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Cyber Inspector


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I am using a tt&t ADSL line and recently i cant open certain websites as they all come to a thai website CYBER INSPECTOR. anyone experienced the same and what is thisall about is this just some spyware thing or does this mean the site i want to go to is a banned site here now???

and to inform you it is not a porn site but a sort of chat site.


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I am using a tt&t ADSL line and recently i cant open certain websites as they all come to a thai website CYBER INSPECTOR. anyone experienced the same and what is thisall about is this just some spyware thing or does this mean the site i want to go to is a banned site here now???

and to inform you it is not a porn site but a sort of chat site.


Sounds like your browser is being hijacked, run Spybot AND Adware to get rid of the pest.

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just ran Adaware and indeed did the trick. was needed i did it as like260 files were recognized and 3 attempts to hijack

I am using a tt&t ADSL line and recently i cant open certain websites as they all come to a thai website CYBER INSPECTOR. anyone experienced the same and what is thisall about is this just some spyware thing or does this mean the site i want to go to is a banned site here now???

and to inform you it is not a porn site but a sort of chat site.


Sounds like your browser is being hijacked, run Spybot AND Adware to get rid of the pest.

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just ran Adaware and indeed did the trick. was needed i did it as like260 files were recognized and 3 attempts to hijack

Could be a record :o:D:D

well it did work for a while but not for long same site took over again and now adaware doesnt seem to help anymore either?????

any other way to get rid of this??

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No amount of fiddling around with adawre will get rid of the dreaded.

เว็บไซต์นี้ถูกปิดกั้นโดย Cyber Inspector กระทรวงเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศและการสื่อสาร

ถ้ามีข้อสงสัยหรือต้องการร้องเรียนให้ส่งเมล์มาที่ [email protected] :o:D

The problem is that you (and most everyone in Thailand ) are going through the isp's proxy....

To solve the problem you need to find another proxy.

I think the moderators will get angry if I say anymore about this so as allways.

" Google is your friend "

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just ran Adaware and indeed did the trick. was needed i did it as like260 files were recognized and 3 attempts to hijack

Could be a record :o:D:D

well it did work for a while but not for long same site took over again and now adaware doesnt seem to help anymore either?????

any other way to get rid of this??


If you do that I will tell you what to delete, you can even get a second opinion if you want.


and at this FORUM they will help you too, at least go read it. You can run hijack this and NOT delete anything, at least we can take a look at it and tell you whats up.


Edited by MilkPlus
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I seriously doubt spyware, adware malware has anything to do with it. Try mindcontrolware.

I'm 100% with you on the mindcontrolware. We run into Big Brother Cyber Inspector here with Mac and Linux computers, so Windows spyware crap is not really an issue. Sometimes this info shows up (very quickly) before a redirect to the Cyber Inspector page in Thai.


The web site you are accessing has been blocked by the requested of The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology. For more information please contact:"

Many sex sites are blocked as well as some proxy services (proxify.com for example).

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