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Drilling For Water


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Ask the pooyaibahn or ask around for the guy who runs your village water supply or at the local Post Office (or practically any older guy on the street!) I live 40 k down the road from you between SiRatana and Kantharalak and we went through 3 water drillers (all on a success fee basis of 15,000 baht initially, then 20,000 for the last succesfull one - they all seemed to take 4 or 5 days before giving up or eventually succeeding). All 3 came from one of those two amphurs and two of them from within 5 miles of our home.

We live on slightly upper ground with rock, which is why we had difficulty getting through to the table. I think we ended up with 20m+ of pipe through mostly solid rock, whereas 5-10m through easy clay is more normal around yours and our parts. I got the impression that 15k baht was pretty much a standard (falang?) asking price though. Can get you names from here, but it would be unusual for them to go 40k since there are so many around any locality.

So far (6 months) the well has worked fine supplying all our domestic and (largish) swimming pool needs. The acid test wii presumably come around April/May at the end of the dry season.

Edited by SantiSuk
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I'd beware of the economy well drillers. Long ago a driller promised me water or there would be no charge. It was a very cheap price and he did get water. He DIDN'T promise what kind of water. The water was so bad that we never did use it. Acid or alkaline, I don't know but it burned your skin and had a noxious odor.

In Loei province the driller promised us good sweet water and a six inch casing. He hit good water at 26 meters but he determined that the iron content was too high. He ended up at 48 meters and the water is VERY good. The well is intended to irrigate fruit trees. The total price quoted was 33,000 baht regardless of the depth and if no good water, no charge. We don't plan to drink the water but sometime in the near future I do intend to have it safety tested.

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