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PM Yingluck Backs Nalinee Despite US Blacklist


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The best thing Thailand can do is milk her for what she is worth in relation to trade and find out all of her overseas connections that are beneficial for Thailand, then give her the boot. MMmmm could be a method in their madness.

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I am heartened by the fact that some in PTP are speaking out.

Abhisit has dropped the ball on this one. Abhisit Vejjajiva is calling on Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to review her decision to give Nalinee a portfolio because her status might affect the country's image Right. That comes from a man that has an alleged cold blooded murderer in his caucus. What Mr. Abhisit should have said was that it is inappropriate to have such a person in cabinet and that it was ethically wrong. However, I don't expect him to say that as it would set a precedent. This is an example of why I dislike the man. He has a chance to set an example, to take the leadership position on an important issue and he offers up the same kind of reasoning that the woman's supporters use; image, face etc. What's is so difficult to say, it is a ethically wrong and not a decision an honourable and compassionate government takes. None of these people has any semblance of doing the right thing. Mr. Abhisit had a chance to differentiate himself and once again he blew it.

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I wonder if the USA will ever learn to keep it's nose in it's own business.

So you fail to understand, alright. US isn't telling anyone else to do anything. They are not asking for an extradition of her. They are merely saying that 'they' are against this cooperation that occurred and no-one in their land may cooperate with her either.

So you are not affected.

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As the Shinawatra family business got its start when, to start his cable business, Thaksin ripped off an American (William Monson-Google it) for $1M++ in cable TV equipment and continued through the ultra-corrupt construction of the Suvharnabhumi airport ($Millions to a Thaksin friend who owned a worthless piece of swampland on which they built it, among a litany of other related scams) right on up to the sale of AIS to the Singaporeans (which was illegal right up until the day they announced it and the MP's dutifully changed the law to allow it-BTW NO TAX paid on the $2Billion profit from the sale...); it is absolutely no wonder that Yingluck sees nothing wrong with K.Nalinee's getting down with a sleazebag like Mugabe...

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I wonder if the USA will ever learn to keep it's nose in it's own business.

It's not just the US, but the British and the EU. So quick to jump on the US:

Since 2000, the Mugabe-led government embarked on a controversial fast-track land reform program intended to correct the inequitable land distribution created by colonial rule.[6] The period has been marked by the deterioration of the Zimbabwean economic situation. Mugabe's policies have been condemned in some quarters at home and abroad, especially receiving harsh criticism from the British and American governments arguing they amount to an often violent land seizure. Eventually[when?] a wide range of sanctions[7][8][9] was imposed by the US government and European Union against the person of Mugabe, individuals, private companies, parastatals and the government of Zimbabwe.
In 2007, Parade magazine ranked Mugabe the 7th worst dictator in the world.[121] The same magazine ranked him worst dictator of the year 2009 two years later.[122]


Might also want to read up on his "blood diamonds":


Zimbabwe has great mineral riches, yet it has been driven almost to economic collapse.

One hundred trillion Zimbabwe dollars are now worth $3 (£2).

Yet Robert Mugabe's closest supporters thrive as a result of illegal diamonds.

Not surprisingly, people in Zimbabwe call them "blood diamonds".


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