror cells long in place here. Things are heating up in Tehran. This ain't over by a long shot.

On the ethics of this, I can't personally see rationalizing the murder of nuclear scientists except in the case of an actual war. On the other hand, those are focused on specific strategic targets that are deemed to have military value. This possible revenge, we can assume is intended to be messier. What strategic war value do random travelers eating falafel have? The question I have now is has this war already started?

In any case, I would like to know this: Is the Thai army gathering in force at areas that are OBVIOUS Jewish/Israeli targets in Thailand and if not, why not? Not talking the Israeli and American embassies which we know are well secured but rather completely unprotected soft targets.

Thank You for telling us the trouble in the South is due to Israeli. What are you smoking? I doubt either party even knows that their is country call Israeli.

This same group target people all over the world.

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So they've arrested two suspected terrorists.

But are they the only ones?

These things certainly cause one concern.

However, Bangkok has been a site of targeted terrorist attacks before. There was one several years ago where there was a plot to take down one or even two major luxury bangkok hotels with bombs. It was thwarted due to great coopreation between Thai police and foreign authorities, I think American and maybe others.

And lets not forget the New year's bombs in Bangkok a few years back, though that seemed to be domestic terrorism and was a very fishy situation all around, but terrorism nonetheless.

Bangkok is not always as safe as it appears on the surface.

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The stories are so out of sync and no photo opp's yet, which Chalerm is rather famous for. I'm not holding my breath anyone has actually been caught.

Here's a photo of one of the suspects.


A man holds a sketch distributed Friday, Jan. 13, 2012 by Thai police of a man said to be suspected of planning a terrorist bombing in the Thai capital Bangkok. Thai officials said they were tipped off by Israeli officials that two Lebanese men associated with the pro-Iranian group Hezbollah had entered Thailand to carry out a terrorist attack against Israelis and Americans. One of the men was being interrogated by Thai police, who were still searching for the other, whose description came from the detained suspect. No charges have been filed against either man.

Edited by Buchholz
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We also encourage you to keep a low profile in public areas, particularly areas frequented by foreign tourists.

And how does the embassy expect us to keep a low profile in tourist areas??? Dye our hair black, drive our motorbikes on the sidewalk and do things like get on the elevator and subway before others have a chance to exit?

Edited by Nisa
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Seeing my last blog was taken out...I will try to make this a little more political correct.

BEWARE of FALSE FLAGS! If you do not know what a false flag is, do some research

and you will find many false flags in governments past...the US (WTC, Oklahoma..etc.),

Indonesia (Bali) Germany (WWII). They do happen. FOLLOW THE MONEY.

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"Terrorist visas are apparently easy to get in lebanon." What a great line Jimmy-boy and in fact what a great idea.

Wait for them to apply for a terrorist visa and then grab them at BKK airport,

Save a lot of trouble.......

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Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubamrung said Thai authorities received a tip-off before New Year's of a planned attack, which was said to target Israelis. "At first we were told the Palestinians were behind it but it turned out to be the Hezbollah," he told The Associated Press. In other interviews, he said Israel had provided the warning.

Chalerm said police detained a Lebanese suspect with alleged links to Hezbollah on Thursday. Thai authorities had been "following two Lebanese men and called in one of them ... for questioning," Chalerm said. "Technically the two men have not committed any crimes under the Thai law, so we could only use the immigration law to keep this one suspect in custody," he said.



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For Anti-American racists, oops, I mean bashers: The bad behavior of a few immature, (stupid), nonthinking US military members overseas does not represent the entire US military. The majority are well trained and responsible.Good people. As most people know,there are a few "bozos"/ "rednecks" that slip into the military due to it being a "volunteer army". Many join, especially minorities and young men/women from the rural areas for the miltary in order to better themselves in a career/skill. It is a fact the world today has a problem with various Islamic extremists (who do not represent true Moslems). Do you want this medival theology, warped belief to take over your country? ...to ruin the freedoms you have? (They're already succeeding, goinng to an airport through security is not like it was 20, 30 years ago.) I think most of us would rather have a strong US military around than NONE.

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why only American warning , any other embassies sent their warning ? soundds strange !

Well I am a Canadian and just opened my email to find the warning to our citizens and it also says the Australian Embassy has issued the same warnings.

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