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Christian Evangelicals In Thailand


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I am an evangelical Christian, I do share my faith with others but only those who show an interest, I do not force anybody to listen nor do I drone on when no-one is listening, I do not like many of the tv evangrlists who give a ten minute sermon and a fifty minute sales pitch. As a christian I cannot force anybody to believe what I believe, that would be counter productive. If I talk to someone and the subject about what I believe comes up and I can see there is no interest outside of polite attention, then I will stop talking about my beliefs and let the conversation go in a different direction. The best evangelistic tool I have is the way I live my life, I cannot justify telling others to live righteously while living unrighteously myself, if you do not do as you say, you cannot expect others to do what you say without seeing what you do first. Christians are persecuted and killed in parts of the world where there is religious intollerance, in Northern India it is at the hands of zealous Hindus, in the Middle East and Northern Africa it is at the hands of Muslims, China often has regular raids on underground churches which can often lead to lengthy prison terms without trial, in the West it is the athiestic interest groups that want to silence the church in countries that were founded on Christian principles. Here in Thailand there is religious tollerance and all religious groups have the right to promote their brliefs, which is as it should be.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

I must say this is the most well thought out response I have ever seen on TV............. clap2.gif

It sounds wonderful. He should start a Ministry to spread that brand of non proselytizing EC

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Guidance from up above perhaps...

That's what the Catholic Inquisitors thought too. The ones who boiled and burned people (heretics, people who refused to convert, Jews, etc.) alive.

That was during the 'dark ages' when religion replaced faith and men decided that the Pope was God's representative on earth and God was effectively removed from the picture, the Catholic Church decided to do things for God without doing what God wanted, when people stop doing what God wants and start doing what they think God wants while referring to the guidelines man establishes instead of God's word, then the problems begin. There are numerous instances throughout history where people have decided they want to do things for God with little or no knowledge of God's word or will.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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Guidance from up above perhaps...

That's what the Catholic Inquisitors thought too. The ones who boiled and burned people (heretics, people who refused to convert, Jews, etc.) alive.

That was during the 'dark ages' when religion replaced faith and men decided that the Pope was God's representative on earth and God was effectively removed from the picture, the Catholic Church decided to do things for God without doing what God wanted, when people stop doing what God wants and start doing what they think God wants while referring to the guidelines man establishes instead of God's word, then the problems begin. There are numerous instances throughout history where people have decided they want to do things for God with little or no knowledge of God's word or will.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Frankly, I'm speechless......ohmy.png

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As I am not for any religion cramming views down the throats of people I have to add an antecdote:

A few years ago I lived in a subdivision in CNX called "Suan Nonsee". Every day I would see several young Mennonite women pushing baby carriages around with anywhere from one to four babies in them. So, being the nosy character that I can be I asked one "what's up?"

Here is basically what she said...

The babies are all Thai babies born from HIV Pos. ladies who have either died and/or given the babies up. According to her, and I have no reason to doubt her story, she said that they were all put in facilities where they are basically starved to death. Out of sight and out of mind. According to her she said that science now has determined that SOME babies born HIV pos. after three months of age are becoming HIV negative. What these ladies do is take the babies away from where they are neglected and raise them until they are three years of age and then turn them over to adoptive parents of ANY religion as long as they are capable parents. Not once did any of these women speak about their religion or mission without me asking them specific questions. For those of you with the rose colored glasses who would refuse to believe the Thai Buddhists would do this, go there and see for yourself.

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Met a middle aged American who visited Chiang Rai who was asking whether I knew that the Lord Buddha was DEAD? This really got me going. Finally, he gave up on me. His parting words were "You obviously are an Educated Man!" I wanted to say "Up Yours DUDE!"

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Church of the latter day saints used to get up my nose when I lived in Hong Kong. They used to loiter outside a public toilet near a ferry I had to catch and would try to convert you as you tried to enter. So lacking in common sense they tried to lecture you prior to passing water. Insufferable fools. As a result, when I see a squeaky clean lad who really would benefit in terms of cultural development from a night in cowboy, wearing his shirt tie and little badge, I have flash backs of the time one of the followed me in, and his quick retreat after my threat to urinate on him.

Actually there were 6 of them in Soi Cowboy last Friday night, cannot attest to whether they were about to preach or save anybody or in fact whether or not they had just exited from Tilac... must admit though they were certainly the best dressed in the soi!!


Edited by supaprik
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I think good works by anybody are good works and are to be admired. However, if these good works are CONDITIONAL on being preached to and/or converted, they are less good works, and greatly cheapened. Man does not need God or an old book to know that stealing and murder is bad, and helping the weak is good.

Edited by Jingthing
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On a borader scale look at how CEs have hijacked the US political system! GE Bush? Republicans? Tea Baggers?LOL I meant Tea party? Sarah Palin?


'nuff said!

Once again, right out of the Pot of Misinformation and Ignorance.

The CEs have not highjacked the US Political System, though they do have an overweighted say on Republican Policy - Is this evidence of scheming Christians?

Well no - It was the Republican Party who came up with the idea of aligning itself with the Christian Right (A great deal of which is not CE) in an attempt to gather a block vote. This alignment happened on B Bush Jnr's watch - The Christians Right did not produce J Bush, Palin of the Tea Party - The Republicans did.

There is of course within the Republican Party a body of thought that opposes this alignment with the Christian Right - The idea that the Christian Right have some permanent grip on the US Political System is unfounded nonsense.

But then we are back in the shallow end.

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I am with JT on this, but perhaps you wouldn't be suprised that many people are of the opinion that religion provides moral guidance and without it people would be sorely lacking in morals. Utter tosh, but I have heard it quite often over the years.

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I think good works by anybody are good works and are to be admired. However, if these good works are CONDITIONAL on being preached to and/or converted, they are less good works, and greatly cheapened. Man does not need God or an old book to know that stealing and murder is bad, and helping the weak is good.

A significant number of the Thais I know working in the Professions; Engineers, Economists, Medicos have been educated in Thai Christian Schools and Colleges. Out of several dozen, I know of only two who are themselves Christian (all the others are Buddhist) and of the two I know who are Christian, one of those comes from a Christian Family - she was seemingly not converted at school.

There might be something wrong with your assertion that these schools are force feeding their students Christianity - Either that, or they are but they are not very good at it.

Certainly the evidence of the queues outside the gates of Thai Christian Schools suggests that Thais themselves see some value in getting their children into these Christian Schools.

Edited by GuestHouse
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Apples and oranges. I would have been thrilled to attend a Jesuit school like Georgetown University with no fear of being converted.

The exception that proves your rule?

But I accept it must have been a disappointment - Think what an educated view might bring, rather than blind prejudice.

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They should all go back to AmericKa where they belong. drunk.gif

And Britain? And Korea? And Australia? And New Zealand? And..... (Google it, Genius)...

Your anti-Americanism is showing through. whistling.gif

They should all go back to AmericKa where they belong. drunk.gif

And Britain? And Korea? And Australia? And New Zealand? And..... (Google it, Genius)...

Your anti-Americanism is showing through. whistling.gif

Immediately after the tsunami, Kao Lak was inundated with CEs ALL with American accents, A huge scandal erupted with the local press reporting these religious nuts attempting to bribe the locals to convert. Of course many simply smiled, took the money and went back to their temples.

Given that the United States was predicated on it being God's Holy Land for the Christians emigrating there, it does have a very large proportion of evangelical Christians attempting to thrust their God Given right to thrust their religion down everyone else's throats. A cursory glance at say, any Youtube forum on anything of a spiritual/scientific (quantum theory's their favourite), will show up a LOT of these deluded close minded freaks.

Having said that, we are most certainly NOT talking about Americans per se, Dean Radin, Melvin Morse, IONS and many who are simply agnostic/atheist. Don' be so touchy.

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Immediately after the tsunami, Kao Lak was inundated with CEs ALL with American accents, A huge scandal erupted with the local press reporting these religious nuts attempting to bribe the locals to convert. Of course many simply smiled, took the money and went back to their temples.

Meanwhile the rich and powerful of Thai society rushed to the scene of the disaster eager not to miss the land grab.

I don't recall any scandal in the local press over attempts to covert victoms to Christianity (perhaps the localexpat bloggers covered this) but the land grab was reported and was the bigger scandal.

But as they say, God helps he who helps himself. A point seemingly not missed by a few Rich and Powerful Buddhists.

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As I am not for any religion cramming views down the throats of people I have to add an antecdote:

A few years ago I lived in a subdivision in CNX called "Suan Nonsee". Every day I would see several young Mennonite women pushing baby carriages around with anywhere from one to four babies in them. So, being the nosy character that I can be I asked one "what's up?"

Here is basically what she said...

The babies are all Thai babies born from HIV Pos. ladies who have either died and/or given the babies up. According to her, and I have no reason to doubt her story, she said that they were all put in facilities where they are basically starved to death. Out of sight and out of mind. According to her she said that science now has determined that SOME babies born HIV pos. after three months of age are becoming HIV negative. What these ladies do is take the babies away from where they are neglected and raise them until they are three years of age and then turn them over to adoptive parents of ANY religion as long as they are capable parents. Not once did any of these women speak about their religion or mission without me asking them specific questions. For those of you with the rose colored glasses who would refuse to believe the Thai Buddhists would do this, go there and see for yourself.

As far as I know the Mennonite, Amish and Quaker do not proselytise their religion. This would make them different from a number of Christian religious sects here. This could be probably why there are so many Quaker hospitals, schools etc. However you don't see the locals pushed over to take the religion. This is one of the problems with the Christians here, they are all belonging to different sects and difficult to know who is who.

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Apples and oranges. I would have been thrilled to attend a Jesuit school like Georgetown University with no fear of being converted.

The exception that proves your rule?

But I accept it must have been a disappointment - Think what an educated view might bring, rather than blind prejudice.

Well that depends on who is doing the educating.

Think what an enlightened view will provide, where people are taught to question, rather than blindly accepting the diet of dogma that is spoon fed to them, and woe betide anyone who dares question the authority or knowledge of those who know whats best.

The flat earth society springs to mind.

Burn at the stake for heresy anyone who questions our authority, never mind its all done In Gods Name.

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Are Christian Missionaries Aggressive in proselytization? Attached are photos. You be the judge.

I find it particularly offensive that these strident yellow signs featuring ugly and often intimidating biblical quotes are scattered like litter ALL over northern Thailand.

There are 1,000's of them.

If the group responsible had the balls to say who they were, i would be pleased to sue them for desecration of the countryside.

the outrage on Tv would be visible and risible if it were Muslims doing it.

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Are Christian Missionaries Aggressive in proselytization? Attached are photos. You be the judge.

I find it particularly offensive that these strident yellow signs featuring ugly and often intimidating biblical quotes are scattered like litter ALL over northern Thailand.

There are 1,000's of them.

If the group responsible had the balls to say who they were, i would be pleased to sue them for desecration of the countryside.

the outrage on Tv would be visible and risible if it were Muslims doing it.

Indeed it would be.

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Immediately after the tsunami, Kao Lak was inundated with CEs ALL with American accents, A huge scandal erupted with the local press reporting these religious nuts attempting to bribe the locals to convert. Of course many simply smiled, took the money and went back to their temples.

Given that the United States was predicated on it being God's Holy Land for the Christians emigrating there, it does have a very large proportion of evangelical Christians attempting to thrust their God Given right to thrust their religion down everyone else's throats. A cursory glance at say, any Youtube forum on anything of a spiritual/scientific (quantum theory's their favourite), will show up a LOT of these deluded close minded freaks.

Having said that, we are most certainly NOT talking about Americans per se, Dean Radin, Melvin Morse, IONS and many who are simply agnostic/atheist. Don' be so touchy.

Somebody needs a history lesson. America was founded on the notion of freedom to practice any religion without prosectution from government. A right that has thankfully not yet been eradicted.

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Church of the latter day saints used to get up my nose when I lived in Hong Kong. They used to loiter outside a public toilet near a ferry I had to catch and would try to convert you as you tried to enter. So lacking in common sense they tried to lecture you prior to passing water. Insufferable fools. As a result, when I see a squeaky clean lad who really would benefit in terms of cultural development from a night in cowboy, wearing his shirt tie and little badge, I have flash backs of the time one of the followed me in, and his quick retreat after my threat to urinate on him.

Actually there were 6 of them in Soi Cowboy last Friday night, cannot attest to whether they were about to preach or save anybody or in fact whether or not they had just exited from Tilac... must admit though they were certainly the best dressed in the soi!!


As long as they kept the underpants on.

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Immediately after the tsunami, Kao Lak was inundated with CEs ALL with American accents, A huge scandal erupted with the local press reporting these religious nuts attempting to bribe the locals to convert. Of course many simply smiled, took the money and went back to their temples.

Given that the United States was predicated on it being God's Holy Land for the Christians emigrating there, it does have a very large proportion of evangelical Christians attempting to thrust their God Given right to thrust their religion down everyone else's throats. A cursory glance at say, any Youtube forum on anything of a spiritual/scientific (quantum theory's their favourite), will show up a LOT of these deluded close minded freaks.

Having said that, we are most certainly NOT talking about Americans per se, Dean Radin, Melvin Morse, IONS and many who are simply agnostic/atheist. Don' be so touchy.

Somebody needs a history lesson. America was founded on the notion of freedom to practice any religion without prosectution from government. A right that has thankfully not yet been eradicted.

...and somebody needs a revised history course to set themselves straight from the redundancy of covention and manipulation.

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Many of these missionaries create "Homes for Disadvantaged Children" or orphanages. Just imagine how vulnerable these children are and how easy it is for them to inject a new religion into these childrens minds.

Christians are generally not aggressive, there are exceptions as in every religion, some are bothersome and most will leave you alone when asked to do so, if it weren't for the orphanages and homes established by missionaries most of the kids they take in would end up either dead, begging on the street or trapped in prostitution, the orphanages usually do introduce the kids to the bible and the associated teachings, but if the child is adopted out to a family from another religion, such as Buddhism, which would be highly likely, then the new family would then teach the child the religion they follow. The religion I would be concerned about taking in children is the one that heavily indoctrinates children, you know the one that bombs police stations, hospitals, markets and others, at least by being taken in by christians the kids receive an education that follows the corriculum and are taught to be a responsible member of society. Whether the kids actually end up or if converted remain christians is their own choice, no one will put the threat of execution on them if they choose a different religion.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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Love what the Christian Evangelicals have done to African nations like Nigeria! Where ever the CEs have gone in Africa you find religious conflict! GOOD JOB! Check out the tyeps of buildings that get burned down! The lasting legacy of CEs!! smile.png

The ills of Nigeria are more easily laid at the feet of Shell Oil, a decidedly non-evangelical organization. The current ills of the Middle East can be laid at the feet of what was once known as ARAMCO, another non-evangelical group. The ills of the Caspian region can be laid at the feet of BP, a group overwhelmingly led by Church of England adherents. The evangelicals are not the problem although due to their limited understanding of Christianity and shallow depth of their theology they are quick to align themselves with the far right corporate oligarchs.

I have not seem much impact upon the larger Thai society from well over a century of concerted evangelical activity. The few Thai Christians I know attend the wacko Thai evangelical churches, both in Thailand and in the US, where the religion is more a form of animism, as is Catholicism in South America. Yet some are my good friends, although I know when to excuse myself from their presence and I know not to engage them in theological conversation as their understanding of their religion goes no deeper than "I believe and accept Jesus as my savior". There is seemingly no need for values or ethics as long as one believes, amen!

Now I, an a-theist, have been befriended by some of the longest serving evangelicals in Chiang Mai, and I find them to be good people whose conversation I enjoy. I have also met some younger evangelicals who I found outright distasteful. But put together they have had a relatively good impact up north, especially regarding health, such as McCormick hospital and the entire modern dental infrastructure in Chiang Mai (although I am not sure if the Adventist are evangelicals), and education with Payap University and its generous scholarship programs aimed at minority youth. So like a few others here, I take them one at a time, ignore their peculiar beliefs, and judge them on other, more important factors.

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On a borader scale look at how CEs have hijacked the US political system! GE Bush? Republicans? Tea Baggers?LOL I meant Tea party? Sarah Palin?


'nuff said!

Once again, right out of the Pot of Misinformation and Ignorance.

The CEs have not highjacked the US Political System, though they do have an overweighted say on Republican Policy - Is this evidence of scheming Christians?

Well no - It was the Republican Party who came up with the idea of aligning itself with the Christian Right (A great deal of which is not CE) in an attempt to gather a block vote. This alignment happened on B Bush Jnr's watch - The Christians Right did not produce J Bush, Palin of the Tea Party - The Republicans did.

There is of course within the Republican Party a body of thought that opposes this alignment with the Christian Right - The idea that the Christian Right have some permanent grip on the US Political System is unfounded nonsense.

But then we are back in the shallow end.

christian right put GE Bush into his second term! Good job! TeaParty tries to portay itself as "an everyman's" "grass roots" party, but in reality is funded by rather wealthy right wingers! Hypocrites, but that's not new. :) Huge rise in debt, sub-prime, wall street. Good job right wingers! CEs! CEs have had a profound influence on GE Bushs second term re-election. Drinks all around! or whatever else you wish to pass around...Im up for it!

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