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Marrying Bar Girls

the gentleman

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Mine works well, our "secret" is that we discuss things,we accept each others vetos.

We really want to be together and so we are trying to make a living together.

Almost every month we are broke, but we manage to support the mother-in-law and her son will live with us in a month.We have a 1 year old daughter together,

we´re living just a normal and simple life.Just with a little spice more as intercultural differences and misunderstanding come as often as with non BG´s.

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It's small, has the shape of Tasmania, grows hair (if you allow it to), it winks at guys. It remains intact for no longer than the first 14 years. (on average)

Only (genuine) girls have them, they are born with them. Thai hookers have them, Russian girls have them, Chinese, Japanese, American, English, Aussies girls too, socialites have them as do well educated females.........and every one of those girls knows exactly what that cute li'l thing can do for them, what it can get for them. Put it to good use before it shrivels up and becomes useless.

It may find itself giving happiness to hundreds of different guys, but ultimately one day it will settle down with just one.

How long will it remain settled? 50% of them will become unsettled in divorce.

Strange as it may seem, divorce is not restricted to Thai prostitutes, all of the above mentioned nationalities on various levels of the social ladder will become involved too.

It's only then that the guy who married that li'l pink pussy will know the true nature and character of it's owner.

Don't pre judge any girl just because she offers her map of Tasmania for sale.

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It's only then that the guy who married that li'l pink pussy will know the true nature and character of it's owner.

Don't pre judge any girl just because she offers her map of Tasmania for sale.

I wonder which part of Thailand you live in or visit. :o

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Guest George Bush
I suppose it comes down to this, other than cheap/free sex without having to do the romance thing, what attracts you to them?

Would you marry a prostitute in your own country?

If you marry a whore from any country you will be in for a rough ride. They have little to offer. And the woman unlucky enough to be stuck with a punter is equally shortchanged. Maybe the punter whore combo makes for a good match.

Common ground.

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If you marry a whore from any country you will be in for a rough ride. They have little to offer. And the woman unlucky enough to be stuck with a punter is equally shortchanged. Maybe the punter whore combo makes for a good match.

Common ground.

I can't believe I'm agreing with George f'ing Bush.!

The question could also be why does a Thai bargirl want to marry a "whoremongering farnag"?

I wonder how many farnag , married to a BG are not whoremongers.

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If you marry a whore from any country you will be in for a rough ride. They have little to offer. And the woman unlucky enough to be stuck with a punter is equally shortchanged. Maybe the punter whore combo makes for a good match.

Common ground.

I can't believe I'm agreing with George f'ing Bush.!

The question could also be why does a Thai bargirl want to marry a "whoremongering farnag"?

I wonder how many farnag , married to a BG are not whoremongers.


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I just cant and wont understand why farangs do it, when there are so many "nice" girls out there, who will be a devoted wife and have no hidden agenda.

I have also said to my wife, that I apologise for 90% of the foreigners I see in Thailand and try to explain to her that they came here for one reason and in my country those 90% equate to 10%.

In all honesty I couldnt care why and who would marry a bar girl

And you're married with a thaigirl? I think you're trying to prove to yourself that your wife didn't marry you because of a higher standard of living. Maybe your wife is not better than a BG. Is that what you're are thinking of? In Thailand there are many freelancers chasing farangs. All thaigirls don't want to work at the bar but most of them like to have a higher standard of living.

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I've just read all the stuff what you blokes have written and although I don't understand a lot of it, I think you're probably all quite decent blokes.

I would like to say though that there's one bloke here on this thread called Martin who talks a lot about what Isaan families think when their little whores start marrying people like me. Personally, I think his comments are a load of crap cos most people up there in the north east are even more thick and uneducated than what I am and any bloke who starts listening to their stupid shit is just a fool.

But I like what that "Gentelman" bloke says about most of you people having whore wives but being too afraid to admit it. I think he's right.

Like what I wrote before, I married my little whore a long time ago and I ain't never shy about saying so. Sometimes my mates give me shit cos of this, but sometimes they say good things too. The other day for example, my mate Wayne described my wife as a public toilet. Personally, I think this was one of nicest compliments I've heard about her for ages.

This chap's punctuation is just too good to be true. A bored Boris perhaps?

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This one might have to go to the bull pit :o

Geez Gent comparing bar girls to dogs

Well Bronco, I can go only on my experience.

I get stupid farngs coming into my office every day, with the "bar girl" on there arm.

They are dripping in gold, like they have achieved some form of status, from selling there body. The guy is usually 5 beers short of a 6 pack, he puts the home/land into the wifes name (after me telling that will be a mistake) and sure enough, the property is taken from him, within the year - most of the guys are older and of course the "bar girl" is young and he usaully goes back home with none of his money and no future - Then she goes onto the next one. When they call for a property for there husband/boyfriend they want a commision on the side, without him knowing - I tell them to piss off.

All the guys that have married them, I would like there truthfull answer in another years time.

Its like the girl the other week, that has gone missing in Phuket and they suspected her husband of feeding her to the snakes. What I do know from the story is that they have been together for over 10 years, he is 30+ years her senior. Last year she got a new boyfriend and then took everything from the husband - house, car. kids....Hes 60+ with nothing..... I hope she did get eaten by the snakes!

I could keep going with another 100 stories - it all works out the same... lie, cheat, steal and have a disregard for anyone without money... Do you think the majority will stay with you guys, if you become poor? Answer No!

Rememer they are the best actresses in the world, learn some Thai and dont tell her and then just listen to her on the phone or in the company of her friends - its disgusting! Yes they are lovely to look at, but there mouths are like suers and there brains are non existent!

I met my gf in a bar in pattaya, she left the bar with me as a customer, we spent the night together. The next night i went back and she spent the rest of my stay in thailand with me. Over that time we started to get to know each other. As we did we started to fall in love. As a pretty realalistic person i was pretty sure that it could never work. She was working there to support her family and really needed the money. I was and am not by anymeans rich. When i had to leave we agreed to stay in touch, there was never any implacation of me sending her money or her leaving the bar as both were impossible.

We did stay in touch and our feeling grew stronger. I have returned several times over the years and our relationship has devloped. It is based on trust and honesty. We tell each other what is happening in our lives and i do love and trust her dearly. We have a joint bank account that we both save in, hoping someday to marry. Does she still work in a bar???? The honest answer is yes, sometimes she has to. Does she lie to me about this no. Am i ok with this, well thats the way it is. it hurts sometimes and sometimes i feel very sad, jelous, angery, stupid ect... But i also have met a girl i really love and have a deeper conection to than i have in the past with anyone else. Life sucks sometimes but you just have to get on with it.

Now lots of you will be thinking what a sucker, she'll be off with the first falang who offers her a better deal. Well maybe so but thats the risk i am willing to take. And there have been very many offers in our time together that she has turned down. "Or so she tells you", i hear you say..... Well yes, but i choose to trust people and find life is a much more plesant experiance due to this. Now is our relationship a financal arrangment? In no way, for the first year my gf would not let me send any money, on her understanding that if i did i would think she only wanted my money. When thing were getting more serious after my 2nd trip to see her, i came up with the idea of opening an account we could both save money in and when needed we could use. This has worked out very well, i contribute what i can spear and she does the same. We have managed to save more than i could ever manage or more than she could before we met. Which has gotten me out of many a hole, as well as her (those Vet bills for the sick buffalow can be rather steep!!!! :D )

So would i marry a BG?? well not as such, i would marry a person i love and trust.

Would i marry a prostatute form fralngland, no because i love my gf and she's the one for me, but had things happened different and i met a lady like Na in farangland under the same circumstances, well probably yes.

People are good, bad, trustwothy,ect... because thats what they are like, not because of their jobs. Yes there are probably, propotionatly a lot more BG's out there who will scam, lie, cheat, and steel, than in other professions, but what do you expect when many people treat them like a piece of meat and not a person. Anywho really what i'm saying is this is my experance, and is all i can really comment on. We love each other and thats what counts to me. I'm not really interest in what you think of me, i appericate you concern but to be honest you sound a little bitter and full of hate for BG's. Thats you oppion and i'm glad i have had a chance to read it, it makes my feel happy i took the chance and trusted.



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I didn`t realise how lucky I was until I started reading this thread. My GF goes back and forth to Phuket/Pattaya for 6 months every year and she sends me money on a monthly basis. This covers all the bills and any operations that need paying for for her relatives, which is normally 1 per person per year. I`m proud of her and hope she can continue to take care of me and her family for many years to come.

Obviously I know that she cannot work in this industry for ever, so the time may come when I may have to go with a girl who makes me a better offer. This is Thailand and the sooner you people realise this and stop knocking it for what it is the better. I`m happy and I`m sure she is. So there. :o

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To those of you who say this is an old thread, I say "You are right, and you don't need to read it".

But, IMO, it is a thaivisa.com service to some who may be contemplating a visit.

There are still men flying in, who have a cock and a brain, but only enough blood to work one at once.

So long as that continues, this thread will be a useful service; and I hope they will read it through.

Forewarned is forearmed.

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To those of you who say this is an old thread, I say "You are right, and you don't need to read it".

But, IMO, it is a thaivisa.com service to some who may be contemplating a visit.

There are still men flying in, who have a cock and a brain, but only enough blood to work one at once.

So long as that continues, this thread will be a useful service; and I hope they will read it through.

Forewarned is forearmed.

Martin.....www.barladies.com is the appropriate place for this discussion now!!! :o

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tripperj - a fabulous post, I raise my hat to you man!

I can't believe I haven't seen this thread up until today and it's been very interesting reading, especially since I can relate to it with my own situation. I'm not married to a bar girl but I sure am confused about them.

I have been with "working girls" and I also have good Thai friends who are not "working" girls. The difference being that my friends have been my friends for a lot longer than the other girls. Of course I guess this is to be expected in some cases.

I must say, I have never thought about Thai working girls as low down or dirty or in any degrading way. They are most certainly not dirty whores. They are very clean and gentle ladies (may be my experience has been too limited so you may laugh). Most of all they are human beings, they have a mind and a heart. I don't believe they are all in it just for the money only. If they were that stuck for cash then selling their bodies is NOT the only option. In fact I reckon some of them are actually content with what they do and rather like that lifestyle. In some ways I'm envious!! Imagine you are very good looking and you can get laid with anyone who you take a fancy to and spend time with them and they spend their money on you so you basically get a free ride for a few days/week then who wouldn't do that?! You have a good time and its all for free.

At the same time I really feel sorry for the girls. Why oh why?! I feel it's such a waste sometimes that such delightful ladies end up doing this. OK they're not all angels I must admit. But some are just so nice (or seem so).

I wouldn't say no to marrying a working girl if we spent long enough together to create a relationship that worked. But I certainly wouldn't have a distant relationship where I would be sending her money while she continued her line of work - that'd be too much heartache for me to accept.

I think people should be accepted as people regardless of what they do and where they come from. These girls should be given a chance as much as anyone else.

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(Britmaveric - tilting at that Moderator's job! )

Presumably this topic refers to marrying someone who, at the wedding is now an ex-bargirl, hence this is not necessarily a barladies topic.

I like this idea of resurrecting the OPs topics - its like he's risen from the grave!

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To those of you who say this is an old thread, I say "You are right, and you don't need to read it".

But, IMO, it is a thaivisa.com service to some who may be contemplating a visit.

There are still men flying in, who have a cock and a brain, but only enough blood to work one at once.

So long as that continues, this thread will be a useful service; and I hope they will read it through.

Forewarned is forearmed.

Martin.....www.barladies.com is the appropriate place for this discussion now!!! :o

Correct. Thread closed.

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To those of you who say this is an old thread, I say "You are right, and you don't need to read it".

But, IMO, it is a thaivisa.com service to some who may be contemplating a visit.

There are still men flying in, who have a cock and a brain, but only enough blood to work one at once.

So long as that continues, this thread will be a useful service; and I hope they will read it through.

Forewarned is forearmed.

Martin.....www.barladies.com is the appropriate place for this discussion now!!! :o

Correct. Thread closed.

So many pages too :D Give the man a free 12 month subscription at Barladies.com :D

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