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To get a retirement visa you have to be fifty years old and have a monthly income of 65,000 baht per month

To get this you'd need something around US$400K invested back home.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when moving to live in Thailand is being under capitalized. Eventually the money runs out, the woman runs out, time runs out.


In that order too. Many broken hearts end up living off family or someones garage back home for a while. Nothing more shameful than a 40's or 50's something man crawling back home when his little young thing is hooked up with another income that is better funded and younger. Some do linger on for a few years being chang lovers sitting around in some plastic chairs with no place to go and the highlight of the week will be how many happy hour beers they get in.


Why do you all paint it so black , if you're smart you'll always get along in this life...... money or not. If the tgf sticks with you trough your ups and downs she wont care about the money. But as long as you're loaded she'll get hooked and addicted , by the money that is.


Quote [My ex-wife cashed in all my investments when I was over here, about $17,000 worth...a top five reason why she is now ex.]

Sorry, but if such a minor amount of money is so important to you then you should

continue to work for a long time to come. ( location is 'up to you' )


.... Because I have found out that money isn't everything...
You are correct on this,

Health is everything,

True story, know a friend that's essentially set up for life, (settlement, auto accident).

He limps, is disfigured and in pain continually, I asked in passing how's living on the rich side treating him, he said without hesitation he'd give every penny back to be healthy again. :o


Yeah does sound a bit funny the ex sold 17K of investments.

He couldn't of known the Thai bird long, he might of spent two vacations in Thailad so that would be a month. She will have ten generations of family

feeding off him. Do like many of the Farangs do and forget the ex and children back home and support a new batch of free loaders. The only way he will ever mean anything to her is by supporting her parents and children. Don't forget these

3 things

1. Money

2. family ( hers she will rip your heart out if you do anything for yours)

3. Farang after extended family

When number 2 can't get number 1 from her your dead meat.

This will be the last month that I work in the Middle-East after spending almost a year a half over here, including Army time.  I average about $8,000 a month and I have decided to give it all up.  Why?  Because I have found out that money isn't everything...I know, a load of crap.  But I have made all this money, had my ex-wife blow pretty much half of it.  Since my divorce, I have visited thailand, fell in love with a beautiful Thai girl and decided to leave my current occupation.  I have been offered some decent jobs in LOS and Taiwan that will pay well but nothing here.  Some of my co-workers have called me crazy but I can't seem to see myself spend the rest of my life working in  the shat holes of the world for the big bucks.  Even my girlfriend said she doesn't want me to work over here because she thinks somebody will blow me up in the name of Allah or something.  I say to her that I can make us more money over here but she justs comes back that will just mean that I will be away from her.  That pretty much did it for me.  My ex-wife was giddy when she found out how much I would be making over here an this little Thai doll who haggles over every taxi and shirt I buy just wants me to be there to hug before she falls asleep.  Now, for the TV pros, am I brick and not thinking this through?  What are your thoughts?

Depends on your age - if young enough keep working ME and then retire to Thailand early. I have spent time working in ME and its much easier in my opinion than working here in Thailand - i would go back ME tommorow....


This guy has no expenses, food and housing is paid plus most likely cash for plane tickets and no vehicle expenses.

96K a year tax free. He would have to make 150K minimum back home to get this.

That is one of the reasons I threw in all the baggage the Thais can add on, in a cynical way.

( Quote)

Depends on your age - if young enough keep working ME and then retire to Thailand early. I have spent time working in ME and its much easier in my opinion than working here in Thailand - i would go back ME tommorow....


Well that would leave Thailand out more disfigured drunks from trying to cross

the street around there than there is U.S. civilians where he is now. Best stay put it is safer, hate to have you make a high risk street crossing and god forbid baht busses getting in your way and moto rides.

.... Because I have found out that money isn't everything...
You are correct on this,

Health is everything,

True story, know a friend that's essentially set up for life, (settlement, auto accident).

He limps, is disfigured and in pain continually, I asked in passing how's living on the rich side treating him, he said without hesitation he'd give every penny back to be healthy again. :o

This guy has no expenses, food and housing is paid plus most likely cash for plane tickets and no vehicle expenses.

96K a year tax free. He would have to make 150K minimum back home to get this.

That is one of the reasons I threw in all the baggage the Thais can add on, in a cynical way.

  ( Quote)

Depends on your age - if young enough keep working ME and then retire to Thailand early. I have spent time working in ME and its much easier in my opinion than working here in Thailand - i would go back ME tommorow....

There is the Middle-East and then there is Iraq...


You are not even close to this, and you are about the lowest paid U.S.

civilian I have heard of in Iraq.

American Death's

100-150 in Pattaya ( per year). Of course we know this is bull might as well use this if we are telling stories.

You are not even close to this, and you are about the lowest paid U.S.

civilian I have heard of in Iraq.

  American Death's

100-150 in Pattaya ( per year). Of course we know this is bull might as well use this if we are telling stories.

:o I am one of the better ones paid here at my site...thanks for pusing me above 99.9% sure zone. If I had to bite the big one then Pattaya wouldn't be too bad.


where you at club Med Bigdad. I know several people there and they almost double your pay. Then of course they have above average tech skills in most cases. Get out of supply or working in the Gym.

Either way this little wench you are on about is going to require some good funds to take care of at your age. These are not cheap investments when you get close to 40 and that is just a few years down the road for you.

  • 3 weeks later...

I did a similar thing about 11 months ago. High paying job for UN in Kabul but the stress of a few dead mates and kidnapped colleagues was enought to warrant a long long holiday/life on a sunny beach so I now call Koh Phangan home. I have a Japanese wife so not tempted by the local lovelies however it is interesting to watch those that are.

I think the biggest problem is creating an income stream that is commensurate with the life you want to lead. So many come here and get into a bar and think this is going to be the life however it is hard work with beer temptations and at the end of the day, looks like little gross profit unless you are out there pimping.

Your major competition are Thais who are content with a lot less.

For myself, I had big enough bankroll and can live quite well on my earning from daytrading on the sharemarket at home yet still looking to open a small business here, one that is more of an indulgence rather than a necessity to live and no, not a bar.

My advice is go for it but do it with your eyes open. I am watching with interest at the moment a couple of guys been here a week and will put down the deposit on a run down bar next week, no work permits, no stopping them, no trade and no idea.


10 years ago yes ,you could have chucked it in and lived well on a lot less than you do now.

You need a minimum income of 100k a mth if you want a USD 100k lifestyle in Thailand.

If you are prepared to compromise,chase ballloons,and live a pretty shabby life ,worry about med bills, and trips home...well 50k would do it

Get real ,slog it out another 5 years ,try and invest shrewdly and think again.

I did a similar thing about 11 months ago. High paying job for UN in Kabul but the stress of a few dead mates and kidnapped colleagues was enought to warrant a long long holiday/life on a sunny beach so I now call Koh Phangan home. I have a Japanese wife so not tempted by the local lovelies however it is interesting to watch those that are.

I think the biggest problem is creating an income stream that is commensurate with the life you want to lead. So many come here and get into a bar and think this is going to be the life however it is hard work with beer temptations and at the end of the day, looks like little gross profit unless you are out there pimping.

Your major competition are Thais who are content with a lot less.

For myself, I had big enough bankroll and can live quite well on my earning from daytrading on the sharemarket at home yet still looking to open a small business here, one that is more of an indulgence rather than a necessity to live and no, not a bar.

My advice is go for it but do it with your eyes open. I am watching with interest at the moment a couple of guys been here a week and will put down the deposit on a run down bar next week, no work permits, no stopping them, no trade and no idea.


A myriad of advice here, so here's my 2-cents as well in the form of anectodal experience...

Coming to the same conclusions you did (life is more than money) I went from a $6,000/month job in the USA to $400 a month in Thailand (supporting two people here and paying university tuition costs for my partner). For one year, it was do-able but tight. After a year, I moved up in employment to another job at $850/month, and things are more than comfortable with the ability to save a large portion (about 30% to 40% of salary). I'm considered filthy rich by my neighbors. :o

When I retire in 10 years, my social security + a $500/month pension will double my current monthly income. Providing wild inflation doesn't upset the apple cart, I should live very, very comfortably.

So much depends on the life-style you want to support here in Thailand, and whether you will be a Bangkokian or upcountry resident. I'm upcountry. As an example, my lifestyle: Still supporting two people. I eat three restaurant meals a day, still make university tuition payments (now for a master's degree for my partner: about $250/month), rent a very spacious new duplex for $60 a month, take an international trip annually (Asia, or back to the USA), and two or three trips to Bangkok for the picking up hard-to-get necessities and doin' the town. Remember, all this and I save about 30-40% monthly (I use that savings for the annual trip, and to maintain an emergency fund in a local bank). I also have two small IRA's back in the states (total $40K) as an added cushion.

With a wonderful partner and a dream job, I'm much, much happier, and less-stressed, albeit making 14% of my former salary!

Hope there's enough things you can identify with, to be helpful in your situation...

  • Like 1
Sure money is not everything when you have a bit of it, but I can assure you of one thing it will be when you don't have it.

Best advice on this topic. :o I waited until I had plenty of cash and a decent retirement income. I'm happy here but have found that the cost to live here (for me anyway) is more than the most TV members will lead you to believe. The wife recently disclosed to me a few family 'loans' she had neglected to tell me about before. She was scared of losing me so she was afraid to tell me. Anyway, I have since found out that many Thai's (especially in rural villages) are heavy in debt. Also, the kind of life style you choose has a big impact on what you spend. If you can pay cash for a vehicle here you will be way ahead as house rental is very cheap.......I pay 6,000 baht each month rent for a beautiful 4 br, 3 bath home in the semi-country......about 15 k from downtown Udon Thani. You can have a NICE 3000 sf home built for less than $40k USD. hel_l I paid more than that each for two different cars. I think the main 'trick' here is to be patient and find a good deal on a piece of land.....after that smooth sailing....building labor is cheap and once you are set with the land then you can take your time....enjoy life in Thailand but be patient and smart. My 2 baht advice. :D


Sure money is not everything when you have a bit of it, but I can assure you of one thing it will be when you don't have it.

Best advice on this topic. :o I waited until I had plenty of cash and a decent retirement income. I'm happy here but have found that the cost to live here (for me anyway) is more than the most TV members will lead you to believe. The wife recently disclosed to me a few family 'loans' she had neglected to tell me about before. She was scared of losing me so she was afraid to tell me. Anyway, I have since found out that many Thai's (especially in rural villages) are heavy in debt. Also, the kind of life style you choose has a big impact on what you spend. If you can pay cash for a vehicle here you will be way ahead as house rental is very cheap.......I pay 6,000 baht each month rent for a beautiful 4 br, 3 bath home in the semi-country......about 15 k from downtown Udon Thani. You can have a NICE 3000 sf home built for less than $40k USD. hel_l I paid more than that each for two different cars. I think the main 'trick' here is to be patient and find a good deal on a piece of land.....after that smooth sailing....building labor is cheap and once you are set with the land then you can take your time....enjoy life in Thailand but be patient and smart. My 2 baht advice. :D

Well knowing you i think you have done really well, and your cost of living is really within line, of what most guys would have oprojected. If you choose to pay off family debts, that's choice you will make for yourself. You don't have to.

I think you set up costs are going to be higher then you mihgt have anticiapted but, that is set up, after you have the basics then it's a matter of what you want and if you are willing to spend the money for it.

Yuor absolutley right about buying land, just like the states you have to find the moitivated seller. The assumption is always going to be that you will pay more. I got what I wanted after trial and error and I paid less.

The big unknown is always the family here, it's a tough one and you just need to do what you think is right. You can bail them out, but more then likely they will just get right back into it, and be back to talk to you again. Be very careful in that.

One view is where would they be today if you had not stepped into the picture?

Has your entrance in the picture harmed them in any way?

The tough one is the little sweety, will she walk, if you don't bail out the family, maybe, but wouldn't be better to find that out now?

Lots of guys find ways to deal with this sometimes in the form of loans, secured by property or something. Of course that is going to mean very little if you are a part of the family and ther are really some difficult ownership problems invloved.

One guy I know started with small loans and waited to see if he was paid back, he got paid back he helped more., If he didn't they never got a thing again.

One thing you have written bothers me a bit, she as afraid that you would walk if he told you. Does that mean if you don't bail the famliy out she is going to walk ?

Having met you I know you are a sharp guy. This is the time in life where you have to take care of yourself first and make every effort to have your life the way you want it. You worked hard for that. I beleive in helping wher you can but don't destroy yourself to do that, you will be of no help to anyone if let that happen. If it's meant to be she will be a wife to you and stand by you. If not better to find out early on.

This will be the last month that I work in the Middle-East after spending almost a year a half over here, including Army time.  I average about $8,000 a month and I have decided to give it all up.  Why?  Because I have found out that money isn't everything...I know, a load of crap.  But I have made all this money, had my ex-wife blow pretty much half of it.  Since my divorce, I have visited thailand, fell in love with a beautiful Thai girl and decided to leave my current occupation.  I have been offered some decent jobs in LOS and Taiwan that will pay well but nothing here.  Some of my co-workers have called me crazy but I can't seem to see myself spend the rest of my life working in  the shat holes of the world for the big bucks.  Even my girlfriend said she doesn't want me to work over here because she thinks somebody will blow me up in the name of Allah or something.  I say to her that I can make us more money over here but she justs comes back that will just mean that I will be away from her.  That pretty much did it for me.  My ex-wife was giddy when she found out how much I would be making over here an this little Thai doll who haggles over every taxi and shirt I buy just wants me to be there to hug before she falls asleep.  Now, for the TV pros, am I brick and not thinking this through?  What are your thoughts?

Are you crazy...... You asked and the answer is yes.....But not for quitting your job! I think that you're crazy for working for that amount of money...If your occupation is what I think it is and you're now NGO you're making less money than the South Africans working in Iraq????? That's crazy (unless of course you're from Zimbabwe).

As for the girl go for it man!!! :o


Over the years I had this choice to make twice , the first time I went for the big money ... which gave me .failed relationship , stress through the roof , my eldest daughter died and I was not there ...I lost confidence, health , self respect, the loves of my life and all the nest egg savings ,dream house etc. I rebuilt my life and when the descision time came again I had no problems in deciding ... half salary , great Thai wife ,two kids,lower stress (actually a different stress )...I love to go home to my family ,my house , .... Go for it now . !!!!!


The facts are the guy is young more or less single and making big bucks.

In 5 years if he invests safe and wise he can call his own shots the rest of his life

laughing at these slackers that are just getting by in life that money controls every little thing they do in life. That rocking chair on a broken down porch

in the rice fields is not all that it is cracked up to be. Think of the reasons you took the work in the first place, most likely so you can see the world make some good money and have control of your life.

Now that some little T-loc has taken your heart you don't have to lose your mind.

Specially someone you have not been with for very long. You can work hard for 5 years and be smart about it or spend the next 30 years stumbling along in life

like many others have done just getting by where money makes the decisions for you, that is the lack of it. Been there done that glad I learned and moved on.

Takes a better man to stick out the hard things in life so his family can have a better life than someone who will just get by in life and have very little at all.

Sacrifice a few years of well paid hard life so you can have a great future and call the shots don't need much thinking. If the little pee hole cares they'll be supportive.


Sure wish I had the job as I would stick it out for awhile and get a better nestegg together. Prices are only going to go up for EVERTHING and then if you have little ones that's going to be another huge expense.


He can listen to the people who say how nice they have it even though they don't make a whole lot they are happy. Near sided that may be true but when you get

out into the future I'll bet most of these people think different. That is taking into account he is only 30.

You have to make your own breaks in life and very hard to even find a job

that a pension will be paid 20 years down the road. 1000 companies in the U.S.

don't have enough to pay their pensions in the future.

Cash is paying over 4% now in a money market so in a few years his savings will make as much as many that work in Thailand. He is going to do the time to make the money some time in life, might as well be when it is good money like now.

Most of the people I know hitting their 50's that have lived in Thailand for some time would kill to get a job like he has. I have a guy coming over to work for me

soon and he is happy as sh*t to have a few months a year at good pay to supplement his pension.

I am taking off half a year now each year because I stuck it out and don't need to work anymore if I don't want to. $200 a day to spend for at least 25 years is nice,

that is if I keep it in a money market getting 3 to 4%.

It is going to be nice sitting back buying the rounds knowing that I have not spent anything, the interest each day will be more than I spend on such things. Could of gave it up 5 years ago with a retirement of $2K to 3K a month worth of savings. The best move I ever made was to stick it out a few more years .

Thailand is one of the bottom on my list to retire in anymore now that money is not an issue. I've seen hundreds walk away from these jobs and most end up back starting over again. Just when many of them got to the point where they were making $700 or more a month interest they gave it up. To easy to spend when you have alot of free time, plus it is hard to take a low paying job ever again.

Once you hit that point your just a couple years from it really kicking in, in a big way. That is about the time you hit a $70K year in the market then it gets followed by a $100K and that is without alot of risk just being in the market at the right time in the right things.

Just from experience and I was his age with a T-Loc and similar situation. I also know to many people older than me in their 50's now that would advise doing things differently if they done it over again. Not much fun living on a tight budget

older in life just because of a girlfriend or bad decision. JMHO

I am taking off half a year now each year because I stuck it out and don't need to work anymore if I don't want to.  $200 a day to spend for at least 25 years is nice,

that is if I keep it in a money market getting 3 to 4%.

If I calculate quickly you're talking about roughly 2 million dollars in savings

Just out of curiosity Khun? how many years did it take you to save this amount and what was your line of work?

He can listen to the people who say how nice they have it even though they don't make a whole lot they are happy. Near sided that may be true but when you get

out into the future I'll bet most of these people think different.  That is taking into account he is only 30.

You have to make your own breaks in life and very hard to even find a job

that a pension will be paid 20 years down the road. 1000 companies in the U.S.

don't have enough to pay their pensions in the future.

Cash is paying over 4% now in a money market so in a few years his savings will make as much as many that work in Thailand. He is going to do the time to make the money some time in life, might as well be when it is good money like now.

Most of the people I know hitting their 50's that have lived in Thailand for some time would kill to get a job like he has. I have a guy coming over to work for me

soon and he is happy as sh*t to have a few months a year at good pay to supplement his pension.

I am taking off half a year now each year because I stuck it out and don't need to work anymore if I don't want to.  $200 a day to spend for at least 25 years is nice,

that is if I keep it in a money market getting 3 to 4%.

It is going to be nice sitting back buying the rounds knowing that I have not spent anything, the interest each day will be more than I spend on such things. Could of gave it up 5 years ago with a retirement of $2K to 3K a month worth of savings. The best move I ever made was to stick it out a few more years . 

Thailand is one of the bottom on my list to retire in anymore now that money is not an issue.  I've seen hundreds walk away from these jobs and most end up back starting over again. Just when many of them got to the point where they were making $700 or more a month interest they gave it up. To easy to spend when you have alot of free time, plus it is hard to take a low paying job ever again.

Once you hit that point your just a couple years from it really kicking in, in a big way. That is about the time you hit a $70K year in the market then it gets followed by a $100K and that is without alot of risk just being in the market at the right time in the right things. 

Just from experience and I was his age with a T-Loc and similar situation. I also know to many people older than me in their 50's now that would advise doing things differently if they done it over again. Not much fun living on a tight budget

older in life just because of a girlfriend or bad decision.  JMHO

Good Advice I waited until I was 55 and had a good secure lifetime income before doing this. I would say if you need to blow off some steam by all means do so, thats what vacations are for. Take a leave of absence, but whatever you do at that age don't burn bridges. Even with money going back to the work world may be somthing that one might want to do in the future.

30 is very young to decide to chuck it and go. Can be done but not my idea of a slice of life, that I would want. There is a tremendous difference in living here if yo don't have to work and can maitian a comforttable farrang style living. Village life is to me is like existing not living. Big difference

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm 28 and I came to retire in Thailand. I agree with what is said above. I decided against giving up my lucrative job in the US. I just moved it over here with the help of the internet. I am by no means a rich man but I can live forever here without working if I wanted a Thai lifestyle. Yet I continue to live a Farang Lifestyle. My savings rate is 80% pretax. But I have to disagree on one point. Retire young, work when you are older. If your 65, how much would you pay for 1 year of being 28. I think I would give anything to go back. So don't waste your youth toiling away. Where is your guarantee that your going to live another year. When you wake up paralysed in a hospital after a bad motorcycle accident, it is a bitter pill to swallow.

Live now, worry about tommorrow when it arrives.


i think you said it in your opening email - the several references to money

well it all comes down to money and this is more true in Thailand

forget the love and the hugs - theyre nice but its about money

i would suggest that whatever you have you spread it out a bit and dont say to much to others about what you have done with it

Spread it out - a bit in the bank or shares back home, a bit here in the bank or a condo investment - fail to plan plan to fail

then get on with the business of why you are here

fun sun sand sex beer

her agenda will be very different

money for parents, sick buffalo, sick brother sister 51st cousin, BABIES, buying property in her name, gold, etc

My friends here have coined the phrase BAngkok fever. Some get it when they are in a long term marriage (bored) long term job (bored), currency exchange rates, condo prices,

It comes on slow

maybe a short term trip or two to Bangers

then one hungover day they meet misses right

she says all the right things (experience)

she does all the right things (experience)

then bang - like a mosquito - you have it


i have had it for 25 years now and I dont think theres a cure

except for fun sun sand sex beer

so matey - it will happen - like maleria - once you have it then its re occuring

dont fight it


once you have spent all your money and theres nothing left

join the queue in pattaya on the 31st floor - base jumping - no shute

or take the above advise and every month get your best mate to hit you in the mouth very hard and say wake up to yourself!!!

you should be fine - dont worry - live each day etc

This guy has no expenses, food and housing is paid plus most likely cash for plane tickets and no vehicle expenses.

96K a year tax free. He would have to make 150K minimum back home to get this.

That is one of the reasons I threw in all the baggage the Thais can add on, in a cynical way.

( Quote)

Depends on your age - if young enough keep working ME and then retire to Thailand early. I have spent time working in ME and its much easier in my opinion than working here in Thailand - i would go back ME tommorow....

There is the Middle-East and then there is Iraq...

Iraq is what it is and will sort itself out - the main problem now is the media coverage - there are many other places that can be considered just as bad at times - this said i would rather go back to them and work if the opportunity raised its head, which it no doubt will.

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