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Christian Evangelicals In Thailand


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American Protestant missionaries been coming to Thailand for over a century and Catholics even before that with no success. They're doing better now in places like Cambodia where there is widespread suffering

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Perhaps Thailand should remain the reserve of criminals on the run, sex tourists, missfits and loosers.

Certainly if you had the mind to look for people who ought not be allowed into Thailand Christian Evanagelists or indeed any faith groups would not be the top of the list.

There are large numbers of disabled children dumped in orphanages, the stateless, people suffering from HIV/AIDS and the off spring of the sex industry who have nowhere to turn but to the help, food, accommodation, education and health care provided in Thailand by people of faith.

The OP no doubt makes his contribution and is nothing but a boon to Thailand.

Absolutely agree! smile.png

Love what the Christian Evangelicals have done to African nations like Nigeria! Where ever the CEs have gone in Africa you find religious conflict! GOOD JOB! Check out the tyeps of buildings that get burned down! The lasting legacy of CEs!! smile.png

Your view of recent history is a bit skewed.

Most of the violence took place after anti-religious leaders came to power (many by force) and kicked out the CE missionaries so they could have a free hand in stamping out local evangelical congregations, who were a philosophical threat to their inhumane regimes.

So you feel that the philosophy of the Nigerian gov't needed to be changed and it was the job of CEs to bring about this change? Very, very interesting!

Nigeria has one of the most promising economies in all of Africa. I don't think Nigeria, or any other country needs UNWANTED outside influences. Nigeria has always had its problems, but with the CEs trying to upturn the apple cart the situation has just gotten worse! CEs come in trying to manipulate and change what already exists thinking what they are offering is better. This is simply not the case! CEs want to help? Let them try sans the moral and religious preaching. It's not like Nigeria is living in a moral and spiritual void!

Peace brother!! smile.png

Yes! its called the 419 Scam.

Edited by MAJIC
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TheKeeNok has exposed himself as being rabidly anti Christian.

The interesting point to note is the "Rabid" bit - Very few people are "Rabid" anything, those that are usually have some deep rooted reason for being so - it is something in their personal psychology that makes them "Rabid" not necessarily anything to do with that which they are "Rabid" about.

So as we see, TheKeeNok rants (and it is a rant) about Christians in Nigeria - OK Nigeria is not Thailand related, but let's forgive him that for a moment so we can at least consider the point that he misses - It is the Christians who are the victims of ethnic and religious cleansing in Nigeria.

If we lay the economic map on top of the oil map on top of the ethnic and religious affiliation map of Nigeria it becomes very clear why the Muslim forces in Nigeria want to attack and remove the Christian population from the 'Oil Rich Regions" of Nigeria.

TheKeeNok neglects these economic and 'oil' reasons behind the Nigerian conflict and blames the victims of the violence for..... well ..... being victims.

TheKeeNok ought perhaps do a bit of a better job analysing the roots of the Nigerian Conflict or, if he wants to realise a real tangible reward for analysis - examine what it is that drives him to his Rabid views of Christians. The answer will not to be found in Christians or Christianity - The answer will be found in TheKeeNok's own head.
Edited by GuestHouse
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TheKeeNok has exposed himself as being rabidly anti Christian.

The interesting point to note is the "Rabid" bit - Very few people are "Rabid" anything, those that are usually have some deep rooted reason for being so - it is something in their personal psychology that makes them "Rabid" not necessarily anything to do with that which they are "Rabid" about.

So as we see, TheKeeNok rants (and it is a rant) about Christians in Nigeria - OK Nigeria is not Thailand related, but let's forgive him that for a moment so we can at least consider the point that he misses - It is the Christians who are the victims of ethnic and religious cleansing in Nigeria.

If we lay the economic map on top of the oil map on top of the ethnic and religious affiliation map of Nigeria it becomes very clear why the Muslim forces in Nigeria want to attack and remove the Christian population from the 'Oil Rich Regions" of Nigeria.

TheKeeNok neglects these economic and 'oil' reasons behind the Nigerian conflict and blames the victims of the violence for..... well ..... being victims.

TheKeeNok ought perhaps do a bit of a better job analysing the roots of the Nigerian Conflict or, if he wants to realise a real tangible reward for analysis - examine what it is that drives him to his Rabid views of Christians. The answer will not to be found in Christians or Christianity - The answer will be found in TheKeeNok's own head.

I dounderstand that religion serves a purpose. People find solace in it. Religion has played a central role in all civilizations throughout history. There are religious wackos within all religions. Chrisitans in themselves are ok. It is the christian evangelicals who want to "spread the word" and change what has existed for thousands of years is what I find to be wrong. Rabidly anti-christian? LOL I disagree with CEs, but rabidly? Fanatically? Hmmmm fanatically anti- christian..hmmmm I think fanatic evangelical christian has a better ring to it. LOL

You ever notice that whenever you speak to a CE, not your regualr christian, that their eyes take on a certian possesed look? They seem so driven by what they deem to be the truth that they are block out all other alternatives. This leads to very illogical thinking by CEs. Some might be led to believe that CEs are simply a little, ummmm dense?

As I have stated earlier help the poor! Heal the sick! But don't offer them in exchange the hearts,minds and spirits of those that you are attemptng to "help". But that what CEs are ultimately after are the hearts,minds and spirits if people. Devious!

My child is starving to death! Oh, you will give him a cup of powered milk (cost 5cents) and all I have to do is hand over my heart,mid and spirit? Hmmm 5cents for the hearts,minds and spirits of people. Someome is coming out ahead! How much did the natives sell Manhattan Island for? hmmmm

On a borader scale look at how CEs have hijacked the US political system! GE Bush? Republicans? Tea Baggers?LOL I meant Tea party? Sarah Palin?


CEs should continue spreading the word and with theirblinders on. Gud luck to them!

'nuff said!

Edited by TheKeeNok
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TheKeeNok has exposed himself as being rabidly anti Christian.

The interesting point to note is the "Rabid" bit - Very few people are "Rabid" anything, those that are usually have some deep rooted reason for being so - it is something in their personal psychology that makes them "Rabid" not necessarily anything to do with that which they are "Rabid" about.

So as we see, TheKeeNok rants (and it is a rant) about Christians in Nigeria - OK Nigeria is not Thailand related, but let's forgive him that for a moment so we can at least consider the point that he misses - It is the Christians who are the victims of ethnic and religious cleansing in Nigeria.

If we lay the economic map on top of the oil map on top of the ethnic and religious affiliation map of Nigeria it becomes very clear why the Muslim forces in Nigeria want to attack and remove the Christian population from the 'Oil Rich Regions" of Nigeria.

TheKeeNok neglects these economic and 'oil' reasons behind the Nigerian conflict and blames the victims of the violence for..... well ..... being victims.

TheKeeNok ought perhaps do a bit of a better job analysing the roots of the Nigerian Conflict or, if he wants to realise a real tangible reward for analysis - examine what it is that drives him to his Rabid views of Christians. The answer will not to be found in Christians or Christianity - The answer will be found in TheKeeNok's own head.

I dounderstand that religion serves a purpose. People find solace in it. Religion has played a central role in all civilizations throughout history. There are religious wackos within all religions. Chrisitans in themselves are ok. It is the christian evangelicals who want to "spread the word" and change what has existed for thousands of years is what I find to be wrong. Rabidly anti-christian? LOL I disagree with CEs, but rabidly? Fanatically? Hmmmm fanatically anti- christian..hmmmm I think fanatic evangelical christian has a better ring to it. LOL

You ever notice that whenever you speak to a CE, not your regualr christian, that their eyes take on a certian possesed look? They seem so driven by what they deem to be the truth that they are block out all other alternatives. This leads to very illogical thinking by CEs. Some might be led to believe that CEs are simply a little, ummmm dense?

As I have stated earlier help the poor! Heal the sick! But don't offer them in exchange the hearts,minds and spirits of those that you are attemptng to "help". But that what CEs are ultimately after are the hearts,minds and spirits if people. Devious!

My child is starving to death! Oh, you will give him a cup of powered milk (cost 5cents) and all I have to do is hand over my heart,mid and spirit? Hmmm 5cents for the hearts,minds and spirits of people. Someome is coming out ahead! How much did the natives sell Manhattan Island for? hmmmm

On a borader scale look at how CEs have hijacked the US political system! GE Bush? Republicans? Tea Baggers?LOL I meant Tea party? Sarah Palin?


CEs should continue spreading the word and with theirblinders on. Gud luck to them!

If CEs in Nigeria were not trying to change the status quo violence would not result. I don't read about organizaions like the Red Cross or Docs Without Boarders being involved in the violence. What is it that the CEs are doing that brings them into violent confrontation with the Nigerians? Let the Nigerians keep their own hearts, minds and spirits.

Delusional CEs. LOL

'nuff said!

Peace my brother! smile.png

Edited by TheKeeNok
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We should have another forum in here where the mods can put the recycled threads like this one.

Sorry the OP has had some negative experiences with overly zealous Christians. All worldviews have adherants that push too hard rather then represent their opinion by living what they profess. It doesn't make it right to hate them all.

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We should have another forum in here where the mods can put the recycled threads like this one.

Sorry the OP has had some negative experiences with overly zealous Christians. All worldviews have adherants that push too hard rather then represent their opinion by living what they profess. It doesn't make it right to hate them all.

Hate is a very stong word! I simply disagree with what motivates their actions! :)

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Just to satisfy my curiosity...

Many religious wars were fought since time immemorial, so history tell us.

Could some knowledgeable person enlighten us of which faith fought the most wars and which the least?

Remember, it is ONLY the 'religious wars' I am referring to.

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We should have another forum in here where the mods can put the recycled threads like this one.

Sorry the OP has had some negative experiences with overly zealous Christians. All worldviews have adherants that push too hard rather then represent their opinion by living what they profess. It doesn't make it right to hate them all.

Hate is a very stong word! I simply disagree with what motivates their actions! smile.png

You're not going to heaven, KeeNok....rolleyes.gif

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Perhaps Thailand should remain the reserve of criminals on the run, sex tourists, missfits and loosers.

Certainly if you had the mind to look for people who ought not be allowed into Thailand Christian Evanagelists or indeed any faith groups would not be the top of the list.

There are large numbers of disabled children dumped in orphanages, the stateless, people suffering from HIV/AIDS and the off spring of the sex industry who have nowhere to turn but to the help, food, accommodation, education and health care provided in Thailand by people of faith.

The OP no doubt makes his contribution and is nothing but a boon to Thailand.

On the contrary, most of them are here to make conversions to their particular faith and not to help suffering people with charity....

Their motives are selfish and certainly not altruistic.

Personally I think the Romans had the right idea................lions and all that.

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Just to satisfy my curiosity...

Many religious wars were fought since time immemorial, so history tell us.

Could some knowledgeable person enlighten us of which faith fought the most wars and which the least?

Remember, it is ONLY the 'religious wars' I am referring to.

Yet, aren't all wars fought under the auspices, conquering, in the name of the culture/civilisation/religion?

One and the same. Promoting the social, political, and spiritual dogma.

Don't be fooled - there is no such segregation as a religious war.

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I am not interested in the gospel as preached or shared by any group, but I do recognize thatsome of the charities and NGOs with the lowest administrative costs are these Christian organizations. Where do you think a large part of prviate funding for children with disabilities comes from? No need to lump Mormons in with the Christians as the CLDS is not Christian.

In any case, those Mormon kids are harmless. They don't drink, they don't smoke and they don't take advantage of impoverished women. Hardly, anything to be ashamed of and certainly much better than some of the men purporting to be monks.

Some of you condemning these religious folks don't seem to be bothered much by the commercial operations of some wats or the money making opportunities of selling amulets. All I know that if I was in a car crash and lying by the roadside, one of those holy rollers would stop to offer assistance, while the rest of you naysayers would drive on by. You might have a different attitude if you knew what many of the legit groups do. Perhaps before condemning, one should go and have a look.

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Some of you condemning these religious folks don't seem to be bothered much by the commercial operations of some wats or the money making opportunities of selling amulets. All I know that if I was in a car crash and lying by the roadside, one of those holy rollers would stop to offer assistance, while the rest of you naysayers would drive on by. You might have a different attitude if you knew what many of the legit groups do. Perhaps before condemning, one should go and have a look.

Willadmit that someof the points made are true!

The points about the amulets and wats may be true, but similar claims can be made about the CE tv networks, and mega churches in n,america!

Edited by TheKeeNok
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Some of you condemning these religious folks don't seem to be bothered much by the commercial operations of some wats or the money making opportunities of selling amulets. All I know that if I was in a car crash and lying by the roadside, one of those holy rollers would stop to offer assistance, while the rest of you naysayers would drive on by. You might have a different attitude if you knew what many of the legit groups do. Perhaps before condemning, one should go and have a look.

Willadmit that someof the points made are true!

The points about the amulets and wats may be true, but similar claims can be made about the CE tv networks, and mega churches in n,america!

Interesting point you make about christian TV networks as I have just returned from my wifes village after a short visit. Having cancelled my Truevisions there it has been replaced by the local satelite offering which is limited to 4 english language channels, 3 of which are CE. The other english channel was Russia Today so I would guess anyone looking to improve their english using these channels is either going to end up spouting the bible or some anti-american rhetoric.

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Some of you condemning these religious folks don't seem to be bothered much by the commercial operations of some wats or the money making opportunities of selling amulets. All I know that if I was in a car crash and lying by the roadside, one of those holy rollers would stop to offer assistance, while the rest of you naysayers would drive on by. You might have a different attitude if you knew what many of the legit groups do. Perhaps before condemning, one should go and have a look.

Willadmit that someof the points made are true!

The points about the amulets and wats may be true, but similar claims can be made about the CE tv networks, and mega churches in n,america!

Interesting point you make about christian TV networks as I have just returned from my wifes village after a short visit. Having cancelled my Truevisions there it has been replaced by the local satelite offering which is limited to 4 english language channels, 3 of which are CE. The other english channel was Russia Today so I would guess anyone looking to improve their english using these channels is either going to end up spouting the bible or some anti-american rhetoric.

3 CE channels hmmmm...now why would that be the case? Who would have been behind such a move? 75% of the english channels offered onlocal sat are CE themed?

Spread the goodness!


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Some of you condemning these religious folks don't seem to be bothered much by the commercial operations of some wats or the money making opportunities of selling amulets. All I know that if I was in a car crash and lying by the roadside, one of those holy rollers would stop to offer assistance, while the rest of you naysayers would drive on by. You might have a different attitude if you knew what many of the legit groups do. Perhaps before condemning, one should go and have a look.

Willadmit that someof the points made are true!

The points about the amulets and wats may be true, but similar claims can be made about the CE tv networks, and mega churches in n,america!

Interesting point you make about christian TV networks as I have just returned from my wifes village after a short visit. Having cancelled my Truevisions there it has been replaced by the local satelite offering which is limited to 4 english language channels, 3 of which are CE. The other english channel was Russia Today so I would guess anyone looking to improve their english using these channels is either going to end up spouting the bible or some anti-american rhetoric.

3 CE channels hmmmm...now why would that be the case? Who would have been behind such a move? 75% of the english channels offered onlocal sat are CE themed?

Spread the goodness!


Not sure about devious - just I assume that they are prepared to pay to get their message across the same as RT.

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Point to note - The constitution of Thailand (+ the history and culture of Thailand) allow and encourage religious tolerance - The OP might learn from this.

So does the American constitution but it doesn't seem to have sunk in with the Tea Party and their friends.

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Point to note - The constitution of Thailand (+ the history and culture of Thailand) allow and encourage religious tolerance - The OP might learn from this.

So does the American constitution but it doesn't seem to have sunk in with the Tea Party and their friends.

"We the people in order to form a more perfect I don't have to be responsible for my own actions society......."
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I am an evangelical Christian, I do share my faith with others but only those who show an interest, I do not force anybody to listen nor do I drone on when no-one is listening, I do not like many of the tv evangrlists who give a ten minute sermon and a fifty minute sales pitch. As a christian I cannot force anybody to believe what I believe, that would be counter productive. If I talk to someone and the subject about what I believe comes up and I can see there is no interest outside of polite attention, then I will stop talking about my beliefs and let the conversation go in a different direction. The best evangelistic tool I have is the way I live my life, I cannot justify telling others to live righteously while living unrighteously myself, if you do not do as you say, you cannot expect others to do what you say without seeing what you do first. Christians are persecuted and killed in parts of the world where there is religious intollerance, in Northern India it is at the hands of zealous Hindus, in the Middle East and Northern Africa it is at the hands of Muslims, China often has regular raids on underground churches which can often lead to lengthy prison terms without trial, in the West it is the athiestic interest groups that want to silence the church in countries that were founded on Christian principles. Here in Thailand there is religious tollerance and all religious groups have the right to promote their brliefs, which is as it should be.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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I am an evangelical Christian, I do share my faith with others but only those who show an interest, I do not force anybody to listen nor do I drone on when no-one is listening, I do not like many of the tv evangrlists who give a ten minute sermon and a fifty minute sales pitch. As a christian I cannot force anybody to believe what I believe, that would be counter productive. If I talk to someone and the subject about what I believe comes up and I can see there is no interest outside of polite attention, then I will stop talking about my beliefs and let the conversation go in a different direction. The best evangelistic tool I have is the way I live my life, I cannot justify telling others to live righteously while living unrighteously myself, if you do not do as you say, you cannot expect others to do what you say without seeing what you do first. Christians are persecuted and killed in parts of the world where there is religious intollerance, in Northern India it is at the hands of zealous Hindus, in the Middle East and Northern Africa it is at the hands of Muslims, China often has regular raids on underground churches which can often lead to lengthy prison terms without trial, in the West it is the athiestic interest groups that want to silence the church in countries that were founded on Christian principles. Here in Thailand there is religious tollerance and all religious groups have the right to promote their brliefs, which is as it should be.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

I must say this is the most well thought out response I have ever seen on TV............. clap2.gif
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I am an evangelical Christian, I do share my faith with others but only those who show an interest, I do not force anybody to listen nor do I drone on when no-one is listening, I do not like many of the tv evangrlists who give a ten minute sermon and a fifty minute sales pitch. As a christian I cannot force anybody to believe what I believe, that would be counter productive. If I talk to someone and the subject about what I believe comes up and I can see there is no interest outside of polite attention, then I will stop talking about my beliefs and let the conversation go in a different direction. The best evangelistic tool I have is the way I live my life, I cannot justify telling others to live righteously while living unrighteously myself, if you do not do as you say, you cannot expect others to do what you say without seeing what you do first. Christians are persecuted and killed in parts of the world where there is religious intollerance, in Northern India it is at the hands of zealous Hindus, in the Middle East and Northern Africa it is at the hands of Muslims, China often has regular raids on underground churches which can often lead to lengthy prison terms without trial, in the West it is the athiestic interest groups that want to silence the church in countries that were founded on Christian principles. Here in Thailand there is religious tollerance and all religious groups have the right to promote their brliefs, which is as it should be.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

I must say this is the most well thought out response I have ever seen on TV............. clap2.gif

Guidance from up above perhaps...

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