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There is a common set of characteristics of posters like the OP who constantly complain about racism against farangs and thai culture in general- they are white men, normally 50 +++, retired, grumpy, often rude to everyone around them (without realising it), often look abit run down/ unhealthy and have a huge chip on their shoulders about being mistreated by Thais. Result= they are obnoxious to any thai they meet and the thai's are in turn rude to them which fuels a downward cycle.

I know because i can easily see myself becoming one of these grumpy, sad old men myself (but am trying to fight it).

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If I caught you hosing my dog down under the same circumstances I would have punched you right in the nose!

It's a dog! an animal with no social graces! if you don't want stray dogs on your wifes property then keep the godamn gate shut!

I think you got off lightly

What if one doesn't have a gate?

That's not very Thai... I'm sure wife and neighbors would be impressed by a tall & richly decorated gate.

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If I caught you hosing my dog down under the same circumstances I would have punched you right in the nose!

It's a dog! an animal with no social graces! if you don't want stray dogs on your wifes property then keep the godamn gate shut!

I think you got off lightly

What if one doesn't have a gate?

That's not very Thai... I'm sure wife and neighbors would be impressed by a tall & richly decorated gate.

Guess it comes with the territory.

Castle. Wall. Gate.

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Hi ‘Dave’ you say; “I am not a sensitive type, nor am I a revolutionary, but, neither am I second class!”

OK, I hear you, from all you have said, this is what I think……….Your problem is as much you as it is ‘them’ and I think it stems from the fact you do actually know that….Yes, you are a second class citizen in Thailand. This is feed by every time you get ripped off, talked to with total disrespect, as you may be seen to have no worth by the abuser or for just being different. I do think individual incidents, on their own don’t throw most people; we smile, and move on…. But over time every little bit of shit we have to chew on stacks up, eventually a small and insignificant incident can make us go ‘postal,’ (in your case, on the Miss) and can turn into a ‘spin doctor’ for the anti-racism league.

Thailand racist…..Do you think?….Sure it is, it’s state lead, but by a western definition, I think the Thais see it very different, a few Thais see racist acts as patriotism, some are just ‘bone-heads and a number are just plain <deleted>, you get them everywhere.

You also said; “I am not a sensitive type”………..I don’t think I am either …..However IMHO I think a high percentage of westerners, farang, (white) are, and as ‘whites’ we tend to have spent most of our lives on the side from where it get dished out, not very used to being on the receiving end of racism. So, I think we are very sensitive to it….But don’t like to admit it, basically most of us don’t understand or know how to deal with it, so we bottle it up.

You are not going to change the Thai way of thinking, any change has to come from within……..Don’t hold your breath, the establishment in Thailand use racism……..Sorry I mean ‘nationalism’ as a tool to serve its own ends…..Not that of the Thai people, let alone some farang.

Just one thing; my ex-wife had two favorite sayings, one was “up to you” when asked where she would like to go, or what to do.……The other saying was, “you think too much” This was said to me whenever I would talk to her about avoiding an imminent ‘cluster f#*k’ coming our way…………..Funny enough, I’m not married to her anymore!

Edited by Tonto21
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I am an Asian. This topic made me sit up! Hence, I would like to comment on it - please do not get me wrong, but correct me if I am wrong...

"being culled because of the threat they pose to tourists"

What about the animal lovers associations etc...???

Some countries "cull" humans as that species are a threat to those countries.

Yeah thais are racist. Move on.

Really? Can a normal Thai (or any other citizen from an "undeveloped country") travel freely around the world? Are visas given over the counter? Where?

We are guests here and always will be.

Only in Thailand? Other countries make foreigners feel at home? With all perks...

Poisoned fresh meat works much better.

Is this done "Internationally"? An accepted practice? Really?

It would be a start if the white folks would get it straight in their own minds: Does their white skin propel them towards the top of Thailand's social strata or does it make them a target for "racism"?

Pray,tell us... Where would our Black, Yellow, Brown or what ever color skin propel us to in your "white folks" countries?

Yes.... we all are the same. When it happens to "ME" it is wrong. Strange... so many many complaints about Thailand and yet so many people are dying to go there... and once we are there, should Thailand change to satisfy us?

Is the rest of the world worse, that so many "foreigners" are choosing Thailand with all its "FAULTS" to settle down?

Who should Thailand satisfy - Foreigners or their citizens?

I feel there is something radically wrong somewhere... (or maybe it is only me)

Really.. who is the worst racist???

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. . . as ‘whites’ we tend to have spent most of our lives on the side from where it get dished out, not very used to being on the receiving end of racism. So, I think we are very sensitive to it….But don’t like to admit it, basically most of us don’t understand or know how to deal with it, so we bottle it up.


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About the doggy problem.

I use pepper around my gate once they get a sniff they never come back.

About the doggy problem.

I use pepper around my gate once they get a sniff they never come back.

like it!

I have a pack of pretty fierce feral dogs that over-run the garden from time to time and a deterent like that if it works would be great.

where is pepper spray available?

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. . . as 'whites' we tend to have spent most of our lives on the side from where it get dished out, not very used to being on the receiving end of racism. So, I think we are very sensitive to it….But don't like to admit it, basically most of us don't understand or know how to deal with it, so we bottle it up.


You hit the nail right on the head! Thank you...... as 'non-whites we tend to have spent most of our lives on the side being on the receiving end of racism. So, I think we are still very sensitive to it…. But, it seems things are changing. So who has the right to be a racist?

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If I caught you hosing my dog down under the same circumstances I would have punched you right in the nose!

And you would swiftly be arrested for assault; maybe it's better that you stay out of the country for long stretches if this is the kind of thing you'd be teaching your kids.

"Let your dog poo on peoples lawns, if they object punch them in the face"...classic role model.

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About the doggy problem.

I use pepper around my gate once they get a sniff they never come back.

good solution

I have a pack of pretty fierce feral dogs that over-run the garden from time to time and a deterent like that if it works would be great.

where is pepper spray available?

I mean normal black or white pepper which can be bought in 7/11 or even cheaper on your local Thai market.

As long as its not raining that is.

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buy a gate and change the wife. its drilled into them that they are superior from birth more or less, and people from other countries are beneath them. had this one with my EX wife lots of times, i just asked her to name her countries acheivements, compared to what the farangs had acheived.

i was once at a wake for a farnag friend on the first night of his death, his beloved wife would not pay for any food or drinks, then a dispute broke out as to how many robes should be given to the monks, her friend also farang maintained shouted, he was only a farang, to which the monk replied farangs are still human beings.

he died wednesday, she was at German embassey to sort his pension Thursday, and burnt him on the friday telling nobody. i was there by chance paying respects luckily. The coffin had written on the side Donated by the people of Thailand. She now get 40,000 baht a month from her beloved farng husbands country. she did not mind the just a farangs money and thats the way i see most of them.

Just have to accept it and work around it. But i would not be happy with wifes comment.

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. . . as ‘whites’ we tend to have spent most of our lives on the side from where it get dished out, not very used to being on the receiving end of racism. So, I think we are very sensitive to it….But don’t like to admit it, basically most of us don’t understand or know how to deal with it, so we bottle it up.


Thai's have been dishing out to fellow Asians as well as whites, and still do treat Burmese and Cambodians appaulingly.

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My neighbours run a salon next door to me and they have a dog about the size of a cat. That dog started crapping on my drive. It got through the small gaps in the wrought ironwork design at the base of the gate.

The woman who owns the salon speaks reasonable English so I asked her to keep the dog under control and to stop it crapping on my drive. The dog continued to do so week after week. After several more requests to the salon owner, one day I dumped the dog crap over their wall and later it appeared back over my side. Now I was not happy.

When I next saw the owner and the dog in their drive, I told her their dog would die if i ever caught it on my property. Still the dog crapped on my drive.

As it happens, I acquired a new woman in my life and explained the situation to her. I told her I will kill that dog too. She immediately went to the salon. Whatever she said did the trick. That dog has not been in my driveway since. That is some months back.

When the dog is now outside it has someone with it. They have also set up a 'Poo Bowl' and the dog does its business in there.

My Issan lady v the salon owner. I honestly did not expect too much of a result with business owner v Issan lady.

Racism? I do not really think so. I do think some Thai people do not hold us in very high regard. I say that because I have been made very welcome at many places and at parties, weddings, funerals for both Hi-So and other classes of people here.

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i was once at a wake for a farnag friend on the first night of his death, his beloved wife would not pay for any food or drinks, then a dispute broke out as to how many robes should be given to the monks, her friend also farang maintained shouted, he was only a farang, to which the monk replied farangs are still human beings.

That is low and her friend shouting out that he is only a farang while being maintained by a farang is also low. Pick your better half wisely.

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ou hit the nail right on the head! Thank you...... as 'non-whites we tend to have spent most of our lives on the side being on the receiving end of racism. So, I think we are still very sensitive to it…. But, it seems things are changing. So who has the right to be a racist?

Nobody has the right to be a racist.

Just because you suffered it, doesn't mean anyone else should.

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My Issan lady v the salon owner. I honestly did not expect too much of a result with business owner v Issan lady.

Issan ladies have a reputation for extreme violence among the other Thais.

It's a little bit like owning a Rottwieler.

I am not surprised by the outcome.

Edited by ludditeman
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I am an Asian. This topic made me sit up! Hence, I would like to comment on it - please do not get me wrong, but correct me if I am wrong...

"being culled because of the threat they pose to tourists"

What about the animal lovers associations etc...???

Some countries "cull" humans as that species are a threat to those countries.

Yeah thais are racist. Move on.

Really? Can a normal Thai (or any other citizen from an "undeveloped country") travel freely around the world? Are visas given over the counter? Where?

We are guests here and always will be.

Only in Thailand? Other countries make foreigners feel at home? With all perks...

Poisoned fresh meat works much better.

Is this done "Internationally"? An accepted practice? Really?

It would be a start if the white folks would get it straight in their own minds: Does their white skin propel them towards the top of Thailand's social strata or does it make them a target for "racism"?

Pray,tell us... Where would our Black, Yellow, Brown or what ever color skin propel us to in your "white folks" countries?

Yes.... we all are the same. When it happens to "ME" it is wrong. Strange... so many many complaints about Thailand and yet so many people are dying to go there... and once we are there, should Thailand change to satisfy us?

Is the rest of the world worse, that so many "foreigners" are choosing Thailand with all its "FAULTS" to settle down?

Who should Thailand satisfy - Foreigners or their citizens?

I feel there is something radically wrong somewhere... (or maybe it is only me)

Really.. who is the worst racist???

President of USA, that's getting propelled in what i guess you would term white folks country. Beleive it ot not us White folks have dificulties gettting into other white folks countries for a vaccation let alone live there. On the so many forigners choosing Thailand to settle down bit, maybe older, MALE forieners gives a clue as to why.

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. . . as ‘whites’ we tend to have spent most of our lives on the side from where it get dished out, not very used to being on the receiving end of racism. So, I think we are very sensitive to it….But don’t like to admit it, basically most of us don’t understand or know how to deal with it, so we bottle it up.


Thai's have been dishing out to fellow Asians as well as whites, and still do treat Burmese and Cambodians appaulingly.

Thais have been dishing it out to their fellow Thais, listen to the comments about Issan people, Northern hill tribes people or Southerners. Special venom is reserved for the Chinese and Indians.

For a bit of stereotyping you only have to watch the inane mind numbing soap operas on the telly each night.

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Responding to the OP, the idea of comparing the farang experience in Thailand to the REAL racism that African-Americans dealt with back in the day is patently absurd. There is no comparison. What are you going to compare it to next? The Holocaust? The Thais are engaged in genocide against farangs because they're making us do visa-runs! Ridiculous.

I think farangs would face more racial discrimination if you took your Thai wives back to farangland. More chance of it there than here for sure.

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. . . as 'whites' we tend to have spent most of our lives on the side from where it get dished out, not very used to being on the receiving end of racism. So, I think we are very sensitive to it….But don't like to admit it, basically most of us don't understand or know how to deal with it, so we bottle it up.


You hit the nail right on the head! Thank you...... as 'non-whites we tend to have spent most of our lives on the side being on the receiving end of racism. So, I think we are still very sensitive to it….

I wouldn't say I'm sensitive to it but having grown up in a far less-than-gentrified-than-now part of West London, I can easily distinguish between racism and what some of these white people are bemoaning.

If, as some suggest, being white-skinned/Caucasian in Thailand elevates one closer to the upper echelons of society, then I guess - being a black man - I should expect to be condemned to its nether regions. Strangely, though, during my four years here, I've been treated with respect and kindness by Thais 90% of the time.

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If, as some suggest, being white-skinned/Caucasian in Thailand elevates one closer to the upper echelons of society, then I guess - being a black man - I should expect to be condemned to its nether regions. Strangely, though, during my four years here, I've been treated with respect and kindness by Thais 90% of the time.

Your expectations are low, if you are happy being treated badly 10% of the time.

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I am an Asian. This topic made me sit up! Hence, I would like to comment on it - please do not get me wrong, but correct me if I am wrong...

"being culled because of the threat they pose to tourists"

What about the animal lovers associations etc...???

Some countries "cull" humans as that species are a threat to those countries.

Yeah thais are racist. Move on.

Really? Can a normal Thai (or any other citizen from an "undeveloped country") travel freely around the world? Are visas given over the counter? Where?

We are guests here and always will be.

Only in Thailand? Other countries make foreigners feel at home? With all perks...

Poisoned fresh meat works much better.

Is this done "Internationally"? An accepted practice? Really?

Pray,tell us... Where would our Black, Yellow, Brown or what ever color skin propel us to in your "white folks" countries?

Yes.... we all are the same. When it happens to "ME" it is wrong. Strange... so many many complaints about Thailand and yet so many people are dying to go there... and once we are there, should Thailand change to satisfy us?

Is the rest of the world worse, that so many "foreigners" are choosing Thailand with all its "FAULTS" to settle down?

Who should Thailand satisfy - Foreigners or their citizens?

I feel there is something radically wrong somewhere... (or maybe it is only me)

Really.. who is the worst racist???

'It would be a start if the white folks would get it straight in their own minds: Does their white skin propel them towards the top of Thailand's social strata or does it make them a target for "racism"?

I hate to break it to you but when Thais are born, they are white as the driven snow. The weather makes them brown. you are a whitey, just like me. jap.gif

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Responding to the OP, the idea of comparing the farang experience in Thailand to the REAL racism that African-Americans dealt with back in the day is patently absurd. There is no comparison.

Must be really terrible being the elected president of the USA.....

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If, as some suggest, being white-skinned/Caucasian in Thailand elevates one closer to the upper echelons of society, then I guess - being a black man - I should expect to be condemned to its nether regions. Strangely, though, during my four years here, I've been treated with respect and kindness by Thais 90% of the time.

Your expectations are low, if you are happy being treated badly 10% of the time.

Not at all - I just live in the real world where normal people realize that happiness does not equate to an absence of problems but rather to the fortitude and ability to deal with them positively.

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Responding to the OP, the idea of comparing the farang experience in Thailand to the REAL racism that African-Americans dealt with back in the day is patently absurd. There is no comparison.

Must be really terrible being the elected president of the USA.....

It's only for 4 years.

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My Issan lady v the salon owner. I honestly did not expect too much of a result with business owner v Issan lady.

Issan ladies have a reputation for extreme violence among the other Thais.

It's a little bit like owning a Rottwieler.

I am not surprised by the outcome.

Nice to know.

I had better make the next one an Issan lady then as well laugh.png

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Responding to the OP, the idea of comparing the farang experience in Thailand to the REAL racism that African-Americans dealt with back in the day is patently absurd. There is no comparison.

Must be really terrible being the elected president of the USA.....

Actually, you'll find that he's an extension of the WASP American Establishment.

Nothing more, nothing less.

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If I caught you hosing my dog down under the same circumstances I would have punched you right in the nose!

It's a dog! an animal with no social graces! if you don't want stray dogs on your wifes property then keep the godamn gate shut!

I think you got off lightly

What if one doesn't have a gate?

Build one.

There, see, problem solved.

Carry on.

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