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Tony Blair's Friendly Chat Wows Thai Kids

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The names Blair, Tony Blair, double O zero, licence to wage war on non compliant oil rich countries. I'll have an ice tea, shaken but not stirred. Ahh, Octopussy, I missed your company, while the cats away eh, mon cherie.

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Mr. Blair is a decent and honourable man, although some may disagree. It is however, rather indicative that a positive event is used to vent the usual negativity. Surely, one can see the good that comes fromt his type of event. Jiminey,so many sourpusses.

Decent and honourable. Hmm, tell that to hundreds of thousands of iraqi people missing one or more family members who were killed by the decisions made by blair and bush. And all the others missing limbs or eyes or other such catastrophic injuries that have ruined their lives.

Honestly, it's this ability by the common citizen to just forget about such political crimes that allows american presidents and british prime ministers to continue getting away with their warmongering. These two countries, through their greed dressed up as 'concern' for the freedoms of people in nations full of oil and gas, blow the lives of ordinary citizens up to pieces and destroy their infrastructure.

Then they get awarded nobel prizes for peace.

Then they become global 'statesmen'.

Then they go to other countries smiling and 'doing good'. Gee, any bad man can do some good, but why should that excuse their crimes against humanity?

It's just sickening how easy it is for an american president or british prime minister to hoodwink citizens that they are decent and honourable men. They are bloody killers, smiling assassins if you like.

We'll never get rid of wars while this kind of thinking continues.

Smiling thai kids, yes. Dead and destroyed iraqi kids yes. Same man, yes. Oh, what does that say about us as a species??

This is one of the best summaries I have ever read of the case for keeping people like Blair at arm's length. He who sups with the devil must have a long spoon....

You people need to see a doctor, or reduce whatever 'medication' you are taking.

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Mr. Blair is a decent and honourable man, although some may disagree. It is however, rather indicative that a positive event is used to vent the usual negativity. Surely, one can see the good that comes fromt his type of event. Jiminey,so many sourpusses.

Blair is Mrs Thatcher in trousers... and as for a decent guy, Thaksin is in the same league as Blair... Megalomaniacs together ... !

Mrs Thatcher absolutely adore her, Maggie in power enabled me to make money to be able to retire to Thailand, so smile.png.

Unfortunately Kwasaki,more people hated Thatcher than adored her.

That's the reason she never ever polled more than 44% of the peoples Votes!

But do try to keep the Thatcher Myth going.

Maybe you was the 99% then.laugh.png


By far the silliest !! I don't think so, self opinionated remarks that are unproven does it for me.

The proof is there, if you would only see. Blair never did a single thing that wasn't in his own interest, and he didn't give a hoot about destroying the UK in the process. The war in Iraq was the least of his crimes.

Any politician who purports to have suddenly discovered God cannot possibly have a shred of honesty in him.

I wait in awaiting proof of your proof.smile.png


What a sad waste of time when they could learn to speak English, that should come first.

I have met teachers who think teaching gammer is a good idea, total idiots IMO.

The Phillippinos I've met told me they are taught to speak English from a very young age the same as English speaking nations do, makes sense to me.

How can you learn and understand a language properly if you don't know how the grammar works?

When I first communicated with my parents and was talking to them in the same language I didn't know what grammer was but i must of understood what we were saying to each other, you have to be another idiot teacher don't you. ??


Blair was always nice red dress, but no drawers i.e. a bit like a Zepplin, looked pretty but there was only gas inside. He took himself off to the States and picked Clinton's brain on how to get oneself elected to high office. He learned well and once he got to be PM he renegned on a promise to his deputy to resign and hand the PM job over to him after a certain period. His deputy was another self promoter going by the name of Gordon Brown, although Gordon Bennett might have been more appropriate, Blair hung onto his job longer after the agreed period and internicene war between the two broke out. When it was clear that the doodoo was about to hit the fan and the UK's parlous position was becoming clearer Blair handed over power and then fled to Europe picking up a very financially rewarding job doing not a lot. Think inactive post, European style. Brown was left holding the baby, one which he had had ably assisted in creating by selling off the gold reserves. Blair, who many people called B Liar because they saw through his smarm, and Brown with his incompetence, ensured that the Labour Party would not be re-elected in 2010. 6.2% of their previous supporters changed sides and the party lost 91 Parliamentary seats. Of the 26.14 million valid votes cast, the Labour Party could muster only 8.6 million. If that wasn't an indictment of Blair, his policies and performance then I don't know what might be. The Great British public had spoken as pompous politicians like to utter, especially if they have won. I'm out of touch with the UK these days after being away for so long and they can find their own ways to hell as far as I'm concerned, but I'm pretty sure that the majority of Brits regard Blair as a very successful conman rather than an effective politician. As for statesman, give me a break.

While Blair was busy passing new laws his wife, a QC lawyer was amassing a fortune of her own by defending people who broke them or contesting legalities in the courts. That is about as comic as that Clinton woman advocating restraint and faithfulness while Bill was not having sex with the hired help in the Oval Office.

I believe that there are dark forces other than, or even including the CIA and the Secret Service who concocted the reasons given to Bush as excuses to initiate agression against Hussain. Bush took the bait and so did Blair, intent on being a loyal ally. This makes an intersting read. http://whatreallyhap...ES/WMDlies.html If anybody doubts the existence of those dark forces I suggest they read up on how Pakistan became a nuclear power, who paid for it (well the bits and knowledge that weren't stolen), the sale of F16's that Pakistan messed with so that they could deliver atomic bombs and how Pakistan gave assistance to North Korea and Libya to manufacture their own atomic devices. The truth was covered up and Congress, and presumably the Prez, blatently lied to. Blair was certainly gullible to have allowed the UK to become an active participant. Perhaps he should have waited for 2 years or so as the US did in the period 1939/41.

Blair wowed a bunch of hand picked Thai kids then. So would Bozo the clown.

If you were a politician in his shoes and making loads of money I wonder whether you would be honest enough to say you wouldn't do the same.

The definition of a politician for me anyway is :-

It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth, when you know that you would lie, if you, were in his place.laugh.png


What a sad waste of time when they could learn to speak English, that should come first.

I have met teachers who think teaching gammer is a good idea, total idiots IMO.

The Phillippinos I've met told me they are taught to speak English from a very young age the same as English speaking nations do, makes sense to me.

How can you learn and understand a language properly if you don't know how the grammar works?

When I first communicated with my parents and was talking to them in the same language I didn't know what grammer was but i must of understood what we were saying to each other, you have to be another idiot teacher don't you. ??

No I'm not a teacher and I'm not an idiot which is not something that could be said about you. I don't know what grammer is either. Can you explain? Or do you not need to? Learning a language as an infant from your parents is not the same as learning a second language from a teacher. Teachers aren't willing to change your nappies when you shit yourself for a start. The operative word in my post was 'properly'. Any donkey can learn to speak a language if they're born into the country where the language is native. Did you learn any foreign languages while you were at school - assuming you actually went to school? Did they just speak to you and expect you to pick the language up without teaching you any grammar? When you went to school did the school not teach you the grammar of your native language? If not you ought to consider reporting them to the authorities for child cruelty. Or do you just grunt?

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The Phillippinos I've met told me they are taught to speak English from a very young age the same as English speaking nations do, makes sense to me.

As do many other non-english (as a first language/mother tongue) speaking nations: India, Malaysia, Singapore etc....But with all those countries as well as The Philippines the child's parents and teachers all can speak good English and often converse with their child in English as well as reading to them from English books all from a very early (often pre-school) age. However in Thailand just how many adults, parents and teachers can or will do this. Very few I'd say. The English for a day should be for the full 24hours not just school hours. Thailand has a long way to go to catch up with the other members of Asean as far as English is concerned.

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Extraordinary to note the almost universal dislike of Tony Blair and the same disdain for his political legacy.Am I the only one to see a disconnect here?

The Times has a relevant leader today.I cannot provide a link because it is behind a pay wall but I can provide a brief extract.For information Mr McCluskey is a key trade union leader and Mr Miliband the new Labour leader:

"Leave aside that “Blairism” means whatever bad thing the speaker wants to condemn. Leave aside, too, that the “Blairite” position in this instance is the only one anywhere close to a recognition of reality. When did this happen that to invoke Blair, like speaking ill of Trotsky after the purge, is a perfect index of disapproval?

It is extraordinary that senior figures — and Mr McCluskey runs the biggest funder of the party and Mr Miliband’s biggest backer for the leadership — should need reminding of the obvious, but they do. Apologies to readers to whom it is a commonplace, but Mr Blair was Labour’s most successful ever leader, by a country mile. He won landslide victories in 1997 and 2001 such as the party had never seen in peacetime and won a substantial majority in 2005.

Whatever else “Blairism” meant to the general public, it certainly was not discredited very quickly. For the term to become a shorthand for obvious idiocy is obvious idiocy. There was, and is, a serious argument about Mr Blair’s foreign policy, on which informed people disagree, but that is not Mr McCluskey’s chosen definition. There was and is an argument about the pace and direction of public service reform in which Mr Blair, rather belatedly and timidly in fact, engaged. But this is not Mr McCluskey’s problem either. He means that the Labour Party should continue to commit itself to money that it does not have. "

As the editorial suggests there is much to criticise Blair for, notably on foreign policy, but also a huge amount to admire.But for Blairism to be treated a latter day Trotskyism is surely banal, and a classic case of throwing the baby out with the bath water.

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Oh, the naivety of Thais. It`s a shame they still have airbrushed history lessons in school but hopefully one day they`ll learn what a truly posturing, electorate ignoring, selfish, lying, self enriching creature Blair is. Still, he fits in exactly with the model of politician they are used to here.


What a sad waste of time when they could learn to speak English, that should come first.

I have met teachers who think teaching gammer is a good idea, total idiots IMO.

The Phillippinos I've met told me they are taught to speak English from a very young age the same as English speaking nations do, makes sense to me.

How can you learn and understand a language properly if you don't know how the grammar works?

When I first communicated with my parents and was talking to them in the same language I didn't know what grammer was but i must of understood what we were saying to each other, you have to be another idiot teacher don't you. ??

No I'm not a teacher and I'm not an idiot which is not something that could be said about you. I don't know what grammer is either. Can you explain? Or do you not need to? Learning a language as an infant from your parents is not the same as learning a second language from a teacher. Teachers aren't willing to change your nappies when you shit yourself for a start. The operative word in my post was 'properly'. Any donkey can learn to speak a language if they're born into the country where the language is native. Did you learn any foreign languages while you were at school - assuming you actually went to school? Did they just speak to you and expect you to pick the language up without teaching you any grammar? When you went to school did the school not teach you the grammar of your native language? If not you ought to consider reporting them to the authorities for child cruelty. Or do you just grunt?

No. - No. - Yes and not from a Donkey. - Yes. - No. - Grunt. offtopic.gif


Tony started well, then suffered two set backs, an attack of egotism and an attack of religious fervour.


I bet a typical Thai Mor 6 (US Grade 12 or UK Year 13) student can beat Mr. Blair in English grammar (multiple choice) test.

However, sadly he/she cannot utter a resonable sentence verbally.

With the 1 day a week Speak English Campaign, things will change in Thai school. In 3 years, Thai student will get pass the Malaysian, and in 5, pass the Philippinos, and hopefully in 7 years out speak thoses who speak Singlish.

but you don't actually speak English

Exactly. While I can type some English, standing in front of a Farang, I am speechless. And I am not dumb.


Mr. Blair is a decent and honourable man, although some may disagree. It is however, rather indicative that a positive event is used to vent the usual negativity. Surely, one can see the good that comes fromt his type of event. Jiminey,so many sourpusses.

Blair is Mrs Thatcher in trousers... and as for a decent guy, Thaksin is in the same league as Blair... Megalomaniacs together ... !

Dont compare Tony"Smarmy smile" Blair to Maggie Thatcher, he is not the same league as her, whethet you like her or not, she never sold the country down the river, like Tony "Human Rights" Blair, nor did she feather her nest like Tony.

Tony started well, then suffered two set backs, an attack of egotism and an attack of religious fervour.

Yes you are right, he started off by saying they would continue with out going Tory gvt plans for the first 2 years ( if things go wrong blame them). Then he was surprised when Gordon ( the big engine) sold all the gold at knock down prices so he could go on a binge, from here on it was all down hill. Anyone remember "I'm Tony trust me." How he still gets away with it and continues to fool people just go to show how many gllible people there are about.

Yes he could join the PTP party, he has all that is required, promising the earth etc etc and delivering nothing that the people wanted.PTP supporters would easily fall for his style, are you sure he not a thai? Ah yes just seen his bank balance, could not possibly be a thai, well maybe one!

  • Like 1

I bet a typical Thai Mor 6 (US Grade 12 or UK Year 13) student can beat Mr. Blair in English grammar (multiple choice) test.

However, sadly he/she cannot utter a resonable sentence verbally.

With the 1 day a week Speak English Campaign, things will change in Thai school. In 3 years, Thai student will get pass the Malaysian, and in 5, pass the Philippinos, and hopefully in 7 years out speak thoses who speak Singlish.

Are you actually ON or OFF your medicine?

I am not joking. Thai student must memorise all the grammar rules by hard, and they are trainned to do mulitply choice test to perfection (in grammar).

However, please don't try to get them to write an essay, or do a comprehension test.

What a sad waste of time when they could learn to speak English, that should come first.

I have met teachers who think teaching gammer is a good idea, total idiots IMO.

The Phillippinos I've met told me they are taught to speak English from a very young age the same as English speaking nations do, makes sense to me.

The Filipinos you've met told you...I'm sorry but it's certainly not true. Most of them do have a very poor command in said language, but all a BA in education. Or let's say most of them. ( Sorry, off topic!)

How can you not teach Grammar? isn't a spoken language also based on Grammar? Kids at primary schools shouldn't learn a lot because they need some vocabulary first and then Grammar. And this statement comes from a bright Thai student.... jap.gif


"He also answered a question from a six-year-old student named Nicky: "Do you like Thailand?"

The former premier answered: "Yes, I do. I like Thailand for many reasons."

And so many people dislike the former premier for so many reasons...... jap.gif


Are you actually ON or OFF your medicine?

I am not joking. Thai student must memorise all the grammar rules by hard, and they are trainned to do mulitply choice test to perfection (in grammar).

However, please don't try to get them to write an essay, or do a comprehension test.

The Phillippinos I've met told me they are taught to speak English from a very young age the same as English speaking nations do, makes sense to me.

The Filipinos you've met told you...I'm sorry but it's certainly not true. Most of them do have a very poor command in said language, but all a BA in education. Or let's say most of them. ( Sorry, off topic!)

How can you not teach Grammar? isn't a spoken language also based on Grammar? Kids at primary schools shouldn't learn a lot because they need some vocabulary first and then Grammar. And this statement comes from a bright Thai student.... jap.gif

Yes I could have widen on the subject and yes sadly some of poor ones in the Philippines are lucky to get to school.

As for the grammar thingy, it does make the whole system and structure of a language OK but you wrote it yourself :-

" you need some vocabulary first and then Grammar ".

This also has been said :-

" Thai student must memorise all the grammar rules by hard, and they are trainned to do mulitply choice test to perfection (in grammar).

However, please don't try to get them to write an essay, or do a comprehension test ".

So what use is it at the beginning, to me communication is what is important, just to say many people have a problem with pigeon English and I can understand that from a English teachers point of view but I don't have a problem with it, if you can seen what I mean. smile.png


I was listening to the radio this morning on the school run.

While they have people on the radio that still mispronounce words, Thailand will never speak English well - talking about the mandatory news broadcast at 7am...

(The main newsreaders aren't too bad - understandable with a couple of mispronunciations here and there. But the English of some of the guest speakers is so bad that it's essentially gibberish - and these are the ones that make it on to the radio...)

But I did like one mispronunciation today - when they called him Tony Blah.


Mr. Blair is a decent and honourable man, although some may disagree. It is however, rather indicative that a positive event is used to vent the usual negativity. Surely, one can see the good that comes fromt his type of event. Jiminey,so many sourpusses.

GK are you a Brit?


Blair was always nice red dress, but no drawers i.e. a bit like a Zepplin, looked pretty but there was only gas inside. He took himself off to the States and picked Clinton's brain on how to get oneself elected to high office. He learned well and once he got to be PM he renegned on a promise to his deputy to resign and hand the PM job over to him after a certain period. His deputy was another self promoter going by the name of Gordon Brown, although Gordon Bennett might have been more appropriate, Blair hung onto his job longer after the agreed period and internicene war between the two broke out. When it was clear that the doodoo was about to hit the fan and the UK's parlous position was becoming clearer Blair handed over power and then fled to Europe picking up a very financially rewarding job doing not a lot. Think inactive post, European style. Brown was left holding the baby, one which he had had ably assisted in creating by selling off the gold reserves. Blair, who many people called B Liar because they saw through his smarm, and Brown with his incompetence, ensured that the Labour Party would not be re-elected in 2010. 6.2% of their previous supporters changed sides and the party lost 91 Parliamentary seats. Of the 26.14 million valid votes cast, the Labour Party could muster only 8.6 million. If that wasn't an indictment of Blair, his policies and performance then I don't know what might be. The Great British public had spoken as pompous politicians like to utter, especially if they have won. I'm out of touch with the UK these days after being away for so long and they can find their own ways to hell as far as I'm concerned, but I'm pretty sure that the majority of Brits regard Blair as a very successful conman rather than an effective politician. As for statesman, give me a break.

While Blair was busy passing new laws his wife, a QC lawyer was amassing a fortune of her own by defending people who broke them or contesting legalities in the courts. That is about as comic as that Clinton woman advocating restraint and faithfulness while Bill was not having sex with the hired help in the Oval Office.

I believe that there are dark forces other than, or even including the CIA and the Secret Service who concocted the reasons given to Bush as excuses to initiate agression against Hussain. Bush took the bait and so did Blair, intent on being a loyal ally. This makes an intersting read. http://whatreallyhap...ES/WMDlies.html If anybody doubts the existence of those dark forces I suggest they read up on how Pakistan became a nuclear power, who paid for it (well the bits and knowledge that weren't stolen), the sale of F16's that Pakistan messed with so that they could deliver atomic bombs and how Pakistan gave assistance to North Korea and Libya to manufacture their own atomic devices. The truth was covered up and Congress, and presumably the Prez, blatently lied to. Blair was certainly gullible to have allowed the UK to become an active participant. Perhaps he should have waited for 2 years or so as the US did in the period 1939/41.

Blair wowed a bunch of hand picked Thai kids then. So would Bozo the clown.

If you were a politician in his shoes and making loads of money I wonder whether you would be honest enough to say you wouldn't do the same.

The definition of a politician for me anyway is :-

It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth, when you know that you would lie, if you, were in his place.laugh.png

I'm too honest to be a politician so the possiblity never arose. You have to lie through your teeth to get elected anyway, so you can stop wondering. Your post does have me contemplating somewhat about your level of moral turpitude though.

  • Like 1

What a sad waste of time when they could learn to speak English, that should come first.

I have met teachers who think teaching gammer is a good idea, total idiots IMO.

The Phillippinos I've met told me they are taught to speak English from a very young age the same as English speaking nations do, makes sense to me.

How can you learn and understand a language properly if you don't know how the grammar works?

The same way that someone can be a good musician without knowing anything about music theory.

Eg The Beatles, The Bee Gees, plenty of Mor-lam session musicians and countless others who aren't famous.

  • Like 1

I bet a typical Thai Mor 6 (US Grade 12 or UK Year 13) student can beat Mr. Blair in English grammar (multiple choice) test.

However, sadly he/she cannot utter a resonable sentence verbally.

With the 1 day a week Speak English Campaign, things will change in Thai school. In 3 years, Thai student will get pass the Malaysian, and in 5, pass the Philippinos, and hopefully in 7 years out speak thoses who speak Singlish.

Are you actually ON or OFF your medicine?

I am not joking. Thai student must memorise all the grammar rules by hard, and they are trainned to do mulitply choice test to perfection (in grammar).

However, please don't try to get them to write an essay, or do a comprehension test.

What a sad waste of time when they could learn to speak English, that should come first.

I have met teachers who think teaching gammer is a good idea, total idiots IMO.

The Phillippinos I've met told me they are taught to speak English from a very young age the same as English speaking nations do, makes sense to me.

And they still can't speak English! The English spoken by Filipinos / Filipinas who like to invoke some sort of linguistic authority borne of lengthy instruction tends to range from lukewarm atrocious to mind-bogglingly bonk. I shudder when I think think of them with their Philippines issued English Literature degrees, and I shudder twice when I think of them getting jobs teaching English.

I have of course met some notable exceptions.


Like Mark, Tony Blair is a fine specimen of a true English gentleman, and a great leader with vision.

Are you talkiong about Mark Thatcher? coffee1.gif


Off topic posts have been removed, this topic is about Tony Blair's Friendly Chat Wows Thai Kids, discussion of that would be on topic to this thread while discussion of Margaret Thatcher would be another topic altogether.


Mr. Blair is a decent and honourable man, although some may disagree. It is however, rather indicative that a positive event is used to vent the usual negativity. Surely, one can see the good that comes fromt his type of event. Jiminey,so many sourpusses.

Blair is Mrs Thatcher in trousers... and as for a decent guy, Thaksin is in the same league as Blair... Megalomaniacs together ... !

Mrs Thatcher absolutely adore her, Maggie in power enabled me to make money to be able to retire to Thailand, so smile.png.

Unfortunately Kwasaki,more people hated Thatcher than adored her.

That's the reason she never ever polled more than 44% of the peoples Votes!

But do try to keep the Thatcher Myth going.

Not so much a myth as a LEGEND

If you were a politician in his shoes and making loads of money I wonder whether you would be honest enough to say you wouldn't do the same.

The definition of a politician for me anyway is :-

It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth, when you know that you would lie, if you, were in his place.laugh.png

I'm too honest to be a politician so the possiblity never arose. You have to lie through your teeth to get elected anyway, so you can stop wondering. Your post does have me contemplating somewhat about your level of moral turpitude though.

I think the Thai kids were excited to see Tony because they would have been told he was honest to be elected as a UK Prime Minister.

I believe he was also sincere in his answers to question about making the decision to go to war with Iraq based on the evidents he had received.

Your post would of lead me to believe you were American, " moral turpitude " is a legal concept invented in America.

You would be right in thinking I could lie have done on many occasions but me be a politician, no way, because I am not clever enough and honest enough to admit it. cool.png

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