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"Whites are superior economically, generally, but not always.....and they are resented and hated....for that"

So, been "superior economically" ...

they are always right?

are automatically given the right to rule the world?

all "non-whites" are 2nd class, low cast or whatever?

And been "superior economically" makes a person a perfect Human Being?

How was this "economic superiority" achieved in the first place?(Somewhere in history, it sure does mention it)

Is it not this 'superiority complex' that is destroying this whole world slowly, but surely?


Singapore and Japan have an unadjusted percapita income of 5ok. Korea and Taiwan sit at 27K. China's is about the same as Thailand! On a PPP basis the numbers do change. On a PPP basis Japan, Korea and Taiwan are at 32-37k a year. India\s is at about half China s. This without colonization,not bad at all if you ask me!! :)

Edited by TheKeeNok
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I am an Asian. This topic made me sit up! Hence, I would like to comment on it - please do not get me wrong, but correct me if I am wrong...

"being culled because of the threat they pose to tourists"

What about the animal lovers associations etc...???

Some countries "cull" humans as that species are a threat to those countries.

Yeah thais are racist. Move on.

Really? Can a normal Thai  (or any other citizen from an "undeveloped country") travel freely around the world? Are visas given over the counter? Where?

We are guests here and always will be.

Only in Thailand? Other countries make foreigners feel at home? With all perks...

Poisoned fresh meat works much better.

Is this done "Internationally"? An accepted practice? Really?

It would be a start if the white folks would get it straight in their own minds: Does their white skin propel them towards the top of Thailand's social strata or does it make them a target for "racism"?

Pray,tell us... Where would our Black, Yellow, Brown or what ever color skin propel us to in your "white folks" countries?

Yes.... we all are the same. When it happens to "ME" it is wrong. Strange... so many many complaints about Thailand and yet so many people are dying to go there... and once we are there, should Thailand change to satisfy us?

Is the rest of the world worse, that so many "foreigners" are choosing Thailand with all its "FAULTS" to settle down?

Who should Thailand satisfy - Foreigners or their citizens?

I feel there is something radically wrong somewhere... (or maybe it is only me)

Really.. who is the worst racist???

Other countries make foreigners feel at home? With all perks...

The UK loves to make foreigners feel at home with all the perks- I know, I was there.

Really? Could you please explain this?http://uk.news.yahoo.com/men-guilty-stealing-student-riots-104950906.html

Edited by ravip
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I can't see that I've ever been subject to racism in Thailand. I have however been subject to opportunistic measures (i.e. attempted double pricing), but so has my Thai wife.

With regards to visa regulations etc. I don’t see any racism here, I simply see uniform policy as with many nations. We can’t expect the same visa and residence regulations in England and Thailand, it would be silly to expect this.

With regards to our rights. I have right enough to be treated respectfully, I insist on that and I generally am by all around me.

I have no voting rights. Big deal, I don’t expect to.

For those who say we are second class citizens, I do not think of myself as such, I am equal to any Thai around me and those Thai's who I know around me (family and friends) see that, believe that and act that. Those Thai's who do not know me base their judgments on my appearance, behavior and their experience - Generally their judgment and treatment of me is more positive than the Thai person standing next to me.

It is my experience that in general being a westerner in Thailand I am treated better than a lot of Thai folk, but I do not expect this. Equal and indifferent treatment such as that for any Thai suits me fine.

On one occasion I was dealt with impolitely by a Junior official in a local amphur office. There was no need to argue, I simply took her supervisors name (she would not give me hers), left and took measures into the hands of someone I know well. A few hours later the senior officer was on the phone apologizing. This is how things are done here when we face a brick wall.

Another example is double pricing on a golf course. I took issue, complained and walked away. But this is not racism, its opportunism attempting to charge someone of more due to either a thoughtless policy or taking advantage of a general perception of increased wealth.

Regarding the Op Specifically: I would have done the same thing and sprayed the dog. If the owner of the dog doesn't like it, he would have received a piece of my mind. Without an apology from him the doggie poop would end up on his drive way. The issue would be resolved with or without loss of face to the owner of the dog, that simply depends on his reaction.

Regarding the Ops wife suggesting that we as foreigners or individuals cant do anything about this, she is wrong, perhaps a little lazy or tired of fighting constant loosing battles due to the perception of her own status.

We can, if we choose not to be lazy, take issue with those things worthy of taking issue with. IMO Poop on the drive way is such an issue.

I usally like to read your posts as they often are non-biased and very informative but then again everything is up to debate. Opportunism has to do with rooted discrimination and foolhardy beliefs that has got so stuck in the Thai cultural system that it´s now perceived as normal. I wouldn´t go so far as simplifying it as you do.

Thais are taught that they are nothing yet that Thailand is one of the greatest country in the world (at some schools I´ve been to). We can talk about double moral later but I think it shows how confused the elite has made the mass.

Now a question with an easy answer. Why would a country like Thailand accept foregin currency, boost tourism industry yet not let any foreigners but Thais or Sino-Thais live here?

Thais come in thousands to western countries and in most of them get the same treatment and means to survive like anybody else if not better but we are subjected to a sort of penalty fee because we are apparently richer and the government suspects if we can´t manage that we would have white bums living in the streets? Really... come on....

One Thai gal I know are not too fond of the treatment we get but when I asked why they can´t allow us own 100% of our own companies and buy land, she said it was simply matter of time before farang took over everything and Thai would have nothing. AS much as I love that gal I thought it was one of the dumbest answers Ive ever got. Most of the farang countries couldnt have risen without the foreigners and we take in alot every year. This just show how uneducated and xenophobic they are but I can imagine there is a reason the elite pounder this crap onto the "normal" Thais.

Now the question would be what would happen if farangs and other foreigners got the right to vote?

Edited by maxme
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I am an Asian. This topic made me sit up! Hence, I would like to comment on it - please do not get me wrong, but correct me if I am wrong...

"being culled because of the threat they pose to tourists"

What about the animal lovers associations etc...???

Some countries "cull" humans as that species are a threat to those countries.

Yeah thais are racist. Move on.

Really? Can a normal Thai (or any other citizen from an "undeveloped country") travel freely around the world? Are visas given over the counter? Where?

We are guests here and always will be.

Only in Thailand? Other countries make foreigners feel at home? With all perks...

Poisoned fresh meat works much better.

Is this done "Internationally"? An accepted practice? Really?

It would be a start if the white folks would get it straight in their own minds: Does their white skin propel them towards the top of Thailand's social strata or does it make them a target for "racism"?

Pray,tell us... Where would our Black, Yellow, Brown or what ever color skin propel us to in your "white folks" countries?

Yes.... we all are the same. When it happens to "ME" it is wrong. Strange... so many many complaints about Thailand and yet so many people are dying to go there... and once we are there, should Thailand change to satisfy us?

Is the rest of the world worse, that so many "foreigners" are choosing Thailand with all its "FAULTS" to settle down?

Who should Thailand satisfy - Foreigners or their citizens?

I feel there is something radically wrong somewhere... (or maybe it is only me)

Really.. who is the worst racist???

Other countries make foreigners feel at home? With all perks...

The UK loves to make foreigners feel at home with all the perks- I know, I was there.

Really? Could you please explain this?http://uk.news.yahoo.com/men-guilty-stealing-student-riots-104950906.html

You don´t want to get into to that discussion. How many drive by shootings, stabbings, trickery, fraud don´t Thais pull on foreigners in Thailand every day and nothing happens while this gets documented and the guilty party gets prosecuted.

You just lost your face

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I am an Asian. This topic made me sit up! Hence, I would like to comment on it - please do not get me wrong, but correct me if I am wrong...

"being culled because of the threat they pose to tourists"

What about the animal lovers associations etc...???

Some countries "cull" humans as that species are a threat to those countries.

Yeah thais are racist. Move on.

Really? Can a normal Thai (or any other citizen from an "undeveloped country") travel freely around the world? Are visas given over the counter? Where?

We are guests here and always will be.

Only in Thailand? Other countries make foreigners feel at home? With all perks...

Poisoned fresh meat works much better.

Is this done "Internationally"? An accepted practice? Really?

It would be a start if the white folks would get it straight in their own minds: Does their white skin propel them towards the top of Thailand's social strata or does it make them a target for "racism"?

Pray,tell us... Where would our Black, Yellow, Brown or what ever color skin propel us to in your "white folks" countries?

Yes.... we all are the same. When it happens to "ME" it is wrong. Strange... so many many complaints about Thailand and yet so many people are dying to go there... and once we are there, should Thailand change to satisfy us?

Is the rest of the world worse, that so many "foreigners" are choosing Thailand with all its "FAULTS" to settle down?

Who should Thailand satisfy - Foreigners or their citizens?

I feel there is something radically wrong somewhere... (or maybe it is only me)

Really.. who is the worst racist???

Other countries make foreigners feel at home? With all perks...

The UK loves to make foreigners feel at home with all the perks- I know, I was there.

Really? Could you please explain this?http://uk.news.yahoo.com/men-guilty-stealing-student-riots-104950906.html

You don´t want to get into to that discussion. How many drive by shootings, stabbings, trickery, fraud don´t Thais pull on foreigners in Thailand every day and nothing happens while this gets documented and the guilty party gets prosecuted.

You just lost your face

Just read and understand the post #119 from TheKeeNok

Whoever you are & from where ever you are, with an atitude like yours, you will always be whinning & miserable.

Edited by ravip
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Here we go with the "discriminated farang" thing again. Yes, Thais are xenophobic and jingoistic, and they are not the only ones in the world.

Get over it and enjoy the good things in this beautiful country, or pack up an leave.

Your indignant, self-righteousness will not change a thing. And if you feel like a "second class citizen", realize that is only in your head. I don't feel like a second class person, I don't care about status, and I could give a rip about what anyone thinks about me regardless of their color, culture, or other orientation.

You say this is only and "observation?" Dude, it's emotional and its eating away at you. If you had a thicker skin you would have stopped the post after talking about the dog pinching a loaf in front of your house.

Wake up man. Stop playing the victim -- you'll be happier.

-- Political correctness makes me want to puke!

Edited by connda
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I used to not bother being called farang, but nowdays, after 7 years, I am getting tired of it.

Nowdays, I never ever use the word myself.

One of the reasons why these things happens, that someone will say, "never mind, you are just a farang", is that everyone keep on using these old term. Sure this description would be understood if the thais never had a tv, video, internet, totally disconnected to the rest of the world.

But for the modern thai, and us westerners, this word seems totally obsolete and useless.

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I used to not bother being called farang, but nowdays, after 7 years, I am getting tired of it.

Nowdays, I never ever use the word myself.

One of the reasons why these things happens, that someone will say, "never mind, you are just a farang", is that everyone keep on using these old term. Sure this description would be understood if the thais never had a tv, video, internet, totally disconnected to the rest of the world.

But for the modern thai, and us westerners, this word seems totally obsolete and useless.

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But for the modern thai, and us westerners, this word seems totally obsolete and useless.

Seriously... sit back and think how the westerners refer to the 'other' nationalities.

All this was started there centuries ago and it will carry on till dooms day.

Enjoy life while you can without fretting on the minor annoyances.

You are not perfect and I am not perfect!

So have a life, mate.

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Seriously... sit back and think how the westerners refer to the 'other' nationalities.

If it is a distant country and another distant country, sure we can use a broad term, generalizing a certain group of people, but people that you meet constantly, on a daily basis, it would be stupid not to realize and understand that these countries were different.

If you are a westerner, and you would talk about asians, yes, you would just say asians, but if you would constantly bump into them, talk to them, or had a friend who started dating some of them, you would be an idiot if you did not start to see the difference between, for example a Korean or a Japanese, compared to a Burmese Farmer, although, they are both "asians.

Enjoy life while you can without fretting on the minor annoyances.

I do that, but does not mean I cant get annoyed over things of various size, just like any other person,

You are not perfect and I am not perfect!

So I am not allowed to be annoyed sometimes? Everyone gets annoyed, you too.

Is it a big problem? not really.

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These threads make me wonder about the experiences I face in Thailand to those others say they experience daily. I just don't understand the difference.

Hand on heart I can say that I have never felt like a second class citizen in Thailand, in all my years of visiting and living in the place. I feel absolutely privileged to be allowed to stay and make the place my home. I understand fully that I am not a citizen, and neither do I particularly want to be, and that means I must live here with certain legal restrictions, but I know what they are and they seem a tiny price to pay for the benefits I receive.

I have Thai friends who I admire and respect enormously. Similarly, I feel they think the same. Every day I come across people I don't particularly care for or who treat me rudely, but I see the same people treating the locals rudely too. That is everything to do with them as individuals and nothing to do with me and a me / Thai interchange. I have tried to learn the language and that really helps; I make it a point to be polite and smile as much as I can. I also have absolutely no problem with being self-deprecating and playing the 'innocent abroad'in getting help. In my dealings with authority figures, I find them much easier to deal with than the jobsworth mentality in the UK.

Respect has to be earned. Both ways. We have no inherent right to think that our presence here automatically entitles us to be superior or get special treatment. I genuinely believe that being white and foreign almost gives me an unfair head start in winning that respect, certainly much more so than a Thai would receive in my home country.

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These threads make me wonder about the experiences I face in Thailand to those others say they experience daily. I just don't understand the difference.

Hand on heart I can say that I have never felt like a second class citizen in Thailand, in all my years of visiting and living in the place. I feel absolutely privileged to be allowed to stay and make the place my home. I understand fully that I am not a citizen, and neither do I particularly want to be, and that means I must live here with certain legal restrictions, but I know what they are and they seem a tiny price to pay for the benefits I receive.

I have Thai friends who I admire and respect enormously. Similarly, I feel they think the same. Every day I come across people I don't particularly care for or who treat me rudely, but I see the same people treating the locals rudely too. That is everything to do with them as individuals and nothing to do with me and a me / Thai interchange. I have tried to learn the language and that really helps; I make it a point to be polite and smile as much as I can. I also have absolutely no problem with being self-deprecating and playing the 'innocent abroad'in getting help. In my dealings with authority figures, I find them much easier to deal with than the jobsworth mentality in the UK.

Respect has to be earned. Both ways. We have no inherent right to think that our presence here automatically entitles us to be superior or get special treatment. I genuinely believe that being white and foreign almost gives me an unfair head start in winning that respect, certainly much more so than a Thai would receive in my home country.

I agree with this totally, great post!.

But still, I dont like to be called farang, and when even we, call ourselves farang, we support an obselete way of percieving us. We live in the 21 century, not the 19 century...

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These threads make me wonder about the experiences I face in Thailand to those others say they experience daily. I just don't understand the difference.

Hand on heart I can say that I have never felt like a second class citizen in Thailand, in all my years of visiting and living in the place. I feel absolutely privileged to be allowed to stay and make the place my home. I understand fully that I am not a citizen, and neither do I particularly want to be, and that means I must live here with certain legal restrictions, but I know what they are and they seem a tiny price to pay for the benefits I receive.

I have Thai friends who I admire and respect enormously. Similarly, I feel they think the same. Every day I come across people I don't particularly care for or who treat me rudely, but I see the same people treating the locals rudely too. That is everything to do with them as individuals and nothing to do with me and a me / Thai interchange. I have tried to learn the language and that really helps; I make it a point to be polite and smile as much as I can. I also have absolutely no problem with being self-deprecating and playing the 'innocent abroad'in getting help. In my dealings with authority figures, I find them much easier to deal with than the jobsworth mentality in the UK.

Respect has to be earned. Both ways. We have no inherent right to think that our presence here automatically entitles us to be superior or get special treatment. I genuinely believe that being white and foreign almost gives me an unfair head start in winning that respect, certainly much more so than a Thai would receive in my home country.

I agree too with this 100%, One of the best and factually correct posts I've come across.

Super Good!

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To the OP (Initial Post) - I don't see the black in America - White in Thailand has anything to do with this at all. It seems you are a bit confused about the issues - your interrupting a defecating pooch - your being a farang married to a Thai, your inability to purchase property or even vote? Is your wife not a Thai? If she is - then there is no reason why she cannot vote.

Taking affirmative action in Thailand? Well you can dream about that for a while.

I think - you have a lot of acclimatizing to do. Better chill out for a while or if you can - choose a better neighborhood.

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