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Defecating On National Tv


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I was surprised to see a footage broadcast today on Thai TV of a man (tribal person) who had his pants down, was squatting and there was a pile of packets under him. Then I say liquid squirting in front of him! I realized he was being forced to defecate packets of drugs that was probably up his anus (how it got there I did not quite get), and that he urinated while in the process of expunging his valuable and dangerous cargo. The footage that followed was of a person with rubber hand glove washing down these packets in a lavatory.

Really bizaar to see this on National TV.

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Dont lets start Thai bashing again.

Some of the most repulsive sickening TV footage I have ever seen has been on Pattaya television. This is run mainly by farang for the farang audience. They appear to have a director with a 'dead body' fetish. I'm sure if they could get footage of someone having a 'pony and trap' that too would be aired.

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Dont lets start Thai bashing again.

Some of the most repulsive sickening TV footage I have ever seen has been on Pattaya television. This is run mainly by farang for the farang audience. They appear to have a director with a 'dead body' fetish. I'm sure if they could get footage of someone having a 'pony and trap' that too would be aired.

I see the same sickening footage on the Thai news channels. I think the Thais have a higher tolerance for footage of death and carnage.

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Dont lets start Thai bashing again.

Some of the most repulsive sickening TV footage I have ever seen has been on Pattaya television. This is run mainly by farang for the farang audience. They appear to have a director with a 'dead body' fetish. I'm sure if they could get footage of someone having a 'pony and trap' that too would be aired.

I see the same sickening footage on the Thai news channels. I think the Thais have a higher tolerance for footage of death and carnage.

An audience seems to gather rather quickly if theres a deceased body about, the more blood the larger the crowd. But taking a dump on the box is a little unsavoury.

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What surprised me was that it was broadcast in the first place! No, I would not call this Thai Bashing. Just questioning the ethics in journalism.

I re-read my post. I did not mean t imply you were specifically Thai bashing. I was anticipating a plethora of 'the usual suspects' joining this discussion. My strike was pre-emptive. wai.gif

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No problem bro! No offence taken.

What surprised me was that it was broadcast in the first place! No, I would not call this Thai Bashing. Just questioning the ethics in journalism.

I re-read my post. I did not mean t imply you were specifically Thai bashing. I was anticipating a plethora of 'the usual suspects' joining this discussion. My strike was pre-emptive. wai.gif

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It makes us realise what a tough job the police have to do.

Certainly not all the glitz and adventure such as programmes like Law and Order and other American cop series would have us believe.

Good that they broadcast this sort of stuff on TV, shows the other side of the spectrum and the reality of police work.

As the wise man says; it`s a dirty job, but someone has to do it. Shame that people don`t appreciate the police a lot more.

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I have seen nasty stuff on the tube - but this takes the cake. The 7 o'clock morning new just did not mix well with my breakfast. Like they say what has been seen - CANNOT BE UNSEEN.

What would you rather, the same sensorship we have in the uk. Can't cough on TV or radio without getting a million complaints.

If you don't like what you see on the news, don't watch it.

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I visit panthip plaza chiang mai on a fairly regular basis and there is a woman that works in there who every time I walk past is always watching sick stuff, last week it was an operation, yesterday it was school children of teenage years girls basically fighting and battering each other. Where's the pleasure?

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No worse than footage of hanging suicides, leaps from tall buildings, dead babies, deceased motorists, etc, etc

Yet, the questionable nasty is always blurred. TV, film/video, printed image.

So are the cigarettes and beer bottles.

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No worse than footage of hanging suicides, leaps from tall buildings, dead babies, deceased motorists, etc, etc

Yet, the questionable nasty is always blurred. TV, film/video, printed image.

So are the cigarettes and beer bottles.

Profit over ethics.

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Why does Thai TV show all this crap (excuse the pun), but blurs a person smoking a cigarette, or a womans breasts, my God, they have priorities all wrong., "Amazing Thailand" for sure.

Edited by PingManDan
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