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Abhisit: We Didn't Overlook Poor


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What medic was shot? These guys probably did it.

Unmasked: Thailand's men in black


Police, active and inactive military made up the ranks of the red shirts and the black shirts.

And some of them wore their military camouflage and had the skills to easily shoot this guy.

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siamsimon #33

you are SOOOOOOOOO wrong also-normal for you, Evading the point put that this lot are the best of the best, avoidance is a guilt, I didn't say that no corruption was there during Abhisits roll, it was there from the middle ages, and so much instilled by the fugitive prior to Abisits 2 years, you see trying to collect brownie points on some related matters and overlooking my point of the situ with this LOT in power now.

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One doesn't help the poor by creating dependency, but by providing the means such as education and opportunities through which the poor can help themselves. Some may call that old fashioned, but it works. The road to prosperity starts with removing the barriers of discrimination and by attacking corruption.

I find it insulting that there is mention of the Abhisit health care program for the poor. It did not deliver on promised benefits nor assistance, but did deliver on allowing cronies and friends to stuff their pockets. In case anyone has forgotten, the Banlu inquiry arose when health officials responsible for the programs for the poor raised the alarm and provided evidence of rampant corruption. How about the bribery, price fixing and kickbacks on the supply of medicines and medical equipment (e.g. the ambulances),the inflated construction costs etc.. Public Health Minister and Democrat MP Vittaya Kaewparadai was forced to resign. He was joinded by the mercenary BJP Manit Nopamornbodi his deputy minister. This corruption scandal was a result of Minister Korn's infamous stimulus program that increased spending, but offered no additional controls or oversight.

The Democrats really helped feed the poor with their stinky fish debacle. Remember Social Development and Human Security Minister Vitoon Nambutr, the man that was responsible for the pruchase and distribution of rotten canned fish to the victims of the flooding? And who can forget the infamous approximate 7billion baht purchase of the fire trucks? The Democrat Governor of Bangkok Apirak was finally indicted by the NCCC in November 2008 despite all sorts of attempts to stop it. The Abhisit government could have helped the poor by taking a stand on corruption.

My all time favourite is the Abhisit-Korn Sufficiency Economy initiative that saw the Democrats take the Thaksin leftover program and claim it for their own. When the corruption scandal ensued, they then tried to blame Thaksin, despite having been the government running the program.

Oh yes, the Democrats really took care of the poor. That's why the Democrat MPs as a whole saw their net worth skyrocket during the limited time Abhisit was in office. In plain language, I believe that the Democrats punished the poor. Here, read this;


4 นักการเมืองที่ทรัพย์สินเปลี่ยนแปลงเพิ่มขึ้นมากกว่า 100 ล้านบาท

(Loosely translated, MPs with an increase in net worth of over 100 million baht) Surprise, surprise, all of them are Democrats.

And before anyone goes off on a tangent about Thaksin and how corrupt he was, the OPhere is about Abhisit denying the claims he did little for the poor. What I list is factual and I defy anyone to deny it. If you want to refute it, bring out the facts, not silly allegations about Thaksin or the perceived inadequacies of the current government. Just another illustration as to why Abhisit et al were and are unelectable. Because of his failings and the Democrats refusal to stake out the higher ground and to commit to integrity, we are stuck with the Thaksin group.

Nobody is suggesting that there was zero corruption under the abhisit government.

As already mentioned a few posts back abhsiit did make stands against corruption, the army example as already stated, and he also stood up to the coalition party who wanted to start an obviously very smelly bus project. They tried many times, he said no. And at the same time he was risking the loss of the coalition partner which could have reduced his humbers to the point where he had no mandate (by numbers) to continue the coalition.

Fact - There was corruption under the abhsit govt., both within the dem. party and within the coalition parties.

Fact - Your idol g'kid, was the mother of all corrupt leaders, open rampant massive coruption, open abuse of power, massive human rights abuses, and massive manipulation of the naive and unaware.

G'kid, you try to demand that people gives 'salient points', etc etc. In fact many of the points who have raided in your last few posts are not new and have been debated here many times before.

So here's my demand to you - please share some detailed and specific reasons why you see thaksin as good. Of course you will say, "but this thread is about......." So what, if needed I will open a new thread and ask you the same question.

Edited by metisdead
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They were all told time and again. They knew what they were a part of and what was going to happen. It wasn't the alleged nurse who finally gave them a dose of their own medicine. Whining over their job position is just playing martyr/victim when they were certainly not. Would you aid and help and support these rogues and thugs if you were qualified in medicine? Those thugs even stormed a hospital.

Shooting an unarmed medic who is treating wounded is actually against every law of armed conflict. It is certainly way beyond the pale in any form of Internal Security or Civil Unrest operation. You may condone and even applauded it, but as far as I (and I would suggest the vast majority of people both in this country and around the world) am concerned it is murder, pure and simple.

Can you please show me where it has been proved beyond a shower of doubt it was a member of the armed forces that did the shooting

The fact that it could have been done to discredit the army and cause the problem of divide we now have, has never entered your mind

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"Shooting an unarmed medic who is treating wounded is actually against every law of armed conflict"

+1 and he paid the price at the election against the 'advice' of many TV posters wink.png

Or maybe he lost because the other side did not play by the rules of truth

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Never mind, too lazy to tear this apart in a well-mannered, well-founded way. One of these days I'll pluck some snippets from the web and use them to 'really' proof that this year will be one of the longest in history, at least by a single second

Nice cop out. You cannot refute so you resort to a lame comment.

Good job.

By popular demand, and reluctantly. Also trying to stick to 'democrats only' rather than only saying 'well the4 others ...':

For example the part "Oh yes, the Democrats really took care of the poor. That's why the Democrat MPs as a whole saw their net worth skyrocket during the limited time Abhisit was in office. In plain language, I believe that the Democrats punished the poor. Here, read this;


4 นักการเมืองที่ทรัพย์สินเปลี่ยนแปลงเพิ่มขึ้นมากกว่า 100 ล้านบาท

(Loosely translated, MPs with an increase in net worth of over 100 million baht) Surprise, surprise, all of them are Democrats."

In three years time in a period the Thai economy boomed the net worth of a certain group of MPs increased by THB100 million. With the richest of that group already owning a few billion that's not really surprising and to be expected. No one has come up with accusation of 'unusual wealth increase'. To just say 'they got richer ERGO they don't care about the poor' is amazing and rather touchingly naive. Were the ladies and gentlemen supposed to hand out their weath to ensure all would have about the same, like next to nothing? History has shown that doesn't work well. The grass outside might have grown by half a meter at last, ERGO anyone wearing a green shirt shows a total disregard for the poor?

The most interesting part is at the end of your post. "Because of his failings and the Democrats refusal to stake out the higher ground and to commit to integrity, we are stuck with the Thaksin group."

The part suggesting you dislike the Democrats and the previous PM Abhisit government is no surprise; no, the surprise lays in you blaming the Democrats for us having been stuck with this new bunch of fools, the Pheu Thai PM Yingluck led government.

Interesting, to say the least!

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"Shooting an unarmed medic who is treating wounded is actually against every law of armed conflict"

+1 and he paid the price at the election against the 'advice' of many TV posters wink.png

Or maybe he lost because the other side did not play by the rules of truth


"It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything". - Joseph Stalin

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Compared to the criminal corrupt regime of mr T and his clone yingluck and his cronies like nalinee etc etc etc

Abhisit is a saint




"Human Rights Watch has branded ousted Thai prime minister 'a human rights abuser of the worst kind' "

Thaksin’s human rights violations.

Thaksin presided over extrajudicial killings during the notorious “war on drugs”. HRW says 2,500 people were killed during one three-month period at the start of 2003.

Thaksin told the Thai military to employ any means to suppress an insurgency in the south of Thailand.

Thaksin Suppressed the Thai media.

yingluck has said in interviews that she will restart the war on drugs and the rest of her brothers criminal corrupt polices, hence putting nalinee in her govt.

"It's deja vu all over again" - Yogi Berra

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Shooting an unarmed medic who is treating wounded is actually against every law of armed conflict. It is certainly way beyond the pale in any form of Internal Security or Civil Unrest operation. You may condone and even applauded it, but as far as I (and I would suggest the vast majority of people both in this country and around the world) am concerned it is murder, pure and simple.

Can you please show me where it has been proved beyond a shower of doubt it was a member of the armed forces that did the shooting

The fact that it could have been done to discredit the army and cause the problem of divide we now have, has never entered your mind

There are plenty of photographs of RTA soldiers in fire positions along the Skytrain tracks. There are plenty of first hand witness accounts of troops firing into the Wat and surrounding areas.

I suppose that the Re4dshirts could have created a whole fake army unit to carry out the shooting, although I doubt that they would be able to get past the pretty tight RTA security present.

I prefer to believe the evidence I have seen rather than conspiracy theories, which are just that - theories.

Could I suggest that the divide we see now is the result of an influential faction in Thai society, backed by the Army, repeatedly engineering the overthrow of the governement repeatedly chosen by the Thai Electorate?

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Could I suggest that the divide we see now is the result of an influential faction in Thai society, backed by the Army, repeatedly engineering the overthrow of the governement repeatedly chosen by the Thai Electorate?

Could I suggest that the divide we see now is the result of a corrupt leader of Thai society repeatedly engineering ways to rip off the Thai electorate?

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Never mind, too lazy to tear this apart in a well-mannered, well-founded way. One of these days I'll pluck some snippets from the web and use them to 'really' proof that this year will be one of the longest in history, at least by a single second

Nice cop out. You cannot refute so you resort to a lame comment.

Good job.

By popular demand, and reluctantly. Also trying to stick to 'democrats only' rather than only saying 'well the4 others ...':

For example the part "Oh yes, the Democrats really took care of the poor. That's why the Democrat MPs as a whole saw their net worth skyrocket during the limited time Abhisit was in office. In plain language, I believe that the Democrats punished the poor. Here, read this;


4 นักการเมืองที่ทรัพย์สินเปลี่ยนแปลงเพิ่มขึ้นมากกว่า 100 ล้านบาท

(Loosely translated, MPs with an increase in net worth of over 100 million baht) Surprise, surprise, all of them are Democrats."

In three years time in a period the Thai economy boomed the net worth of a certain group of MPs increased by THB100 million. With the richest of that group already owning a few billion that's not really surprising and to be expected. No one has come up with accusation of 'unusual wealth increase'. To just say 'they got richer ERGO they don't care about the poor' is amazing and rather touchingly naive. Were the ladies and gentlemen supposed to hand out their weath to ensure all would have about the same, like next to nothing? History has shown that doesn't work well. The grass outside might have grown by half a meter at last, ERGO anyone wearing a green shirt shows a total disregard for the poor?

The most interesting part is at the end of your post. "Because of his failings and the Democrats refusal to stake out the higher ground and to commit to integrity, we are stuck with the Thaksin group."

The part suggesting you dislike the Democrats and the previous PM Abhisit government is no surprise; no, the surprise lays in you blaming the Democrats for us having been stuck with this new bunch of fools, the Pheu Thai PM Yingluck led government.

Interesting, to say the least!

Yes interesting, and another way to interpret g'kids comment is that he is negative about the current government, which for him is a total reversal of his usual claims that the paymaster, his cronies / pt etc., are just great, have done nothing wrong and are highly capable. Indeed interesting.

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