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Chuwit Identifies 22 Gambling Dens And Corrupt Cops In Police Meeting


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I really failto see any value whatsoever in reporting illegal gambling dens when the answer is simply to legalise them. It's called being sensible, responsible and civilised. It also drags Thailand kicking and screaming towards a first world standard, allbeit in a rather unimportant area.

Setting that aside, the police corruption just continues unchecked. Referring to known individuals by intial letters in order to avoid defammation law suits is a further example of just how hopeless it is to expect anything to be done.

The country remains a basket case.

When uneducated, superstitious and immature persons are the overwhelming product of a failed education system what else can you expect.

The fact is that it is impossible for the first world to intervene in order to generate enough qwealth to ever raise the third world out of poverty or towards first world standaards. It cannot and will not happen. Ever. Therefore, standards within Thailand or elsewhere will not improve and neither will the standard of ethics or morality.

Lost cause. More of the same and a [thankfully] widenning gap between what we in the West enjoy and what they East endures.


! Agree with some of this.

Plus, we now have a nation of people (and not the only nation) who have leaders who are in fact the worst possible role models ever.

A recent past PM who, wilfully, and openly ignores the law, changes the law for his own wims, abuses the trust given by the voters (that he has bought), tramples on human rights, openly corrupt, etc etc.

A deputy PM who supporst all of the above, has pretty nasty skeletons in the cupboard, and speaks with a forked tongue, etc.

The result, plain to see, the young of this country see the above behaviors as normal and see it as the 'OK' way to get rich and have the latest mobile phone, etc.

Edited by scorecard
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This is going to be very difficult as most of the new police who bought their was in to get the position haven't yet collected enough returns from their investment. The costs of some positions fetch up to a hundred million. How tight the security for police entry exams is just a disguise. At the end of the day, you can throw the exam sheets away and they will already have the best man or woman for each position.

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I love this country, only here can a man that owns huge brothels in plain

view in a country where prostitution is illegal, make the news by informing

on underground gambling dens.

The only thing I could compare it to is walking into your local police station

with a smoking crystal meth pipe hanging out of your mouth, and telling them

you have information about a possible pot dealer in the neighborhood.

Chuwit is batman and Magnum PI all rolled into one!!!!! Rock that stash!!!!

He's a reformed man. He sold all his "massage parlours" a few years ago.

His main motivation seems to be a strict morality code that comes from him being a born-again Christian.

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This is going to be very difficult as most of the new police who bought their was in to get the position haven't yet collected enough returns from their investment. The costs of some positions fetch up to a hundred million. How tight the security for police entry exams is just a disguise. At the end of the day, you can throw the exam sheets away and they will already have the best man or woman for each position.

Remarkable how you know this but this is damned true!!!

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Back duing Taksins time he was called "mr bullet" as he had fingered alot of powerful people and Taksin vowed to try help protecting him. Together they reduced the drug problems to lower levels than Ive seen for years before and after Taksin

of course, they were all killed; some at point blanc!

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This man is tresding on dangerous ground am thinking maybe will end up in the klong.

Nope. No klongs in his future. He has endless juicy information on major politicians and the police. In the past he has threatened to have his lawyer release it upon his untimely death. I suspect the police are terrified if he dies in a way that might look like a hastened departure..... :-)

If I remember correctly, in an interview he gave a couple of years ago he basically said that no one would dare touch him as he knows where all the skeletons are in their closets, and he's made plenty of copies and placed them in the hands of those he trust just in case.

I think those who would love to see him have an "accident" are also afraid that if he does, they suddenly become front page news. Fear of exposure can be a powerful tool. So now they are "damned if they do and damned if they don't".

Very correct: the very malicious information he actually has (gathered at the time when he himself was bribing the police and some politicians) is his life-insurance indeed; otherwise he would already have been cremated (and forgotten) since long... to the alleviation of many of those corrupt police officers!

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anyone got odds on how long he lasts?

Unfortunately not long Im guessing.... never really liked the guy but got to give it to him, his personal "atonement?" for years of crime is more than any politician or policeman has done ever in Thailand!

I see that Chuwit forgot the gambling dens in Sukumvit soi 71 near Jusco (Thats where clients park their cars and then taken by motorcycle to the nearby Den....and Sukumvit 93, 1st soi on the left, below the 1st apartment on the left is pokie machines and bar (where 2 cops sit most of the day drinking whiskey) and opposite apartment has a mini casino.... seen the "gang" heading out the other day with guns and knives, piled into a waiting car and took off, presumably to get money owed or similar business.

These are just 2 that I know of in my little area.... Im sure BKK is awash with them! Very obviously run or controlled by police.

There's only one thing worse than a criminal, and that is a corrupt cop.

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This is going to be very difficult as most of the new police who bought their was in to get the position haven't yet collected enough returns from their investment. The costs of some positions fetch up to a hundred million. How tight the security for police entry exams is just a disguise. At the end of the day, you can throw the exam sheets away and they will already have the best man or woman for each position.

I've heard only a few hundred thousand, but only have one confirmed. I guess it depends on the position. I guess it makes sense since some very high positions rake in millions a month.

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What Thailand sorely needs is an independent agency like the FBI, staffed by incorruptible officers that have all-encompassing powers to investigate and if necessary prosecute their peers. Problem is, where would one recruit such agents in a system that is rotten through and through? Perhaps even more importantly, how many of these agents would be able to maintain their integrity when bestowed with so much power?

Thailand already has the equivalent of the FBI. It's called the DSI (Department of Special Investigation), supposedly staffed by police with morals and integrity, Their pay is supposedly 5 - 10 times that of regular police.

Unfortunately, from my observations, they are not powerful enough to deal with organised activities within the criminal community, and regular police, and only end up with enough cases hand-balled their way to make quotas.

Not the equivalent of the FBI then is it? duh

"police with morals and integrity" Regarding certain police forces, this would be considered an Oxymoron.

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More helpful work from MP-Chuwit ! thumbsup.gif

Perhaps Deputy-PM Chalerm should seek his assistance, in his many initiatives, to seek-out and fight crime, wherever it occurs ! Or perhaps not, as Chuwit appears to actually achieve something, which would never do ! wink.png

Oh shit. If only you knew.... if only you knew.

I'm gonna leave it at that. We all know the story. Let's just welcome Thaksin back with open arms.

There are some people who fight crime, and others -- they ~control~ it.

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