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Internet : Cat Vs True 3G


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In this forum, I saw "CAT is the best", but a few days ago I saw a post with bandwidth and ping from True 3G, seems nice...

So, did anyone really compare?

Also, looking for a "MiFi" solution... but CAT Nathon "no have anything", and True have only USB dongle, no MiFi router (no have, nek mon..)

Thanks for your help

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It can depend on location, for signal, I and I know several people who use CAT and are happy with it...

Perhaps post in classifieds to see if any one has a Mifi, to sell... someone did have a few months ago... or else get a Dlink Wifi thingy and set up that way...

Did you try JIB shop for CAT modem? , pretty sure they have, I assume then you just go to CAT to activate? but JIB will tell you...

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Thanks for your answer...

I think I will prefer CAT, as True is "quite new" and we have here less feedback on True than on CAT CDMA which is here since years...

About MiFi, does CAT CDMA also works with simcard so I can buy "any" MiFi router, put the CAT CDMA simcard, and broadcast signal?

I will post now a classified AND go to JIB. And some yellow shop near Tesco (BTW I bought there a wonderful powerful cheap Wifi USB card)

Fortunately, I am not that hurry as, for the moment, wifi from my residence is quite Ok... but it used to sucks..

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