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New Evidence About The Killing Of Red-Shirt 'Seh Daeng'


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So, does Seh Daeng get the nearly 8mb compensation as one of the casualties from the riots? That's the real question. At least the daughter will have more campaign funds. In addition to the portion that the party will receive as a 'tax' from the amount that each victim receives.

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If some one is shot while carrying on a terrorist act, and by a policeman

May be he should be awarded a medal for dong his duty

Terrorist act? What was that?

Did he block the airport? Did he deprive poor people?

Just so funny how so-called self-righetous people claim to be so when they are obviously just the scum... just like democrats and their cronies...

A murder is a murder... no matter who does it...angry.png

Get out in the real world and dont just be a keyboard warrior...

good job and some of the comments here are, quite frankly, unbelievable from the tv 'experts' who so misjudged the nations mood

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A person that has thrown grenades at a senior officer after a personal grudge, that leads an armed group of army renegades and then declare open war on the nations army...would be treated much better in the west?

You are attempting to justify on the behalf of......?

It is a question. Especially to those that for some reason try to paint the dealing with the violent Red Shirts as something that was much worse than would happen in the west.

He would have been arrested and tried long before this in most rational countries.

I can't think of any one individual in Thailand that would have more festering motives

for them to be assassinated than Sae Daeng. Almost like he painted on the target himself.

I can - a few in fact, but I will not be mentioning names. Suffice it to say that any murdering of people, whatever their beliefs from Gandhi to ML King to this crazy guy is reprehensible in a civilized society

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If some one is shot while carrying on a terrorist act, and by a policeman

May be he should be awarded a medal for dong his duty

Terrorist act? What was that?

Did he block the airport? Did he deprive poor people?

Just so funny how so-called self-righetous people claim to be so when they are obviously just the scum... just like democrats and their cronies...

A murder is a murder... no matter who does it...angry.png

Get out in the real world and dont just be a keyboard warrior...

good job and some of the comments here are, quite frankly, unbelievable from the tv 'experts' who so misjudged the nations mood

So perhaps you could define the 'nations mood'.

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The 'Mood of the nation' is not the same across the WHOLE nation.

And those that assume their little corner of the nation is totally representative are fooling themselves.

Short of a death bed confession some years from now the likelihood of finding his killer(s) is nil.

No doubt a very closely held plot and they won't be talking.

Or just a moments individuals inspiration when an opportunity presented itself out of the blue.

Stop wasting bandwidth speculating about it.

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It's a wonder no-one has thought of buying the sniper a ticket to Dubai? Just a thought! giggle.gif

because the sniper works for mr T


More believable than the pro 'red shirt' & 'black shirt' terrorist crap being posted.

As if, mr T is not above ordering his assassination to further his cause, especially when the guy was a loose cannon and his assassination could be used as a political football against the govt.

Edited by wxyz
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The 'Mood of the nation' is not the same across the WHOLE nation.

And those that assume their little corner of the nation is totally representative are fooling themselves.

Short of a death bed confession some years from now the likelihood of finding his killer(s) is nil.

No doubt a very closely held plot and they won't be talking.

Or just a moments individuals inspiration when an opportunity presented itself out of the blue.

Stop wasting bandwidth speculating about it.

"Stop wasting bandwidth speculating about it."

I had to do a double-take when I saw that line laugh.png .

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If some one is shot while carrying on a terrorist act, and by a policeman

May be he should be awarded a medal for dong his duty

Terrorist act? What was that?

Did he block the airport? Did he deprive poor people?

Just so funny how so-called self-righetous people claim to be so when they are obviously just the scum... just like democrats and their cronies...

A murder is a murder... no matter who does it...angry.png

Get out in the real world and dont just be a keyboard warrior...

good job and some of the comments here are, quite frankly, unbelievable from the tv 'experts' who so misjudged the nations mood

So perhaps you could define the 'nations mood'

Perhaps he actually remembers the posts some of our erudite TV commentators made before the general election?

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So perhaps you could define the 'nations mood'

Perhaps he actually remembers the posts some of our erudite TV commentators made before the general election?

Before the last general election, Pheu Thai were un-electeable because of their links to the Red Shirt protests, and the Dems were going to form the next government because of this. After the last general election, Pheu Thai won because of their links to the Red Shirt protests, and the Dems were defeated because of this. Some posters on this forum just make it up as they go along.

Say what?

Maybe on t-e-a-k-door or some other loser-forum, but here many posters stated that the election would most likely end with PTP in government - even if we abhorred it - but not get over 50% in votes. Infact that was my projection for it and you can spend your afternoon finding posts indicating it.

Edit: Didn't know that English word was banned...

Edited by TAWP
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A person that has thrown grenades at a senior officer after a personal grudge, that leads an armed group of army renegades and then declare open war on the nations army...would be treated much better in the west?

You are attempting to justify on the behalf of......?

It is a question. Especially to those that for some reason try to paint the dealing with the violent Red Shirts as something that was much worse than would happen in the west.

He would have been arrested and tried long before this in most rational countries.

I can't think of any one individual in Thailand that would have more festering motives

for them to be assassinated than Sae Daeng. Almost like he painted on the target himself.

It should be ruled SUICIDE, like many of the farang deaths are.

BTW, should I die here in the LOS, it is most definitely NOT suicide.

Just want to get that out there in the public domain.

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So perhaps you could define the 'nations mood'

Perhaps he actually remembers the posts some of our erudite TV commentators made before the general election?

Before the last general election, Pheu Thai were un-electeable because of their links to the Red Shirt protests, and the Dems were going to form the next government because of this. After the last general election, Pheu Thai won because of their links to the Red Shirt protests, and the Dems were defeated because of this. Some posters on this forum just make it up as they go along.

Say what?

Maybe on t-e-a-k-door or some other loser-forum, but here many posters stated that the election would most likely end with PTP in government - even if we abhorred it - but not get over 50% in votes. Infact that was my projection for it and you can spend your afternoon finding posts indicating it.

Edit: Didn't know that English word was banned...

Som tum tiger said it, jdinasia said it, and that's without even going back in posting histories. There was actually a 'discussion' where several of the usual forum suspects were agreeing with each other that Pheu Thai were in disarray, suffering more desertions and were un-electeable after the 2010 troubles.

Edit: We're not allowed to reference other forums.

Edited by Siam Simon
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This is a daughter fighting for the truth about who murdered her father, a brave man fighting for the democratic rights of the majority of thais, assassinated by a sniper. Your responses are quite perverse. If this happened in most other counrtries in the world, people would support her. How about JFK, MLK, etc. Did you get callous, racist or perverse comments about their family? But here on Thai Visa, as I can see, anything goes.

Sa Daeng was a rogue, insane wild dog that needed to be taken out.

You are starting to sound like a North Korean Party Spokesman now.

Or Juttaporn

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I fully understand why Seh Daeng's daughter would want to find her dad's killer, but she shouldn't be focusing on who pulled the trigger, but rather who hired the shooter.

that would be mr T

Hmm ,a wild stab in the dark with no real evidence ,HOWEVER Seh Deang was a very loose cannon, and maybe was causing acute embarrassment to his bankroller so what you write does make sense in a way !!!
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I fully understand why Seh Daeng's daughter would want to find her dad's killer, but she shouldn't be focusing on who pulled the trigger, but rather who hired the shooter.

that would be mr T

Hmm ,a wild stab in the dark with no real evidence ,HOWEVER Seh Deang was a very loose cannon, and maybe was causing acute embarrassment to his bankroller so what you write does make sense in a way !!!

But it's still one of the dafter conspiracy theories. Fact is, once he was murdered, the protest clearance took place.

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I fully understand why Seh Daeng's daughter would want to find her dad's killer, but she shouldn't be focusing on who pulled the trigger, but rather who hired the shooter.

that would be mr T

Hmm ,a wild stab in the dark with no real evidence ,HOWEVER Seh Deang was a very loose cannon, and maybe was causing acute embarrassment to his bankroller so what you write does make sense in a way !!!

The "tweets" reporting what Seh Daeng was apparently saying in the hours before he was hit by a sniper where to the effect of him being under direct orders from Thaksin to rebuild the tyre and bamboo barricade around Chula hospital, thus undoing the creation of an exit which had previously been negotiated between hospital staff and red shirt leaders. (Incidentally these negotiations had only come about as a result of the disastrous red shirt hospital raid, conducted in an attempt to find the snipers on the roof the red shirts were convinced existed).

I'm sure Thaksin, being the fine humanitarian he is well known for, would of been somewhat upset with Seh Daeng's alleged comments.

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I fully understand why Seh Daeng's daughter would want to find her dad's killer, but she shouldn't be focusing on who pulled the trigger, but rather who hired the shooter.

that would be mr T

Hmm ,a wild stab in the dark with no real evidence ,HOWEVER Seh Deang was a very loose cannon, and maybe was causing acute embarrassment to his bankroller so what you write does make sense in a way !!!

And your tunnel vision does not allow you to conclude that he was possibly an even greater embarrassment elsewhere?

I think in a case like this is to rule nothing in our out ,as far as I know with no real hard evidence being brought to bear,everything hinges on different peoples opinions, pure and simple.
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