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Penalty For Over Stay Than 90 Days


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Anyone has ever been charged for this penalty?

My last arrival day was Nov 29, 2011.

And my next flight is Feb, 27, 2012, fly together with my husband.

So, theoretically, Feb 27 with be exactly my 91st day in Thailand.

Will I have problem in airport? Do they calculate the days so precisely? (just a few hours overstay.......)

How much is the penalty per day? I'm a bit lazy to do the "reporting", giggle



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the first day of overstay always used to be free and it may still well be

i have not heard any different

the 500baht usuallly started on day two

As I recall it is first day free pay double the second, also note days are calculated on time of flight so if your flight is after midnight passing immigration checks before midnight will not save you 500B

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My calcs suggest arrive Nov 29 and depart 27 Feb is 90 days exactly.

Nov is 30 days which is +/- 0 on 30 day per month average.

Dec is 31 days, which is +1

Jan is 31 days, also +1

This gives you + 2 days, but 29 - 27 is also - 2, so you are right on at 90.

First day overstay is free, but second day is 1000 baht, which brings their counting skills in harmony at 500 baht per day.

However some people in Thailand have strange counting skills so, if 29 Nov and 27 Feb are both counted as full days, then you may have a small charge.

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Is this really overstay or just failure to report 90 days in Thailand? If it was overstay you would have the actual date stamped in your passport. If it's just failure to report 90 days then I doubt anyone will notice, especially if you remove the reporting slip from your passport.

Edited by gmac
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My calcs suggest arrive Nov 29 and depart 27 Feb is 90 days exactly.

Nov is 30 days which is +/- 0 on 30 day per month average.

Dec is 31 days, which is +1

Jan is 31 days, also +1

This gives you + 2 days, but 29 - 27 is also - 2, so you are right on at 90.

First day overstay is free, but second day is 1000 baht, which brings their counting skills in harmony at 500 baht per day.

However some people in Thailand have strange counting skills so, if 29 Nov and 27 Feb are both counted as full days, then you may have a small charge.

You are correct that there are 90 days between November 29th and February 27th, but since both the first and the last day is counted the OP's stay is indeed 91 days.



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My calculation is:

Nov 29, Nov 30+ Whole Dec and Jan+ Feb 27 days=91 days

Of course, if it is precise to 24 hours/day, then surely my stay is less than 91 days.

.......We are all mathematicians now, ha ha giggle.gif

You should have a stamp stating how long you can stay i.e. when you must leave. There's no need to guess.

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My Visa shows I can stay till 31, Dec, 2013. But I still need to do report if I stay over every 90 days.

That's what I thought you meant. As I said above, I doubt anyone will notice if you just leave without doing the report, especially if you remove the reporting date slip before departing. Don't think the 90 day report records are tied in with visa dates in the computer records though I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong.

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Hoi Tony,

Company HR re-applied my visa on Nov 16, 2011. Before, I had a half year visa that expires on Dec , 31, 2011.

Since my husband has contract here for a few years, so my visa also follows this. Category "Non-IMM" (Not like in some countries, they have "Spouse" vsia etc)

When I got my new visa, I noticed the officer did not put in a "90 days reporting" remind slip with my visa, like last time.

But the 90 day reporting is a must, no matter how long is your visa.

I dont like to to the reporting because anyway I leave again (exactly on the 91st day :))), and also want to save some space on my passport :)))

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Hoi Tony,

Company HR re-applied my visa on Nov 16, 2011. Before, I had a half year visa that expires on Dec , 31, 2011.

Since my husband has contract here for a few years, so my visa also follows this. Category "Non-IMM" (Not like in some countries, they have "Spouse" vsia etc)

When I got my new visa, I noticed the officer did not put in a "90 days reporting" remind slip with my visa, like last time.

But the 90 day reporting is a must, no matter how long is your visa.

I dont like to to the reporting because anyway I leave again (exactly on the 91st day smile.png)), and also want to save some space on my passport smile.png))

maybe its me or...

when does your permission to stay here expire?

when did you last enter thailand, i assume its 29th November as posted in your OP, what 'admitted/permitted to' stamp did you get?

Are you talking overstay of 'permitted/allowed to' stay stamp?, or failing to do a 90 day report?

Your thread is titled ' penalty for over stay than 90 days' but i can not see where you have stated when your permission to stay ends. you mention new 'visa', in the quoted post above, but a 'visa' is issued outside of thailand, i assume you mean, new extension of stay. but again you have not mentioned when your 'admitted/permiited to' stay is.

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You are talking abotu 90 day reporting, but want to leave the country after 91 days. That means you still need to file a 90 day report, which can be done by mail.

Make sure you have a re-entry permit, otherwise you lose your permisison to stay when you leave Thailand and would need to get a new visa.

Check your permission to stay again, it should need read 2013. If it really says 2013 a mistake has been made and it must be corrected at immigraiton.

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I got a stamp on Nov 29, 2011 on my passport, when I retured to Thailand. The custom officer filled "31/12/13" in the blank column.

Mine is a "multiple" re-entry visa, valid till 31, Dec, 2013, same as that of my husband. (applied with the support from company HR)

To be honest, I still dont know how they define "90 days". But the bottom line is, my overstay (if there is an overstay) is a few hours only if I leave on Feb 27, 2012.

PS: If I enter the Thai custom at 11:59PM, or exit the custom at 00:01AM, is the currenty day also counted "one day stay"?!?!?!?!?

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Does it say multiple re-entry visa or multiple re-entry permit? There is a big difference, which is very important for your situation.

It seems you are a dependent of your husband, who works for a firm valling under the BOI rules and makes use of the One Stop Service Centre. Hence the two years. I'm not sure if that also goes for you as a dependent, but have to say that the One Stop service Center has it's own rules, who are a bit different from the normal immigration rules.

If it says MUltiple non-O VISA you need to leave the country every 90 days, if it says multiple re-entry visa there is no need to leave the country, just to do 90 day reports.

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