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apologies for not reading farther than the OP but we are certainly not the same as African Americans. We are on the whole better off than the majority of thais, own businesses etc. No we are more similar to 19th century European Jews although not subject to the same if any discrimination.

Re your wife backing you up or not. I fell out with a girl because she would always take a thai stranger's side over me. But they are not all like that ime.

Edited by bangkaew
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If we ourselves are not animals, then:

-We would not let our dogs soil other peoples' property

-If our dogs did so, we would clean it up

In the civilized world, dogs do not do as they please, especially if a 'human' owns them.

Whites are superior economically, generally, but not always.....and they are resented and hated....for that and for being 'non-Thai'

There is an indisputable double standard in this country towards foreigners

Thais would not do unto Thais as they do to 'farangs' because they would never get away with such an anti-social attitude towards one of their 'ilk'....ironically, if a farang objects to abusive treatment, he is categorized as anti-social....Thais, being 'less cultivated or civilized, would probably cut each others throats...we can comfort ourselves by upholding what is right in our actions or by example....but don't expect to tame a wild animal....or change someone of lesser brain capacity, education....indoctrinated with this 'us and them' attitude..

I do see the 'black man parallel'...although the black man has been subjected to probably 100x worse...and it is worldwide.

You will never 'get to the end of it'....(in Greek they say; 'Then tha vris akri')....do not expect a fair shake...or justice...or honour..

(An American once told me he had a fight with a Thai in which he 'gave more than he got'.....a few days later, 10 Thais broke his door down and sent him to the hospital)

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There is a common set of characteristics of posters like the OP who constantly complain about racism against farangs and thai culture in general- they are white men, normally 50 +++, retired, grumpy, often rude to everyone around them (without realising it), often look abit run down/ unhealthy and have a huge chip on their shoulders about being mistreated by Thais. Result= they are obnoxious to any thai they meet and the thai's are in turn rude to them which fuels a downward cycle.

I know because i can easily see myself becoming one of these grumpy, sad old men myself (but am trying to fight it).

What a silly post !!

You take the opportunity of a thread about what is simply a bad neighbor instance and common farang-in-LOS frustrations to vent your hatred for the 50 +++, retired, alegedly grumpy, rude to everyone, run down, unhealthy (do you mean SMELLY ?), sad white men ?

SAD !! <deleted> ?

These sad seniors exist only in your bigoted imagination !!

You're the one with a boulder on your shoulder !!

Congratulattion that you're such an upstanding human being that you'll not become a despicable senior farang like I must be according to you since you negatively generalize so freely about the 50 +++


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We are guests here and always will be. If you had a guest in your home and they started to tell you how to do things, you would show them the door. Thailand never made false promises to expats, from the moment you arrive, it's made perfectly clear, you will be tolerated and nothing more. Jim

Your experience, not mine. Except for a rare problem now and then, I find the Thai people do much more than "tolerate" me and other tourists. Actually, of the sixty-plus countries I've visited or lived in, I find Thais to be the nicest, most tolerant people in the world.

Thailand and Thais are not perfect ... What country/peoples are? However, I'm continually amazed/annoyed by the inordinate amount of foreigners on this site who seem to delight in bad-mouthing Thai people .... esp. Thai women. I think they must be very unhappy and angry people indeed.

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If I caught you hosing my dog down under the same circumstances I would have punched you right in the nose!

It's a dog! an animal with no social graces! if you don't want stray dogs on your wifes property then keep the godamn gate shut!

I think you got off lightly

Yeah. What a horribly thing to do to a dog. I'm sure it'll be scared for life.

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If I caught you hosing my dog down under the same circumstances I would have punched you right in the nose!

It's a dog! an animal with no social graces! if you don't want stray dogs on your wifes property then keep the godamn gate shut!

I think you got off lightly

Another intellectual giant makes a comment. Obviously the dog isn't the only dumb animal without any social graces.

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I can't see that I've ever been subject to racism in Thailand. I have however been subject to opportunistic measures (i.e. attempted double pricing), but so has my Thai wife.

With regards to visa regulations etc. I don’t see any racism here, I simply see uniform policy as with many nations. We can’t expect the same visa and residence regulations in England and Thailand, it would be silly to expect this.

With regards to our rights. I have right enough to be treated respectfully, I insist on that and I generally am by all around me.

I have no voting rights. Big deal, I don’t expect to.

For those who say we are second class citizens, I do not think of myself as such, I am equal to any Thai around me and those Thai's who I know around me (family and friends) see that, believe that and act that. Those Thai's who do not know me base their judgments on my appearance, behavior and their experience - Generally their judgment and treatment of me is more positive than the Thai person standing next to me.

It is my experience that in general being a westerner in Thailand I am treated better than a lot of Thai folk, but I do not expect this. Equal and indifferent treatment such as that for any Thai suits me fine.

On one occasion I was dealt with impolitely by a Junior official in a local amphur office. There was no need to argue, I simply took her supervisors name (she would not give me hers), left and took measures into the hands of someone I know well. A few hours later the senior officer was on the phone apologizing. This is how things are done here when we face a brick wall.

Another example is double pricing on a golf course. I took issue, complained and walked away. But this is not racism, its opportunism attempting to charge someone of more due to either a thoughtless policy or taking advantage of a general perception of increased wealth.

Regarding the Op Specifically: I would have done the same thing and sprayed the dog. If the owner of the dog doesn't like it, he would have received a piece of my mind. Without an apology from him the doggie poop would end up on his drive way. The issue would be resolved with or without loss of face to the owner of the dog, that simply depends on his reaction.

Regarding the Ops wife suggesting that we as foreigners or individuals cant do anything about this, she is wrong, perhaps a little lazy or tired of fighting constant loosing battles due to the perception of her own status.

We can, if we choose not to be lazy, take issue with those things worthy of taking issue with. IMO Poop on the drive way is such an issue.

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If I caught you hosing my dog down under the same circumstances I would have punched you right in the nose! It's a dog! an animal with no social graces! if you don't want stray dogs on your wifes property then keep the godamn gate shut! I think you got off lightly
Another intellectual giant makes a comment. Obviously the dog isn't the only dumb animal without any social graces.


Perhaps livinginexile should as is user name suggests live in exile if he is so antisocial as to permit his dog to crap on other peoples property and then threaten violence when they respond.

I wonder if he has the intelligence to regret such an outlandish comment…

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If I caught you hosing my dog down under the same circumstances I would have punched you right in the nose! It's a dog! an animal with no social graces! if you don't want stray dogs on your wifes property then keep the godamn gate shut! I think you got off lightly
Another intellectual giant makes a comment. Obviously the dog isn't the only dumb animal without any social graces.


Perhaps livinginexile should as is user name suggests live in exile if he is so antisocial as to permit his dog to crap on other peoples property and then threaten violence when they respond.

I wonder if he has the intelligence to regret such an outlandish comment…

Nothing detrimental with being antisocial.coffee1.gif

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Many Thai people find it extremely hard to engage in introspection. Your wife seems to have that fault also. Also, it is hard for many Thais to criticize their own. It becomes us vs. them. The fact that she would not even consider your point of view would be cause for me to consider divorce, and to simply admit I made a bad decision in choosing her in the first place, if I were in your shoes. Also, there may be a distinct lack of intelligence to consider. Those are not exactly intellectual responses to the problem. The neighbor was a Bozo, and deserves a hosed dog. You may want to threaten to tazer the dog next time if he comes onto your property. That might get a reaction. LOL. And always remember this is "Amusing Thailand".

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To the OP, we have to weigh up the pros and cons. There are times I get so frustrated with this country and it's people but resign myself to the fact that this is unlikely to change in my lifetime. On the plus side, I still feel that it's one of the best countries in the world to live in, retire to. We just have to keep playing by the rules if we want to continue staying here.

One of the most near perfect attitude I've read anywhere - would definitely avoid many problems in life and make '<deleted> of a dog owner' and other AH to realise themselves their misdeeds.

Making a 'huge do' about a 'dogs doo doo' ain't that smart... IMHO

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Nothing to do with dogs but everything to do with the "don't make waves" warnings given to us as foreigners:-

We live in a small "village" within a smallish town in the countryside - 8 houses with Thai families, a number of them related to my wife in some way, and me the only foreigner. It's a very friendly community on the whole and I never feel discriminated against.

A neighbour - a music & art teacher, so not someone you'd immediately class as "ignorant", and not a local - used to light fires on the edges of our property almost every day. My wife asked him a number of times to stop lighting them because of her dad's ill health & poor breathing, but he took absolutely no notice. The smoke invariably drifted over our garden, into the house and into neighbours' houses. I'd often wanted to make something of it but had always been told it's "not polite", as if that'd be any less polite than this bloke sending a blanket of smoke over us regularly.

Anyway, a couple of months ago, he decided to burn the old tyres from his car and you can imagine the black smoke that resulted. Being alone in the house with nobody to restrain me, I asked him to put the fire out but was ignored. Dad was coughing so I had to do something. I turned the garden hose on his fire and put is out eventually - tyres burn fiercely! I thought about hosing-down the contents of his living room, too, but that would have been going too far. He watched what I was doing, didn't say a word and hasn't lit a fire since. The neighbours also let my wife know that they were glad I'd taken action but, since they kept quiet themselves, I guess they'd have lived with his lack of consideration for who-knows-how-long. An unexpected side-effect is that the bloke is now much friendlier with us & often chats whereas before he said almost nothing. I won't hold any grudge against him - as far as I'm concerned the incident is over and our little community is much happier & cleaner.

Maybe he's plotting his revenge and this is just the calm before the storm!!!!!

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Its usually not the dog, its the owner. :(

A neighbor's maid was bitten by a dog a few blocks down the road in our moo ban outside Bangkok. The lady required several stitches on her leg as a result. It turns out the dog's owner, a farang, refused to compensate the lady for medical expenses. When our neighbor accompanied the maid to talk to them about this, the dog owners Thai wife actually had the arrogance to say that the maid shouldn't be walking around that area. She also asked my neighbor whether their house was bigger than her's. clap2.gif

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Being falang only gets you status because it's assumed you have money and/or connections to those with status.

For most Thais, if you have neither your status drops precipitously, certainly above an uneducated dark-skinned peasant, but below a light-skinned Chinese shopowner.

Add to the mix your personal lifestyle/conduct. If you openly associate with what they consider scum (e.g. dark-skinned peasant girls prostituting themselves to foreigners for small cash) AND you don't have a lot of money, then you become persona non grata, a liability and an embarrassment.

Solutions - keep your diddling of local lovelies and/or lack of resources hidden from those you would have respect you.

A very small percentage of Thais will respect you for yourself, but of course that assumes you let them get to know you at that level.

I suspect the underlying social/cultural/moral factors at play here aren't much different from many countries, but it's true being a falang will cause people to pigeon-hole you into either one of two categories - respectable farang or kee-nok.

BTW this doesn't have much to do with skin color, more to the category of "foreigner". The fact they think white skin is more attractive than dark is a different factor, but does come into the mix.

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Nothing to do with dogs but everything to do with the "don't make waves" warnings given to us as foreigners:-

We live in a small "village" within a smallish town in the countryside - 8 houses with Thai families, a number of them related to my wife in some way, and me the only foreigner. It's a very friendly community on the whole and I never feel discriminated against.

A neighbour - a music & art teacher, so not someone you'd immediately class as "ignorant", and not a local - used to light fires on the edges of our property almost every day. My wife asked him a number of times to stop lighting them because of her dad's ill health & poor breathing, but he took absolutely no notice. The smoke invariably drifted over our garden, into the house and into neighbours' houses. I'd often wanted to make something of it but had always been told it's "not polite", as if that'd be any less polite than this bloke sending a blanket of smoke over us regularly.

Anyway, a couple of months ago, he decided to burn the old tyres from his car and you can imagine the black smoke that resulted. Being alone in the house with nobody to restrain me, I asked him to put the fire out but was ignored. Dad was coughing so I had to do something. I turned the garden hose on his fire and put is out eventually - tyres burn fiercely! I thought about hosing-down the contents of his living room, too, but that would have been going too far. He watched what I was doing, didn't say a word and hasn't lit a fire since. The neighbours also let my wife know that they were glad I'd taken action but, since they kept quiet themselves, I guess they'd have lived with his lack of consideration for who-knows-how-long. An unexpected side-effect is that the bloke is now much friendlier with us & often chats whereas before he said almost nothing. I won't hold any grudge against him - as far as I'm concerned the incident is over and our little community is much happier & cleaner.

Maybe he's plotting his revenge and this is just the calm before the storm!!!!!

You've earned the respect of the 'burner' in a way he understands. By doing so you have pehaps placed yourself a notch of few above him on the social ladder.

This is how issues should be dealt with, not with over reaction and constant moaning, and not by bending over and taking it without lubrication. By simply dealing with the situation at hand in a fair but direct manner the issue is placed back into the hands of the other party to either escalate the issue or back down. In cases such as this the other party generally know they are doing wrong but have a 'so what' attitude and will back down when the issue is dealt with.

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Also, it is hard for many Thais to criticize their own.....

....in public. In private, a totally different matter. Happens perhaps a little too easily.

Unfortunately, petty judgement comes easy within their general character make-up.

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Also, it is hard for many Thais to criticize their own.....

....in public. In private, a totally different matter. Happens perhaps a little too easily.

Unfortunately, petty judgement comes easy within their general character make-up.

... and we can't blame the Farangs for teaching them that one....

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If I caught you hosing my dog down under the same circumstances I would have punched you right in the nose!

It's a dog! an animal with no social graces! if you don't want stray dogs on your wifes property then keep the godamn gate shut!

I think you got off lightly

What if one doesn't have a gate?

You get a punch on the nose !!

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If I caught you hosing my dog down under the same circumstances I would have punched you right in the nose!

It's a dog! an animal with no social graces! if you don't want stray dogs on your wifes property then keep the godamn gate shut!

I think you got off lightly

What if one doesn't have a gate?

You get a punch on the nose !!

Quite diplomatic of you.

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"Whites are superior economically, generally, but not always.....and they are resented and hated....for that"

So, been "superior economically" ...

they are always right?

are automatically given the right to rule the world?

all "non-whites" are 2nd class, low cast or whatever?

And been "superior economically" makes a person a perfect Human Being?

How was this "economic superiority" achieved in the first place?(Somewhere in history, it sure does mention it)

Is it not this 'superiority complex' that is destroying this whole world slowly, but surely?


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"Whites are superior economically, generally, but not always.....and they are resented and hated....for that"

So, been "superior economically" ...

they are always right?

Yeah but that era is coming to an end now everyone knows that the last 10-15 years of Western economic prosperity were a mirage. Just look at soi Cowboy of an evening - far more Indians, Blacks, non-Thai Asians and Middle Easterners and fewer white faces.

I predict riots on the streets of every major US and European city within 3 years when they can't afford the stuff they've taken for granted for so long because there's too much demand for it from the newly-moneyed "brown people".

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I've seen racism in every country that I've been too, not by every person of course but it does exist as I've experienced or seen. It's almost like some inner trait that wants to pick on or make fun of the person that is different. While it seems natural at some "animal" fear level I think that it generally goes away once people get to know one another. In Melbourne, Australia which is fairly multicultural I personally know a lot of older guys who used to love a racist rant until they made friends with so and so from Vietnam, Sudan, Greece, Italy or wherever. From there they would generally lose that old fear of the unknown...though of course there are people who will still say "I hate those ****!" but so and so is alright - he's one of us.

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"Whites are superior economically, generally, but not always.....and they are resented and hated....for that"

So, been "superior economically" ...

they are always right?

Yeah but that era is coming to an end now everyone knows that the last 10-15 years of Western economic prosperity were a mirage. Just look at soi Cowboy of an evening - far more Indians, Blacks, non-Thai Asians and Middle Easterners and fewer white faces.

I predict riots on the streets of every major US and European city within 3 years when they can't afford the stuff they've taken for granted for so long because there's too much demand for it from the newly-moneyed "brown people".

They've already begun. They'll no doubt get worse...

Ask any American the about the state of many of their cities. In the past itwas just Detriot, but now? shudder....

A dystopian future awaits for many. If you\ve already bought into an upper class neighborhood your good, otherwise there is always the lottery!

We are witnessing a tectonic shift in the way the world rolls...It'll no doubt be some interesting sh#t!

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